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travel_dude last won the day on September 14 2016

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  1. The Eichel type sweeps don't come around often, so I doubt you get one in trade. Players that could be a top C tend to be overlooked by their own team and buried, but usually don't make to UFA. Monahan got paid, but that was a case of a guy with injury history. Stamkos is nearing the end of his career, sort of. Not the right fit for us. Arvidsson was a good fit, but chose a team that will likely make the playoffs this year. Zary and Pospisil could end up being a 2 or 3C. Who knows though, as it takes time. Zary probably has the highest chance, though I am not sure if Stromgren plays C or wing. After them, we have to wait for the new crop to get to pro. And the inevitable top 5 pick this and next year. Top 5. Yeah right.
  2. What I was saying in a round about way was that you either get gifted a natural C that can jump into the league as a difference maker (think 25 or 26 drafts), or you develop one from 2020 draft onwatds to jump in maybe in 25. It's a tough grind for kids, so having Kadri and Backs there spot them in case they need a break. By 26 we lose Backs. Forgive me if I mess up the contract ends, but I can't get used to not having Cap-my-friend. I've tried others and just not simple for me. Might have to search a couple of times to find out trades etc. PTO's. Well that's the next thing after Young Stars in Sept.
  3. I missed that. Are the fans upset? I haven't checked in with them because they are still butthurt. Bridesmaids again. Some can't even listen to the Scorpions because of who beat them.
  4. There are some greedy teams that collect RHS D's. They don't care because RSD can play either side, if they are any good. Maybe just me, but I prefer to build pairs based on complementary skills. Even though Kylington is LHS, he still was a good match for Tanev.
  5. I don't think he comes here because of the distance from a cup, but then again, what is Toronto? If Toronato is on a downward spiral, what does that say about staying there? The decision to waive to come here would have to be as a result of personal choices not related to hockey. Or he likes the players we have and the direction we are going. Or wants to play in new rink.
  6. To respond to the last line; Zary and Pospisil need to play the position that brings them the most success and helps the team the most. I don't know what that is, but if they are not going to excel at C, then have them excel at wing. Both of them could be the answer, but we have to also consider that they may not be. That points to the question of whether we draft true NHL C's high enough in the draft to be difference makers. It's a tough call for a coach. Ideally they come in after a couple years in the AHL at C and the transition is just to the NHL differences. Or they are a supreme talent that can't be delayed in the AHL. The prospecxt pool is what it is due to lack of picks, bad choices on guys that we let go, and only having so many contracts allowed. A team with a ton of prospects faces that issue too. We drafted well, but trade or let go guys that went on to other teams. A poor GM, a POHO that wanted grit then a GM that felt we were closer to contender than not. Yoor picks or prospects suffer as a result. I think we are seeing that change. We have to, because in 5 years we lose the Backlunds and Colemans and Kadris of the team.
  7. Worst kept secret in the NHL. Surprise! I read a lengthy article about the initial reactions, followed by a detailed account of the events. After all that, the blogger (journalist?) suggested this was a great hire. All is forgiven. As long as the Oilers get a guy some people believe is good for winning. That's all that ever matters. There are worse humans in the world (Graham James says hi), but allowing things to go on is just as bad as doing them. Old boys league at it's finest.
  8. I saw a story that shows a 2 story outdoor bar in one corner. The community rink is under the main one. Weird.
  9. Marner or Kadri on the team is basically the same thing for competing. One has a shorter shelf life. Neither is really going to change the pick they get this or next year unless the rest of the team bounces back. Wolf is a star; we rebound. Vladar is a star; we rebound. Depth scoring past the top 6 happens; we rebound. I only bring up the Leafs because they love Kadri (after they hated him). We aren't getting a #1C from any trade he is used in. Maybe, just maybe, a future #1C. More likely to get more value in a winger or D. Hows about Andersson for Marner? Or Kadri for Ekblad?
  10. Marner makes sense moving for the Laffs. They can't afford him. No team is going to take his salary without sending them crap or charging for the retained salary, which they can't afford. Why does it make sense to keep Kadri at age 33/34 and not take on a 27 year old that has 6-8 years left of usefulness? Not that I think it will happen but it makes a ton of sense to get a player in his prime. Not our greatest need by position, but we could then have room for Zary at top 6 C.
  11. He's still just 27, which is just entering prime three years at the least. For perspective, Marner is 4 months younger than McDavid. I doubt he would waive, so it might be better for the other option I mentioned. That would kill the fans more. Then again, they would have two players to blame in the playoffs; Marner and Kadri.
  12. Then getting Kadri would be them moving on from Marner. So, it would be Marner for Kadri, nothing retained. They might balk at that, but it would be a good starting point. LOL. The other option, and TO fans would hate this even more.... Knies and Liljegren + 2026 1st rounder. They don't really need either in the next 3 years. Honestly, I don't see it happening this year. I don't think teams are that desperate. Another year of missing the playoffs or getting ousted in round 1 and teams will beg.
  13. On D, we only have one player from the AHL really challenging at this point. Solovyov. Hanley was a waiver pickup so is not going to stay while Solo gets waived. Okhotiuk is in Russia. Brz and Poirier have no NHL experience, so may challenge but are more likely later in the season. Same with Grush (a little experience). On F, we have Hunt, Pelletier, Schwindt and Duehr needing waivers. Including Rooney, Hunt and Duehr on the roster has us 13 bodies without considering those three for waiver assignment. Pelletier, Coronato and Schwindt could all be on the roster with 2 of the other guys waived. The risk of losing the older players and a younger guy that has yet to cement himself in the roster is low. It's summer and we have no idea what other moves will be made. Hard to be critical of a re-tool while it's still in progress. Losing Valimaki was a hard lesson that the current GM won't risk. Younger prospect level players get snagged more than role players that are very commonly available at season start. Rooney's higher salary makes him a good best to pass through waivers anyway. The dead cap is not any issue.
  14. Marky was traded because we were not competing anytime soon, and the offer was reasonably good. We are a few years from needing the present day Markstrom, so what is the value of holding on to him now? We are building from the net out. Coronato wasn't good enough last year to hold a spot. He got better as time went on, but if he's being outplayed by vets, it's hard to justify him. He's not a C/RW, so can't look at options there. And it's better that we don't play like crap and hope that he improves on a crap team. I only suggested moving Backlund and Coleman, as they are the finishing pieces for a team. They are great to have on your team, but you have to have them be willing to sit out or move around to help the new guys. Put a C on with Backlund, and alternate shifts so they don't get discouraged. Move Coleman to the 4th for a game to have two wingers learning.
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