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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 10 minutes ago, cross16 said:

    ya I figured but like you say that roster is a mess. From a far it’s hard to get a good gauge on Blashill as a coach. 

    Imagine our top 3 D being:

    Mike Green

    Danny DeKeyser

    Jonathan Ericcson.

    $12.5mil per.

    Hard to even talk about coaching when the roster needs a purge.

    The commonality though, is Gallant coaching an expansion team, and Detroit looking like an expansion team.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, cross16 said:


    Blashill still have a good rep as a coach around Detroit? I've always liked him as a coach. Honestly i was thinking Detroit may let him go just so Yzerman can get his own guy and he's someone I would have interest in. 

    He's despised. lol

    I see Yzerman being patient here.

    They're bad, and it's not Blashill. lol.

    This is mainly Holland's team...it'll take a while to fix.

  3. I'd be surprised if Detroit hired Gallant. Blashill was extended in the spring for 2 years. The team is young and he's had a lot of success in Grand Rapids working with the young farm.

    His 1st yr as head coach of the Wings was good, then you lose Datsyuk and Zetterberg and it's a full on rebuild.

    They're in a marathon at this point, not a sprint. So hiring Gallant wouldn't make sense and goes against Stevie's patience.

    He hasn't constructed the team yet, so worrying about a coach isn't the issue.

    Cleaning Holland's mess and finding the right types of players is the issue. A new coach won't fix that defence.

  4. 18 minutes ago, flames-fan-in-jets-land said:

    So is this DiPronio guy looking for a job?

    It's a tough one with goalies.

    I think they get success from a specific coach coming up, then have a different coach that wants to see some changes. Then some of the fundamentals they've relied on start slipping enough to have an impact.

  5. 24 minutes ago, travel_dude said:

    Well deserved.

    Just another thing to add to the list of why fans were bitter losing to the Flames.


    Talbot seems to have worked really hard to fix the issues he had with his game in EDM.

    Though I do think they can make any goalie look bad.

    They destroy confidence and ruin careers.

    Talbot was best when he first went there, and they actually had vets.


    There was an article in the Athletic in preseason about Talbot returning to his original goalie coach to try to get back to basics.




    That is why Talbot — after staying in Edmonton the past two offseasons — returned to his home town of Caledonia, Ont. The decision would allow him six weeks to get back to basics with his medieval mentor.

    Which convinced Sigalet to make the trip to Hamilton, in the name of fostering a relationship with his new goalie and opening the doors of communication with Di Pronio, who’s been shaping Talbot’s game for 22 years



  6. 16 hours ago, travel_dude said:

    And to take this back to the Oilers....

    They suck defensively.

    Nurse is a goon, and looks to hurt not defend.

    As well and good, but somebody is always going to take you down.

    They are riding Costco the goalie becuause they realized Smith doesn;t have it.

    They played weak teams and he won enough to look like he was playing well.

    The numbers always suggested that would come back to earth.


    They are no different this tear than last.

    Riding McD and Drai helped convince some that a playoff was coming.

    Those two look burnt already.

    Costco will be what he was last year; small sample goalie.

    After that they have nothing.


    Next year they have to buy out Neal just to be able to afford to repsign Nurse and overpay Kassian.

    Nobody will take their crap in trade.

    Decade of Darkness 2.0 a comin

    What's funny is Holland put the Wings in cap hell, the Oilers hire him to get them out of it. lol

  7. Let's face some facts. Smith as a season long starter is a disaster. 1 series, big whoop he played well in 5 games but we were over-matched regardless.

    Watching him leave was awesome. Rumours are he wasn't happy for Rittich's ascent and BT stated Rittich would always bow to Smith's wishes.

    I'd say the only thing Smith was for us, was in the way.

    How many wristers from the point that he can't track do we need to see? He moves to see through screens so then he's out of position on the shot trajectory.

    Goalie 101, have your angles down. You don't have to see it if you're where your supposed to be. Goalie 102, stop breakaways, sell something you know that you can take away. Dude sells 5 things at once, now they just make him move and slide it along the ice under him.

    Tbh, I'm not even sure what his strengths are when I watch him. Angles, no. agility, meh. Athleticism, meh. Rebound control, no. Fast, no. Anticipation, meh.

    I think his whole career was simply convincing people that he's good and it turned into name recognition.


