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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 18 minutes ago, cccsberg said:

    Absolutely true.  Sure he plays an aggressive style, but the issue is inequality in the reffing.  Seems like he is getting singled out.

    Again, I've been saying this since Tkachuk joined us, The OHL line.

    Tkachuk-Mony-Bennett. We're 2/3rds ways there. Let Mangiapane be a 1st liner, give him a shot. He was a sniper. Can't prove it in the bottom 6.

    Take it from Pittsburgh, put guys in positions to succeed, not fill a 4th line gap.

  2. 1 hour ago, cross16 said:

    Talbot was so good I would give him next game. No loss of confidence in Rittich whatsoever I just 1- don't like treating him like a 60plus game starter, and 2- I think that's how good Talbot was last night. 

    He stole that win imho. He proved he deserves a chance. No qualms with Rittich.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Carty said:


    and yet some still question whether Rittich is capable of being a starter...   :)

    Both being past goalies Carty, I've been raving on his fundies since streaming A games. His puck projectory, angles, protect the net are as good as anyone in the league, and he's humble, mellow, yet emotional. Ladies and gentleman, this is a really good Blockchaining goalie, is all that I have to say. Track down his goalie coach in the Czech, and hire him. The foundation is key imho, and Rittich's had it since he joined us.

    We're nothing without him.

    • Like 2
  4. The transition this summer to Holland/Tippett is a whole new era. Fans don't like his methods, but most players under Tippett will say he's the best coach they've ever had. This obviously ties together with Neil and how Tippett goes about his business. He's an excellent coach. Lull them to sleep for 50 minutes, "okay stars, go be stars". I'd say he's a dangerous coach, for sure. He'll coach some wins.

  5. 9 hours ago, kehatch said:

    I think you have to go with Rittich. I get wanting to manage his load and getting Talbot in a game. But part of moving away from Smith was to show Rittich he is the guy. Tough to stay with that message if you don't start him after a two day break following a shutout. 

    I agree. And BT has stated it's Rittich's net. Last year with Smith there, Smith wanted every start, and Rittich would defer to Smith. This year they've outright told Rittich, "it's your time".

  6. 4 hours ago, travel_dude said:


    I don't think it really matters who gets what game.

    Yes, Talbot needs to play soon.

    But he's no Lack.

    We've had mixed results against LA and DAL.

    Rittich lost to DAL in OT and I knew it bugged him because of the hit.


    They probably have a schedule for the starts.

    Maybe it gets adjusted every once in awhile, but mostly it's set.

    In general, I would say don't give Rittich the next start just because he gets a shutout.

    That never worked once for Smith; he lost every next game after a shutout.

    I think we should work horse Rittich. It's his next step. Talbot's his backup.

    Rittich's ready. I've been drooling over his fundies since his A days.

    He can be a Vezina candidate, imho.

  7. 1 hour ago, JTech780 said:


     I could be wrong on this, but because he is a one way contract, I am not sure he can be sent to the ECHL. 

    No. You're right.

    He can't be sent to the E without his consent.

  8. 8 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


    Gillies is one of the biggest disappointments in recent history.  Worst than Bennett because at least Bennett is salvaging an NHL career.  Gillies was our "next #1" and is now ECHL material.

    I'm not going to get on Gillies at all. We have a coaching staff for goalies right? When your mechanics, architecture and confidence have gone down the toilet, isn't that when coaching is supposed to take over? It's been a year now. Nothing about Gillies is changing. Whatever happened to treating your goalies like they're in the military?

  9. 49 minutes ago, MP5029 said:

    Talbot is money that has been waisted, it would have been better spent on signing Chucky...3mil waisted period!


    Who is your backup then? We have only $5.5 committed to 2 goalies. That is incredibly cheap. You think we should spend less?

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, jjgallow said:


    Well and that's a good question...what impact would a Robyn Regehr have in today's NHL?


    Personally i think it's a lost art and he'd be devastatingly effective, but I have no way of validating that.


    It was refreshing, touching back to our topic, when defencemen established as much of a relationship with their goalie as their wingers.

    The speed of the players nowadays is a deterrent to hitting really hard. Can't afford to be 2 steps out of position because you'll get owned.

    I'd see Reg and Phaneuf go to opposite sides for a crushing hit. Today, they'd be benched for doing that.

    The game is so different now. Hedman can be considered one of the best in the league, but hitting isn't much a part of why he's so good.

    In honesty, I'd say it's been/being coached right out of the league.

  11. On 9/6/2019 at 6:46 PM, Carty said:


    re: bolded...   Problem?...   I don't see one...   The older way still works...   We still see it on some teams, just not nearly as much as we used to...   What bothers me is when we see another team doing it to our forwards, and our team doesn't clue in and do the same to theirs...

