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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 9 minutes ago, ABC923 said:

    Fair enough. Since you don’t like reading the same points getting regurgitated, I’ll summarize the other points for you as well.

    -Sam Bennett was hosed

    -Coaches we’re bad

    -Organization was focused on win now to the team’s detriment

    -Sam is awesome now and we will rue the day we traded him

    Thread done. 😏

    FWIW, I am bitter about a lot this season, so I’ll step out since I don’t mean to bring everyone down. I was high on Sam even earlier this season, so I’m frustrated by the way things went down. 

    It's just oh well. You could well be right about him. No reason to cheer against him is all. I hope he has a good career.

    No hard feelings.

  2. 1 hour ago, cross16 said:


    I'm personally not sure that actually changed anything.  I believe the day after he traded Iginla, or the same day, Jay Feaster said his marching orders were to get into the playoffs the next season. When Brian Burke fired Feaster he was asked point blank if the move was to speed up the rebuild and his answer was "yes".


    I don't think patience was ever part of the plan. 

    Trying to be fair, but is there even a plan?

    "This will be our core for years to come".

    Yup. It always will be. Whittle down value until it's gone.  Until there's nothing left to show for it.

    Hamonic's, Neal's and Versteeg's for the incredibly overrated, "veteran presence."

    Half-assed plans.

    You have to be a young team to rebuild, not a mishmash.



  3. On 4/28/2021 at 1:46 PM, ABC923 said:

    I still say it’s early. He’s currently playing in playoff mode, and may rack it up the rest of the season, but the real test is next season. Will he continue being a ppl player, or drop back to career norms? Playing with Huberdeau definitely helps. Duclaire has put up 9 points in the last 7 games too, is he also an elite talent or just on a hot streak?

    I'm surprised that you keep reiterating this. This has gotta be the 5th time.

    We get it. Stop being bitter, he's a young player given a great new opportunity.

    Your posts smell like you blame him for the team.

    Speak your mind and stop alluding to him being junk in the end.

    It's not fair, be a good sport.

  4. 35 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


    Partly, yes. Many things though. 


    The Flames were actually playing well early in the season when Bennett requests a trade through his agent.  Since then, the team went on a slide.  He needed to go immediately and we couldn't find a trade partner.  The locker room just wasn't right after that.


    The fit.  He wants to play Center but there's no room for him.  He's disgruntled but keeping a professional demeanor.  Everyone can feel it.  Everyone can see he's getting treated poorly and it makes everyone feel uncomfortable.


    I also feel he's not smart enough with the puck and teammates don't want to play on his line.


    And generally speaking, Bennett often negates his positive contributions with a major negative.


    And lastly, if it's broken then don't fix it.  Even a small trade like this seemed to have fixed the lineup.

    Lol, we're only fortunate Price is out.

    Are we really good suddenly? We haven't done anything yet.

  5. 9 hours ago, The_People1 said:


    One thing often overlooked about 2018/19 is the strength of our Division.  Or better yet, the lack thereof.


    We played Colorado on the crossover because we feasted on a weak division that included EDM, LAK, ANA, and VAN.  Four worst teams in the conference.


    And also, as Giordano slows down, it's becoming evidently clear that he was and has been our best player carrying this team on his back the entire time.  Where he goes, we go.  And since he's only slowing down even more due to age, there's no reason we will improve next season returning the same players.  Tkachuk, Gaudreau, Lindholm, and Monahan can't carry this team.    

    That's fair.

    I like Mony and Lindholm at C, Mangiapane and Dube on wing.

    All else I'd change. Tkachuk until we have to qualify him.

    So many exceptional players in this day and age, everyone here is replaceable.

    I hope the org sees that. Sometimes I wonder why this team has to be saddled with perpetual "take what you can get, don't mess with the core".🙄

  6. What I like about Sutter is his soundbites.

    On their own they can be taken however.

    Put them all together:

    Don't play an NHL pace.

    Too many boneheads not getting skating off the hop.

    We won't always have a lead.

    You're not passing the puck into the net...


    He's saying what most here have said, I believe. 



    • Like 1
  7. 58 minutes ago, Sarasti said:


    Big difference is that he's playing with that talent along with being the center.

    He never really got that shot in CGY with someone like Gaudreau on one wing and a Dube or Lindy on the other.


    Hes also getting consistent PP time in FLA. 

