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Everything posted by kehatch

  1. No. He isn't going to get fired. He has proven his ability to sign solid contracts. I also do t this is a Burke thing. Treliving has consistently been frugal in retaining players. The last extension Burke signed was Matt Stajan.
  2. Regarding Burke, there is a lot of evidence he still clings to old school methodology. Thst includes the various international teams he has built, his failure with the Leafs, and what he says publicaly in the media. I agree that he isn't the GM. But his role is to mandate the direction of the club so there is consistency from GM to GM. That all said, I agree the house isn't on fire. Outside of a couple of questionable transactions Treliving is taking the club in the right direction. Even Burke values skill over size as he has shown previously as a GM. But it is a noteworthy conversation given the overall lack of success Burke has had since Anaheim and his public support of out of date ideals.
  3. Is anyone else a little concerned about the Burke influence following the world hockey championship? Terrible decision on the coach. Very questionable roster decisions. A clear adherence to an old school philosophy that is no longer relevant in todays NHL. I am glad he isn't the GM on Calgary. But he does set the direction and thst is a little concerning to me.
  4. kehatch


    That is a really monstrous spin. He flunked out of the NHL and wasn't able to get even a 2-way deal with an NHL club. Now he is playing on the wrong size ice with limited exposure to a majority of NHL scouts. This isn't a master stroke of strategy designed to get him an NHL contract in the future. This is the last option on the list. The dude wasn't able to hold down a starter position on an AHL team with AHL roster goalies. He couldn't crack the NHL roster of a team with the worst goal tending in modern history. He has zero similarities to Kipper before his breakout beyond nationality. His career in the NHL is over.
  5. kehatch


    The Flames have a strong D group on paper and just replaced their goalies and coach. I don't see the point in getting all bent out of shape because they didn't make wholesale changes to the D group. Let's see how the D performs with a new coach, goalies, and the roster tweaks. The draft lottery and contract status limits what the GM can do anyway and there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic things will turn around without wholesale changes.
  6. kehatch


    The Flames have a top 3 of Giordano, Brodie, and Hamilton. They have strong depth in Jokipakka, Wideman, and Engelland. They have NHL ready kids like Kulak and Wotherspoon. Sure the goal against was poor last year. But that isn't the type of D you get all panicked about. That is a very strong line up thst most were putting forward as one of the best in the NHL a season ago. The Flames have a new coaching staff and two new goalies. Suggesting there wasn't an upgrade or suggesting we are doomed to another season of a poor GA is just wrong imo. I would like to see a bit of a tweak in the bottom 3. But between contracts and the draft lottery that may not be in the cards, and thst certainly isn't the end of the world.
  7. kehatch


    They have two new goalies, a new coach, and a bunch of young D like Hamilton, Jokipakka, and Wotherspoon thst should be better. They have Wideman who is due a rebound year and some good depth guys. Plus we saw some decent defensive forwards added to the team. On paper the Flames have one of the better D in the league and it isn't like they didn't make improvements to team D. I think your trying to make grey equal white.
  8. It depends what you consider blue chip. If your talking about the types of players that should make a top 50 list then Tkachuk and Gilles are our two. After that we have a group of good prospects like Andersen, Kylington, Jankowski, Hickey, etc.
  9. kehatch


    I agree with Cross. Teams are moving away from 60+ game goalies to strong tandems. But that is (in part) to mitigate the impact of an injury, not to limit injuries. I also think trying to make a couple of surgical hip repairs to fix injury = possible trend to have surgery to improve performance a ridiculous leap. Especially when the "trend" is one young NHL goalie and one guy with around 10 AHL gamed played.
  10. Agreed. But I am sure he has had those offers. He wants opportunity.
  11. I was just splitting up our top 6 and bottom 6 players, not necessarily putting together line combinations. That said, Bennett produced at wing and he did not at centre. He wouldn't be the first high profile centre to be moved to the wing on the NHL.
  12. Looking at the top 6 we have something like Gaudreau-Monahan-Brouwer Bennett-Backlund-Frolik Looking at the bottom 6 we are roughly Ferland-Stajan-????? Bouma-?????-???? Bollig,???? Chiasson, Hamilton, Hathaway, Jankowski, Shinkaruk, Vey, Poirier, Pribyl, and Pollock are all in the mix for spots. Of the established bottom 6 guys the only one I like is Ferland. I would be perfectly happy with gutting the bottom 6 (minus Ferland) and filling it with the list of prospects, trades, or free agent pickups.
  13. Looking at last season we were weak in a couple of areas. We lacked goaltending. Elliott and Johnson fix that. We had a shortage of top 9 (and 6) forwards. Brouwer and a more experienced Bennett hopefully fix that. The remaining issue is the poor quality of our depth at forward and at D. I think the Flames are making a conscious effort of changing out or depth players. Thst includes peripheral guys like Jones, Russell, and Hudler. It also includes our bottom half guys like Colborne and Jooris. To a lesser extent it includes making space in the minors for NHL depth guys like Vey (along with the prospects graduating to pro). I think this work will continue through the summer and Fall as Treliving attempts to move out bad contracts.
  14. The big news will be when they sign Gaudreau and Monahan. I think we may also see an RFA pickup or two that didn't accept their qualifying offer. There will also be some noise in August when the college free agents can sign. Outside of that I agree it will be quiet for a bit. Treliving wants to move some money and make some moves, but that probably doesn't happen until September.
  15. I agree that having guys like Stajan and Bollig on the roster is detrimental because we have kids thst could take the spot. But I don't think anyone can accuse the modern Flames of not giving youth a chance. We have had plenty of kids make the team in the last couple of years.
  16. kehatch


