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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 3 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    If you really believe that Rittich has to have a good playoff to stick around.....

    Stopgap measures do not work.  Hiller.  Elliott.  

    Smith has not proven to be the better goalie all year, and we really just saw a resurgence of his play when he got the net for a bunch of games against lesser teams.

    In fact, we would be outside looking in if not for Rittich.

    We beat most of the West as a result of him.

    Has Smith helped us get there?  For sure.

    His numbers overall (SA%, 5v5 SA%, GAA) are not that great.

    We can probably win with him, but he's bigger risk to falter than Rittich.  IMHO.


    I get where you are coming from.

    And if Smith is the starter until we lose out or win the cup, so be it.

    That's either his parting glory or swan song to retirement.

    Dude. Not even I'm overthinking this.

    We're a 1A/1B team. Let's all take a deep breath and deal with it.

    Now let's be happy we have 2 good goalies and exceptional D.

    The biggest concern should be offence drying up, not the backend.

    We'll live and die by Offence, imho.

    Can't win 0-0.

    I'm far more concerned with our offence producing. If that gets turned off, we'll be doomed either way.


  2. 1 hour ago, cross16 said:

    If you can get Mrazak to sign another 1 year deal i would have interest. However, I would share the skepticism about giving him any term because as well as he has looked at times this year, he was that bad last year. 


    I don't think he is a lead the franchise type of guy. 

    I'd be shocked if the Canes don't re-sign him regardless, so it's likely a non-issue.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, rocketdoctor said:


    Haha I think there are a lot of 50ish people around!


    Was in Alberta for 89.   I was a young 25 year old soldier.   Paid lots to a tout for game 2 of SCF.   Great times.

    2004 I was in UK swearing at the TV as we lost game 7.   Had to go for a very long walk afterwards to calm down.




    Damn, I was living in Hither Green in SE London in '89.

    Had to go to the Maple Leaf Pub! 2004 I was living in Calgary.

    This year I'll likely be in Ontario for the end, but Calgary for the start.

    Start times suck in Ontario...not as bad as for you though!

  4. 28 minutes ago, conundrumed said:

    How fun would it be if St loo wins the division?






    Looks freaking awesome to me.

    A "like" from CalgarySTL. Shocking.;)

    Any team of Army's is a friend of mine.

  5. 6 minutes ago, MAC331 said:

    You worry and over think most everything. Yes he had some rough season but sometimes a wake up call is all a person needs to get back in the game. He has looked very good with CAR so I wouldn't be afraid to bring him in to go along with Rittich.

    Not always. Sometimes I just think it through. I'm just painting a picture of Mrazek outside of numbers and highlight saves from this year.

    The flip side is you get Philly Mrazek. What if that happens? Because it can.

  6. 4 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    Trade for a 1st (if you can) or trade him to Minny for Zucker.

    We have D pretty much locked for the next few years.

    Gio, Ras, Hanifin, Hammer, Valimaki, Kylington, and Fanta.

    Trade for things we need.

    Imagine Zucker's exit interview, how awkward will that be?

    Would you ask to be traded? Will Zucker provide a backlash?

    "Send me to a team that actually wants me".

    Anyone else see that this might be a lingering effect?

    Because he sure didn't take it well at the time.

  7. 11 minutes ago, MAC331 said:


    As a Detroit fan, Mrazek scares me. When he came to the Wings after doing everything possible in Grand Rapids in the A, he looked like our savior in net.

    He took over #1 from Howard. Then a funny thing happened. Howard worked harder. The better he got, the more Mrazek fell apart.

    He's done better with the Canes, but from me, who once thought he was the cat's meow, the buyer beware signs are popping up like crazy.

    Now that his career has shown him the work ethic, will he maintain it, or get complacent again when he gets a nice contract and the keys to the net.

    Because Howard didn't just come back and re-take his seat.

    He obliterated him right out of the org and Detroit wanted him gone.

    His fall from grace was fast and the hot rumours followed as to why.

    My guess is after his awesome success in the A and 1st yr pro, he read his press clippings and figured he's a natural.

    I sincerely hope he has a great career, just not with us right now.

    Rittich might shred him like Howard did.

    Too much risk for me having endured some pretty bad goalie moves.