  8. 3 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


    Ah but you wouldn't.   We've had but one decent goalie since the cup win, Kipper.  And that was far from development.


    It's just not who you are and that's ok.

    I just don't get the, "Development" aspect.

    At 18 or 26, if you want $6mil per, you can't struggle with the basics. It's amazingly hard to find goalies that don't struggle with the basics. You don't just learn starting at 18, it has to be there already.

  9. 11 minutes ago, cross16 said:

    calgary for sure has a long standing problem I don’t think anyone is denying that. 

    but I think the point is it’s not just a Flames issue. Hockey in general, at all levels, struggles to evaluate the goalie positions. It’s not an easy fix nor is it an easy problem to pinpoint. 

    Drafting by stats is painful. With goalies, I'd basically look at Rittich.

    Even an 18yo already should have the foundation on the basics. If you get an athletic guy like Parsons, it might not work out. Goaltending is 75% science imo.

    I don't think at that age you would expect to teach a guy lateral movement, angles, anticipation, vision, etc.

    That should be in place already, then just attention to detail.

    • Like 1
  10. I was reading an article about Talbot's offseason. He was struggling and went back to an old coach to get back to where he was.

    It highlights just how hard it is to be an NHL goalie. You veer, even just a bit, off of what makes you successful and your career is suddenly in jeopardy.

    I will admit, I do not think BT understands goaltending. He needs to pass it on to someone else and open the wallet.

    From the 3 headed monster to Elliott to Smith, he wants to cheap out on goaltending imho.

    I've never thought BT is good at managing the G position. Just constant band-aids that aren't good enough.


    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Sarasti said:


    Some teams have multiple goalies they have developed that have not yet stolen the starter job. And if you consider just development from FA signings, the number is even higher.


    Calgary has a long history of poor goalie development, and considering neither Rittich or Kiprusoff were drafted by the Flames it's easy to see why some here believe it's an issue.

    There certainly could have been things done differently. If the Feaster crew had have treated the closing out on Kipper seriously, things would be different. Maybe we have Vasilevsky, Bishop etc.

  12. 21 minutes ago, Sarasti said:


    A lot of current NHL starters were drafted and developed by their respective clubs.

    Looks like about 10. But we're talking about one goalie each, pretty much. Not a lot of constant success stories.

  13. 5 hours ago, DirtyDeeds said:

    So I only have one question.


    How many decades of the Flames inability to scout, draft and develope an NHL caliber goaltender will it take before you change from blaming the prospects?

    If most every team in the league weren't having the same issue, I would gladly blame Flames staff.

    • Like 1
  14. 23 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


    He's 37, doing what 37 year olds do....never seen a goalie make such a bad decision on which team to sign with though.   Unless he had no choice.


    Oilers doing what they do...

    It amazes me that the book on an NHL goalie is, get it to the point, wrist it on net. He couldn't track Satoshi Nakamoto if he were laying in it. He was the same with us. Fails Trigonometry 101. lol

    Always felt that way about Luongo. Losing where your net is. Smith is on a whole other level. I cannot believe that an NHL goalie is so poor at angles.

    Alternatively, I love Rittich, lol. He typically makes that stuff look like a routine save and knows how to be positionally correct and and absorb pucks.

    Has Smith ever NOT given up a rebound?

    As the Hip says, "when it falls apart, it really falls apart". lol If you don't have a sound foundation, everything else can go south.

    And when you have a sound foundation and things go south, just keep relying on it.

    Easy to see just in breakaways/shootouts Rittich vs Smith. Smith's nickname should be the leaky tank. Holes everywhere.

    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, jjgallow said:

    I've heard the Oilers have attributed much of their success this year to cutting edge visualisation techniques.


    Before every game, the team meditates on key motivators such as:


    "image you are playing for a respectable team"

    Image there's no people

    Living for today-ay-ay-ay eh?


  16. That's a pretty generational list there, no? One that has no present context.

    So Broissoit is your guy? Over Talbot or Rittich? 

    Or are you just ploughing this, Flames can't develop goalies spiel.

