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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 9 hours ago, cross16 said:

    Pribyl was worth his weight in gold for getting us Rittich. lol

    One chance encounter for Rittich or no one ever heard of him.

    Very cool story

    The kinda guy we like cheering for. Full on underdog. Talented and colourful.

    He's been on the ride of his life, and he isn't out of place.

    Not to mention our best effort award near every start.

    Just get him into the playoffs healthy, scorers.

  2. 14 hours ago, robrob74 said:


    I love the guy! I was like most and hated the signing, because I didn't see him play. But once we had those 3 goalies at once, I could see why they signed him. He has his structure down. I wanted our other prospects to shine as much as everyone else. Rittich is the clear choice and so far is showing it. We are lucky to have him. I hope he keeps it up. 


    But I feel like Talbot has played well too. He hasn't had the run support, and now the only thing others will see in his play are the stats. Next year or the year after people will look at the stats and say the goaltending didn't cut it. 

    Yup. Wish I could find the story about how we stumbled upon him. Whoever that scout was should stick to scouting goalies. lol

    • Like 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    I do miss his "Flames from 80 Feet" segments and his podcasts.

    But, you can't just do that stuff for free, with minimal payback.

    Man's gotta eat.

    And be audited. If you're working under LeBrun, that's a helluva promotion and an umbrella. imo.

  4. On 11/5/2019 at 5:48 PM, Carty said:


    It's the NHL double standards rule...   and last week a few Flames got a blocker to the face from the goalie without doing anything like what has been happening to Rittich lately...   No surprise that the refs didn't seem to care...


    Speaking of Rittich taking abuse, it's been happening more often...   No wonder Lucic snapped...   Not an ideal outcome, but least he will stand up for his teammates...

    Now that teams are seeing how solid Rittich, is they try harder to throw him off. It's up to the dmen to cut that crap out. I remember Kipper getting cannon-balled constantly until we got JBo to show everyone how to protect your goalie. Fans say what they will of JBo's time here. The thing that stood out for me the most was finally having a dman that knew how to protect his goalie. Get in lanes, read what opponent's are doing, get in the way. I thought JBo was great at that. Kipper got run way less once JBo could teach our D how to do it, because it was getting ugly prior to him.

  5. 54 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    What I see from Bennett is the failure to get a clean shot away most times.

    Tries to dange to get away and shoot.

    Telegraphs his shot, so a stick is on the shot reducing the velocity.

    When it's a clean shot, it's not on nets, since he trying the perfect shot.


    I would prefer him to drive the front of the net and stake a claim to it.

    Let the other team take the penalty for trying to move you, not picking a player trying to defend.


    Kind of my argument, go hit, pucks will come to you or your linemates. More hitting, less thinking. Play the way you want to play. Coaching be damned. Let's see intensity. Not benched for every time that you give it a shot and it goes south.

  6. Bennett needs to engage imho. His best hockey is when he flies around hitting everything that moves. Take a penalty? Fine, get back out there and hit everything that moves.

    When he plays with that kind of intensity, the rest of his game tends to come around without overthinking everything, which he is prone to do when lulled to sleep.

    I feel like, "hey we're down 2-0 because of Bennett's penalties, he's getting demoted" is the wrong play.

    He's at his best playing a high passion game which few others on this team bring, just let him play that way. Stop putting the reins on him. Let your horses run without such an overwhelmingly hairy eyeball. Let him play the way he needs to be his best.

    Bennett playing that style is the guy I wanna see. That Bennett, at the very least, creates space for everyone.

    The only down on Bennett I can think of, if you let him play the way he needs to, is he has to change his shot release. You aren't zipping a 60km wrister from behind your waist past an NHL goalie. Watch Tkachuk. He pulls it towards his skates more often than not before releasing. Bennett has to learn that, not, "shooting from my other leg", as he claimed he worked on in the summer. Change the trajectory. Every goalie will tell you that's the hardest thing to deal with. Been saying this about Bennett for awhile now. You don't need the perfect shot, you need to fool the goalie.