    Maybe Lundqvist will see us these playoffs and go, alright, alright, trade me to Calgary for futures, lol.


  8. 3 minutes ago, JTech780 said:

    For me that 1st comes into play if a number 1 goalie becomes available via trade. I am not sure there is a goalie that will be available so I would just draft the best player available with the pick.

    Would Brodie fetch another 1st, and should that be considered. We're pretty heavy on D. If Fantom is re-signed, he's played both sides. Andersson has taken huge strides. Is Brodie running out of real estate? Or would you look at Hamonic's hard style as someone whose career may have a shorter lifespan?

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, MAC331 said:

    I think this offseason could get real interesting with roster adjustments from BT.

    Same. The playoffs will be telltale imo. A good run would make for harder choices.

    We've got some depth below the A, but how much of that you'd identify as Top 6 forward depth is suspect.

    I think we'll see a lot of RFA's, particularly with arb rights, not qualified.

    The biggest question for me is Stone. He's overpaid and would be the popcorn eater when we can re-sign Fantenberg at < half and move Fanta to RD.

  10. 4 hours ago, cross16 said:

    Personally, i'm going with Fantenburg. 


    I want my team firing on all cylinders and come out of the game swinging. Fantenburg and Ras have been a great paring and i'm taking that over Valamaki who just missed too much time for me to put back into the fire for the playoffs. 

    Too be fair, Valimaki did a 20 game stint in the A.

    He likely does most things better than Fantenberg, but Fantenberg keeps it pretty darn quiet.

    Vali has another game tonight to prove, but being paired with Stone works against him.

    I do believe they'll go with Fanta, as he's still paired with Rasmus in these games.

    It's a very nice problem to have!


  11. Just now, travel_dude said:



    Who is the 1RD?

    Brodie or Ras?

    If they go with Ras on 1RD, then Vali-Brodie makes sense.

    It's not about Vali not being good even after being in the AHL, it's about having two rookies paired in the playoffs.

    I would like to see one game at least before I would go wiht the two rookies.

    Haven;t seen it in months.


    Last night seemed to line up the depth as follows:






    What say you?

    My first question is, why do we invent these scenarios being problems?

    End of camp, Vali earned that spot, played in what, 22, then I high ankle sprain.

    Andersson's spot was gifted to Stone but he went away and he's not getting that spot back.

    So full props to Kylington and Fantenberg for stepping up.

    But that's Vali's well-earned spot, and he's ready.

    I get the "uh don't want rookies together". Until you say it's


    Is Andersson even a rook at this point?

  12. 1 hour ago, robrob74 said:


    Exactly, we need to limit those because we control the rest of the game. And I think that the other team end up content with Satoshi Nakamototing down the top lines and waiting for that mistake.

    I'm excited. We've got a really good team. Hopefully they stay loose. We can beat anyone over 7 games.

    We have 3 solid lines, one in flux, good D, 2 worthy goalies.

    Why not us?

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, robrob74 said:

    For me it has never been about the quantity of shots. We can throw 40 shots on net, but a guy like Tkachuk says they’ve made it easy on the other goalie - because those shots arent from areas to cause concern. 


    Alternatively, we can limit shots, but the untimely chances we give up on things like giveaways end up being a worry for me. But we’re out scoring the mistakes so hopefully that can continue. 

    Why I'm a fan of turning the D around in the O zone. Split it half and half to keep them guessing. They pressure our D or entry up high, is what leads to breakaways and 2-on-1's going the other way. That stuff can't happen come playoffs, because we all know it does happen during the playoffs and can be game/series changers.

    DON'T TURN IT OVER AT THEIR BLUELINE. What do I have to yell. lol

    • Like 1
  14. I think the biggest takeaway is, as a team, we only gave up 15 shots,

    It's one of those things. If you aren't scoring you can't hang your goalies for losses. When you are scoring, you have to keep a sound D element to the play.

    Smith hasn't given up deflating goals lately, as long as the team can put some goals up, the rest seems to be looking after itself. Solid D, timely saves.

    Rittich has cut the playing time in half, which is what we all wanted from the outset.

    I don't think any of us wanted a 60-65 game Smith heading into the playoffs.

    You don't win the WC regular season by luck. We've had a lot of things go right, sure there have been dips and curves.

