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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 12 minutes ago, cross16 said:


    2 things I can't stand. Voter shaming and dealing in that type of hyperbole. Disappointing this guy has climb the ranks at Sportsnet and we have to hear more, even more disappointing that the company looks to him to speak on behalf of the city. I'm disappointed too but let's be reasonable. 

    Agreed. I'm pretty much full on anti-IOC, but that doesn't mean voting yes would have made me rant. The world is taking a hard right since the Arab Spring. The ripples are everywhere.

    The left is falling across Canada as it has in the US. It's a little intimidating, but seeing massive deficits on top of massive deficits is even scarier yet from the baby boomers leaving back-breaking debt for their children. We haven't learned a thing.

    The current Feds won't be in power when the Olys take place.

    One of the saddest parts is our Govt will piss away 10bil on diabolical nonsense regardless.

    The very saddest part is young voters have shown what they want, and our politicians have fallen flat on their faces. Every time I hear JT say, "I speak for all Canadians" I feel ill. Nothing worse than a trust fund entitled brat of a "leader" who has no idea what a hard-working Cdn looks like. But he loves to spend our money.

    Trust is fully eroded and we fall further.

    But now I'm ranting, but not against yes or no. Next time, use business people to argue the case, not politicians living the arrogant dream of entitlement.


  2. 16 minutes ago, Squilliam89 said:

    Yeah I am sick of smith getting chance after chance. Its not fair to Rittich, and its not fair to the team. Playing from behind all the time makes everything more difficult. Based on the numbers, i have no idea why the coach doesn't just roll with Rittich for the next little while, as long as hes playing well and getting wins

    Rittich's been in a zone, should be taking advantage and keep Smith's starts down.

    It's actually what we were hoping for. We've had "placeholder" goalies how  long now?

    Give Rittich the 2-1 split for now.

    I still think Smith will be fine and this is a golden opportunity to keep his starts down.

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, cross16 said:


    Considered that most people are not proud that Francis "represents" Calgary this is probably fitting. 

    Francis watches his dream of covering the Olympics go away. More than likely hurt his pride more than anything.

    Then he rants our athletes will now become very average and tries his hand at economics?

    Somebody get this guy a writer, sheesh.

    The sky is falling.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, travel_dude said:

    Get starts from Rittich while he is able to maintain his wins/SA%.

    Exactly what I'm saying.

    It's near 2-1 Smith to Rittich now.

    I'd push it as much as I could. Give Rittich every start I can. The night is young.

    Blockchain the press.

    Smith can struggle all he wants rn.

    Everyone has told me he's, "low mileage" and, "a freak of nature" fitnesse-wise.


    Let's ride Rittich when he's dialled in. It could change in a hurry.

    Lastly, overpay Bernhardt to start in the org as a goalie coach.

    My biggest look is, does Sigalet respect Smith too much? Peters?

    It has to be reigned in, imho.

    It's looked to me that Smith has near free reign since he got here. Where's the goalie coach hammering on him like they're supposed to do?

    • Like 3
  5. 4 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    Unsubstanciated rumor, but nonetheless, they are probably close to the real story.  Much like Brouwer last year, the team is working so hard to win, and they see a guy who looks lost.  The (public) response from the coach is the team is at fault.  Or the D.  If the internal message is different, then I don't have a problem with hiding the problem.


    Unfortunately, everyone know the problem.  Everyone except Sigalet.  He spends 3 days working with Smith and the first "difficult" shot goes between his chest and arm.  Sigalet claims he is looking great in practice.  He shows up being in La La Land.


    Bottom line for me is we have no time to wait for him to find his game, whatever that is.  Steps need to be taken.  That may be as drastic as asking/sending Smith to the AHL for a conditioning stint.  No waiver required, just needs to agree.  Call up Schneider or Gillies to back up Rittich, but give Rittich the lion's share of starts.  Two weeks max, and you should have a Smith ready to fight for his wins.  The goalie coach there worked with Rittich in the past and helped him get to a good spot, coming to NA.

