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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 10 minutes ago, Cowtownguy said:

    There seems to be this notion that NHL players today are paid so well, that coaches have to treat them like princesses. I don't buy it. Yeah, the days of Iron Mike and Alan Eagleson are gone (The players should have let the Red Army keep Eagleson in '72 IMO). Players deserve respect just like anyone else. I suspect that when the coaches get too gushy (i.e. relationships, emotional bank accounts etc.), the players lose respect for them. After all, these players have been involved in the sport for a long time and many coaches are pretty direct or even harsh. 


    I wonder how many players on the team thought GG was a total fluffy tool when he threw the stick. That was so lame IMO.

    If you're going to throw a stick, hit someone, for the love of god.

    "Did you just throw a stick at me"?

    Yes I did, and I have an endless supply. Go pout in the shower and stop wasting everyone's time.

    That's coaching.

  2. 1 hour ago, cross16 said:



    I'm curious what gives you this conclusion? Is it simply that he did not fire GG soon enough?


    Because I would argue the exactly opposite. He's taking a lot of heat for trading Hamilton but the player didn't go as planned and now he's gone. Bouma/Browuer were bought out, Hartley fired 1 year after an extension, no extension for Elliott despite the draft pick played,etc etc. For me one of Trelivnig's strengths is that he is not afraid to admit a mistake, learn from it, and work to not repeat again in the future. 

    Bringing in Lazar, last year's tdl bringing in Stewart?

    These are Hail Mary's, hardly an attempt at solutions.

    Wait another year, act all angry.

    Rinse, repeat.

    I won't forget how frustrating last year was.

    So done with building it up followed by excuses.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, cross16 said:


    Would have required the green light from ownership however. The debate tends to focus on the moral argument around tanking but we don't often ask the question is the GM allowed to do so?


    My belief is no. 


    We don't know where the handcuffs are, but we can sure sense them.

    All that matters to KK and the owners is the playoff bounty, so I can only imagine where any concept of actually having a vision goes from there.

  4. 2 hours ago, cross16 said:


    I think you know as much as any, but let's remember the state of the Flames when Treliving got here. They were terrible in basically all areas, G, D, F, depth, farm team, prospects etc. Expecting Treliving, and quite frankly any GM, to build a power at all positions in less than 4 years is quite frankly unrealistic. He prioritized other positions first but you can't do everything at once, unless you start giving up more picks/prospects something you say in the same post you are not a fan of. 


    Look at Steve Yzerman, who I would say is arguably one of the best GMs in the game. He inherited 2 top 2 overall picks and he still missed the playoffs 2 of his first 3 seasons and it took 5 seasons before the Lightning where a contender. Start to finish I don't think you can argue that this organization is in significantly better shape than it was when Treliving got here and the depth at all levels is pretty impressive. The job takes time to do right. 

    You mean you can argue?

    I agree we're better than when he was hired, but the goal is still at least be a playoff team.

    His proactive moves with the Hams and Brouwer were great fodder at the time but at the end of the day I hope he's learned it NEVER goes as planned so he has to jump on changing hats and being reactive occasionally. He doesn't want to and it's counter to his personality.

    For me that was hard evidence last year that you have to at least be able to meander through the forks in the road as they arise.

    I'm hoping BP is more of a hardass because every individual has to meet demands or there is no point saying nice things about them and being pals.

    They're very highly paid contractors. The whole, "it's about forging relationships" and GG's "emotional bank account" stuff...NO.

    The players need a boss and to be held accountable. Kid gloves amount to zero respect it seemed like to me with GG.

    Enough being, "cerebral" for me. It's about hard work. And yeah, lose it on guys playing dumb, lethargic or unmotivated.

    And don't take him aside for that, the whole team is held to the same standard.

    I really hope BT's 2nd coach is a lot more no-nonsense than his 1st one.

