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2023/24 Roster/Lines


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Rooney - meh

I am a little concerned that we called up both Smindt and Rooney.

I suppose you could play Schwindt on RW.

I just hope it doesn't mean we bump up the 2 and 3C to 1 and 2, then run Rooney with Mange/Coleman.

That would be a nightmare scenario.


Not sure what they do wiht the lines now.

Just spitballing:







I don't know it really makes sense, since Pelts is not a top minutes player.

Swap Pelletier with Kuzmenko might be a better idea.

Or swap Pelletier with Pospisil and keep the original Kadri line.

Pelts would play less EV minutes, and may get only some PP time extra.

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Think the Rooney call up is just to have a natural center on the roster just in case. You are either running Schwindt or your moving Sharangovich to the middle and if it doesn't work what's the plan? Especially as Conroy made it clear he's not a fan of moving Zary or Pospisil to the middle right now. 


Need to have a center on the roster. Be surprised if you see Rooney every game. 

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Should be interesting for awhile ..   I know the "never say never " applies but to brewo up Kadri /Zary and Backlund/Coleman ..just makes no sense .. don't interrupt what's already working ..


Pelletier needs to play up the lineup .he's not a checker so he needs to play in the top 6 or may as well let him play in the A if you're not.. may not get the minutes at first but he needs to be up there ..



I think you'll see a committee on top line center ..  Kadri may pull extra duty.. Rooney may not be a "#1 center " but let's be honest, we don't have one now ..I can see Rooney seeing the bulk of the work as he is at least defensively responsible and can limit the chances the other 2 will bleed while they do their thing .


Yegor should get a crack at it ..If he can do it that opens up the option of giving Huberdeau both yegor and Andrei to dish to..


It may have just been jitters ..but schwindt did not look good in his time up so far .. of be surprised if he's used much above the 4th line to some time to come 

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why are Kadri/Zary getting broken up?


Zary - Kadri - Kuzmenko

Hubererdeau - Sharangovich - Pospisil

Mang- Backs - Coleman

Pelletier - Schwindt - Duehr


Once Pelletier is up to speed swap him and Pospisil




Huberdeau - Kadri - Sharangovich



If Huberdeau/Kuzemko click on the PP then you can reassess them at 5 on 5.  

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I think with the moves they will be going with more of balanced approach to the lines.






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1 hour ago, cross16 said:

Think the Rooney call up is just to have a natural center on the roster just in case. You are either running Schwindt or your moving Sharangovich to the middle and if it doesn't work what's the plan? Especially as Conroy made it clear he's not a fan of moving Zary or Pospisil to the middle right now. 


Need to have a center on the roster. Be surprised if you see Rooney every game. 


1 hour ago, cross16 said:

why are Kadri/Zary getting broken up?


Zary - Kadri - Kuzmenko

Hubererdeau - Sharangovich - Pospisil

Mang- Backs - Coleman

Pelletier - Schwindt - Duehr


Once Pelletier is up to speed swap him and Pospisil




Huberdeau - Kadri - Sharangovich



If Huberdeau/Kuzemko click on the PP then you can reassess them at 5 on 5.  


Maybe it's a simple as needing to put a shooter with Kadri.  Pospisil is a good finisher for greasy goals, but his shot is not top marks.  This sets up Kadri as more of a playmaker for Kuz or a finisher for Zary.  Whatever.  In this version, Pospisil adds a level of grit to Huberdeau's line and allows for some greasy goals.


I don't know the logic of it all.  Pelletier IIRC played LW to Huberdeau's LW last year.  But this lineup is in flux, because I think we see some more trades involving D.  The return could include F.

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47 minutes ago, travel_dude said:



Maybe it's a simple as needing to put a shooter with Kadri.  Pospisil is a good finisher for greasy goals, but his shot is not top marks.  This sets up Kadri as more of a playmaker for Kuz or a finisher for Zary.  Whatever.  In this version, Pospisil adds a level of grit to Huberdeau's line and allows for some greasy goals.


I don't know the logic of it all.  Pelletier IIRC played LW to Huberdeau's LW last year.  But this lineup is in flux, because I think we see some more trades involving D.  The return could include F.

Tbh..I can see it all.. discussing ideal line is great and all.. but in reality when you move you number one center and one , maybe two of your best dmen is imminent.. you've shown you've accepted "next year " mode ..


Throw it all in a blender .. give pelts and others a crack at the top line ..I still say play them where you want the to end up.. pelts is a top line prospect..play him in the top line .. kuzmenko is the potential to be your top goal scorer , play him like it ..etc..


Obviously you play to win every game..but if they can keep the games exciting and competitive..but still lose , then you win in all cases..  losing never becomes acceptable . You find out what these kids are capable of and where they are at ...who can be a key part and who they can cut bait on . 

