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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 41 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


    We gave it one season and a month.  How long do you need?

    More than one season and a month evidently.

    This chatter started in preseason and has grown to become a fact, evidently.

    I'm not buying it.

    Everyone has an opinion. Some just purvey it stronger than others and their opinion becomes popular.

    Doesn't make it right.

    Me and follow the leader haven't talked much, in decades.

    I love watching the antics, though.

    There's even professional buffoons in radio and TV, still.

    • Like 2
  2. I'm not even at the point of worrying about our goaltending.

    This begins with whispers and assertions treated as facts. The assertions Smith isn't good enough and Rittich isn't capable.

    Then the sanctimoniously over-opinionated get others thinking in the same way and the whispers grow louder and they run with it as factual.

    A bad game is goalie's fault, a good game becomes how well the team played.

    It's inventing problems.

    At least give the goalies we have a fighting chance, rather than getting overcome by your own doubts, that are really without merit and turn into day-to-day feeding frenzies.

    We've invented this huge goaltending issue in camp.

    It doesn't mean we have one, just some people are worried about it.

    It doesn't make it a fact nor a bone of contention.

    Some below average goalies have won cups, regardless.


    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, JTech780 said:

    Our goalies so far:


    Smith (NHL) 8 games .869%

    Rittich (NHL) 5 games .933%

    Gillies (AHL) 6 games .832%

    Parsons (AHL) 3 games .831%

    Schneider (ECHL) 4 games .907%

    McDonald (ECHL) 1 game .926%


    Not a great start for our goaltenders.

    The season is young. A few good starts will change those numbers drastically.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, travel_dude said:


    I find it odd that Smith has played this badly at the start of a season.  Last year we had bigger issues on D and more holes in the roster.

    He should be playing better than he is.


    Maybe it's just me, but I think Smith needs to play every 2nd game.  Not because Rittich is better, but because I think he's still worn out.  Face down on the ice for 2-3 seconds after a save and the puck still in play?  Maybe that Nashville game almost killed him.  

    Just the mental part of the game can take a bit, even for an older goalie. Sometimes you're tracking a beach ball and when you're struggling it shrinks to a period.

    Smith's been through it before so I think he'll bounce back soon. His pad stack on Ovechkin was hilarious. I'm all for a good pad stack when your stick/glove is the cherry on top. That one was just a flail, lol. He'll get better at tracking and anticipating.

  5. Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't panic just yet. We're 5-5 after 10. There's been good, bad and downright ugly.

    We'll turn it around. No point in being reactive. There's a lot of hockey to go.

    They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, allegedly.

    Keep the faith, all isn't lost.


    • Like 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


    At least it's not Patrick Roy stick handling to Center ice.  But ya, let the D play the puck.

    He totally froze Stone a few games back with a lateral pass. Could tell Stone was completely not expecting it. Led to a goal against and Stone being blamed.

    At any level of hockey, when you're goalie is handling the puck, there needs to be consistency. Not, "uh-oh, what's he going to do"?

    He may have a fwd trying for the long bomb, but when he doesn't, everyone's just kinda frozen.

  7. 1 hour ago, YounGuns said:

    My biggest concern with how he plays the puck isn't Smith, but it's the impact it has when Rittich plays.  We saw last year that the defense got used to Smith's style, and when Rittich played they weren't sure if he was going to play it or leave it - Rittich himself didn't seem to know what to do at times....he knows his D is used to their goalie playing the puck, but that's not his strong suit - and that cost us a few times.

    Rittich plays it right.

    Smith is adventurous.

    I think the D know they can play it normal.

    When comes out it's, "uh-oh, what's he going to do"?

    If he doesn't see an option, it's off the glass to their dman around the red line, or the wheels come right off.

    Always an adventure, not always good ones.

  8. Just now, rickross said:

    I think the challenge with Smith is he's a notoriously streaking goalie, he's either amongst the top goalies or below the average on when he's on a streak. The challenge is he needs to play games to maintain a high level of play..but the more you play him the greater the risk of injury. That's hard on a backup to get into any consistent groove of their own unless Smith is injured


    I disagree. I think the problem with Smith is he's given too much leverage.

    Reign him in and manage his starts.

    This isn't Arizona where he does as he pleases.

  9. 10 hours ago, kehatch said:

    Rittich looked solid last night. The first two goals weren't on him, and he shut the door after that. He wasn't called on to be spectacular, but he was solid. 


    I don't know if I would give him the next game though. We need to have Smith playing solid hockey. That's a long stretch without a game for Smith. 


    Like it or not Rittich is our backup and Smith the starter. It will take more then one solid game to change that. If missing the next game is the best way to get Smith going then do it, but I doubt that is the case. 

    As is typical with my Rittich posts, I'll rave about him.

    Consistency is his issue. Some have mentioned his athleticism but I strongly disagree.

    My thinking is BT signed him because some goalie guys said, "holy Blockchain" to him.

    His mechanics, positioning/fundamentals are amazing when he's on. Always square, angles correct, absorbs pucks.

    I'm a fan of scheduling your goalies month to month on a 2-1 ratio. I don't believe the "hot hand" holds water at this level.


    Last thing I wanna hear is, "we'll see how Smitty feels".

    Don't care how he feels. He isn't the coach.

    He's paid 4x more than the coach. To listen, not dictate.

  10. 5 hours ago, JTech780 said:

    I think the biggest thing that has changed for Bennett is expectations. The last two years I think there was a lot expectations on Bennett, placed there by the fans, media, management, coaching staff and himself. This year there wasn't much talk about Bennett going into the season and new players like Lindholm, Neal and Czarnik were taking his spot in the lineup.


