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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 15 minutes ago, cross16 said:

    It’s so clear in their game too. Ward has made some changes but they are playing so loose and free. They are reacting not thinking and  that’s just players feeling good. 

    have to love it but at the same time it doesn’t exactly bode well for how mental tough this core is. 

    Mental fortitude can be built though, when everyone's on the same page.

    I know it's cliche but I'll keep saying it, just needed a battle cry.

    Mental toughness is nothing more than getting more experience in adversity.

  2. 7 minutes ago, GDyAllen said:

    Was listenining to a podcast today and Friedman was talking about how when Gully was our coach the team took advantage of his "niceness".  He sited an example in the playoffs where he said Gully wanted to start Johnson instead of Elliot but the rest of the team pushed for Elliot to start and he was horrible and thusTre went for Bill.  Lets hope now Ward is not too soft that the players soon try to run the show or too strict that the players stop playing for him.  Hoping for the right mix as it is much more fun to watch this team than the team of the first couple months.  

    The ol' adage. You win as a team and lose as a team. Including all of the coaches.

    Give the players a voice, if it doesn't work, switch gears. But they'll buy in a lot better if they feel like they have a voice.

    Because then, they have to back it up. And if they don't, well, Ward is bulletproof. He tried.

    And now he has the respect of the players, sure, discuss the plan with them. If they're in a funk.

    I don't see it happening.

    It really feels like Ward is making them inclusive of plans, therefore they're also accountable along with him.

    Seems like a good marriage.

  3. Was listening on NHL Radio and they said there were grumblings going back to last year that some of the Flames didn't like Peters dictatorship style as a coach.

    When Ward drew up different lines, he had a team meeting and said, "here's what I'm thinking, what do you guys think"? And everyone got to give their input. An inclusive environment. Friedman was saying from their 1st practice with Ward in Buffalo that people on the scene were saying how the attitude change was very apparent.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Thebrewcrew said:

    I really think Ward is in Craig Berube territory of last year. The Blues wouldn’t commit to him obviously until they had a parade. That being said the rumour after Coach Q was fired was he was the Blues target, a cup changes that of course .


    I think the Flames are keeping their options open, if Ward can guide them to the playoffs and have playoff success, it’s his job to keep. Round one dismissal yet again is a different story though . 

    BT kinda gets a pass on his 2nd hire in Peters, but I'd say he's on thin ice. One more hire goes wrong, skid him.

  5. 3 minutes ago, cross16 said:

    Just to be clear I’m not advocating anything I’m just wondering based on this from Friedman 


    4. Geoff Ward could retire undefeated, now 6-0 running the bench. While Calgary gave its interim boss a salary raise for the remainder of the season, they have yet to commit to him for the rest of the year. First, after a tumultuous month, the organization just wanted to breathe and see how the players responded. Second, the Flames did not want to be unfair to him by saying, “Hey, it’s yours” in case circumstances changed at a later date. I believe the metaphor being used is, “They’re dating, but not engaged.” Results speak, however, and, right now, Ward’s are excellent. He’s come a long way since assisting Don McKee at the University of Waterloo in 1989.



    Ward has also commented that he gives practice days off while trying to get a handle on the fwd lines, which was never his task.

  6. 30 minutes ago, robrob74 said:

    I agree! 


    ive heard from a goalie, not sure who, on a radio broadcast over the years say that it is easier to play in the AHL than the ECHL. The play is smoother, and better players. I guess the choppy aspect as you go down levels makes it harder. 

    I think it could be good to learn tracking. I don’t really remember fully why that is that it is easier in the A, but I can get why. The lower the level of players and skill the harder it is to play the game. The rhythm isn’t as great either.  

    for me, it is also the team in front of you. How do they play D, do they let you see the shot, are there a lot of bad turnovers? 

    I wonder, are our goalies in the NHL giving us league average goaltending? Or are the numbers a product of team play? I think if you look at the numbers alone some would say our goalies are average or below, yet they’ve been giving us a chance to win. Last night, for me, was one of the games the Flames won despite the goaltending. It might be the only game all year, yet the numbers and JJ would say the goaltending has been ok or bad.


    even Talbot has given the flames a chance to win in most of his starts but has horrid numbers.

    That's why the eye test always wins.

    When I watch Talbot I'd say he's more scrambly than Rittich because his rebound control isn't as good. But he's faster in recovery than Rittich because that's his game.

    Rittich always keeps it quiet purely on mechanics. Remember Smith letting in endless wristers from the point last year? Rittich tracks the puck really well and is fast side to side, quite simply a technical goalie.

    The last 2 on Rittich last night were deflating. But MacKinnon or Donskoi make perfect shots. There's not much room there. Not sure how Rittich plays those differently.

    Then Giordano gets schooled by Nicushkin. Rittich's sliding to his left on the initial save, Nicushkin takes the rebound right.

    Everything is relative, and numbers lie. lol

    Dubnyk - EDM

    Dubnyk - Minny

    Prime example.

    Open question for all:

    Which goalie would you compare Rittich to?


    • Like 1
  7. 41 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


    You know, finding tweets that suit your argument is boring.

    Go fetch me some more stats from lower leagues.


    Rittich may be this good for 7 more years. And by this good, I mean that he's been excellent.

    jj, you're full of Satoshi Nakamoto. Let me be the first to say. lol

  8. 5 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


    I did.


    But then I remembered that Stockton doesn't need 4 Signed AHL goalies that the Flames are serious about

    Aaaand you'll bring this thing in and have a point? That would be cool.