    I would, personally.

    Struggle through 30 and lose starts if we can stay status quo.

    Sounds good to me. Low starts until after Christmas sounds like managing what you've got..

  6. Based on rumours of Neal being hard on Smith, he's earning his 5mil.

    RUMOUR has it that it didn't end on the ice.

    I think it's a good sign that they hold each other to a higher standard.

    The rip gets deeper with respect level.

    Piss each other off, take it out on opponents.

    Playing angry works.

    • Like 1
  7. So if the federal government is kicking in my tax dollars, do I get a vote too?

    Should just do a nationwide plebiscite every 10 yrs.

    Do you want Canada to host the Olympics?

    I'd vote No every decade.

    The Olympics have become nothing more than a bloated whale of $10bil of taxpayer dollars that governments treat like found money.

    How about investing that in free education?

    That's an investment I could get behind, our youth. A few weeks of sports? Blockchain that.

  8. I agree JTech. I don't think he's "lost it" or any of that. He's trying to do too much and over-thinking it.

    Get a goalie coach already.

    Smith needs to get back to the basics, just play the position. It's a good time for him to just watch Rittich closely. Rittich isn't out there trying to be spectacular, he's simply playing goalie fundamentals 101.

    Smith is letting it seep into his brain and losing focus.

    Where do I apply for goalie coach? And is it okay if I keep shooting at his mask and telling him his head is the problem?

    I'd love to follow Sigalet around for a coupla weeks and audit him.

    These aren't hard fixes, just stop being everyone's buddy and overcome Smith's passion with angrier passion.

    I don't condone Neal's actions, but it had to be done. 36yo's don't need kid gloves.

    • Like 1
  9. 40 minutes ago, The_People1 said:

    I think the NHL should regulate goalie pad color.  Specifically, all goalies have to wear black pads.  It helps shooters spot openings with their peripheral vision and that translates to more goals.

    No. No they shouldn't.

    Why don't we just use all star shot-accuracy boards for goalies?

    They've decreased equipment size, jfk man, give the goalies something.


  10. 3 hours ago, travel_dude said:

    Smith in starter's net today at practice.

    Will get the start against Anaheim.

    I think it's the right call, only because he's played well against them in the past.  

    Was responsible for our first victory in Anaheim in, like, forever.


    The only things I don't like about this choice is that it sets up him playing in LA or SJ, and his last game against ANA was not good. 

    • Does the team have to come up with another 3rd period comeback due to leaky goaltending?  Difficult with Gibson in net. 
    • Will Smith the Good show up Wednesday?  Haven't seen much of him this year.

    I'd go Rittich in 2/3 to be honest. Gotta get him used to it. He's been excellent on the road historically.

    Smith has things to relearn. The starter's net isn't where I want to see him doing that.

    If Rittich is playing well, ride him. This is the exact time where you can use the backup effectively and keep Smith's GP down.

    Smith can work into season form and not be a liability.

    It's right there, easy to see.

    Ride Rittich on the road, save Smith when the opportunity is there.

    Smith is the starter, no doubt. But USE YOUR PLAYING WELL BACKUP. Take advantage when it's there. It might not be there at game 40.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, travel_dude said:


    Your observations are sound.  Agreed.

    The conclusion is debatable.  He looks like his reflexes have slowed down.  He's essentially waving at pucks.

    The shorty was amazing to watch...him so badly play it.  I had no idea where the puck went in from watching him.  

    The leaky goal was from being too slow to close the door.

    The deflection off Ras was preventable, or at least he could have been in a position to make a kick at it.

    The tap in goal was about the only one I give a pass to.  He played shooter and had no room to get back for the tap in.  Not even close.

    The waved off goal was him losing it, probably had no idea where it was.

    Landeskog's goal was maybe decently played, because he only played well in spurts of the 3rd period.

    Got the Bronx cheer from the fans every easy stop he made.  Classless, but warranted.