I'd move to a top line of Huberdeau -yegor-Kuzmenko..  put Pelletier on the right of Kadri and Zary..     get some excitement going and get into a better lottery position 

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For all the talk about creativity in the off-season I think Huska has turned out to be as rigid as Sutter


Don't understand the mentality here when your 5 points out of the playoffs, 5-5 in your last 10, have played some brutal hockey going into the break and just lost one of your top centers. 



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13 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:

I'd move to a top line of Huberdeau -yegor-Kuzmenko.

This is a line I would like to see

13 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:

put Pelletier on the right of Kadri and Zary

Prospisil played so well with Kadri and Zary I would stick with that line . 

Maybe even consider Pelletier instead of Zary but again hate to break up what works. 

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10 minutes ago, redfire11 said:

This is a line I would like to see

Prospisil played so well with Kadri and Zary I would stick with that line . 

Maybe even consider Pelletier instead of Zary but again hate to break up what works. 

Again.. not looking for ideal..were looking for what these kids can do in the roles they expect to grow Into.. flip Pelletier and Zary back and forth is ok.. want to see what chemistry pelts and Huberdeau can increase on.. 

Let em make mistakes ..that's how they learn ..and they learn better with no fear of benchings or demotions 


Definitely keep the Backlund / Coleman shut down line together as you're gonna need it 


Pospisil can move up dand down the lineup.. I like him in the 4th simply becaue he brings energy and pestiness while still being dangerous 

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2 minutes ago, cross16 said:

Looks like Pachal will play right away. Which is a positive because it means less Osterle. 




Well, back to the pre-trade lines, except for the Sharky line.

Interesting to see that Rooney being used more as a LW.

Allows for measured use of Pelletier to start.

I think they like to have Rooney there as a backup only for now.

Give the kids as much chance to see what they are.


Also good to see them drawing in Pachal right away.

He's a minus 2 this year, with a -1 against CGY that last game.

It's a team stat, but less Oesterle and Gilbert, more Kylington and Pachal.

Pachal described as a physical player to Kylington's puck moving style.


If the eventual move is to bring Pelletier to top 6 RW, I hope they try him out on the 4th line there.

Would like him to get reps on RW.

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52 minutes ago, cross16 said:

Looks like Pachal will play right away. Which is a positive because it means less Osterle. 



Anything is better than Oesterle, one of the worst defensemen I can recall playing for the Flames in recent memory.

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1 hour ago, cross16 said:

For all the talk about creativity in the off-season I think Huska has turned out to be as rigid as Sutter


Don't understand the mentality here when your 5 points out of the playoffs, 5-5 in your last 10, have played some brutal hockey going into the break and just lost one of your top centers. 



I like your lineup, just not sure of the makeup of the 4th line.

Huberdeau (LH-LW) - Sharangovich (LH-LW/C/RW) - Kuzmenko (LH - LW/RW)

Zary (LH - LW/C) - Kadri (LH-C) - Pospisil (LH - RW)

Mangiapane (LH-LW/RW) - Backlund (LH-C) - Coleman (LH-RW/LW)

Pelletier (LH-LW) - Rooney (LH-C) - Schwindt (RH-RW/C - Duehr (RH-RW)

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1 hour ago, cross16 said:

For all the talk about creativity in the off-season I think Huska has turned out to be as rigid as Sutter


Don't understand the mentality here when your 5 points out of the playoffs, 5-5 in your last 10, have played some brutal hockey going into the break and just lost one of your top centers. 




Well, let's consider for the moment that the top line over that stretch was minus most games.

When they didn't score, they bled goals.

To be fair, the Backlund line also has bled some goals in the losses.


I can't be certain how much Lindholm's struggles this year are the cause of the top line issues.

They have moved around players there all season.

I'm interested to see if there is anything good from the new top line.

Just because it means no changes to the Kadri line.


Ultimately, we are down a 1C.  Sharky is not that guy, and at best he can score as much as he did.

So, we add via a Hanifin and/or Tanev trade.

I'm wondering if it's time to move on from Mangiapane too.

He's not scoring now, even though Coleman is.


I'm a little worried too that Huska looks like Sutter in being rigid.

Love affair for Oesterle.

The rigid use of players on the PP is annoying.

The lack of execution is mind numbing.

May be more on Savard, but who is the head coach.

Is he taking a long view with the team to this point or just moving players around?

Can't find the right fit for Huberdeau, and his play with Backlund wasn't inspiring.

The kids have fit like a glove with Kadri, and only the injury to Pospisil has messed it up.

They had a bad stretch in December, but Vladar and Wolf were the starters.

He's at least willing to play kids this year.

Not a lot of choice I guess.

Yanking up and down Coronato is annoying.

He has to be a better player, but no idea what the plan is with him.

Not learning by being sent down.

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