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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 15 minutes ago, cross16 said:


    I have definitely come to the conclusion that under Peters the Flames are going to give up some high danger chances no question. It's an aggressive system so you are going to get caught probably a couple times a game even when you are playing well. However, I do think it's worth the trade off especially in today's game so i'm taking the trade off personally.


    But I think if you are expecting a lock down team that doesn't give up much I don't think they will be that under Peters system. Not to say they can't clean some things up, but it won't be Sutter hockey around here. 

    While I agree and don't agree with trying to protect 1 goal leads to start a 3rd period, you shouldn't be giving up 2-on-1s with 3 minutes left when you're up by a couple.

    Late goals being up by a couple are a concern I have as well.

    I love all of the offence, but there are times when you shut it in late to secure the win and stop looking to get behind them. Which tends to lead to them getting behind us.

    Just a bit of balance I'd like to see.

  2. 2 hours ago, cross16 said:


    Where did I blame Rittich? 


    I think in this case the stats match the eye test, he's not as sharp these last couple of weeks as he was early. Maybe it has nothing to do with his workload but I'ts something i'm personally monitoring. He hasn't really been a starter in 3 years so handing over a starter workload is something i've been concerned about for a while. 

    I think those are fair concerns.

    One thing bothers me is when the Flames pick it up they don't give up many shots against, but many of the one's they do give up are solid scoring chances.

    While they get many themselves, the D pressing the fwd zones is risky play.

  3. 52 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    The mistakes have a lot to do with lax play as much as cheating for offense.

    Drop pass top of the circle when you just founght to get the puck back?

    Lazy pass to Monahan when you have full possession?

    Slow skate behind the net and the puck gets stripped?


    I don't mind seeing the defense in deep, as long as the rest of the team looks behind them to see who's covering the blueline.

    What I do hate to see is a breakout on the PP, with JH as the lone man back skating it out without support.

    He's mostly successful, but teams can trap against that and create a breakaway the other way.

    Also, line changes need to have the player dump the puck in deep.


    Mostly small things, but they can add up in a game of inches.

    You're only bringing up Hanafin. lol

    You left out wandering aimlessly and creating confusion.

    Remember how coaches would literally beat things into you?

    I kinda miss those days. I think it ended with Brian Sutter and his Hawks bar-stars.

    It took a few years, but Chicago's young players sure got in tune of how not to be. Minus Kane's offseasons lol.

    Still see signs of players acting like rock stars, but of course, allegedly is the safe word.

  4. 3 hours ago, travel_dude said:


    From reports at the morning skate, it looks indeed like Rittich will start against the Sabres.

    Makes sense, since he started against them earlier this season.

    That was after the PITTS debacle.


    A bit of a concern starting Smith against the Wings.

    Shakey goaltending against them in the last win.

    But, Rittich needs to be the starter in the BOA.


    No a shot at Smith.  He was fine to great against the Yotes.

    He looked dialed in.

    I just can't say whether it was a dominant win by him in a game where we controled the play for most of it.

    Makes sense regardless. If Rittich is good to go, he's our starter.

    It's more important we clean up our game and stop pushing for offence at all costs, and stop the blind passing already.

    And play 60 minute games once and for all.

  5. 2 hours ago, Cowtownguy said:

    I would really like to know what is going on with Smith. The problem seems to be confidence given his net behaviour. How does a guy that competitive lose his confidence at 36? 

    I find myself getting the feint smell of opossum at times.

    Other times, I think he's a good advisor for Rittich because he knows world class shooters all too well.

    Good chats with Rittich.

    Maybe it's just me, but that looks like a great relationship.

    Dubnyk would have ridden off into the sunset if not for one guy.


    Rittich's play has been sensational at times, only normal to think Smith is doing an amazing job passing the job off, as was the intent.

    How about that angle? lol

    • Like 2
  6. 11 hours ago, Horsman1 said:

    Trade deadline in mind.. Rittich fell apart last year when Smith was gone.. This year.. Smith is still around and plays a seemingly important role in Rittich's mental make-up.. Maybe what we should really be looking for rather than a back-up.. is a competent emergency number 3 guy as our farm team goalies are crappin the bed this year


    I wonder that too.

    Smith could put all of this to bed by getting focused...

    • Like 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, MAC331 said:

    The situation has definitely become a delicate one. I am sure Smith is going through mental hell right now. I honestly don't think he will kill our chances should he be relegated to back up. All these other options are wild cards also and if you go after Bobrowsky he is going to cost assets this organization shouldn't be giving up IMO. Run with Rittich.

