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Everything posted by kehatch

  1. kehatch


    I take the season review over a small sample. Hopefully Treliving takes the same.
  2. kehatch


    He makes over 3 million, has another year under contract, plays limited minutes, and alternates every other game as a healthy scratch. Definitely a bad contract. Engellands contract might be a bit easier to trade based on his health, age, size, and RH shot. But with another season under contract I doubt you find a take for him without taking back a bad contract.
  3. kehatch


    I can respect the opinion of not trading prospects for veterans. Especially expensive depth veterans with term on their contract. In this case I was okay with the trade because it appeared we got something for nothing. But what we got is now a liability and the nothing is doing pretty well so retrospectively I understand the concern. What I don't agree with is that the Flames failing to call up Ortio negatively effected his development. I have never seen a prospects development details by extra time in the minors. At the time of the trade Ortio didn't have a single season in the AHL as a starter. Meanwhile the Flames had just traded away the previous generation and were going into a rebuild year. Putting Ortio into the NHL would have been unfair and a poor development decision. Which meant Ortio was in the AHL and there was no room for Brossoit. We could have left him in the ECHL (that is what the Oilers did) but with Gilles on his way I understand why the Flames traded Brossoit. I get that the Flames treatment of Ortio after the 13/14 season is debatable. But honestly I think that Ortio deserves a lot of the blame. He was given a number of opportunities and he failed to step up. You can look at it with micro detail and try to deflect the blame of him not stepping up to the Flames, but we don't have the details so your working with concipiracy rather then facts. I get the Flames don't have a good track record for developing goalies. But everyone has changed. Coaches, trainers, etc. It's tough to blame this on a systemic issue when the system has changed. Bottom line for me is that it's on Ortio to step up and he hasn't. I don't think there is an overarching concipiracy or a deep rooted failure of the Flames development system.
  4. kehatch


    If the Flames make a big move to acquire a player prior to the deadline or in the off season it will probably be for a goalie. We don't have cap space to bring on expensive forwards or D. But we are going to need to spend on a starter. The question is three fold. One, who is available. Two, what will it cost. Three, what do they think of Ramo. My guess is the Flames do trade for a tweeners goalie with NHL experience. Not sure who though.
  5. kehatch


    I think it was as simple as they had room for one goalie in the AHL and chose Ortio over Brossoit. At the time Brossoit was playing in the ECHL. Smid was a top 4 D at the time (barely) and the Flames really needed to add some size. He also had the attitude you wanted to build a culture around. Age and injury have slowed him down and now he is just a bad contract. Meanwhile Brossoit is looking decent in the AHL. So I get why some don't like the deal in retrospect. But at the time this was the right deal for the Flames. I try not to love a move on the day off and hate it years later. Would I take Brossoit over Smid today? Sure. But I liked the deal when it was made.
  6. kehatch


    Sure. But it was still a long term deal. Unlikely the player would go for longer since he was still developing. Can't find any reason to dislike that deal.
  7. kehatch


    There wasn't room for Brossoit and I can't see us getting a bunch for him at the time we traded him. I am still not a big Brossoit fan though.
  8. kehatch


    The Brodie deal wasn't a mistake. It isn't a bridge deal either. It's a great deal for the Flames. But Gaudreau and Monahan are not in the same situation as Brodie. They are playing a very high level game right now.
  9. The Flames aren't in a position to complete a full evaluation of the cost of the clean up which is the largest outstanding item.
  10. But he started the public debate when he expressed his scepticism that the budget will balance and said that if it doesn't there is nothing to talk about. You can't start the public debate and then clam up when the other side responds. I am not against Nenshi and I don't like King. I think King has managed this poorly. I also dislike the little of the proposal that has been released. But comments about some rich guy (Bettman) from New York telling us how to be Calgarians isn't okay. His childish attacks on a media (Francis) for making reasonable statements isn't okay. The various sarcastic comments he made to Calgarians on social media for having the audacity to disagree with him isn't okay. And there will be public money spent. Or there won't be a football and hockey team. Nenshi has taken a hard line stance early and I think that has prompted the Flames to start flinging back. This think turning into a fire fight isn't in Calgarians best interest. Nenshi needs to stop making it a fire fight.
  11. I understand the logic behind not funding arenas for billionaires. But it is what it is. If you want a football team and you want a hockey team then you need to invest public funding into arenas. It's true for every arena in the NHL. I agree Ken King has mismanaged this. But Nenshi clearly is an obstacle and King is trying to do what he can to win the public debate. But I didn't see anything from Bettman that was off base. At least for Bettman. He stated the facts. Calgary's arena was great but it is outdated and needs to be replaced. He stated the drawbacks of not having a decent arenas. And he he made a number of good points. Now is a good time to replace it because it's cheaper to do now then in the future and this is an opportunity to stimulate the economy and create jobs.
  12. I would have been fine with him not attending, stating he was going to wait for the results of the evaluation before getting dragged into a debate, and leaving it at that. But watching him respond to Francis and Calgarians on social media with a sarcastic grade school approach isn't what I want to see from our mayor. Especially not when talking about something near and dear to many of us.
  13. I am pretty disappointed with Nenshis response. I understand the need to get the facts before making a decision. I am all for the city doing their due diligence. But his response in media and on twitter is antagonistic. He insulted the NHL commissioner and inadvertently King and the Flames. His comments to Francis on twitter were immature. He generally resorts to grade school level insults when he had disagreed with people.
  14. kehatch