    You're being ridiculous. BT should have kept Giguere or Roloson. lol

    • Like 1
  17. 31 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


    Jon Gillies

    Joni Ortio

    Leland Irving

    Mason McDonald  (yeah ok it was a weird pick)

    Matt Keetley

    Kevin Lalonde

    James Spratt

    Andrei Medvedev

    Trevor Kidd

    Curtis Mclhenney

    Laurent Broisoit

    Jean Sebastian Giguere  <****

    Brent Krahn

    Henrik Karlson

    Reto Berra


    trash dumping GIF

    A list of guys that weren't good enough to be NHL goalies. As I said, they're hard to find.

    You pretend that they are all over the place, like free candy. You're wrong.

    So list to me, the 4 biggest attributes for a goalie.

    I'm interested to know how you scout goalies. Or do just think they're all NHL caliber and the orgs ruin their dev?

    Who are you giving me next, Tim Thomas?

  18. 7 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


    Rittich was not developed here, he was just acclimatised here.   Don't really want to go down that Rittich path again.  Well, yet.   It's an off-season conversation.


    Dube to my knowledge does not have a save percentage ;)


    I have less concerns about our forward/defence development, it's our goalie development which has specifically well....


    been so bad that you had to use a forward to think of a good example

    Okay. jj.

    Getting a goalie in the system does not legitimize the goalie. He has to put in the work. You can only tell him what to do. If he can't do it? Well, there's only 62 spots in the NHL.

    Maybe, just maybe, he's not good enough. It doesn't mean the org ruined him. It means goalies are hard to find. Especially goalies that understand how hard it really is.

  19. 8 minutes ago, robrob74 said:


    I dunno!


    is it on the organization that Gillies isn’t ready to start games? 

    Every time I ever see him he lets in a terrible goal or two then suddenly looks like a very sound goalie. But until then he looks horrible. So it takes him a goal or two to get ready.

    Is that on the goalie or on the organization? I wonder, do we need a mentality coach? Who helps with preparedness? 

    It's on the individual, it always is.

    Look at Dube, who I'd compare to Cirelli. Non-stop motor and very smart. Nobody ruined his development. He is what he is.

    Look at Rittich. Nobody ruined his development.

    If you're going to be a top 700 player in the world, you'd better be ready for how hard it is.

    I don't think any player that doesn't make it can say this or that about their development.

    They took a flier on you, you couldn't cut it for a multitude of reasons. Stop pointing at others. You failed.


  20. 1 hour ago, jjgallow said:


    Gillies had raw talent.  I am sure of it.  Georgiev had raw talent.  We're all sure of it.


    I'm not saying Gillies was the world's best prospect. 


    We can't let management off the hook.  They need to improve their goaltender development.    


    But in today terms, yeah there's really no point in comparing Gillies to Georgiev.   They are on completely different paths now.

    Which is why I suggested the NYR should have an appetite to move him. But what is fair value? I'm not sure. I wouldn't buy high on him. Is Czarnik buying high?

    When he hit's the career 60 game mark and becomes waiver eligible, I flush my interest straight down the toilet.

  21. 19 minutes ago, cross16 said:


    I saw that and understand your point. Don't necessarily disagree with it but I think Georgiev also demonstrates what many say about goalies that until you give them a chance it's hard to know what you have. Not much of his career, and certainly his AHL time screamed ready so why are we so quick to write off guys like Z, Gilles, Parsons etc and look externally?


    I know that's not necessarily you, just the theme and i just don't get it myself. 

    Just Gillies. I see a pretty bad goalie in him, but that's just me. Not his fault that he got overhyped, but upon watching him, he was definitely oversold. And he's 26 in a month. Goergiev is 2 yrs younger and has shown success at the NHL level. Gillies hasn't. 12 starts, yanked in 3. Add in this past camp and he just struggled with everything.

  22. 1 hour ago, cross16 said:

    Igor Shestroykin has been tabbed as the "next one" by the Rangers the last few years. Currently the best goalie in the AHL in his first full season there, and at 23, since coming over from Russia. 4th rounder from 2014 who has been one of, if the thee, top goalie at multiple levels the last 4/5 seasons. 


    Given the theme of this thread, I find it interesting that there is an excitement about a goalie who holds a sub .900 save % at the AHL level. 

    Not so much that cross. Between Lundqvist and Shestroykin it's seems Georgiev is the odd man out. If he were waiver exempt, which time is running out on, he could go to the A and we'd have a better just in case goalie there. Not at all saying for the big club. I'm almost thinking the NYRs are going to send him down soon and call up Shestroykin.

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