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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 11 hours ago, ABC923 said:

    He’s got his first as a panther now. Making a good impression on his new team!

    Almost his 2nd shortly after on the same type of play. 3 quick passes with Bennett finishing down the pipe.

    Just watching the Panthers is fun. When they swarm the O-zone, wow, they have a lot of bite.

    Love watching Vatrano, damn can he fly with the puck. 

    When Sutter says we don't play at the pace of the rest of the league, watching Florida easily confirms it.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, rocketdoctor said:

    Yeah good night for Bennett.  +3 on the night.  Must be nice skating with some good players for a change.

    15:40 TOI, Hopefully he can turn it around there. 

    I have little doubt Fla targeted him due to scouting and seeing a fit. They've been doing well with reclamations.

    Nobody sees Montour and Bennett as big TDL splashes, but imo I think they were very precise to round out their roster.

    Montour scored last night, Bennett assisted.

    I don't really blame the Flames, he maybe could have started in the A but for the fanfare of being a high pick and the 18 yr old crap.

    He just never really found his rhythm.

    It was Sam Bennett's Series of Unfortunate Events.

    • Like 1
  3. On 4/13/2021 at 4:44 PM, cross16 said:


    Funny enough Florida looked a lot like the Flames until they hired Quenville. That move shouldn't be understated. 


    I agree with conundrumed that Florida looks good going forward but I think Quenville is a huge part of that. 

    If we ever had Trochek, Dadanov and Hoffman. Would we ever trade them or let them walk?

    We don't make hockey moves.

    Like we're too afraid of the fanbase.

    Too committed maybe.

    We're a, "you get what you have" franchise.

    I have no idea why. 

    Bennett's agent expresses discontent.

    Apparently that's why we do trades.

    We'll overpay in FA.

    Isn't all of that management?

    • Like 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, cross16 said:


    I think criticism is more than fair but should that criticism not be on fair grounds? It seems to me Treliving's negotiation style if more than common around the league so why has it created a "lethal environment" here but other teams it isn't an issue? Lethal environment also sounds pretty unfair to me.


    Criticism is more than ok as is wanting him gone. I blame the players personally but to each their own on that one. I just think criticism and blame should be on fair grounds and i'm not seeing how it's fair to blame him for situations that didn't happen (Gio holding out) or situations that don't seem to impact other teams (ie the long list of players who have held out as RFAs).

    I've always respected your opinions

    But why are you giving him a pass?

    This is his monster.

    Do you want him to try again?

  5. When you think of Barkov, think of Panarin at C.

    I could possibly score 10 just from them banking it off of me. lol

    Barkov and Huberdeau each at $5.8.

    Tell me again where the Flames are heading?

    Trade JG, Monahan?

    Maybe it's not the players, is worth asking.

    BT is a good Asst GM, imho.

    It's an absolute mess he's made.

    We have the guys.

    He can't fit the pieces.

    That's on him.

    Repeat. Lomberg is 3rd line LW for FLA.

    Why let him go and sign 2 more?

    I know you can't be everyone's buddy managing. But damn, stick to your guys, they are your responsibility.

    How it's not okay for me to call out the GM for this lethal environment of a team is a bit beyond me.

    I'll be cheering for FLA in the playoffs.





  6. 13 minutes ago, CheersMan said:


    BT is not going anywhere, nor should he.

    FA’s have been getting over paid across every sports league since the beginning of time, nothing new there.

    SB is going to FLO to be SB. He will never live up to his 4OA selection. Thank goodness BT resisted signing SB long term when other teams were giving out 6x6 to kids like bags of candy.

    SB and Lomberg are going to rip it up, yeah!

    I do wish the best for SB though. The Flames should be getting credit for nurtured him into the man he is today. But no, we want to talk about over paying FA's.

    So you enjoy this direction?

    There are a ton of good managers. 

    Putting it in perspective, how many teams have had their star dman, star playmaker and star young guy have to holdout?

    Until he relents?

    We're not married to Treliving.

    He gets an extension and then DS is back. lol

    This should be fun.

    BT will be gone is my guess. 

    I'm sure Sutter's here for ownership advice.

    Thank Christ.

    How many years of BT are you willing to accept?

    This is one scattered team.

    Detroit's my other team and I feel better about them than the Flames.

    He's taken us from rebuild to rebuild imho.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, flames-fan-in-jets-land said:

    Granted when it comes to contracts and roster building ya its all on BT. But Bennys mismanagement boiled down to utilization.  Drafted as a high pick center but continuously thrown on the left side with a  carousel of utility players, what was expected from that?  Most of that is on the parade of coaches.

    That doesn't explain away Gio, Gaudreau, Tkachuk holdouts.

    Then overpaying FAs relentlessly.


  8. Really excited for Bennett. Essentially 2 2nds to me means teams wanted him.

    Glad it was Florida, their 1st LW is Duclair.

    Barkov makes everyone better.

    Mason Marchment is their roving LW.

    Bennett will fit like a glove.

    Fla quietly had a nice deadline. 

    Montour due to Ekblad LTIR and Bennett.

    He could play either of these:

    Bennet-Barkov-Verhaghe 1st

    Vatrano-Bennett-Acciari/Lomberg 3rd

    Yes, Ryan Lomberg.