    He also seems like he has matured, gone are the dumb offensive zone penalties from trying to do too much. It felt like every time he got on the ice the last two years he was trying to force something to happen and quite often it didn't work out. So far this year he is playing within himself.

    Well said. I've always thought he's forcing the game too much, leading to mistakes.

    Always thought if he'd let the game come to him he will see it better. Where's the lanes, where's the open ice, where are the patterns. He was always going hard but not really accomplishing anything because he wasn't reading the game well due to hyperventilating all of the time.

    I also think that problem came from his rookie success. He had early success so thought that's what he needed to keep doing.

    As you said, he's matured and hopefully builds on his at least 2 goals now. What kind of halftard blows the whistle on a too many men when the other team is exactly at a scoring chance?

  11. 11 minutes ago, kehatch said:

    Bennett's worst season is better then Lazar's best. I don't think they are great comparisons. Kyle Turris out of Phoenix is probably a better comparison. A so so prospect and a second. Not an identical situation given Turris original hold out vs Bennett's declining numbers, but not far off given age, draft spot, and play to date. 


    It is also interesting to note Turris has developed into a 50+ point defensive centre while the prospect and pick Phoenix got turned into squat. 


    Bennett looks good. The Flames are way better off keeping him unless someone blows them away with an offer. 

    He's fast, good 200' game, and can stickhandle in a phonebooth.

    As we've changed our philosophy now, it's hardly the time to move Bennett.

    I like Friedman and all, but this rumour was during camp.

    The team is looking a lot more Bennett-friendly with young and fast, rather than slow and boring.

    Worst time to trade him is right now, when we can finally accommodate his style of play.

    • Like 3
  12. 52 minutes ago, Cowtownguy said:

    I wonder what is more common. Do we listen to 960 for Flames news, or do they run out of topics to discuss and come here to find out what people are talking about? I could see them coming here to identify topics because those poor guys have to talk long hours about the same thing over and over. I am not sure how they do it. I kind of miss listening to Steinberg after games. That dude is amazingly good at dealing with angry drunks. As in, the dude should be a cop dealing with terrorists, suicidal jumpers, and Donald Trump.

    Don't get me started, lol.

    Same rants, same stale old rants. It really isn't difficult at all to think a little deeper, just do it.

    Did Bennett get the Oiler stars sense of entitlement treatment after his first year?

    Hand him the keys to the Ferrari.

    "i worked so hard to get here, finally, my dream".

    Nuh-uh. Now you work twice as hard to stay here.

    We went reverse order of practicality imho.

    You're supposed to knock them down, then build him up. Then knock them down a few more times as they get their wings.

    We built him up, and then piled on that he wasn't a 20 yr old phenom.

    Does this sound a little familiar? Like the Oilers do it.

  13. 9 minutes ago, 89Again said:

    Credit where credit is due;


    It appears that Mr Peters is going to give him a shot up the lineup.  Can.t ask for more than that.  SB has looked good and now he has a shot with a playmaker and a shooter.  Its up to him now.


    Sure like what I am seeing but still am not sure on Backlund.



    Good call.

  14. 3 minutes ago, kehatch said:


    I like most of it.  I like Bennett on a line with Neal.  I like Andersson in over Prout.  Those are the big items, the rest is nit picking. 


    As for the nit picking: I am not sure I like Dube as the third line centre over Ryan/Jankowski, but I don't hate it either.  I don't like Peluso/Hathaway as the fourth line LW.  I also don't like Jankowski sitting as I think he has been pretty good. I would prefer to see Frolik-Jankowski-Ryan as the fourth line. But the coach is going to try new things and clearly they want a bit of size on the fourth line.  


    Overall I like the lines. 

    Pretty much agree. Maybe it'll be good for Jankowski to watch from above. Hard to say there's fault in Janx, as his minutes have been low.

    Bennett-Dube can bounce back and forth at C so I'm good with that.

    I expected pretty much what is happening right now, it takes time.

    The amazing part is, we still have a good roster while we go through the trials of how to lineup.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, MAC331 said:

    Clearly we have a Coach still finding his way.

    Which is fair. Turn over every stone to get it right. Bennett-Neal could be a good grind with a sweet set-up man in the middle.


    Apologies the practice lines were posted in the lines thread earlier.

  16. 21 minutes ago, DirtyDeeds said:

    So let me ask you the obvious question... Who does he deserve to play up higher in the LW roster??


    Are you going to demote JH or Tkachuk below him, so Bennett can get more time or better linemates?


    The obvious answer is 3rd or 4th line minutes is where he has played himself to.

    Too true. Bennett has to earn his minutes, regardless of linemates.

  17. 8 minutes ago, cccsberg said:

    I have nothing against Bennett, I just like to call it like I see it.  If you were at the game and focusing on Bennett then you obviously had a better view.  Question:  what do you think Bennett (or anyone for that matter) needs to do to get shifted up?  

    I think for anyone it's all about momentum.

    I recall Huska saying he plays Lomberg on whichever line he thinks needs a boost, be it 1 or 4.

    So if you're on the ice and able to swing momentum in favour more often than not, that'll get noticed.

    If you lose momentum or it's just killing time for 40 seconds, that'll get you noticed too, but in the wrong way.

    • Like 1
  18. 5 hours ago, Flyerfan52 said:

    It better not. 10-20 bad/inconsistant games even early in the season can leave teams on the outside come playoff time.

    I didn't mean we'll be 0-10 or 0-20, lol.

    Just that it'll take time to get a finely tuned machine.

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