    • Like 1
  5. 36 minutes ago, rickross said:

    It's so hard to do though...what if your goalie is riding a hot streak?...do you risk throwing him out of rhythm throughout the season?  Goalie confidence is such a tricky thing to manage. Some goalies need to work themselves back into their "zone" or sometimes they need those quick rebound games to stay sharp and maintain confidence. It's tough to peg a target on goalies but you do have to manage it somehow, especially with guys like Smith. 


    If Rittich and Gillies can't prove their worth then it could leave few options where we part with another prospect like Gillies himself, and/or a player like Bennett, Lazar. Maybe you package a deal for a guy like Schneider?.. good goalie and has experience playing in front of both conferences...he's seen a lot of shooters. He's also injury prone and already 32 though. 



    Yes. "Riding the hot hand" has to be one of the dumbest approaches in Pro Sports.

    It doesn't even make sense. It doesn't "come and go" or you wouldn't be getting paid millions.

    All this is, is being touchy feelie with goalies. Don't be.

    "I'm in a zone, the puck looks like a basketball".

    Good. Now get your Hash Rate on the bench and show me that in a coupla nights, it's not your start.

    Countless goalies have played better when they're pissed off. Keep them on edge.

    You aren't pals, you're running a hockey team.

    You always hear, "goalies are an odd bunch".

    That's another retarded view. They aren't.

    But they just had to focus for 60+ minutes while watching their bonehead teammates struggle to focus for 50% of their 20 minutes.

    Try that at your own work. Does it make you odd or right?

    Be tough on goalies, manage them like a boss, not a co-worker.

    Sure as hell do it with skaters. Hire the most belligerent old school goalie coach you can find.

    The goalies will be thanking him before long.

    No kid gloves. Trainers are there to make you better, not be your buddy.

    Of course in this age of, "oh my, don't hurt feelings", an old guy whipping his stick at you might be out of line.

    Which I know for a fact would be the case with Smith. <3 net lengths out, "yup, I threw my stick and I'll take the 2 because I don't have a goalie".

    "Seeing as you're here to stop pucks, how about you pretend you're a dman and I'll just take slapshots at you, seeing as you're good at stopping pucks and all".

    Point taken. After awhile of that, you really start to respect why someone is being so hard on you.

    And competition talks about the improvement.


  6. 10 minutes ago, MAC331 said:

    Brian Murray RIP was IMO not a great GM and made as many bonehead deals as possibly good ones. Phaneuf is an over-paid loser and never should have been added to that OTT team. The best thing OTT could do right now is trade Karlsson and get on with a fast retooling of that team so guys like Stone and Duchene wat to stay around. Oh yeah and get new ownership.

    4 more yrs of Ryan at $7.25; 3 more of Gaborik at $4.875; 2 more of MacArthur and Boedker at a combined $8.65.

    There's 25% of your cap on hot garbage.

    I don't care who the owner is, you're at a standstill waiting for bad contracts to go away. They have to trade a Karlsson just to sit and cry about what they have on their cap.

    Total devastation by mgmt. If I were Melnick, I'd go through the roof too.

  7. 8 hours ago, sak22 said:

    I just want to throw this out on Barzal.  Yes he was available, I feel strongly we would have gone a different route had we kept the pick.  I believe we entered that draft focused on improving the back end, we used 5 picks we had and gained a defenseman that was 22 and could play big minutes and a couple promising prospects.  I'd say that one draft gave us a nice shift on the blue line. Remember at the time our top prospects were Wotherspoon, Kulak, Sieloff, Culkin, Kanzig and Gilmour.  And our NHL defence was Gio (who at the time seemed injury prone), Brodie, Engelland, Smid, and the Bob Hartley Superstar pairing of Russell and Wide-dog.  Up front we were still very high on Bennett, and had a lot more promising prospects that I believe would have made the team go away from Barzal.  I don't like trading away picks either, but I don't like the assumption that we would have picked that player either because he was available, I can live with we didn't draft Barzal but received Hamilton, vs. we passed on Brayden Point to draft Hunter Smith.  Also not saying this would happen again, but remember Brandon Gormley who the Coyotes drafted with the 1st we traded for Jokinen, I heard "we could have had Gormley" way too many times in a 2 year period, and it only went away once he became a bust.  Not saying Dobson will follow suit, but people also loved Gormley, so let this play out a little.