    I don't think that is true anymore. Teams are starting to migrate away from the workhorse starters towards tandems. On 7 goalies started more then 60 games. Makes sense since it insulates you from injury and it keeps your guy refreshed for the playoffs. Both of the Flames new goalies played 40+ games last season with great numbers. We should be able to do a 50 30 split and be I good shape.
  17. kehatch


    Ortio won't get the chance to make us regret it. I am sure he will be in Finland next season. The fact that a 6th of the league signed a backup today and none signed him should tell you something. As for the rest... Dead weight contracts? Johnson is one of the best backups in the NHL. None of our prospects are ready and 1 year contracts to both goalies gives us lots of flexibility to bring Gilles in as soon as he is ready. Brouwer is a good top 9 forward with a lot too offer. I am not a huge fan of his contract and I would have preferred a cheaper option, but he is a good player filling a big need for the Flames. He certainly isn't dead weight.
  18. kehatch


    I still prefer Kuemper, but I am on board with those two as well. On a different note, we all know that Treliving appeared close on Bishop. There is some chatter that the initial plan was that Elliott was to be flipped to Tampa as part of a Bishop trade. There is also some gossip circle chatter that this could still happen. Basically Treliving is waiting to see if the price goes down on Bishop now that he has a legitimate option for next season and isnt backed into a corner. How upset would the fan base be if they traded Elliott (plus) for Bishop? Yikes. For the record, I don't believe that has any legitimate chance of happening. But it is an entertaining possibility.
  19. kehatch


    The Flames will test the waters on players like Hutton and Johnson between now and free agency. If they find something they like then this goes to July 1 and potentially beyond. If not, they sign Ortio to a 1 or 2 year value contract. I don't see Ortio taking a 2 way. If I am him I don't care about the cap hit, but I insist on a 1 way contract to improve my chances of playing in the NHL. If that isn't give then I try free agency and potentially Finland if that doesn't work out.
  20. kehatch


    I don't think Ortio signs a minimum wage two way deal, but I could be wrong.
  21. kehatch


    It means that they didn't want the arbitrator to decide the contract. It also (probably) means the Flames are at least considering an alternate backup. Which is fair in my opinion. I know you like Ortio a fair bit, but he hasn't proven he is ready to play 25+ games on a team interested in wins.
  22. kehatch


    They have a legitimate starter, strong top 3D, are good up the centre especially if Bennett takes a step. If they can clear some cap and make some tweaks they should be competitive. They definitely might miss the playoffs and I am not saying they are a sure thing. But they will and should approach the season with the intent of being competitive. Which means not putting a guy they don't trust in thr net for 30 games.
  23. kehatch


    Your right, I didn't say if. My oversight. I don't know where the Flames are with Ortio. But I don't get the sense they love him. The Flames should be rightfully expecting the playoffs next season so I don't agree with the idea if taking a wait and see approach in net unless they Ortio has what it takes.
  24. kehatch


    I said if they have no faith in him they should move on. If they think he can give them 30 good games then great. If not, find a better option. You can't start the season with a goalie you don't trust, wait for him to fail, and then scramble to find another goalie when he does. I don't care if he only makes 900k.
  25. kehatch


    I don't think the organization should burn another year on a goalie they have no faith in because there is a chance he could turn things around. He hasn't been more then an average AHL goalie for the Flames and nobody should be upset or shocked if he moves on. If the Flames can find a better option at a low cost then why wouldn't they take it? Sometimes it's just time to move on.
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