    It’s a fine line for sure. If we’re giving up Kyl, Dube or a first and it doesn’t work out, it will hurt a lot.

  8. We’re in the midst of another 4 games in 6 nights, just like before Christmas.

    It’s a tough go, but we’ve gotta deal with it.

    Bennett should have sat last night for Czarnik imho.


    As for Smith, not tracking the puck well at all and playing too deep has been going on all year now.

    Time to ask, why isn’t this getting fixed?

    Even Boston’s Asst coach Sacco said last night, after the 2nd, “we’ve gotta get pucks to the net because their goalie’s fighting the puck”.

    Sigalet HAS to take some responsibility at this point. There is no sign this has been addressed in 3 months.

    • Like 1
  9. On 2018-12-18 at 1:27 PM, cross16 said:

    Enjoy it will it last Oilier fans because that bubble gonna pop. 

    Starting to look like this was vastly understated.😕

    Should get Banksy to the new arena to repeat the fun in Wales, but a tire fire “snowing” ash on the Oilers.



  10. I admit that I was a bit worried to see how Rittich would come out of the break.

    He came out of it like it never happened.

    There weren’t many that thought Rittich would be capable in the preseason, prolly even within the org.

    He’s starting to make a name for himself and teams will start responding so that’ll be the next challenge. But imho, he doesn’t really have any real weaknesses as he relies on the science of the position.

    Without being a homer, I think Rittich is one of the funnest stories in the league this year.

    But I also credit Smith for being there for Rittich too. While the fans turn it into a drama, Smith hasn’t done that at all.


    The pre-goal celly for JG denotes a kid in a candy store. I think that enthusiasm becomes infectious. Highlight of the year.

    And typical deadpan, “well I knew he was going to score”.

    When they’re having fun we’re having fun.

    It’s been a long time coming.

    • Like 3
  11. 23 hours ago, rickross said:

    It’s a 100% confidence injury. Anyone hear how loud Smitty yelled out an F bomb after that 1st goal from Perron? Right now he’s a liability....but he has to play through it unfortunately 

    But fortunately, Rittich is allowing that, or we'd be in ruins.

    Smith will be fine. He's putting too much pressure on himself. Playing too tense, like he's waiting for the screw up. He'll get through it.

    It could be that he's feeling this could be his last year and he's trying too hard too thwart it.

    Who knows, but he really needs to calm down. Seems like a bundle of stress.

    No reason he can't back up Rittich next year, or we need a goalie coach anyways, he needs to relax.

    Very few with his tenure actually leave the game.

    Serenity Now. lol

    • Like 3
  12. On 2018-12-18 at 2:52 PM, cross16 said:

    My own take on this, without any inside knowledge, is Smith is battling his own confidence and in turn Peters his confidence in Smith but Peters is trying to back up one of his guys so he's doing it privately and not publicly. I think Peters is also hyper sensitive to criticizing a goalie publicly after his experience with Lack, where's he admitted more than once he is embarrassed by. 


    I don't think Smith was ever physically "injured". 

    I agree 100%.

    I like that BP uses injury terminology to spare the player.

    I wonder the same with Bennett/Neal. Their games were getting stagnant.

    Just my opinion, but healthy scratch isn’t nice connotations. I think BP said, we can call guys up, let’s take some time, look at some film and get you guys playing like we all know you can.

    God knows Bennett was a bat out of hell against Tampa.

    Coming off a minor injury. Hmmmm....

    I smell a lot of team building going on here and my respect for how BP is doing it is going off the charts.

    This is our last step imho. New coach earning the team’s respect.

    • Like 1
  13. 14 hours ago, JTech780 said:


    Sorry I meant rested goalie, I was typing quick before I went out on the ice and didn't proof read.


    I think you are playing with fire if you play Rittich more than 45 games this year. You will wear him out for the playoffs. We will need both goalies here to play well down the stretch. 

    lol, what a difference one letter makes!


    I think regardless of injury having Rittich playing great means don't give Smith the bulk of work. 4 months to go, keep his workload down while Rittich is affording us that.

    • Like 3
  14. 2 hours ago, Cowtownguy said:

    I was just thinking to what Peeps said some time ago about how much the local economy might benefit from a new arena. He claimed that we don't build enough in Canada and would see few benefits. So, when I noticed that the Flames acquired a Detroit architecture firm, I thought that was something that could be done in Canada or Calgary. After the negativity surrounding CalgaryNext, the election, and the charity inquiry, I would assume that any positive news from the Flames, such as using a Canadian architecture firm, would be welcomed. 

    I've been to both Little Caesar's and Roger's Arena a few times each. LCA is far superior. So please, hire out of Detroit.