    Now Hamilton having value has returned Hanafin and Lindholm.

    So that's worth watching, no saying they don't make us that much better.

    Having traded Hamilton, it is yet to be decided.

    If I say it was for Barzal, Forsbacka-Karlsson and Dunn that would hurt my feelings.

    But as you say, the likelihood that's how it would play out isn't realistic.

  8. On 7/30/2018 at 11:36 PM, kehatch said:


    It's pretty tough to do with an injury prone starter and a limited backup. 

    Regardless, it has to be managed.

    The alternative we seem to run with is every game is a must win and it has to be Smith.

    It would be nice to get away from that and have Smith max out at 60.

    No reason Rittich can't play 25-odd.

    You don't gain confidence in uncertainties by ignoring them. Rittich isn't Eddie Lack.

    He looked great as a backup. Gave him scant starts, Smith gets hurt and expecting him to go alpha is unrealistic.

    My personal opinion is Rittich deserves more credit than he's given.


    The skaters on the other hand...if you're going to be a contender, you win games in spite of goaltending. Occasionally....

    Not, never.

    They have more to prove than Rittich imho.

    Good teams get good goaltending, bad teams that don't know how to score, notsomuch.

    Niemi won a Cup for god sakes. He's just as good now as he was then.

    21 skaters definitely flattered him.

    • Like 3
  9. 12 hours ago, cccsberg said:

    BT is a great negotiator, clearly.  But that’s not the point.  Timing and great signings have kept the numbers down.  If Gaudreau re-signed today he would be higher.  As for Tkachuk,  he isn’t even the Flames top, second or even third best forward at this point.  If he gets to that point then something above Gio will be warranted.  At this point it isn’t.

    Like giving Familton a one way to watermark who gets one ways?

    Then piss and moan that everyone wants one ways?

    He wants to use benchmarks when it's favourable to him, but would like to forget his own benchmarks.

    It was that signing that kept Jankowski/Hathaway off of the starting roster last year.

    Freddie Hamilton on a 1 way:lol:

  10. 19 minutes ago, rickross said:

    I think we F'd up by acquiring Hamonic for what could have been Dobson! Dobson looks like a future stud!

    Hindsight is 20/20. We weren't supposed to be a lottery team.

    But again, our GM really over-rated our fwd ranks and did nothing to address it no matter how obvious it became.

    A year of struggles from Backlund and Frolik is really all it took for the wheels to come off, and that's not on them.

    That's more a GM having a rosy outlook that career years will come from everyone.

    BT says himself, "first and foremost, it's on me".

    He is 100% correct. He had no solutions when things were falling apart.

    When Plan A doesn't work, there's 25 more letters. I struggle to see that he even used a second letter.

    I'm all for patience, but not when the writing is on the wall.

    • Like 1
  11. He's yet to build a contender so he currently has a failing grade.

    Throwing picks for the Hams is fine if that's where you are as a team.

    But we weren't there so it turns into more filler in a wall full of holes.

    Why he didn't address the forward ranks earlier is beyond me. It was evident to EVERYONE that there wasn't enough skill here.

    He turned goaltending into a fiasco to the point BH is telling the media he's NOT carrying 3 goalies. It was obviously out of his hands.

    I think what will lead to his demise is he's too cerebral and too tied to known commodities.

    What I mean by that, is he overthinks solutions and the latest example of hiring a coach and bringing 3 of his players in (so far).

    Quite honestly, he has me scratching my head.

    We missed the playoffs last year because that isn't a playoff roster. Just consider how many games Smith won. If not for that, the Isles would have gotten one helluva pick.

    Time to stop glorifying what has actually been failings to the point he's now repairing his earlier paintings.

    He did a lot this summer, but we are definitely NOT automatically better, we only SHOULD be.

    If last year taught us anything, we just weren't a good team.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, phoenix66 said:

    This was Nashville last year .. read that a few weeks ago .

