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Everything posted by kehatch

  1. This wasn't a popular sentiment. But it is one I stood by all off season. Wideman was a buyout candidate two seasons ago and all the signs pointed to him falling off this season. I was really hoping we would have cashed in on his good season to get out of that contract and maybe get a return. That said, there are rumors Treliving tried to move him this off season but couldn't find a taker for that contract. If true, well at least we tried. Either way, it looks like we are stuck with his contract for a couple more seasons.
  2. kehatch


    We are 17-games in. Ortio has 2 starts. That is despite Hiller being injured and Ramo clearing waivers. That is only defensible if it is supported by positive results. But our goalies are at or near the bottom in both GAA and SV% while the Flames are near the bottom of the standings. They didn't play Ortio at the beginning because they had both Ramo and Hiller and Hartley wanted to get one of them going (despite TERRIBLE goaltending) They didn't play him once Hiller got hurt because Hartley wanted to give a goalie a string of starts (Which they gave to the guy that had just cleared waivers and was demoted) The aren't playing him on a back to back because Ramo wants the start (despite the fact that Ramo is on a 2 game losing streak with a 0.892 SV% and 3.17 GAA in his series of 6 starts) I stand by my previous statement. Ridiculous.
  3. kehatch


    We aren't winning. Ramo has a sub 900, way more loses then wins, and us on a losing streak.
  4. kehatch


    Ramo starts again tonight. Ridiculous.
  5. kehatch


    I understand the argument that the Flames are a tough team to be a goalie for. I also understand that the AHL is for development and the NHL is for winning. But none of that changes two basic facts. 1) Ortio is not developing on the bench. In fact, the lack of playtime and trust is likely hurting his development. 2) What the Flames are doing isn't working. Rather then repeating the same mistake over and over again why won't they at least try the legitimate option of giving Ortio a few games? If Treliving thinks Ortio won't clear waivers, or if the team thinks the NHL is the best place for his ongoing growth, then they have to play him. If not they need to send him down. But the current management of Ortio is bordering on laughingly incompetent. I don't even like Ortio much. But Treliving reluctance to send him down and Hartley's reluctance to trade him is getting ridiculous.
  6. kehatch


    Hartley is the head coach. As far as making decisions on who plays he is the supreme ruler. He may be listening to one of his guys, but he is accountable.
  7. kehatch


    Based on the utilization it is clear that Hartley doesn't trust Ortio. At all He has done everything possible to avoid playing Ortio this season.
  8. kehatch


    The Flames didn't have great goal tending last season. It was average. It was good enough. That is what Ramo has been the last two games. Before that our goalies were terrible. We can win with good enough. Very few teams can win with terrible.
  9. kehatch


    I have trouble throwing too many compliments towards Ramo for last nights game. He was playing against a very poor team that can't score and he didn't look steady doing it. Lots of loons behind him and the classic weak goal to end the second. That said, it was statistically a good game and he got the win so it's something to build on at the very least.
  10. kehatch


    Early in it wasn't THE issue. It was one of many issues. But I would argue over the last few games it has been the biggest issue. The Flames are scoring but the goalies are letting in 4 or 5 every game, some of them weak, and rarely coming up with a clutch save.
  11. kehatch


    There has been a clear discrepancy in utilization of goalies. It hasn't been consistent with player movement. Justify it however very you want, but Ramo (the guy that was demoted) is the first guy that has got consecutive starts outside of a win and Ortio has been scratched more then any other goalie.
  12. kehatch


    But he is okay with hi riding the bench 80 percent of the time?
  13. kehatch


    Very few players are performing. But the point wasn't that Hartley is wrong. It's that the GM just waived one of the goalies so the other could stick. Yet the coach is playing the guy that was waived after he let in 5 goals on a loss. Before that the third guy was kept on the roster by the GM and never played by the coach. Does that sound like guys on the same page?
  14. kehatch


    The coach shouldn't be fired for the way the goalies are playing. But Hamilton is getting third pairing minutes. Ortio can't buy a start. Backlund (who was just extended) gets benched. If the coach doesn't like the players the GM does there is a problem.
  15. kehatch


    Treliving waived Ramo recently so Ortio could stay up. Ramo is only on the roster because Hiller got hurt. Benching a prospect is a piss poor for weeks to start the season and then giving him very sporadic starts is a piss poor way to develop a player. Clearly the coach (who makes the decision) doesn't like the guy as he going out of his way not to play him. Clearly the GM does like the player as he waived a senior player to let him stay. The Flames don't have great alternatives. For example, who comes up if Ramo is waived? At the end of the day the coach gets decide who plays. If the GM needs to start trading and waiving players to force the coach to get on the same page that is a problem.
  16. kehatch


    Apparently Ramo gets the next start. Terrible judgement by the coach. Clearly the coach isn't in the same page as the GM playing the guy that was just off waivers after giving up over 4 goals per game since he was back. Hate to say it, but if they can't get on the same page fire the coach.
  17. kehatch


    Fair enough. I am not sure people have though. Hopefully not.
  18. kehatch


    Many if us weren't huge Ortio supporters, as shown through various debates on the subject in the past. I still think the Flames owe it to him and themselves to see what they have in Ortio. But I have never seem him as the future start let for the Flames. I also don't agree with you on goalie development. You keep pointing your fingers at the Flames. But how many teams anywhere suffer poor goaltending at the NHL level while they patiently wait for a goalie to develop? I still believe Ortio has a chance this season. I agree it is only two starts. But nobody has written him off. Criticism of his playplay to date is fair though.
  19. kehatch


    I can't fault Ramo starting. Letting in 4 goals isn't a great performance. But he won. Got to hold onto any positive in net right now.
  20. kehatch


    I think you have to give Ortio a few games. This revolving goalie isn't working. Plus Ortio needs a chance to settle in. I am not optimistic he turns it around. But it isn't like another great option is stareing us in the face.
  21. kehatch


    Common sense would say Ortio gets the ball hockey till he drops it. But at this point would it shock anyone to see Ramo get called up and get the next start?
  22. kehatch


    Regardless, letting terrible play stand in an attempt to get average goaltending doesn't work for me. Don't get me wrong. I am not putting all of this on Hiller. The team (and other goalies) have been bad. But Hiller needs to be a lot better or he needs to sit.
  23. kehatch


    Why? He was average last year. He is replaceable. There is no reason Ramo or Ortio can't be better.
  24. kehatch


    The second goal was terribly weak. He is giving up a soft goal per game and not coming up with any clutch saves when we need it. Terrible is being polite.
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