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Darryl Sutter new head coach

The_Tribal Chief

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13 minutes ago, JTech780 said:

Watched some highlights from the 2014 Cup run, and what I saw was a lot of wingers carrying the puck through the neutral zone and over the blueline, with the center driving the middle lane with speed and going hard to the net and the other winger either going hard to the net as well or hard to the slot. All 3 forwards were pushing the defense back with speed through the neutral zone and into the offensive zone. From there the winger funnels the puck to the net and they go to work.


I think this will benefit a lot of the forwards on this team. I suspect you will see more dump and chase from the bottom 6, and he will want the top 6 to control the puck more.


It's been awhile since we had a Winger carry the puck down the side boards into the corner and a Center heading straight for the front of the net.  Then send the puck to the front of the net for a crash the net play.  Simple.  Low percentage.  But annoying for the other team to defend.


Maybe our wingers are all made for button hooks at the blue line and heads up hockey in the offensive zone.  I miss those simple plays too.  Just go in wide and send a man to crash the net.  Send the puck there.  Simple play.  Don't need high IQ.  Just strength and will power.

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4 minutes ago, JTech780 said:

I wonder if Husks has the new systems in hand or if they are going to keep things the same till Sutter is ready to go.


If he's able to still watch from the stands, it could be a good time to fully assess the team and what he sees.

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Interesting stuff so far from the press conference. 


- Won't be here until Monday. 

- Based on last night he wouldn't change the lines

- While Treliving said this isn't a system issue "those will change". Sutter also hinted pretty strongly they need to do things differently. 

- No other staff changes at this point. 



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Oh man this is great , sutter brings a whole new animal to this team , that swagger and confidence and championship pedigree , one things for sure this team will play with alot more tempo night in and night out and players will know their roles and whats expected of them , im now invigorated for the rest of the season . I may be bias because i absolutely love this guy as a coach , best coach of the last 20 years in nhl hands down , this guy is a master motivator , short shelf life yes but hey i only need 1 more cup to die happy lol !

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10 minutes ago, cross16 said:

Interesting stuff so far from the press conference. 


- Won't be here until Monday. 

- Based on last night he wouldn't change the lines

- While Treliving said this isn't a system issue "those will change". Sutter also hinted pretty strongly they need to do things differently. 

- No other staff changes at this point. 




TBH, I think last night's lineup is about the best we can dress at this point.  It wasn't a textbook game, and there were still some nagging issues, but go with what worked over some minor change that could be worse.  The Oilers are reeling and we found a little confidence in our lines last night.  We are coming off a win and facing a much tougher opponent.  It's a BOA game.  Whether the players say it or not, they will be trying to attack early instead of playing the waiting game with EDM.  You know EDM is going to come out of the gate fast.  Can't count on Murray being in nets, but you overrun the D to get the best chances.  Sitting back only works if you do what Toronto did.  

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I knew it and he said it! It’s unfinished business for Sutter...which bodes well for this team...and it seems he sees that there is a lot more to this team than what it’s been doing which is honestly the frustrations of the fans as of late.


point of note for Sutter’s blue print is 


1. Strong G ...this is a big check for Cgy

2. Strong D...this too is a check for Cgy

3. Strong Ctr depth...another check for Cgy


all of these are what BT has been building, and also what Sutter can work with...seems they are on the same play book and it fits Sutter well👍😊 the other thing I don’t think Sutter would have taken this job if he didn’t think there was more to this team than what they have been showing and also it seem like BT went out to get Sutter in particular which honestly I can see why.


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I'm with Haynes here, my initial thought is Lindholm is going to stay at center and honestly i'm not sure Sutter is going to want to put Bennett at center. 


I went back and re watched some of the Kings -Rangers SCF games to try and remember how Sutter's Kings played. A few things jumped out right away:

- An aggressive 1-2-2 in the neutral zone.Hhe wants his forward to attack puck carries at the opposition  blueline and he wants the pressure all through the neutral zone. When things were good under Ward the Flames did this really well but the inconsistency of this was maddening. Last night was a really good example of how his Kings team played. Get on guys early, pressure in the neutral zone/blueline and get the puck going back the other way.

- On the breakouts, they use the middle of the ice coming out of the zone and they quickly get the puck to the wings. They tend to avoid carrying the puck through the middle and tend to avoid east/west passes at the opposition blueline. However, they will go D to D and they will use cross ice passes and wingers looping across the ice to try and win the neutral zone. This was lacking under ward where it was always North-south. 

- On that last point,  your center needs to skate. Centers tend to start the breakout and then he keeps them high in the o zone in a 2-1-2 to keep possession and avoid odd man rushes the other way and then backcheck hard in the neutral zone. This is why I'm thinking Lindholm will stay at center and why i'm not sure Bennett will be tried at center. I'm also really curious to see how Monahan reacts to this, although both Peters and Ward were moving Monahan in this direction anyway. It's going to force Monahan to skate a little more, but it's really going to force him to manage the puck better on the breakout and be much harder in the neutral zone. 

- Don't expect the bump back on the PP to go away, his Kings used it. They didn't use it almost exclusively like the Flames do but it was always there as an option.

