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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 1 minute ago, travel_dude said:


    The 4th line has been providing jump.  Mangiapane leads in the fancy stats.

    He's getting more chances than the Backlund line individuals, playing about 60 mintes less over that time.

    Maybe, just maybe, they should pop Mangiapane up with Bennett and Janko.

    Or continue with a real good 4th line.

    Just give them more minutes?

    The latter for me. Hathaway's been playing with a ton of discipline imho. So even though he isn't always where you want him to be, he's playing a safe game. Ryan the creator, he's been good at turning nothing into danger. Mangia with a couple of goals and really good speed. Wow. His move of being covered, putting the puck to open ice and basically passing it to himself is awesome. Creating confusion.

    That line is fun to watch.

  2. 35 minutes ago, travel_dude said:

    Good to see people quoting Francis as some kind of expert.  :P


    Sorry guys.  Just could not resist.  Francis had been bleating out how Smith was better than his numbers for a long time.

    Only recently has he been saying Smith was done.  Until the MSM stopped pumping up BSD.

    If you look at stats in a vacuum, then maybe he's right.  Smith has played the better of the two.

    Somehow, one win in his last 3 starts with two of those games 4 GA doesn;t give me a lot of happy feelings.


    Smith needs to channel his Nov.25-Dec.8 starts 50% against bottom feeders.  Not being insulting, we need those kind of wins too.

    Francis can say what he wants as click bait, but the bottom line is that the coach makes decisions based on a bigger picture.

    I want to hear how Francis' mom feels about it.

  3. 2 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


    Bennett hasn't had the linemates.  Neal hasn't had the linemates.  In fact, Jankowski hadn't had the linemates.  


    These guys are so score, why don't they get some better linemates?


    That is funny.

    All should be scoring more and it's their linemates faults. That's classic peeps.

    If just 1 of them could DRIVE a line the other 2 would be fine.

    True dat.

  4. 5 minutes ago, CalgarySTL said:

    I like Bennett however, I don't agree with this. I've seen him turn it over in the neutral zone in the most inopportune times.... including the time that ugly sasquatch Burns burnt Rittich.  I know they all are guilty of turning it over & maybe i've focused too much on Benny with regards to that, it's just what i've noticed.

    That stupid freaking bump back...

  5. 14 hours ago, 89Again said:

    Its nice to see him get the credit he deserves- many people on these boards were slamming him and he has shown how wrong they are.  Great in traffic, great at going to the net, great on the boards, tough and a great teammate.  Scoring has not been what we wanted to date but he has also not had linemates and ice time.  We must have a guy like Mr Bennett on the team he desrves more credit because he has and is persevering.

    It's kind of one of those things. I'd hope most don't want to trash a player but just get frustrated.

    Bennett is the perfect example of an 18 yr old needing time to develop.

    That's 4-6, even 7 yrs to get to where they need to be.

    Look at Lindholm also.

    It didn't help that when we drafted him fans crowned him our new 1C immediately.

    Even now, there's a lot of, "He'll never live up to a 4th OA".

    The draft frustrates me in this regard. You get a top 5 pick and you're getting a top 18 yr old on the planet.

    It doesn't work that way. There's way too much development left to do.

    I don't care if you put up 100 goals in jr. It virtually means nothing.

    The pro leagues are a completely different assignment. So forget last year, because you have a lot of work to do in the coming years.

    There are zero gifts waiting for you.


  6. 5 hours ago, Addicted said:

    I know that Bennett has been tossed around on this site as trade bait, but I think that would be a very bad move for the Flames in the long run.  This year Bennett has changed his game and became a protector, agitator, and a physical force out there.  He is on pace to tie his peak points totals and is making a real difference in more games then not.  Considering he is only 22 years old I think he will be the type of player that, at 25, will be highly sought after in the league. 

    I like the player he is becoming, and the player I foresee that he will become.

    What I'd like to see is Bennett getting engaged physically in his first couple of shifts.

    When he's on edge, he's a much better player. I wish he'd get on that from the outset.

    It's what makes him successful and buys him space imho.

    When he finds that line between good and evil consistently, he is a hard guy to play against.

    He's also very strong in his weight class. So he's someone most guys in his class want to think twice about.

    He'll grow into an O'Reilly type eventually imo, he's starting to realize intimidation is a part of his game I hope.

    So do it early.I think he'll come into his own personally. When you grab a guy to scrap, I think you start realizing how strong you are vs your peers.

    My hope is he starts taking advantage of how much of a threat he can be.

    It looks like he has stopped trying to make the perfect shot, so that's good.

