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Everything posted by kehatch

  1. kehatch


    You keep saying that as if it proves your theory of going into next season without veteran support. Yet you consistently ignore the fact that Murray played with Fleury and Valeisky played with Bishop. Nobody at anytime has suggested the Flames shouldn't have youth in net. What they have said is that going into next season with an unproven combo of Ortio and some prospect isn't the right thing to do. The model in Pittsburgh and Tampa (proven veteran / rookie with potential) is exactly what most of us have been advocating for. You have been against the Flames acquiring a veteran suggesting the Flames should go forward with Ortio and another young unproven prospect. That isn't what happened in Pittsburgh / Tampa and it isn't what resulted in the success in the playoffs.
  2. kehatch


    I agree with all of the above. Fortunately it looks good to get a goalie this summer. The Flames have plenty of picks and some decent pieces to trade and there should be goalies available. Friedman was on the 960 talking about how good of a time it is to be in the market for a goalie. I am confident we will get someone and not have to resort to Ramo.
  3. kehatch


    You won't hear anything until the playoffs are over. The league always tries to avoid announcements that distract from the playoffs.
  4. I get that and I agree. But he doesn't usually step on his coaches and GMs toes by suggesting xyz is going to happen to the roster or on the ice. Especially when there is an entire off season yet to happen. Until I see more fans saying they heard the same thing at the event I take those tweets with a double helping of salt.
  5. You are correct. But normally there are a bunch of posters all repeating the same thing. I didn't encounter that here. I don't agree the comments that were made were Burke like. I can't see him committing to playing Bollig more or limiting Ferland to the top 6. Usually he responds with an "I am not the coach" for those types of questions. I also don't see him coming out and saying we aren't paying Colborne 3.6 million if he receives it in arbitration. More likely he says that they need to be careful not to overpay or something like that. I am not saying it didn't happen. It just seems uncharacteristic for Burke and not validated due to the lack of other corroborating comments. Looks more like some guy is trolling the fans and the media.
  6. There isn't anything to over think yet. No coach. Off season hasn't happened yet. Camp hasn't taken place. Which is why I don't think a President should be saying x person will get ice time or y person won't play top 6. Regardless. Doesn't mean anything yet. We will have to see how the summer and fall pan out.
  7. I don't agree on the Bollig or Ferland comments that Burke supposedly made. (He apparently said Ferland should play bottom six to focus on his physical play). That is a coaching decision not a President decision. It is also a decision that should be made after camp. What if Ferland show top six potential and earns a shot? What of a kid like Hathaway outplays Bollig in camp? Plus, Bollig doesn't have the NHL skill set to lay well in today's game and the Flames should be looking for better options. That all said, it's here say written in a short tweet and it comes form a season ticket holder event. I will worry about it if it becomes something to worry about.
  8. Why? Because you say so? There are around 250 pending RFAs out there right now. Many of them high profile players. The date is arbitrary because you made it up as a deadline and are getting all bent out of shape because it hasn't been met.
  9. Giving then a max term contract in June shows just as much commitment as giving them one in March. Your worried over nothing.
  10. Your welcome to your view. But without valid reasons it is entirely arbitrary. Some contracts get done right away. Others take time. It doest sound like either camp was in a hurry to get this done. Spending too much money just to have it done by an arbitrary date doesn't make any sense.
  11. Why the frustration though? Treliving has done a great job locking up his core to reasonable deals. I have heard zero reports that Monahan or Gaudreau are frustrated by the negotiations. From all accounts everybody is happy to take the time necessary to get this done right. This is a really important contract with the first one done setting the tone for the other and also for future contracts like Bennett. Why the rush?
  12. kehatch


    Sure we need a great goalie at some point. But that doesn't change the fact we need a goalie now for next season. Also, every season at least one goalie comes out of nowhere and proves to be a top goalie. There isn't any reason you can't get one in trade.
  13. There is zero reason for Treliving to rush signing Gaudreau or Monahan. Neither have arbitration rights. These are going to be big contracts. Spending the time to get it right is the smart play. Plus he just got back from world's. As for Burke / Reimer, that's just silly. Treliving may sign Reimer (though I doubt it), but it won't be for 7 million and it won't be because Burke insisted.
  14. Those were the same three goalies we had the prior season. The ones that got us to the second round. I would have preferred he brought on a Martin Jones or someone like that. But in terms of priorities spending his resources on Hamilton made sense. Great opportunity plus we had Hiller for another year and needed to see what we had in Ortio.
  15. kehatch


    I seriously hope your trolling. For your sake.
  16. kehatch


    You are so hung up on your ludicrous idea that you overlook every fact that doesn't reinforce your notion. I mean you seriously posted an article of a Matt Murray success story (a guy who got a dozen games backing up Fleury) as 'proof' of why we shouldn't get a goalie like Fleury. Wow. Come back down to earth. Murray was spectacular this season and earned the trust of the coaching staff. That is why he is getting the starts. If we had Matt Murray we wouldn't be having this conversation. If Ortio put forward that type of performance we wouldn't be having this conversation. Ortio is not Matt Murray. Your expectation that we should just gift the dude the starting position as an act of faith is ridiculous.
  17. kehatch