- In the D zone, I expect a little less man to man and a bit more zone especially around the net. That being said I don't think how the Flames were playing in the d zone under Ward was a big problem in terms of scheme they just executed it really poorly.  His teams will collapse though (as do almost all teams). It's not as passive as the Flames though, his high forwards pressure. 

- I don't expect much to change in the o zone though. How his Kings team played is pretty similar to how the Flames have been playing under Ward. That being said, he was also pretty clear in the press conference he knows there are things he will change from La to know so maybe this is one of them. While I see issues with the style of play in the o zone I will add that the primary reason it suck out with Ward is the Flames didn't counter attack or win the possession battle very often so it felt like a waste when they got there and then wouldn't generate chances.

- They obviously dump and chase a lot which does make me nervous but on the positive side of this they are more strategic about it. Under Wards I feel it's always just a straight dump in or a hard rim but Sutter's Kings were strategic about where they puck the puck using chip/chase or cross ice dumps. 


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And just like that...what is old is new again! BT had to do something , bringing back Dutter is not what I had expected but I’m cautiously optimistic. I do like how Darryl can focus 💯 on coaching and not have to worry about GM duties. The team needs discipline, structure and motivation and I think Sutter can check those boxes. My main concern is his shelf life, he wears on his players so we need to get this right before he rubs them into the ground. I’d be curious to know what others around the league think of this hiring?

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3 hours ago, phoenix66 said:

Ya his gm track record was not great.. but he did draft Backlund.. Phaneuf (even tho he overlooked the centers he could have had )..but ya too much reliance on whl players 


Certainly, but I'll say all GMs have winners and losers. The mark of a good GM, like a good team, is to win more than you lose. If you follow up Dion Phaneuf as a first round pick with Kris Chucko, Matt Pelech, and Leland Irving, that's bad.


And that's not even taking into consideration that the 2003 draft was absolutely stacked. You could've picked players by throwing darts at a board and still come up a winner.

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I'll be very interested in seeing who falls and who rises ..

Every coach has one of each at least...


Lucic was ready to retire under Peter's .Ward revived him 

Brouwer could do no wrong under GG, wasn't here under Peter's .. 

Backlund was on his last chances with Hartley , thrived for the first time under GG


I have main eyes on Monahan and Bennett.. both will either reach new heights or be out the door 

I can guarantee if Daryl plants him as a 2nd or 3rd line winger and he pulls a "I wanna be a center " pout he will be gone quick 


I personally can see Darryl telling Bennett , you're not a center you're a winger .. here's where you'll play and here's how you will do it 

And a gut feeling he won't take it well 



Expect to see Rinaldo in the lineup more too 


Who does everybody think will be the big winner and big loser player wise from this change?



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44 minutes ago, Cubicon said:


Certainly, but I'll say all GMs have winners and losers. The mark of a good GM, like a good team, is to win more than you lose. If you follow up Dion Phaneuf as a first round pick with Kris Chucko, Matt Pelech, and Leland Irving, that's bad.


And that's not even taking into consideration that the 2003 draft was absolutely stacked. You could've picked players by throwing darts at a board and still come up a winner.


When Phaneuf is picked over guys like Weber, and Suter, or Getzlaf, and Perry.

All of whom are still relatively effective players in their own right. I wouldn't consider it much of a win.

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1 hour ago, cross16 said:

- On the breakouts, they use the middle of the ice coming out of the zone and they quickly get the puck to the wings. They tend to avoid carrying the puck through the middle and tend to avoid east/west passes at the opposition blueline. However, they will go D to D and they will use cross ice passes and wingers looping across the ice to try and win the neutral zone. This was lacking under ward where it was always North-south. 


1 hour ago, cross16 said:

- I don't expect much to change in the o zone though. How his Kings team played is pretty similar to how the Flames have been playing under Ward. That being said, he was also pretty clear in the press conference he knows there are things he will change from La to know so maybe this is one of them. While I see issues with the style of play in the o zone I will add that the primary reason it suck out with Ward is the Flames didn't counter attack or win the possession battle very often so it felt like a waste when they got there and then wouldn't generate chances.


These two points.  I noticed a few passes last night that seems to match the first point.  


The second point may have been against a weak team, but it seemed like we were doing that more regularly last night.

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19 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:

I'll be very interested in seeing who falls and who rises ..

Every coach has one of each at least...


Lucic was ready to retire under Peter's .Ward revived him 

Brouwer could do no wrong under GG, wasn't here under Peter's .. 

Backlund was on his last chances with Hartley , thrived for the first time under GG


I have main eyes on Monahan and Bennett.. both will either reach new heights or be out the door 

I can guarantee if Daryl plants him as a 2nd or 3rd line winger and he pulls a "I wanna be a center " pout he will be gone quick 


I personally can see Darryl telling Bennett , you're not a center you're a winger .. here's where you'll play and here's how you will do it 

And a gut feeling he won't take it well 



Expect to see Rinaldo in the lineup more too 


Who does everybody think will be the big winner and big loser player wise from this change?




I think Monahan was actually getting more frustrated.  He might actually get some specifics on what he needs to be doing.