    That's just team-building stuff. I think everyone is playing for each other and there's accountability.

    No one wants to let their teammates down, and when they do, their teammates are there to pick them up.

    We may not have a Brodeur, Price or Roy in net, but you don't need that if you have a team that consistently wins more shifts then it loses.

  15. 45 minutes ago, CheersMan said:


    Still 4 games left to decide, but I think Smitty has the edge for playoff starter.

    Dude, wtf?

    You just agreed with him while screaming in bold.

    just sayin'

  16. 2 minutes ago, rickross said:

    It’s why I was saying don’t be surprised to see this same tandem for the next 1-2 years. Smitty has been solid but he has his scars...I do think he’s played a small part in keeping our D men healthier. His stick handling is noteworthy even if risky....but it really is a unique skill that can create chances for our offence or help out our D 

    Smith's year to year contracts now. Kind of a Howard situation.

    I tend to agree, but yearly contracts.

    If he explodes on the playoff scene, becomes a Cup goalie, that's a tough one.

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, 420since1974 said:

    I am absolutely thrilled that the Flames are going to be in the play-offs.


    The goaltending can always be better, but I personally don't have a favourite for the play-offs, nor will I over worry if both of them have to be used during the run.

    We've been through how many "stop gaps" since Kipper? It's been painful.

    I've been saying this for awhile. Smith has been a very admirable "stop gap".

    A stop gap that works, finally.

    Rittich and Smith are interchangeable imho.

    2 good looks.

    The best part is, they get along great. Smith the aging vet, Rittich the patient student.

    When you consider we all thought Smith was a stop gap. He lit the world on fire to start, so that became the new expectation.

    Yr 2, here comes a starter for him to teach. Looking good.

    On the whole, I'd say Smith did exactly what we wanted him to do.

    If he starts, Rittich starts, I don't really care. Solid tandem.

    I won't be offended if Smitty starts, put it that way.

    We wanted him rested for the playoffs, well, here we are.

    • Like 2
  18. 1 minute ago, robrob74 said:


    When I think about it, I wonder, we’ve lost some games, then go on a streak, like 4 or 5 games. Losing two in a row might not be such a big deal. 


    I guess i come from a place where I say the opposite of what I want to happen because it’s how my luck seems to work. They’ll shut me up. I mean the team, but you seem to want to too. 


    Why so serious?


    To think I'm doing it to shut you up isn't correct.

    If I have a 50/50 shot at something, I'm always on the wrong 50, so you're not alone.

    All I can do is laugh at myself, not let it torment me.

    So if the least I can do is tighten your bootstraps and grab your hand for a fun ride, it's the least that I can do.

    This whole online debacle of trying to be compassionate is a struggle.

    I'm bringing it up because you've been almost regularly negative lately, like you've never really been before.

    You've got a great hockey mind, but like you say yourself, you've always had to hope for the worst to get the best.

    You know that isn't actually a thing, you've just convinced yourself that it is. Like Mony forgetting how to be an NHLer.

  19. 30 minutes ago, robrob74 said:


    And yet just because Washington did it doesn’t mean we will.

    Dude. Why do you love the negative route?

    We've been down so long that having a really good team now is euphoria.

    Maybe we lose in the 1st rd, who's to say, but we get to be in the playoffs.

    I don't get why you shiv the balloon constantly and then say, "I'm a realist" when you get called out.

    Is there no sunshine where you live? I heard it only rains once in Van, starts in October and ends in April. lol

    I'm fine bouncing negatives around, like our 3rd line worries. But you really come across as next level negative about most things.

    Paint on a smile man, we're having our best season in ages.

    • Like 1
  20. 2 hours ago, travel_dude said:


    I am as concerned about switching goalies after one game as I am about Smith being the starter.

    Not a lot of breathing room.

    Lose game one to the 8th seed and you have lost home ice advantage.

    Now what?

    WAS did it last year and almost lost the 1st round.

    Well, not much to do about it. I'm sure we'd all like Rittich to have 16 shutouts in a row, but that may not happen. lol

    If you look at the positives, we have 2 capable goalies that have different styles.

    We may be in really good shape in that regard. If most other playoff teams lose their #1, they don't have a plan B like we do.

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