    I know that BP is keeping it close to the chest, but lets be real here.  Rittich is playing well, Smith is not.  You can be coy to the media, because it's a coaching thing to keep the other teams in doubt.  You can;t seriously start Smith with any confidence that he will be Smith the Good on a given night.  Rittich plays the same way every game.  No surprise there.  Maybe he can;r b the starter even in the short term, but you have to split the starts leaning more towards Rittich.  It's not an insult.  It's reality.  If Smith takes a pouter over that, then he's not a team guy.  Rittich is his biggest fan.  He supports him the way the backup should.


    BT needs to be looking out there.  It may even be time to talk to Mason.  Had a tough year, but honestly he couldn;t be any worse.  Send Smith on a conditioning stint.  Ask him  first.  But he needs to be part of the solution.  Carrying 3 goalies is bad, but we may need to bring in a starter to keep the team above water.


    Sorry for the diatribe.  Frustrated watching Smith fail.  One or two good games and that's about it.  

    I respectfully disagree. Smith "needs to slooow down". As my 3 yr olds used to say.

    He's way too hyper back there.

    Trying to do too much. Pull him back. Just protect the 6x4.

  12. 34 minutes ago, kehatch said:


    Apples taste better in pie then in salad. 

    A perfectly ripened Honeycrisp on it's own trumps all!


    What I'm seeing from Smith is he's losing his net. His coverage is weak and he's not recognizing where he his.

    That's coachable but our goalie coach has googly eyes for Smith, it would seem. Like our GM.

    A good goalie coach would see that, sit down with Smith and show him. Smith has to know it himself.

    Finding your angles is like trigonometry. There are markers all over the ice a Goalie can draw lines to, not just the shooter.

    It's fixable in a week. Smith can't be so proud to not go back to the basics.


    I have a really easy time contrasting him to Rittich. Rittich has the fundies up the ying-yang. He doesn't have to be the amazing save guy because he's always where he should be. He's extrememely pragmatic and doesn't have to exert a lot of energy most of the time.

    I'd love to meet Smith just to gauge his personality.

    Things he's doing wrong are things any goalie camp coach can fix.

    That's my opinion. That shorty goal against was hideous. I've seen that 3 times from him this year from what I've caught.

    For me, it's not that Smith is losing his ability, he needs someone to get him regrouped/dialed in and remembering the things that got him to the NHL (not stickhandling).

  13. 7 hours ago, cross16 said:


    Other than Niemi, who played behind a stacked Blackhawks team, is this really a fair statement? I'm not sure I would agree with this statement. Many point to Chris Osgood, but then also don't realize that Chris Osgood has more career wins than Dominik Hasek. I'd be wiling to concede that avg to good goalies, non elite, have won cups because they were able to raise their game to a borderline elite level. I think of names like Cam Ward or Holtby, guys you may not considered anything but solid goalies but I think they key thing is they played like very good to elite goalies in order to help those teams win cups. 


    Do the Flames have that goalie right now? i'm not sure and I think its fair to question. Personally i'm not sure if Smith has that level anymore and with Rittich it's still early but I question it too. That being said I only think it's a situation worth monitoring and I don't think the Flames are in "we must acquire a starter" mode right now. 

    Fair enough. You just rang up the ones on my mind.

    All of those tenders had playing-for-the-Cup elite level hockey skaters.

    Patty Roy and JS Giguere are the last 2 ones I remember stealing a cup.

    That's a lot of miles of road behind us.

  14. Is it just me, or does Rittich have absorbing pucks with no rebound down to an art?

    How about the quick legs saves?

    I've been going on about him since his 1st year playoffs in Stockton.

    Find consistency. he is a mechanic in net. Everything you want in a goalie for fundamentals background.

    He continues to impress the Satoshi Nakamoto out of me.

    Maybe we're bringing him along right.



    oh right, and the stickcheck. lol

    THAT'S a goalie!

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