    Doesn't mean locals don't build it. Architecture is 2 dozen people designing. Calgary surveyors, geologists, builders etc etc.

    Requiring $30/hr to carve out a meager living in Canada doesn't help business though. Canada is exxxpensive.

    • Like 1
  15. 30 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


    I am more concerned about having a tested goalie down the stretch and into the playoffs. Rittich has been playing around 30 games a season since he came over to North America, so I wouldn't want to tire him out. We can increase his work load every year, going forward. I think 55 games is the max you want to play your starter anyways.

    So is the org. It hasn't worked.

    Time to try something different, maybe.

  16. 2 hours ago, CheersMan said:

    No sir, I believe Niemi was undrafted.

    I think if he continues to do what he has been doing the job could be his before the season is out, might be his already, but goaltending is all about "what have you done for me lately". Smith goes 6-0 then lets in a stinker and some want him pinned to the bench. If Ritter goes 6-0 from today and then lets in a stinker, I hope fans would be a little more lenient with him. If Ritter goes 0.920+ all year we gonna do some damage. :lol:


    11 teams (including us) have won a SC since 89 with a goalie they drafted, wonder how the other 20 teams feel about their goaltending drafting and development.

    Don't count me as 1 who wants Smith pinned to the bench. I just want to see him get the time to work out the kinks while Rittich's playing well.

    Not ragging on Smith, just see he needs some time to get right. 1a and 1b would be great, every other game, get both hot and keep them there.

    Lower everyone's blood pressure. lol


    I don't really care about stats and other teams developing G. I know every team struggles with it. But I want this particular team to take the lead and throw more and better assets at drafting and developing G.

    I tend to look at it differently. Most every team struggles with it but nothing changes.

    There has to be a better way and better answers. Not, "just the way it is". Because the way it is doesn't work.

    • Like 1
  17. 25 minutes ago, rickross said:

    Nylander is overpaid, Tkachuk does offer more intangibles however Nylander is in that 60-70pts range, whereas Tkachuk has topped out at 49pts. Not saying he's not worth $7M+ but his production has been closer to Backlunds. I guess term will be a big factor in the final numbers but if Nylander is the comparable he's hit the 60 pts plateau atleast twice while Tkachuk has yet to reach 50 pts. 


    Gotta wonder if the Flames had drafted Nylander if they'd be able have signed him to cheaper extension bring that he was born a Calgarian...?

    He's currently 13G/24A/37pts in 32 games.

    Just sayin'.

  18. 18 hours ago, CheersMan said:

    Your welcome son.

    Never said Rittich got the mechanics all of a sudden, said the opposite in fact with 2.5yrs of mentorship and training within the organization.

    Not every draft pick plays in the NHL. You tell me which goalies this organization handled poorly, then let get away only to move on to have long and successful NHL careers elsewhere then I will show you an atrocity.  

    Hang about there guv'nor.

    If you can't develop a goalie, their career ends. Kiprusoff was a one off from the Sharks ex-coach.

    So I can't possibly name a name we developed well that became an icon, because it ends the kids career. Skaters are a polar opposite kettle of fish. They retain value.

    It's rare, what are we talking Dubnyk from the Oil got good?

    Bishop from Ottawa(?)?


    Nobody from us. Is that drafting or developing?

    I sway towards addressing development, because it's failing. Put more attention and detail at it.

    I get most teams struggle with it. So why wouldn't it be prioritized better to firm Satoshi Nakamoto up?

    If goalies are struggling, fix it. Hire someone that gets goaltending is all I'm saying.

    I've read comments and seen video from Sigalet.

    Don't like the stargazing and kid gloves tbh.

    Seems more a friend than coach and boss.

    I've attended camps and seen goalie drills. Nothing but shooting. No angle work, each hand work, steering aside shots etc. Just high danger area shots.

    Why keep Sigalet in that spot without seeing progress? It has stagnated at the very least is the best I can say.

    Where are we without Rittich right now?

    And you can ask me to take that 2.5 yr leap of faith on the Flames with Rittich, but it's falling on deaf ears.

    They've done nothing but hold him back. At the very moment Smith started looking okay, they're more than happy to hold him back again.

    What does the guy have to do?

    This is last years conversation. And the year before. Chad Johnson, whatshisname from Van.

    Anyone but Rittich, evidently.

    Paybacks a BTC and I hope he goes .920+ all year.

  19. Rittich v Minny. One mistake can be it against Minny. Gillies against St. Loo. Tired team or not, St. Loo's D & G have been very suspicious. With St Loo we can have a high-scoring game if needed. Minny's a lot less room for error.

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