Was Toffoli a great defensive player playing with Carter?  Nope.

But Carter benefitted from playing in LA, even at his age.


Bennett remains to be seen.  He can win faceoffs.  He can also be lazy coming back or motor like a buzzsaw.

Where Bennett can benefit the most is by not trying to be the guy to waltz through the entire team himself.

Use your wingers or be the winger.

Maybe Bennett can also work on his shots.

Lots of power but no accuracy or he telegraphs too much.


Rinaldo and Stone will only be in the lineup if they can produce for an entire game and not bleed chances.

Perhaps, we see Phillips getting called up.

Small guy with heart.


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8 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


I think Monahan was actually getting more frustrated.  He might actually get some specifics on what he needs to be doing.

Was Toffoli a great defensive player playing with Carter?  Nope.

But Carter benefitted from playing in LA, even at his age.


Bennett remains to be seen.  He can win faceoffs.  He can also be lazy coming back or motor like a buzzsaw.

Where Bennett can benefit the most is by not trying to be the guy to waltz through the entire team himself.

Use your wingers or be the winger.

Maybe Bennett can also work on his shots.

Lots of power but no accuracy or he telegraphs too much.


Rinaldo and Stone will only be in the lineup if they can produce for an entire game and not bleed chances.

Perhaps, we see Phillips getting called up.

Small guy with heart.


That's exactly it.. stop taking stupid o zone penalties.. distribute... Dig in the corners ..  Bennett will either finally be what he can be (and personally I don't see that being top line center ). Or he will be first out the door this summer 


I think we will see a new Monahan 

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Interesting that on the Fan, Sutter mentioned that he tried to hire Huska back when he was with LA, but Husks took the Stockton Heat job instead. Sutter said Huska is a really good coach and reminds him of John Stevens.

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This happened pretty abruptly.    It was a shock and at the same time we all knew it was a possibility.  If you want an elite coach in Alberta, Sutter is part of your conversation.


My verdict:    I like it.  I like it a lot.


My reasons, however, are less popular ones.


Did the Flames hire Sutter for the right reasons?  Nope.  They're still clinging to a fantasy hope that this core will survive and it just won't.

Can Sutter fix the Flames current problems?  Not a chance.

Do I give Credit to BT for making this move, which I like?  No.  I don't think he made the move.  And as per above, whoever did make this move made it by accident.


Here's why I like the move:   Sutter is a great hockey coach, a great life coach, a great role model.


Flames might go for a bit of a win streak on this news, but they'll crash and burn soon enough.   Just how it is.


When they do, Sutter will have a choice.   Get frustrated and leave, or...stay for his contract...and our rebuild, to teach the kids how hockey really works.


I give it 50/50.    The Sutter we knew would get frustrated and bolt at the hint of a rebuild.   But people change.  He's got a few white hairs.
                          Sometimes, people mellow out a bit with age.   There is probably an equal chance that he embraces the role of Rebuild Coach.


If...Sutter,..   embraced the role of being a rebuild coach,


Nobody...and I mean...Nobody....would be better at it.


We. Will See.

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2 hours ago, jjgallow said:



This happened pretty abruptly.    It was a shock and at the same time we all knew it was a possibility.  If you want an elite coach in Alberta, Sutter is part of your conversation.


My verdict:    I like it.  I like it a lot.


My reasons, however, are less popular ones.


Did the Flames hire Sutter for the right reasons?  Nope.  They're still clinging to a fantasy hope that this core will survive and it just won't.

Can Sutter fix the Flames current problems?  Not a chance.

Do I give Credit to BT for making this move, which I like?  No.  I don't think he made the move.  And as per above, whoever did make this move made it by accident.


Here's why I like the move:   Sutter is a great hockey coach, a great life coach, a great role model.


Flames might go for a bit of a win streak on this news, but they'll crash and burn soon enough.   Just how it is.


When they do, Sutter will have a choice.   Get frustrated and leave, or...stay for his contract...and our rebuild, to teach the kids how hockey really works.


I give it 50/50.    The Sutter we knew would get frustrated and bolt at the hint of a rebuild.   But people change.  He's got a few white hairs.
                          Sometimes, people mellow out a bit with age.   There is probably an equal chance that he embraces the role of Rebuild Coach.


If...Sutter,..   embraced the role of being a rebuild coach,


Nobody...and I mean...Nobody....would be better at it.


We. Will See.

I think Sutter has had his eye on the organization long enough to know what he's getting into and most likely already has his plan for the team.  The biggest changes you'll see is the overall flow of the game when the Flames are dictating the pace. I dont think there will be anymore d-men waiting at their own net for the rest of the team to set up after a line change and as God as my witness I hope we never see the "bump back" zone entries on the PP ever again.

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I disagree,  this team does have what it takes i think  or close to .Ive been really harsh on them lately. This teams main problem is between the ears , this is where darryl comes in . Your gonna see monny turn into a true  #1  you just watch . We have the depth down the middle , above average defense , and a great goalie and , this is freaking go time , peope are gonna be suprised . Just a year or  so to late , but maybe now was the time 

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