    Even strength save percentage is a decent metric. Some teams take more penalties and obviously it's harder to stop the puck when your outnumbered. Even strength save percentage removes that.
  15. kehatch


    Ramo was 12 minutes shy of setting a franchise shut out record. He let in one goal and got the win. Seems incredibly knit picky to over analyze a goal against from a wide open Stamkos off if a wide open shot.
  16. kehatch


    I don't care if Ramo stopped for a shot to Tequila and to guzzle a beer before that puck went in the net. If the puck bounces end to end behind the net right on the stick of the best sniper in the NHL who is standing on the hash-marks then it isn't the goalies fault.
  17. kehatch


    Your inserting opinions / moods to try and justify your opinion. Nobody is applauding the organization for their management of the goal tending. But you aren't applying any of the blame for the poor play on the player and that's why people aren't agreeing with you. I don't like the way the Flames handled the goal tending this season. I am not a big fan of their success in drafting and developing goal tending as an organization. But that doesn't by default mean I like Ortio or think he is blameless. Or vice versa.
  18. Its a matter of if. It is also a matter of what. It is very possible that the plan is adjusted if the location doesn't work out. One has to logically assume there is a back-up plan. I know Ken said there isn't. But i would question his competency if that was true. This project had a lot of flags the second it was announced. If the Flames honestly don't have a back-up plan in their pocket I am pretty concerned.
  19. kehatch


    I know you have been an Ortio supporter for years and are attached to him. I also didn't like the Flames holding onto three goalies early and parking Ortio on the bench. But cherry picking a period of time to try and prove he is a great AHL goalie is misleading. So is making excuses for his poor play. He is an AHL veteran. Regardless of what happened in the NHL he should be able to play well in the AHL. Give the player a little credit for having some responsibility for his play.
  20. I treat the press about an Arena expansion about as seriously as I do press about an NHL CBA negotiation. Its all posturing until the deal is done.
  21. kehatch


    Ramo might be a decent plan D if he does okay this season. This guy might be playing decent hockey now, but he isn't that far removed from clearing waivers. I have zero faith in his consistency to make a 4+ million dollar commitment that will prevent us from investing in a better alternative.
  22. kehatch


    Ramo has been better and deserves credit. The question is whether he is starter material or not. He is paid as a starter and likely will be next season (in the NHL or KHL). I don't think he is a starter and I don't think we have the cap luxury to pay him 4 million as a 1B. So I think Treliving needs to be actively looking at other options as we don't have any NHL ready goalies signed for next season and I don't see Ramo as a legitimate option. I think if you let this thing go until June Treliving ends up signing Ramo due to a lack of options. And that could be scary, especially if there is term.
  23. kehatch


    You could put a small snapshot of Raymond's offensive production and make him look like an offensive dynamo. That's a couple of games with zero context. Can't make a decision using that.
  24. Agreed. Hamilton has been good the last 20 or so games and really good the last 10. Giordano is also finding his groove and looks much more like last seasons Giordano (with a bit less production.) It's a huge part or the turn around.
  25. kehatch


    If Ramo keeps playing like he has the last two games the trade talk will go down. But for the most part the Flames are winning games in spite of goaltending, not because of it. Besides, we wouldn't be the first team to benefit from an in season goalie change. That's how we found Kipper. Dubnyk had a big impact last season. Etc.
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