    I'd like him to set the tone, off the hop, for now.

    Next year, he'll find he's earned a lot more respect.

    Game Plan: "Let's not poke Sam Bennett".

  7. On 2/15/2019 at 7:40 PM, 420since1974 said:

    I knew that Howard had a good glove but until watching those highlights, I didn't realize that he uses that forward flop so often, something that many criticize Smith for doing.

    Every goalie does that in close. Falling fwd, or jumping at the shooter, covers more net and cuts down time and space. If they try to shoot high, typically your shoulder is in the way. So you see net, but when the goalie jumps fwd, it changes what they see in a half second.

    It's a good move.

    Why I'm such a Howard fan was going to playoff games in the D.

    The 1st time I heard the,


    thump thump


    chant, it brought a tear to my eye. But I also thought, "Really 20,000 people? He's not under enough pressure?"

    But I was wrong. Talk about beast mode.

    You'd hear that chant more than, "Go Wings Go". lol

    I can attest to this for sure, he's a playoff goalie.

  8. 2 minutes ago, cross16 said:


    The biggest reason I would have gone back to Rittich is I think you need a guy going into the playoffs, you can't go in undecided. Going with the "hot hand" is not a recipe for going on a run. 


    Nit pounding the table upset upset but I think you need to pick one here and for me it's Rittich. 

    As long as Rittich is keeping the reflexes and mind sharp I'm okay with it.

    Honestly, I think this is Smith's sink or swim time.

    Just imo, but I think we're cool with Rittich but Smith HAS to play well now or we have to get aggressive for Howard.

    My biggest fear is Smith will play well until tdl, then sink again.

    I've tried to avoid getting on him too hard this season, but he's also got to regain our trust.

    I really want him to, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

    His puck tracking has not been good for the most part. He's still playing too deep imho, but if that's how he thinks he needs to play to be successful, I'll leave it up to him.

    But I don't like him giving up a foot at the top of his crease. That's where most interference calls live imo. And you cover a few more inches of net on incoming shots and tips.

  9. 2 minutes ago, cross16 said:


    I agree with the conclusion but quoting that stat is really mileadjng as it includes Rittich being pulled in SJ which I think most would agree was unfair. 


    I agree with TD that I don't think it's accurate to say smith is the hot hand. He's won but I don't think he did it playing better than Rittich was playing. 

    Hopefully we'll be at the point soon where it doesn't matter who starts.

    I've never been a proponent of the "hot goalie". I get the context, I just don't think it carries a lot of weight.

    Keep your goalies rested and ready is all. God knows the position always requires luck and favourable bounces as well as team play.

    In the Kipper years, he was always the "hot hand". But only because the team would be hot garbage in front of any backup.

    That's no longer the case, and again, "hot hand" is a lot more than numbers that a goalie isn't solely responsible for.

    If team play is good, bad or indifferent, any NHL goalie's numbers will reflect that over any given period.

    • Like 1
  10. On 2/15/2019 at 11:41 PM, CheersMan said:

    Lets compare apples to apples then.

    I'm not giving up on Smitty, and I don't think he has given up on himself or the Flames.

    Last kick at the can so to speak with plenty of motivation.

    I think he will scratch an claw his way back with every opportunity given.

    I'm with you. Been hoping all yr without getting sideways on the guy. Maybe deadline and Howard rumours are just what he needed?

  11. 18 hours ago, JTech780 said:

    Hate to say it, but I think we have to go back with Smith on Monday against his former team. Sitting for a few games isn't going to hurt Rittich, and I think we need to keep riding the hot hand and right now oddly enough it's Smith.

    I believe that's the plan. Hopefully we don't take the 'yotes lightly and get on another roll.

  12. 1 hour ago, robrob74 said:


    I, for some reason, think he has had residual effects of his injury since last year. Possibly he is just getting over it.


    my bro and I chatted about it today and he said he heard from a goalie that some injuries take goalies up to two years to recover.

    2 years? That's a bit much. A broken leg is 4 months.

    A broken head?

    I think it's been mental with Smith. His family thought Phoenix was the Satoshi Nakamoto and forever is my guess.

    The timeline fits. Don't forget, they're people like you and I.

  13. 8 minutes ago, MAC331 said:

    What do you know, you are from Sarnia. LOL

    Bright's Grove.

    We like to differentiate. lol

    I'm more worried that Howard gets moved at all.

    If he does, I want it to be to us. Not St. Loo, Edm etc.

    If he's the same guy as advertised in Detroit, he becomes a problem.

    SJ? That would be pure torture as Jones simply isn't very good.