    • Like 1
  7. Not sure about parity-linked. It's been quite a few years now that I always want the Flames to have a heavy schedule to start. Contrast that to Florida who always have been behind in GP in years passed have always struggled getting off of the ground. My own opinion is teams have to start playing a lot of games to sync back into the season. 2-3 games a week doesn't cut it. When every team has that 4 games in 6 nights thing like we just had, seems to be when they start coming out of the summer hibernation.

    Time to stop thinking, time to get going.

    Sorry to jack an Oilers thread, but hang on...no I'm not.

    Is anyone noticing the Panthers have the best coach in the league now? What a difference. The Florida Blackhawks. I'm going to Vegas while the night is young. lol

  8. I don't know why, but every year it seems it takes about 15 games before the men start separating from the boys. The thing with the Oilers has always been when frustration starts, they're unable to overcome it. Smith and Neal are not the vets to help with that. Time will tell I guess. Could be my Flames glasses.

    • Like 1
  9. 34 minutes ago, flames-fan-in-jets-land said:

    Problem is, like mentioned in the vid, if that was anyone else (except maybe Wilson or Marchand) the whole incident would be a 2 minute roughing non-issue. Plus many will say the Wideman effect is still in play also.

    I take virtually zero stock in the 2 talking heads. If everyone says that it's black these to always say it's white. Virtually every respectable talking head agreed with the suspension. You just can't flying punch a guy in the face. Had Lucic grabbed him first, it would be a different story. Don't get me wrong, I'll take that suspension every time. If Josh Anderson did this to Mangiapane, what would everyone be saying? Gotta put it in perspective. You can't just throw a lunging punch to a guys face when his hands are down.

    But as I mentioned before, can these kids not recognize who is on the ice when they get all 10' tall and bulletproof?

    And that being said, I actually wanted us to take a flier on Sherwood. lol Undrafted. Good size RW with skill that plays an antagonizing game. Of course he was running around hitting everything that moves vs us. It's what he has to do to be successful. Junkowski for Sherwood, lol.

  10. 7 hours ago, cross16 said:

    props to you on that one. You’ve been a supporter since day 1 and helped change my mind on him. 
    he’s such a great fit for this team. He’s got me convinced the Flames have found something. 

    I also wonder if he can be a workhorse. He reminds me of my fave goalie, Rinne. 3rd last pick in 04. 11 year vet as a starter. Happy Birthday Pekka, 37 today. And going strong. Boy when you're really good fundamentally, like Rinne and Rittich, I think that's a long shelf life. But boy, if this is Rittich every day, which I think it is, he's going to get paid after next year. Wait and see.

  11. My MVP for October. David Rittich. He's not only really good, he's fun. A goalie with a personality. Could this be a trend?

    He has me convinced that you can spot a good goalie and it's not, "goalies are a mystery". He had the fundamentals down pat when he got here. The rest is just fine tuning.

    When you're always where you're supposed to be to make the save, you aren't going to get lit up very often. And unlike Smith, it's not like riding a rollercoaster.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Carty said:


    Sure did...   and Smith lasted 22 minutes and 36 seconds before he got the hook...    That looked familiar to...

    He should worry more about his assignment more than everyone else's. Glad he's gone. He's one hot mess.

  13. The Panther's put the run on Smith to start the 2nd. 3 goals in 1:16 I think it was. The Panthers are making the real Oilers stand up.

    3-0 Pants after 2. They haven't lost in regs in 6. Good luck Edmonchuk. This is what a good team looks like.

  14. 1 minute ago, lou44291 said:


    I like the look and sound of that line, and, I’d love to see mange get a shot on line 1, however the stumbling block for me is who plays C with Gaudreau and Mange on line 1? Lindholm? Backlund? Not to mention, that line 1 would be so tiny... 

    Lindholm, for sure. D brings some muscle. If needed. Be fast.

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