    Also being able to talk to Barkov can't hurt.

    Only a year older, but Barkov is likely the best 2 way C in the game today.

    Add in the coaching, and Tre definitely have Sam the best opportunity out there.

    That can't be overlooked either.

    He really did what was best for team and player. 


    • Like 5
  8. 9 hours ago, ABC923 said:

    I wish I could share your optimism, but I don’t see this as that kind of trade. Sam isn’t Gilmore or St. Louis, he’s not going to just become a 30 goal 60 point forward like magic. He’s at best a 20 goal 35 point guy, who shows you flashes of what could be. He’s on a sugar high with a new team, he’ll be good in the playoffs, and then back to normal. I was shocked to get more than a 3rd rounder, so I really doubt this trade will be the catalyst you’re hoping for. That trade will occur next season at the tdl when we move Gaudreau for a late first (if we are lucky) after choosing to run the same core one more time and coming up short (or worse, keeping JG for another first round exit and getting nothing at all).

    Fla's next 2 are against the Canes so I'd expect good playoff hockey to watch. Bennett is definitely going to see some tough matchups.

    I wouldn't really peg him for what he was with the Flames just yet. He's playing with an exceptional talent now, better than any player we have, in Huberdeau.

    It's too early to call in either direction.


    • Like 1
  9. 15 minutes ago, Heartbreaker said:

    I don't think that those are great examples because I don't think that Poirier or Jankowski were BPA at the time that they were selected.


    I can get with that. For the Flames they were, I think it highlights where we are now. Call it hindsight, but it's a reality.


  10. 51 minutes ago, cross16 said:


    Yes that wasn't directed at you it was others. 


    I agree with you on this. I do wish the Flames had kept Bennett at center, or at the very least defined his role, but the biggest miss was not finding someone who he could play with and who could help him drive play. Wish they could have taken some pressure off of him at center. 

    Exactly. It was the Baertschi, Poirier Jankowski picks and more.

    I get BPA thinking at the draft, I just don't agree with it. 

    Monahan is an excellent player, Bennett had to find his own way, but compounding draft headaches made it a problem.

    I wish Canadian teams would just draft and stfu about it like American teams and not get caught up in glorifying kids.

  11. 2 minutes ago, cross16 said:

    A lot of premature takes, which is understandable given how polarizing Bennett was. I want to see more games before I draw conclusions because i'm betting this success is short lived but there is also some serious hindsight bias going on. 


    While I absolutely agree the Flames should have done better a key problem is during the time where Bennett was breaking into the league, Monahan and Backlund were breaking out too. From 2016-2019 Monahan was a top 10 producing center, and Backlund emerged as one of the best way way centers in the game and top 60 center by just about every metric you want to look at. Flames were supposed to just move those guys aside and hand Bennett opportunities they were thriving in?


    That is silly to me. 

    I don't think that at all, just that they couldn't put players with Bennett that could play a better pace and everything was D first. Not saying he should have replaced anyone. The Flames have always lacked depth. Too many picks went sideways and FA was typically meh.

    I'm definitely not saying Bennett is a wrecking ball. He can help drive play, definitely not by himself.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, travel_dude said:



    Would he though?  FLA has two players that fit him like a glove so far.

    Huberdeau is not Gaudreau.

    I don't see any line we have that plays similar to the line he's on in FLA.


    I think that's true. Bennett many times would carry the puck quickly through the neutral zone and then have no support.

    I wonder if this trade will just show that the Flames play just bogs players down?

    Go hard, no support, go hard no support.

    So you have to slow it down, and if that's not your game, you suffer.


    • Like 1
  13. 9 hours ago, pikey7883 said:

    So Benny playing with real line mates is good for him? Hmmmm, who would’ve thought that? 
    I remember a time when I said last year he needs to take Backlunds spot with Chucky and Mang, but no, he doesn’t have the skill to play up in the lineup. 
    Then last playoffs came and he lit it up with Looch and Dube, as a “grinder line” who kept producing. What have Looch and Dube done this year without Benny?

    I heard an interview on NHL network (Sirius) with Bill Lindsay whose close with the panthers. And when he was talking about Sam, he said he was shocked that he couldn’t get it going in Calgary. He said after the first two games he said Sam was pushing the pace on a team that he feels is a very fast up tempo play already. Then he said that he didn’t know he was so physical, “he hits everything”. He said thank you to the flames for their new second line Center.

