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Everything posted by kehatch

  1. kehatch


    Hope the kid has a great game. So far so good.
  2. Detroit won't even be Detroit in a few years. As the drafting gets better finding gems in the late rounds is getting much tougher. It happens. But it's tough to build an entire team that way.
  3. kehatch


    Pretty sure that isn't true for most / many of us. Also pretty sure Flames fans don't have any decision making authority on the roster.
  4. Tough to take you seriously when you suggest that Brodie is 'sorta' there and only consider players 25 or under.
  5. kehatch


    Pucks go through Hiller all of the time and those count.
  6. kehatch


    With the way he is playing he will provide a better impression from the bench then from the ice.
  7. kehatch


    I disagree. I don't care who the team is. If your goalie is bad for a dozen games you give your other guy a chance. Giving a goalie a run of games for that long in spite of the results is and thinking that makes sense is the strange mind set. I do agree that giving Ortio the starts makes sense. How you can justify investing these many bad performances into a UFA while your young RFA continues to decline in the bench is silly. Especially when your clearly out of the playoffs. Hartley is doing that because he feels he deserves it in a contract year and because Ramo got that opportunity. I don't agree though. Hiller would deserve it I'd he was play well. You know, always earned and all of that. I don't like Ortio but playing him for a few games is the only thing that makes sense right now.
  8. kehatch


    When Vancouver traded Schneider they got a top 10 pick. Word was Edmonton wanted to trade but Vancouver was demanding a significant premium to keep him in the division. Varlamov went for a high first and a second and he was traded outside the conference. Andersen is a little bit older and a little bit less established then those two. But I don't think Anaheim wants to trade him to Calgary and if they do it won't be cheap.
  9. kehatch


    Anderson is my top pick. But only if Anaheim is willing to trade in their division without the usual premium. Personally I think it would cost you something like Hudler and our first to get him and I am not sure I am willing to pay that. Even if it was lottery protected.
  10. kehatch


    There is plenty of room for him. We don't have a legitimate NHL goalie under contract next season. But I agree that the Poulin has outplayed him and this is likely Ortios last season as a Flame.
  11. kehatch


    Hartley has had many opportunities to play Ortio and has chosen not to each time. I don't think he does have faith in him. I think the call up has more to do with not wanting to expose Poulin to waivers then it is faith in Ortio.
  12. kehatch


    Ortio has done nothing to earn a chance. But Hiller has done everything to lose the spot. Not a great choice. Personally I would go with Ortio. Might as well spend the next 20 or so games figuring out what we have in him. But I think Hartley is making it up to Hiller for the lack of starts earlier in contract year. Giving him the same chance he gave Ramo. Which is really the tone this year. "Get the veteran going" is the mantra. Definitely not "Always earned"
  13. kehatch


    It sucks for Ramo and I feel bad for him. A silver lining is it could be good for the Flames. He may be forced to sign another 1 year deal and that could be a solid plan B if we can't find a starter before July 1. I want a legitimate starter. But barring that I don't mind Ramo on a 1 season deal. I don't want him on a deal with term though and this injury could make a 1 year realistic.
  14. kehatch


    What is your take on tanking and rebuilding? Can't tell because you missed adding the subject in at least one thread. Seriously. The Flames have their high draft picks and lots of young talent. They will likely get another high pick this draft. You have look pretty hard to hooking about that. As for last season, it was a fluke. The Flames stuck to the plan and continued with the rebuild despite last seasons success. Kudos to management for that.
  15. kehatch


    I wouldn't go so far as to say the Flames are done rebuilding. But I agree with the general premise of Cross post. Besides, how many times has a rebuild been derailed by failure to find a goalie? Philly. Edmonton. Toronto. Etc. You don't start your goalie search once everything else is in place because it can take a long time to find what your looking for. If your banking on a prospect two or more seasons out to be your starting goalie your nuts. If he turns out and you already have a great goalie then that's a great problem to have.
  16. I don't think we have any prospects that deserve to be top 50. I think we have some good guys, but there are a lot of very high caliber prospects out there. Nothing to be ashamed of. Monahan and Bennett have graduated. We turned last seasons first into Hamilton. But a lack of high picks in the system for the last few seasons will limit your presence in the top 50.
  17. I saw a three legged pig yesterday and right after is saw a pigeon poop on an old guy. Which means the Flames are going to miss the playoffs. Agree or disagree.
  18. Ferland had some significant fitness issues, injuries, and personal issues that could easily have derailed his development. The Flames organization did a great job in avoiding that. Development isn't all numbers and odd inferences. For the record, I am not a big fan of Huska or our current AHL program. I don't think the Flames have done a good job supporting their young guys with talent. The kids looked unprepared at development camp this summer and at main camp in the fall. There is a general lack of success stories outside of Granlund. The number of injuries is also concerning. But I don't agree with just about anything else you are saying. X player doesn't count. Y player was almost ruined so we will ignore his success. Z player was too long ago. Q player was obviously ruined because of the alignment of the moons of Jupiter. The radio doesn't need to be off or on full blast.
  19. I didn't like the yo yo treatment of Baertschi. If he goes on to do great things in Vancouver I will have as much right to say 'told you so' as anyone. But you can't criticize that while ignoring the great work they did getting Ferland back on track (drafted the season before) or how much success Gaudreau is having (drafted the same season). Or how well our young core is doing. Every single team has its success stories and it's failures. But I think you are being way to harsh given how successful our young home grown core is (many of them not high picks.) You are accusing others of ignoring facts but that door swings both ways. I also think a little rational discussion is a good thing personally.
  20. The Flames are still developing Gaudreau. Just via the NHL. And what you are seeing in this thread is there is a lot of talent on our team outside of the top 10.
  21. Honestly I think a lot of that is perception rather then reality. Who are these teams that are more commonly finding these gems outside of the top 10? I am speaking of the modern draft. I am not suggesting the Flames are the best drafting house in the business. But finding and developing Gaudreau, Giordano, and Brodie in the late rounds (or undrafted signing) is a heck of a feather in the cap. I am sure many of the other rebuilding clubs wish they had more of those late round guys to boast about.
  22. In the last 8 drafts (ignoring 2015) the Flames have hit on: Bennett, Monahan, Gaudreau, Ferland, Brodie, Bouma, and Backlund. That is almost one NHL player per draft. Four of them look like stars. We also have a number of other exciting prospects in the system. Compare that across the league and it's a pretty good average. I think a lot of the Flames criticism comes from the inability to draft/develop prior to that as well as a general inability to hit on first round picks. Before Monahan only Backlund was a first round hit in that time frame. Though the jury is out on Jankowski.
  23. kehatch


    It isn't that often that you and I agree. But when we do the answer is probably the correct one
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