    And he no doubt will do 2nd PP.

    2 2nds for a player they needed is cheap.

    Add Quenneville, I'm excited for Bennett 

    Look at their roster. It was missing a Bennett.

    Treliving needs to go. I knew his constant hardball contract negotiations would torment the environment eventually.

    Here we are, dark days.

    The work environment starts at the top.

    Who are the Flames? A reflection of their manager. Give Neal's, Marksstrom's etc fat FA contracts, beat your core guys down in negotiations.

    You reap what you've sewn.

    He's gotta go.

    And yes, Lomberg is an NHLer when you tell him to play hockey, not just always be a fireball.

    So happy for Bennett, he'll be fine now out of a toxic environment.

    • Like 3
  9. I've been lurking around but not responding, knowing all that I have is venom.

    I can only use an analogy to stay away from being downright nasty.

    The Flames are a batch of chili with no spices. Bland and evokes nothing when you taste it.

    No garlic, no jalapeno, no cayenne, no smoked paprika, no brown sugar, not even a hint of worcestershire, no chili powder, no oregano, no basil, no salt, no pepper.

    Fix goaltending, done, you've added more beans.

    Tkachuk tries to be chili powder, gets told to tone it down. We need to be blander than vanilla.

    So you sit down to a nice, hearty, comforting bowl of chili. The first mouthful you say, "wtf is this? Did you rinse the fat flavour off of the beef too"?

    That is the flames in a nutshell. Tomato, ground beef and beans, call it chili.

    So if you don't understand my analogy, at least I told you how to make chili, you decide how much of what. But use stewing beef, not ground.lol

    And don't forget the onions and sweet and hot peppers and beef stock.

    You're welcome.



    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  10. All I can say is that I'm also a Wings fan...

    The Flames need to take a hard look at what they are. On paper, they simply aren't a very good team, and constantly trying to fill big holes with cheap little plugs.

    • Like 3
  11. 16 hours ago, cross16 said:

    I was furstrated with the Jets game but since then the Flames have been solid. There are really only 3 issues that stand out to me right now. 


    1. Gio and Andersson have played really poorly as a pair at 5 on 5. 

    2. Lucic is struggling

    3. Nordstrom is not worth having in the lineup. 


    I think 1 and 2 just need time but i'm not sure on 3. Still going to give him time but it's pretty bad and It might be time to cut bait sooner rather than later. They clearly don't need his PK abilty. 

    4. Leivo's really run-o-the mill.


    Dube is a difference maker and we need him to stay healthy.

    Both he and Mangiapane need to be critical components of our top 6.

  12. Revisiting the Canes trade:

    Would I:

    Lindholm for Hamilton? 100%

    Ferland and a 3rd (which Fox would have become) for Hanifin? 100%.

    Would you rather have what we sent still?

    That trade was a win.

    We got the best player in Lindholm, hands down. 

    • Like 2
  13. 27 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


    Have we met?  I'm usually very positive so you'll have to excuse me  😅


    It's actually  @conundrumed's fault, he got me going even though I knew this would be a good time to stay quiet.


    Yeah, it's been a good start.   If this pace keeps up, then yeah we're fine.  I'll leave it there.


  14. 7 hours ago, jjgallow said:

    Can't say I love our D.


    but....  I am glad we've started talking about them again lol


    You have to be willing to give it time.

    I see nothing wrong with any of the pairings and the season is young.

    Nobody's being gifted a spot due to lacking a better option, that's why Kylington is expendable now. He will never crack our top 6 so you should view that as a positive.

    The RW needs a scorer though, is really what we've always lacked.

    I'm glad it's not Lindstrom this year, he's got way more value as a 1C.

    Need a selfish RW that loves to shoot and drive the net though.

    Iggy, we finally have the right team build for you now. 😂😂😂


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    • Haha 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    I don't think todays game will tell us anything.

    A win doesn't prove anything.

    Anaheim played yesterday.

    They have had trouble scoring all year.


    A loss against Miller would not surprise me, regardless of how many shots we get on him.


    Full of enthusiasm like the rest of us, I see. lol

    Should win, so what will go wrong?

    My guess is they make Miller look like he's in his prime.

    Happy to be wrong, of course.

    We're at 61 here. Is this team any good?

  16. 18 minutes ago, Thebrewcrew said:

    I can't see Ward being the coach next season. He was thrown into an extremely difficult situation, but right now he seems in over his skis.


    Flames ownership needs to open up their wallet this summer... for once. They need Gallant or Lavy. Not a question. Both guys have success everywhere they go, they keep players accountable, but are fair. You have a new arena on the horizon, if you are an owner you can justify paying a quality coach 5mill a season.



    That being said, we will probably end up with yet another lesser coach like a Mike Yeo. At least knowing how the Flames approach coaching hires

    He shouldn't be, but then you listed all of the reasons that he probably will be.lol

    I'd sure like Gallant. Liked him as a player too.

    Seems like the kind of guy that would laugh at Gaudreau for being pouty. "Don't get mad, get even".

    JG needs to take on some leadership. He doesn't, and we don't need a star player being selfish and whiny.

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