    It was heartbreaking to listen to.

    Nice. Been watching them since they got him. He's winning battles, putting up points, sticking up for teammates and being a responsible C. He's had some good d zone play and separating guys from the puck.

    He's playing really well. His goals are straight down main Street and Huberdeau and Duclair find him.

    2nd PP net presence.

    • Like 3
  14. 12 minutes ago, cross16 said:



    And just to be clear I am not blaming Sutter. I don't like some of what he is doing but you will never 100% agree with a coach.


    I think Sutter is a very good coach and a master motivator but I didn't like the hire for 2 reasons. 1 - his style of game is a poor fit for how this roster is currently constructed so if the idea is to win  now I don't think they can get the roster to his liking in the short term. 2 - Big picture the Flames lack the high end talent compete with other teams, they need that franchise player and really  need that franchise center. It's very challenging to get that unless you draft it and the strength of the next 2 drafts aligns very well with that. So for me they should be doing a rebuild to get those franchise pieces, and I don't think Sutter will go for that nor will he let his teams play poorly enough to accomplish it. 


    So not really frustrated with Sutter more the circumstances around  brining him in. 

    We're not arguing at all.

    I'm just happy to put the last nail in the coffin of blaming everything but the players.

    Gaudreau's 2011 draft class, swap Granlund for Kucherov and Wotherspoon for Trochek. The 2011 line.

    Why not dream when it's in the Satoshi Nakamototer..😂

    • Like 2
  15. 32 minutes ago, cross16 said:

    I think if you want to debate how the Flames developed Bennett, that's fine. I have questions and didn't like all of it but at the end of the day Bennett didn't exactly make the most of all his chances either. You can question why they didn't trade him earlier and perhaps get more (although I'm really skeptical the price would have been higher to be honest), but at the end of the day I think it was clear it wasn't working here. It is very likely that Bennett was either not going to be qualified or lost for nothing in the expansion draft and instead the Flamed turned him into really good value, more than many thought. 


    To me how he does in Florida has no bearing on what was done on TDL. The Flames made the right decision and it was a good decision, and good trade value, and whatever he does in Florida will not change those circumstances. 


    Part of the reason I will keep cheering for him. 

    I completely agree, my only query, really, was he always the first to be demoted quickly, rather than guide him through making mistakes?

    Where others get constant passes.

    He got stifled quickly when he made mistakes was always my perception. Not allowed to make mistakes.

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, cross16 said:


    I feel the exact same way. 


    Hopefully we are wrong but i've never felt more pessimistic about the Flames. This is more frustrating for me than the tail end of the Iginla era. 

    My frustration is equal, but I'm okay with Sutter.

    Peter's left the Canes and they became likely the most disciplined team in the league.

    Sutter has credibility, our coaches since his last departure don't. In Bennett's Instagram interview he said he liked Sutter and thinks he's similar to Quenneville.

    The blaming coach game ends here.

    Sutter's job, for me, is just teach these guys to compete at the NHL level. 

    But he's hardly going to accomplish it overnight, lots to fix.

    • Like 3
  17. 8 minutes ago, ABC923 said:

    Glad to see Benny excel in a couple games, but we won't know if it was a solid trade until next season. Bennett was always a streaky player, and he struggles to maintain his emotion over long periods. That's why he's great in the playoffs, he can engage every night because it matters. But in the regular season, that's just not the case. So he's on an emotional high right now, don't be surprised if he puts up a point a game for 5 or 10 games before going cold to end the season. The playoffs will come, he'll be fantastic as always, be a ppg, and FLA will think they fleeced us. Then they'll give him a fat contract and scratch their heads next season when he only score 10-15 goals and 25-30 points. I think this trade will ultimately be seen as a win-win though, especially if Florida gets over the hump and wins (something the flames were not going to do with or without Bennett).

    Certainly agree it's too early. Cheering him on. He needed a change of environment at any rate. It was kinda toxic how he was yo-yo'd around. He got punished for mistakes more than any other Flames 

    • Like 2
  18. I think there's the eye test that matches Sutter's comment about NHL pace. The Flames seem like they're skating in mud too often. Bennett was as guilty as the rest. Watching Fla they are high tempo and aggressive, hopefully Bennett can be better playing a consistent elevated paced game. Wanted him to get the Howe Hat Trick.

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