  14. 45 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    Can you call DET and get the deal ready for us?

    Smith ++ for Howard and Nyquist.



    Howard deal.

    I've never been a fan of Nyquist's battle level, though he's very skilled.

    Howard is all battle, on the other hand.

    Don't know how he would respond to a trade. Contrary to popular opinion, Detroit's a nice city when you get used to it.

    If we got him, I'd send a note to season ticket holders: Welcome him.

    Here's the Detroit chant:


    thump thump


    thump thump

    Even now, Detroit should be closer to Jack Hughes, but they have Howard.



  15. 5 minutes ago, The_People1 said:

    I kind of blame that Rittich puck handling blooper on Brodie because he was rushing back until he saw Rittich was going to win the race to the puck.  Brodie peels over to the side board to become a target for a pass but since he was the last man back, I think he shouldn't have peeled off.  He should have skated hard behind Rittich to cover for Rittich in case of some unlucky bounce.  Rittich could've found another target to pass to.

    If not for Bennett, none of that ever happens. Brodie's play was correct, because of Rittich's error. Send the puck sideways or back to the corners, never fwd with an opposing player bearing down.

    I gave up that very goal back in the day, lol. Once.

    I was pissed Rittich got yanked because I remember how angry I played after that big oops.

    I thought Smith played well, but you don't pull Rittich for making a mistake leading to a 2-1 game. I can near guarantee that 3rd goal wouldn't have been scored on an intensified Rittich. I'm of the belief that a pissed off goalie is very hard to beat.

  16. 11 minutes ago, cross16 said:


    You can say this about all teams though. It's a long season, unrealistic to be 100% all the time. 

    I know all teams are doing it, but that bump back terrifies me. The last man back carrying the puck. Sure didn't work for Bennett on the 2nd goal, and JG is going to see the double team a lot now, I'd wager.

    I did like some of PP2's zone entries. SJ was standing up at their blueline, like we do.

  17. Good reporting: here's what the numbers tell us. here's the issue with the data.

    Bad reporting: here's what the numbers tells us. Here's why I'm right.


    It certainly isn't on the stats community, the stats are the stats. It's those that use stats to make a point, and ignore the stats that don't fit their argument.

    I'm not a stats guy, believe me. They can show trends well with enough data but it's dependent on the user/writer being forthcoming.

    All the stats in the world don't win a game 7.

    There's definitely people you trust using stats, and there's definitely people you don't trust.

    I used to be anti-stat, but have come to realize it isn't the stat users, it's the spin doctors that I'm anti with.

    • Like 2
  18. 3 hours ago, cross16 said:

    In short, the results show no real impact (positively or negatively) but the author also admits it's a really difficult study to draw conclusions from as it's hard to separate the action of puck handling and results (ie shots given up, hits taken etc etc).



    Agree. The study covered 3 things: dmen getting hit less, shots against and shots for. As cross says, all negligible. And closing with the difficulty of studying the true impacts.

    td, stop being so cheap, :P

    They likely still do the 50% off new subscribers. I'm in my 2nd yr and I think my renewal was $65 or something like that. My first year was like $33.

    Haynes just came aboard this year. Trying to expand Calgary coverage. Love the fact you can pick your teams across all sports and they tailor your experience.

    So I'll get an email telling me there's a new Flames/Wings story. No hunting for stories lest you're just browsing.

    I love it, personally.

  19. Term on Rittich will be the key to the signing.

    At his current pace, it isn't realistic to expect <4 going forward.

    If he stumbles, go from there.

    But expecting a goalie putting up Top 10 numbers in the world to be a bargain <4 isn't realistic.

    He'll be 27 to start next year, any bridge will be a year or 2 imho.


    Still too early on value though. He still has a lot of play ahead of him.

  20. 2 minutes ago, Cowtownguy said:

    Well, I can't argue with you about that


    I thought it rather funny and tragic at the same time that, during the game against Oilers, McDavid had that look he had when Edmonton called his name at the draft. It is a very sad look. Seriously, if you observe carefully enough, you can literally see his soul being shred by black figures. I wouldn't be surprised if McLottery's agent chats with management to express their displeasure.

    Sounds like something Carty could photo shop the Grim Reaper always behind MacDavid. lol

    If he pleases.

  21. 5 minutes ago, robrob74 said:


    We don’t deserve a good goalie. Our Flames fans suck at getting behind a good goalie. The team can make errors but it’s on the goalie. Allow the other team to screen, or our own player can tip the puck on our own net and it’s Rittich’s fault

    That's harsh. We're all firmly behind him. cross is only raising a scenario, not condemning him.

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