  9. 1 minute ago, JTech780 said:

    I think we should all go back to the post Cross made earlier today where it was pointed out that Parsons is just coming back from a 2 month groin injury and they are getting him some starts in the ECHL to get his game back in order and to make sure his groin is good to go.

    I agree, but it's fun playing with jj. 😀

    • Like 1
  10. 27 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


    The mental issues came before the ECHL, and before Zagidulin.   As per my posts.


    Flames responded by signing Zagidulin and demoting him to ECHL.   They could have said "imagine how good this guy could be if he's supported and treated for it".    But instead they planned for the opposite.


    Those are just the facts and no article can explain them away.   Actions versus words.

    Wow. You really don't grasp goaltending, do you?

  11. 3 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


    In the post-tense that it is stated.    The ECHL happened after his issues.   Thus did not cause them.   That's also the tense it was written in.  My statement is written to describe the ECHL being after his issues.


    I'm just saying the Flames response was to boot him to the ECHL and sign Zagidulin.   Not exactly the brightest strategy for getting your prospect who you should support out of a mental rut.

    Quit while you're behind. Read the article. You are so off base here that it's laughable. He's manic depressive. His mom stopped short of the airport and said, "nope, you're not going to camp. Call your people, I don't care". So he did, and came clean.

    In his own words, "No one in the org was mad, they got me the help that I needed".

    So again jj, quit while you're behind.

  12. 1 hour ago, jjgallow said:


    The question isn't whether I'm all-in on Parsons.   It's whether the Flames are.   Let's not pretend demoting him to the ECHL and putting Zagidulin in his place is good for his mental health.   Flames saw that issue and wrote him off rather than help him and that's the truth.  

    Put the shovel down. How would you like like us to interpret the bolded?

  13. 4 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


    The question isn't whether I'm all-in on Parsons.   It's whether the Flames are.   Let's not pretend demoting him to the ECHL and putting Zagidulin in his place is good for his mental health.   Flames saw that issue and wrote him off rather than help him and that's the truth.   


    Again I agree with you on Zagidulin, 3 years minimum to adjust which is why the acquisition never made sense at his age.  It's hard enough trying to acclimatize 20 year olds.


    Look the goaltending situation in the AHL is Bad, has been bad since this thread was created.   470 pages now.    I'm told I'm impatient.   How long should I wait....500 pages?  1000.... 2030?    Just saying, we all know it's a mess and I do appreciate that people on here like to support the team's decisions no matter how bad they are.


    But seriously... they bury goaltending prospects and they get it wrong often.   You can't support their decisions without belittling their own prospects. 

    Read the article. You think being in the EC, the A or the NHL caused it? Wow.

  14. 8 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


    corrected that for you.   Look again, you can't tell me I haven't been supportive of our picks.  Actually you're the one making fun of them right now.


    Other teams picks are turning out better.  I'm not sure if they're picking better, but they're definitely developing better.   Nobody else has their Parsons equivalent in the ECHL.


    Parsons is actually Leading the ECHL in save percentage right now (more or less).    That is because no other NHL team is evidently this brutal with goalie development.

    Have you read Parsons' story in the Athletic? A lot goes into development, not just the goaltending element.


    As soon as the Flames learned of Parsons’ troubles, they’d issued another plane ticket – “They were all in,” said stepdad Al Williams. “Not one person was mad” – and made it clear that they would provide the full spectrum of support.

    Which they did. 

    When Parsons finally made the trip to Calgary for the camp, he stayed off the ice. Productively, he began sitting down with mental health professionals.

    “That’s when things started going in the right direction … it was my first step to getting better,” said Parsons, who turned 21 earlier this week. “Those problems can be eliminated like that” – he snapped his fingers – “and more people need to open up about it. If you’re feeling down in the dumps, talk to someone. I finally spoke up. I felt like I had a thousand pounds lifted off my shoulders.

    “Recognizing it and kicking it in the butt right away is real good to do.” /end quote


    His mom wouldn't let him get on the plane for camp.

    So jj. You're all in on Parsons, but giving Zagidulin 2 months to adjust to an entirely different culture and style of play is enough?

  15. 3 minutes ago, cross16 said:


    No. If a player doesn't get drafted they can sign with a team as an un-drafted free agent for the summer but once they go back to junior it's hands off. Need to draft them in the up coming draft and then if they go unpicked through 2 drafts you can sign them as UDFA. 

    Thanks cross. I was pretty sure it was a no, but 580 pages of CBA is hard to navigate. Signing someone's starter in jr made no sense to me.

    jj, stop staring at stats of much lesser leagues. lol

    And we signed Zagidulin and after 2 months you want to fire him back to the K. Imagine trying to sign another European with that kind of mindset.

    You have 90 days to learn a new language, get used to a massive uptick in speed and shooting ability with new goalie coaches. They'll change your style, and you better transform in 60 days. lol

  16. 3 minutes ago, jjgallow said:

    Tyler Parsons showing some hope right now in ECHL.   If he keeps it up for 10 games IMHO, they should purge the disaster they have in the AHL and give him some minutes there.


    Nick Schneider also doing ok.       Basically if you reverse the order of who the Flames gave a chance this year, the goalies given the least opportunity are doing the best sigh.

    Lesser league. No point in rushing G development. Damn you're hard on goalies. lol

  17. 37 minutes ago, cross16 said:


    DJ Smith was a great hire for them I thought. I don't think he'd ever let a team get blown out haha.


    Leafs sure miss him too. 

    Same. Now all of the talk I hear is the resounding applause that he has that roster prepared for every game and competing.

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