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Everything posted by kehatch

  1. kehatch


    Your supposed hole in your argument was just an excuse to provide another backhanded insult at the Flames inability to develop goalies. Your basically saying your right but the Flames lack the ability to implement your brilliance. Nobody has ever said fill the team with veterans. Not once. But not liking the idea of going into next season with 40 NHL games played by goalies, the bulk by a guy who has been shaky at best, isnt someone looking for the lowest risk. I think it's a terrible and completely impractical idea. I think it is a completely irresponsible approach to both short and long term success in net. I also think it does a complete deserving to the team in front of the goalie, many of whom are also developing. That doesn't mean I want to fill the spot with veterans or take shortcuts for success next season. If you can't recognize why going into next season with a shakey Ortio supported by some obscure and unproven prospect is a bad idea then so be it. But the rest of us as aren't evil posters ready to sacrifice the future of the Flames because we can't resist a quick fix.
  2. kehatch


    The biggest hole in your argument is the path you are suggesting would be a terrible pathway to develop goalies. It would be a self fulfilling prophesy. I am not suggesting that the Flames have a great history of goaltending development. Though given the turnover at just about every position I am not sure how relevant that is. But you can't throw a bunch of young guys into the NHL over their head and expect them to develop correctly.
  3. kehatch


    I agree with the idea in theory. But practically speaking how does a team support a draft without a GM, scouts, etc in place. That isn't even talking about all of the other things that need to happen to have a team that is legal and recognized by the league. Seems like a pretty short turn around to make that happen.
  4. kehatch


    Even ignoring Ortio's numbers before his last call up he still only has a SV% of .909. That is the same as Ramo's full season number and is far from stellar. But the reality is his season long SV% is .903. That puts him below Talbot, Bernier, Bobrovsky, Miller, Pavelec, Smith, etc. In most cases well below. All teams in the bottom, which pretty much eliminates the 'team in front of him is bad' excuse. I know JJ doesn't like the timing of these comments. But this isn't the first or only time people have been saying this. We were saying it after a good game. We are saying it now. In fact, it wouldn't have taken much for a goalie to come in and get the fans super positive. Goaltending has been so dire this season we have been looking for someone to step up. The fact people are luke warm on Ortio is further evidence that he hasn't been very good this season. He has shown me enough that I am at least willing to give him a contract and bring him to camp. But not so much that I am not at least looking for a better alternative for the second goalie spot. He certainly hasn't shown me enough that I am willing to pair him with an unknown or consider him for the starter position. Not even close. Hopefully he plays well tonight in his final game so he can go out on a high note. It shouldn't be tough against a Vancouver team that is mailing it in.
  5. kehatch


    Aren't you the guy that was ready to anoint him as the next starter after his first good game?
  6. kehatch


    Statistically Kipper wasn't a great goalie outside of two seasons. But he was very clutch. He stopped the pucks that he needed to. Ortio let in a weak goal late in the game to let LA tie it and then let another weak one in early in OT. I don't think it means all that much and I am not counting him in out because of it. I was just responding to the post that this wasnt a poor goalie performance. This wasn't a good game for Ortio. That's all I am saying.
  7. kehatch


    You can't. But that wasn't a good game by the goalie. You can't win many games when your goalie gives up that many soft and untimely goals. Not all on him for sure. But it wasn't a good game.
  8. kehatch


    I can't argue with you in the world according to JJ. But in the real world both of those teams saw consistent changes in their roster. No team is built for 10 years. And none of that explains why we can't get a starting goalie because we haven't got some top end D prospect that you imagine exists somewhere. We can't get a goalie until we get a top end D prospect who is NHL ready but just shy of pro seasons that would force us to expose him in the draft? Because our D needs to be set up to last 10 years? That doesn't make even a little sense.
  9. kehatch


    No team has a completed roster good for 10 years. You are over thinking it. We have a solid top 3D and no starting goalie. We need a starting goalie.
  10. kehatch


    My preference is to just give Ortio the remaining starts. But it doesn't matter all that much at this point I guess.
  11. I agree with 1-year on Nakladal. I am less optimistic about what we will see, but he can play the game now and a 1-year depth deal is perfect for the Flames. But the Flames are full of bottom 3 competition so I wouldn't be surprised to see him move on. As for our prospects I really like our guys. We don't have any marquee prospects at the positions. But outside of (maybe) Gilles that is pretty much true of the Flames prospect system at every position. That is a symptom of our best prospects graduating. Haynes put together a great article recently about how young the Flames are. http://www.flamesfrom80feet.ca/2016/04/dirty-rascals-flames-young-core-relied.html. Tough to put together that together and still maintain a great prospect system.
  12. kehatch