    I think too much is made of the goalie masking the problems of a team. GMs and coaches aren't idiots. It isn't tough to see a bad team in front of a great goalie is a bad team. We made the second round last season with a lot of players having career years. It isn't like the GM declared the rebuild over. Instead he still traded pending free agents at the deadline and told fans to continue to be patient.
  18. kehatch


    Exactly. As long as you don't sell the farm to do it, brining on a good goalie isn't going to hurt anything. If Gilles earns his way up or if Ortio is dynamite that is fantastic. The new goalie doesn't stop that from happening. Alternatively going into next season with a tandem of Ortio/bleh could be very damaging. It isn't fair to Ortio. It isn't fair to the team in front of him. It isn't fair to the new coach who can't get the team to play the right way because they don't trust their goalie or because the need to score 5 every night to win. There is no better way to derail a rebuild then failing to fix the goalie position. Fortunately our GM understands that and is hard at work to addressing the he position.
  19. kehatch


    I think most people understand your point. Develop a goalie internally to save assets, salary, and build a long term assett better then anything you can get in trade. Play the long game and commit to the possibility of some short term pain. The problem is it is totally impractical. Ortio has not played well enough to convince anyone that he is ready for the reigns. Gilles and MacDonald are good prospects but are most likely a long ways off. You are trying to phrase the argument as risk averse posters focused on the short term vs risk tolerant posters focused on the long term. But that isn't the case. Bringing on another goalie doesn't exclude the goalies already in the system. Having effective goaltending is a benefit to developing the entire team. Throwing goalies in over their head isn't the right way to develop them. Your plan doesn't improve our long term outcome, short term outcome, and certainly doesn't give us a good chance of getting a top 5 goalie.
  20. kehatch


    I agree with Cross. We have three solid D prospects in Kylington, Anderson, and Hickey. You can order them however you want, but realistically our hope is one of them develops into a top 4 NHL D. If more then one do that will be a great problem to have. But I would trade a forward or one of our picks before trading one of them. We just don't have the depth to give up one of them.
  21. I am really having trouble assigning too much blame to Treliving on last seasons goal tending. Going into camp with 3 goalies was a smart move. Competition isn't a bad thing, especially when your dealing with a young and unproven player. The issue was when they were a quarter of the way in and Hartley still hadn't made a decision between Ramo and Hiller. In fact he went out of his way to not play Ortio. Even after Ramo was waived Ortio didn't get a regular start. It was one of the many signs that GM and coach were not on the same page. Unless you expected Treliving to risk Ortio on waivers early then the three goalie monster is on the coach. It wasn't like Ramo and Hiller were doing so well the coach couldn't justify sending either down. You can blame the GM for not bringing on a better starter last off season. But we were coming off of a season where the goalies got us to the second round. With Hiller having another year under contract, Ortio knocking at the door, and Gilles starting his first season of pro it made sense to sign Ramo to a 1-year deal rather then making a commitment of contract term and/or trade assets for a better goalie. This off season will be different. We have no NHL ready goalies under contract, Ortio was not good last season, Gilles had season ending surgery after 7 games, and goal tending was a big part of our failed season.
  22. kehatch


    Ortio isn't part of the discussion yet in my opinion. He has done nothing to show he is going to be a NHL starter to this point. Meanwhile Gilles has 7 games of pro and just missed almost an entire season and is coming off of major surgery. We can debate which goalie the Flames should target and we can debate how much the Flames should be willing to spend. But there should be no debate that the Flames need to get someone that can be a starter next season because we have no credible options right now.
  23. I agree with the work ethic. He provided a strong foundation for our culture moving forward. He also got the best out of a lot of individual players. I agree it wasn't all bad. 20 years from now I doubt we look back on Hartley as a terrible coach. I doubt we look back on him as a fantastic one either.
  24. Exactly. It doesn't matter how much Hartley was getting out of the roster if he isn't coaching a style of game that the GM and President want. I don't agree that Hartley was getting the most out of the roster. This roster is not a bottom 6 roster and Hartley failed by many metrics that have been discussed here. I also think he was losing the room as indicated by many rumors and by his shelf life with his other coaching gigs. You can blame the GM for the goalies sure, but those are the same goalies that got us to the second round a season ago. I hated Hartleys rotation and deployment of the goalies and I hated how he used Ortio. This is another situation where people are giving the coach a pass when they shouldn't. But all of that is moot. If the coach isn't on the same page as the GM then you have a problem and you need a coaching change to fix it.
  25. You may not have. But there are plenty of posts that suggest that a coach couldn't be successful given the goaltending and roster so firing him is unfair. But the reality is there are plenty of other ways to measure performance that go beyond the standings. I do agree that the accountability is now on the GM. But I think people need to be patient. We are still in a rebuild and we could very well be looking at another top 10 pick next season. But I am not judging success (coaching or GM) based on that. Treliving has added Hamilton, Frolik, and others without giving up much and he has improved our prospect pipeline by adding picks and good prospects like Pollock and Shinkaruk. He has also signed our core players to very reasonable contracts. If he can sign Gaudreau and Monahan to good deals, make a smart coaching hire, and keep making smart adds to the roster and pool then I am happy.
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