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Everything posted by kehatch

  1. kehatch


    There isn't a big enough market for goalies, especially if expansion happens, to be talking about that kind of price for a goalie with 1 more year under contract. Bishop will be pricey, but if they are looking at Bennett + Gilles you loon elsewhere.
  2. kehatch


    Why would you question that? The Flames have plenty of assets and goalies are traded all of the time.
  3. kehatch


    Bishop will be expensive. So I understand that there may be a limited appetite to give up significant assets for a player that could walk away in a year. But I tend to agree with you. The Flames should be able to sign the player to an extension. Unless there is an indication the player will walk I don't think that should prevent them from being a target.
  4. Agreed. The opposite is true as well. We have a top three of Giordano, Brodie, and Hamilton supported by some decent D for the bulk of the season. It's pretty obvious the primary issue wasn't our D.
  5. kehatch


    Reimer and Raanta are two free agents I would consider. But getting a good starter is a priority and it might cost us a bit. That said, I don't think Kuemper is going to be expensive, Varlamov shouldn't be cost prohibitive, and Andersen is a big enough add that a high cost is worth it.
  6. kehatch


    I didn't say Ortio is to expensive.
  7. The Flames AHL team is very young, especially on D. The Flames have a few weak links at D and key guys had a rough start. Hamilton is also developing. But overall the right pieces are there.
  8. As you have pointed out, the only block of land that meets reasonable criteria to build both arenas is the one contaminated and expensive to clean up. If that is true then they may need to build them in separate locations. Personally I would love to see them build it at Crossiron Mills. But I understand the lack of transit and municipal funding that makes that impractical.
  9. kehatch


    A restricted free agent is a player whose contract has expired but for whom the team still owns the players NHL rights. The length of time the team maintains rights is based on a number of factors like age and when that players signed their first contract. As is whether that player has arbitration rights or is able to receive an offer sheet.
  10. Adjust the criteria then. We might have to add one that says not to build it on polluted land that will add hundreds of millions and years to the project. They may not be able to build a multi complex in the city. Perhaps that isn't realistic. The point is that it looks like King put forward an impractical proposal that is way off of what was projected. He brought in heavy hitters like Bettman to pressure the city before the evaluation was even complete. Plus he went on record saying this is the only option and there is no plan B. The entire thing looks amateur. If it ends up that the city evaluation is way off base and the cost and time are closer to what King projected then I will take back my comments. But there is no way a 2 billion dollar project is getting funded in this economic climate. So footprint or not, that location is about as practical as the moon if the city projections are accurate.
  11. kehatch


    That would be awesome but obviously not realistic. Starting the season with something like Varlamov and Raanta could be realistic though. Or even Varlamov and Ortio if the Flames still see something in him.
  12. kehatch


    Ortio is too inexperienced and unproven to be considered a 1A or starter. Ramo is going to be too expensive to be slotted as 1B or backup. Guys (potentially available) I like better then Ramo as the 1A or starter (in approximate order): Andersen, Bishop, Neuvirth, Allen, Fleury, Varlamov, Elliott, Mason, Schneider, Murray, Raanta, Reimer, Bernier, Halak, Enroth, Darling, Smith, Kuemper, Anderson Guys (potentially available) I like better then Ortio as the 1B or backup (in approximate order): Murray, Neuvirth, Raanta, Allen, Kuemper, Enroth
  13. kehatch


    They are responsible for the player base first. Plus the word is they are going to push for at least NMC to be honoured. I am sure they want expansion. But that doesn't mean they won't use the leverage they have to protect their players.
  14. If you think there is only one option in all of Calgary then your drinking the Flames koolaid on this one. The bottom line is this looks terrible for the Flames. Especially when King has said repeatedly there is no plan B. This is a billion dollar project that has been years in the making. This isn't acceptable.
  15. kehatch


    If push comes to shove I am sure the NHL wouldn't have to honour the NMC or NTC. The issue is that pushing and shoving takes time and they need things worked out by June. If the PA chooses to dispute this they could derail the entire thing. Which makes it likely the NHL will compromise in the interest of moving things along. Besides, the PA does have a lot of power. They managed to derail the first attempt at conference alignment for example and pushed that back by a year.
  16. Getting the ball rolling is a good thing. But sending out a half baked proposal that is way way way of the mark in terms of cost, timeline, and feasibility is not. This was a completely impractical proposal and given the dollars involved it makes the team look foolish and it could have derailed the chance to get am arena going.
  17. This looks bad for King and the Flames. If the city audit is accurate it's tough to understand how the Flames could put forward a proposal that is that far off.
  18. kehatch


    I agree with you that is what Pittsburgh should do. But GMs don't always make decisions that make sense. Pittsburgh has shown a lot of loyalty to Fleury, in part because he has Crosby's support. They also have are also contenders and may want the experience. So I wouldn't be totally shocked if they traded Murray and protected Fleury.
  19. kehatch


    Go back in time and that may have been true. But that hasn't been the case over the last number of years. Kuemper's numbers are almost identical to Dubnyk's numbers this season. As for Ortio, he hasn't won the right to anything because he hasn't done anything. The Flames need to upgrade in goal. I am not saying the Flames should go all in for Kuemper. But they need someone. He is a guy that is on the list because he is probably available cheap and he looks ready to carry 55 games or so. That said, if they can realistically get Andersen or someone like that then absolutely.
  20. kehatch


    Just stop with the "you always agree with me" stuff. When you have to say it so often and to so many people then clearly they don't agree with you. Clearly I disagree with you over Ortio and how much trust the Flames should put on him. I disagree that Kuemper is only slightly ahead of Ortio. He has 100 percent more games played and his worst season is better then Ortio's best. He is miles ahead of Ortio who is, in my opinion, unproven at the NHL level and trending towards being a bust.
  21. kehatch


    Ortio's numbers even when he way playing well weren't great. Those were in games that didn't matter. But you can't look at just a small sample. If you did there are a lot of poor goalies that would be in the running. The bottom line is he wasn't good over the course of this season. I really don't care that he wasn't horrible for a small stretch. So seeing him not be horrible over that small stretch certainly doesn't prove to me he belongs in the NHL full time. Ortio has a lot to prove still. If he was on another team he wouldn't even be on the radar for us to look at as a backup let alone starter.
  22. kehatch


    Ortio has 9, 6, and 22 games in the NHL with a career save percentage of 901. Kuemper has 6, 26, 31, and 21 games in the NHL with a career save percentage of 912. You can call it arbitrary if you want. But it really isn't that hard to see why I see one of those guys as a backup ready for starter duty and the other as a guy still trying to prove he even belongs in the NHL.
  23. kehatch


    I really like Kuemper and have been for awhile now. He will be cheap to acquire and sign (probably), he has close to 100 games played with decent numbers, and he is ready for starter duty. He gives us a lot more insurance then Ortio but is young enough to give us two bullets in the gun for a long term starter. An Ortio / Kuemper tandem is a lot less risky then an Ortio / Unknown rookie tandem. Plus I like him a lot more the Ortio if it comes down to shopping for two goalies.
  24. kehatch


    The only real comparable is Jones. The rest were experienced goalies with UFA status. Anderson is still pretty green and is an RFA. I like Andersen a lot and I would love to see the Flames acquire him. But let's keep in mind he has 2 seasons as a 1B goalies and he put up pretty average numbers. I think your looking at 4 to 4.5 on a three year deal. Which I don't mind at all.
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