    I am with you. That puts all of your goalies in the best position to develop and it gives you the depth you need in goal. The big question is who is the starter and we won't know that until the draft at the earliest. But clearly we need someone.
  13. I personally don't see the upside on Nakladal. Great shot but lacks the offensive acumen to put up points. Limited skill set in the D zone. It won't shock me if he goes to free agency next season as the Flames have a lot of these depth guys and he may want to go somewhere with more opportunity. That said, my preference would be to keep him on a 1 year contract. Jokipakka on the other hand I really like. He is just getting into his prime and he has been playing solid D, often in the top 4. He is a stable partner to put with someone like Hamilton and I could see him develop into a solid asset.
  14. kehatch


    Ortio has fewer then 40 NHL games played and none of the other prospects are ready. No other goalies are signed. On D we have Brodie, Giordano, and Hamilton signed long term. Clearly we need a goalie more then we need a D. I don't agree with your conclusion that poor team defence this season = Flames need at least one more elite defensive prospect. That math doesn't add up in my opinion. But even if I did agree with that it doesn't change the reality of our situation in goal going into next season. I don't understand this idea that we fix one thing a season. I also don't agree that getting a goalie necessarily is cost prohibitive or that getting another goalie blocks our opportunity to develop a goalie internally.
  15. kehatch


    Nick Schneider is having a great start in Stockton. Small sample and doesn't mean much. But a good start, especially for an 18 year old making his pro debut.
  16. kehatch


    I trust Treliving. Best GM we have had in some time. I dont know who he would end up hiring, but I am pretty sure it would be a smart hire.
  17. kehatch


    I don't think Hartley is trying to lose. But I do think he has prioritized development, veteran favours, etc ahead of winning. But my concerns about Hartley are less do do about last night and much more to do about the entire season.
  18. kehatch


    Except it would take a lot of assets to acquire Hamonic and we can only protect 3D a year from now at the draft lottery.
  19. kehatch


    Our D struggled a bit early for sure. The Brodie injury didn't help and Giordano took some time to get settled after his extended injury. Smid and Wideman were terrible all year as well. But outside of the start they have been really good. Giordano and Brodie are one of the top pairings in the NHL. Offensively they are both at a 50 point pace and Giordano will crack 20 goals. Defensively they play big tough minutes and do it very well. People need to remember that Hamilton is 22 years old. He will crack 40 points this season despite the slow start and limited power play time. I haven't had many issues on his defensive play despite the revolving door of his defensive partner. Engelland has also been good. As has Jokipakka since joining the team. I think D is actually an area of strength for the team and has been for most of the season. Our goaltending and PK has been atrocious. We also have only been able to put up two good forward lines with the other two being liabilities when on the ice. D is a 6 man game.
  20. kehatch


    That depends on who the other young goalie is. If the Flames don't have a lot of faith in Ortio as a future starter then it is very possible they move on from him this summer.
  21. kehatch


    I think the Flames are keeping an open mind and investigating every option. Once they are all laid out they will make a decision. I agre that it is very conceivable that we end up with two entirely new goalies in the end.
  22. kehatch


    Your idea if wanting a veteran bridge goalie isn't flawed. It's a reasonable option. But your idea of giving that to a 38/39 year old goalie who was on a sharp decline before getting hurt then missing over a year based on (maybe) a couple of solid games is. It isn't Backstrom vs spending a bunch on Bishop. It's Backstrom vs a bunch of other guys with the same upside and much less risk.It isn't even a discussion for the Flames. They took him in as a cap dump to make the Jones trade possible and are honouring the games they had to give him to waive the NYC.
  23. kehatch


    Brodeur was one of the best of all time and he was outplayed by his backup that season. Thomas was a late started and he tanked the year he got back. There is an incredibly short list of goalies that succeeded at 38/39 and none of them all of a sudden rebounded after declining for 4 seasons. One only needs to look at history (including his history) to know how long the odds are that he is any sort of upgrade for next season. How that is less of a risk then Elliot, Ramo, Kuemper, Reimer, Montoya, etc? It isn't even less of a risk then Ward, Howard, or Hiller. If your going for that level of a gamble it might as well be for a young unproven goalie (and no JJ I am not advocating that ). If the Flames choose to target a temporary bridge to get them past the draft lottery there are plenty of better options then Backstrom.
  24. kehatch


    Steal of the year. That's a bit dramatic. If the Flames want a short term veteran option in net there are better options. Tim Thomas and Martin Brodeur are both recent examples of goalies that played past 38 and neither was good at that age. Backstrom hasn't been good in years. Kipper fell off about the same age that Backstrom did. Expecting him to play well over a full season at this age isn't realistic. He would be worse then Hiller was and Treliving would be failing the team. Even if you think it's possible he could be good you still need to acknowledge the reasonable possibility that he could be terrible. And once you do that its tough to suggest that Treliving can take that type of gamble. Getting 1 year out of a veteran goalie is supposed to be the insurance, not the gamble. There isn't enough up side to take that risk.
  25. kehatch


    This I agree with. I hope he shuts out the Wild. It would be a great swan song.
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