    Reminds me of an LA game years ago with Dustin Brown as a really hardnosed, intimidating winger.

    Gio absolutely abused him. We don't really have that kind of dman anymore. That pure attitude. Everything has been puck movers and shot blockers ever since.

    People are generally down on JBo being here. But he was the first dman we had in years that knew HOW to protect Kipper.

    What I see is a lot of stick waving dmen. If teams like the Avs come at you with that 1st line and you intimidate none of them, you're in huge trouble, as we saw.

    That's near every team in the league's 1st line. If we can't intimidate them coming into our zone, they're playing pond hockey. No hits, no worries.

    • Like 1
  12. I'm very curious about Talbot. He looked like a machine in preseason last year. But then it didn't take long for the vacuous D to melt him down.

    He was the reason Edmonton got to the playoffs 2 seasons ago (73 starts!) as much as Rittich was a huge part for us last year.

    Another tandem of different goalies, but I like this idea better than having Smith's diabolically loose style of play.

    Smith's mechanics and basics left a ton to be desired.

    My guess is Rittich rides the bigger workload. Mechanics are more important than athleticism imho.

    Rittich is one of the soundest goalies in the league imo.

    His trajectory has been pretty darned handsome.

    As once a low level acquisition, I'm thinking he could be our guy if he wants it enough.

    Goalies come from anywhere, as was discussed earlier. No trend.

    I've always been impressed by Rittich's fundamentals since he was in the A.

    What's exciting is that those fundamentals are such a concrete foundation that will be consistent.

    My thinking is that he can be a Holtby/Bishop for us. Not the size, but the mechanics.

    Keep it quiet back there.

    Wait until Edmonton finds out that Smith's tracking the puck from the hashmarks to the blueline is big time sketchy.

    • Like 1
  13. JTECH posted this in Realistic Trades etc etc.

    Just my opinion, in case anyone agrees.

    A lot of these threads are saying the same thing and are simply becoming massive pages long.

    Seems like 8 different, yet the same, subject matters are in half of the threads.

    Is it time for a Flames forum board clean up? Just wondering everyone's opinion.

    Out with the old, in with the new?

  14. Hey Brew, did you ever think of how your username might get misconstrued if the SCF is us vs the Bruins? lol

    I know you mean Brewers, but...(and I don't know why you're a Brewers fan, lol).

    "Old Milwaukee, tastes as good as it's name".

    "And that is why it's, considered a low grade beer". lol


    We'll protect you.;)

  15. 23 minutes ago, Cowtownguy said:

    That would be an interesting move. Remember, you are talking about the Oilers though. I am not going to call them dumb, but how does "reality challenged" work? Right now, a bunch of them are arguing about whether Gio should be suspended for a hit that didn't cause McDavid any injury. May as well argue about whether that beer I never got to drink was the best beer ever. 


    It sounds like the Oilers are intent on taking their time with a replacement. They had better not take too much time.

    Considering that likely would have been your 16th beer on the night, maybe it was the best you never had.:P

    The old George Burns line, "It only takes me one drink to get drunk, but I can never remember if it's the 15th or 16th". lol


    Something tells me the Oilers will screw this up. Maybe they'll stick with the younger Gretzky.

    I think the prerequisite is smoke cigars and drink Brandy and Scotch with the ol' boys.

  16. On 4/4/2019 at 10:17 PM, Thebrewcrew said:

    If the Flames are gonna trust the playoffs to Smith, there’s a very good chance he’s back next season, barring an Elliott like collapse of course 

    I think that's fair reasoning. If Smith has a good playoffs, I would assume it becomes more likely.

    • Like 1
  17. Sarnia's own, Dino Ciccarelli.

    I'll stop there about him.

    But his dad did me an inadvertent solid, lol.

    I took a job in Calgary, company head office, Edmonton.

    My first (with them) shutdown with the Edmonton guys was pretty much a "who tf are you"?

    My standard line, by that time, was, "I'm from Sarnia, Ontario, don't worry, I've done shutdowns".

    Well 3 of them lost their excrement. Dino, Dino, Dino, yeah yeah yeah.

    "Do you know his Dad, Frank"? Yeah yeah yeah...

    "We spent 6 weeks at his hotel last spring".

    "He asked us to a CHI-DET playoff game, paid the shot. Limo, we drank all the way there, free with him in the box. He threw us all Hawks jersey's before the game, took us to the Hawks dressing room, met everyone, signed our jersey's".

    "After the Wings won, threw us Wings jersey's went into their locker room, met everyone, they all signed our jerseys".

    "Then we partied and gambled in Greek Town".

    L Out effing loud.

    So I earned social acceptance immediately.

    Thanks Frank, but two of those Blockchainers I wouldn.t ask to find a run in nylons. lol

    The other is one of my favourite guys.

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