    It's the way to go imo. Give Smith a milder workload over the first 60 vs the last 20.

    Tell him beforehand, I'm sure if you leave it open he'll take everything. Put him on a schedule.

  13. 3 hours ago, cross16 said:


    Guess we'll find out 

    He's a player's coach.

    You're allowed to make mistakes.

    He coaches because he played under great coaches. Kept the good, left the bad.

    He's likely the best coach in the league.

    Players can youtube him, he isn't asking them to do more than he did. He gets how things can go wrong.

    I think that's very important. He's really respected by his players.

  14. On 4/9/2018 at 2:42 PM, cross16 said:

    Normally I don't care about the Worlds but I think TJ is one of the players who could have really benefited from it. Maybe was never on the radar but I think it would have helped him if he was. 



    Just watching Reaves' hit, I think I did too, lol.

  15. On 4/9/2018 at 8:13 PM, travel_dude said:


    I don;t think that Brodie cares much about hockey once the season is over.  He's declined every time there has even been the posibility of an offer to play.


  16. I'm 30 years from being a goalie, coached.

    In the 70's-mainly 80's, here's how it worked.

    Please please please don't be a 60 yr old with a buzzcut.

    It almost always was.

    Butterfly was all the rage so do 30 in 30 seconds. Up down up down. No? Dry land training, get out of my face.

    I recall, blocker work. Shot was a little closer to my body, so I reached across and grabbed it. My catcher went to the corner and I spent the whole time with my bare hand behind my back. I was 14.

    Where do I apply?



    Mind you those musty old military pricks made me a goalie. I played everything and was athletic as all get out.

    Nobody could tell me anything. Goalie coaches, on the other hand...THAT was work. You work for your "atta boy".

    Trust me on that one. It rarely comes around, if ever.

    But we run with, "goalies are a different breed". Sure.

  17. 16 hours ago, The_People1 said:

    But Gillies plays on his knees too much and doesn't challenge the shooters.  I don't have high hopes for him anymore.

    This annoys me big time with big goalies. It's a bad habit that becomes a reliance.

    Why have goalie coaches? I don't blame the goalie so much as his coaches.

    You see what he's doing coaches, you have 20 drills to help him out of it. You have Go-Pros, you have video rooms. He's obviously worried he has too many holes down low when he's standing. "Mony, stand where you always score from. Go top cheese on everything". You're worried about low, how do you like all these pucks whizzing around your ears now?

    It's fixable, but it takes work and Gillies' input.

    What's it been, 3 years now?

    Do we have any goalie coaches?

    • Like 1
  18. 56 minutes ago, cross16 said:

    Relevant to the discussion a while back about late round goalies.


    Samuel Ersson is a name that isn't showing up on these lists and I wonder why. Limited tape i've found he looks really good and has been getting progressively better in the Swedish junior leagues and was just selected to summer camp for the World Junior club. He'd be someone I would be interested in too. 



    Hello Mr. Loob!!

  19. 7 minutes ago, Khrox said:

    Here's the thing. If we waited for someone like Trotz, we couldn't have gotten BP (BP exercised his out-clause in a contract, which in itself was just a 1-week window). If we waited, BP would still be in Carolina in some capacity.


    That's understood.

    We'd still be looking for a coach essentially.

  20. 4 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:

    What do these Goalies all have in Common ?


    Mark Visentin
    Mika Noronen
    Al Montoya
    Jamie Storr
    Eric Fichaud
    Riku Helenius
    Jimmy Waite
    Chet Pickard
    Marek Schwarz
    Patrick DesRochers
    Jack Campbell 
    Brent Krahn
    Brian Finley
    Leland Irving
    Trevor Kidd

    I was gonna go with, "they're all in your post"?

    It's a real shame we traded down to get a 2nd in the 2012 draft. We needed something coming behind Kipper.

    Vasilevsky had an incredible draft year, he wasn't exactly hiding.

    But hey, we got a longterm project Jankowski and Sieloff.

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