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COVID-19 and NHL


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1 hour ago, The_People1 said:


Thanks.  Ya I wasn't trying to say you were racists but I believe there's something more sinister being conspired, at least, on some level.


With masks finally being recommended, I'm now confident we can beat this virus in 4 weeks.


That will take us to mid-May.  Give the NHL a week to finalize all plans to resume the season or start the playoffs immediately.  The season might be saved after all.

I think that is highly improbable, how can you get the right people to wear the masks when so many dont even take the self isolation part seriously? Not sure how its going over there but the professionals are estimating Manitobas #s wont peak for another 2-3 weeks.  Plus no games over there till at least July right?  

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9 hours ago, flames-fan-in-jets-land said:

I think that is highly improbable, how can you get the right people to wear the masks when so many dont even take the self isolation part seriously? Not sure how its going over there but the professionals are estimating Manitobas #s wont peak for another 2-3 weeks.  Plus no games over there till at least July right?  


That and as of now we still cannot procure enough masks for our medical professionals so i'm not sure how we get to the place where we can do that AND provide enough masks for the everyday public. Something would have to give and given that the US still hasn't peaked i'm not sure what can to provide masks for everyone. I'm confident Canada is on the right track with the virus, but I have zero faith the US is. I think the worst is yet to come for them and how can the NHL even contemplate coming back with the majority of it's league based in the US?


They are estimating Alberta's cases will peak towards the end of April/Early May. 

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12 hours ago, The_People1 said:

Thanks.  Ya I wasn't trying to say you were racists but I believe there's something more sinister being conspired, at least, on some level.


As of last week 57 countries had adopted measures to either totally discontinue or limit exports of things like masks and medicines...   Nationalism is on the rise, and that is a globalists nightmare...   


One of the things that could come from this is Canada becoming more self sufficient...   and that would be a good thing...


12 hours ago, The_People1 said:

With masks finally being recommended, I'm now confident we can beat this virus in 4 weeks.


It's way overdue...   https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/jonathan-kay-the-case-for-wearing-face-masks-during-covid-19-was-obvious-a-month-ago/ar-BB12f99O?ocid=spartandhp


But everyone needs to wear one to make it work, especially when doing something like going into a grocery store or riding a bus where the risks are higher for spreading the virus...


12 hours ago, The_People1 said:

That will take us to mid-May.  Give the NHL a week to finalize all plans to resume the season or start the playoffs immediately.  The season might be saved after all.


We can only hope...   I don't think it could happen before June at the earliest, even if they were to play games in empty arenas...   I think towards the end of July might be the earliest for the possibility of having fans at the games, and that would be optimistic...

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1 hour ago, cross16 said:


That and as of now we still cannot procure enough masks for our medical professionals so i'm not sure how we get to the place where we can do that AND provide enough masks for the everyday public. Something would have to give and given that the US still hasn't peaked i'm not sure what can to provide masks for everyone. I'm confident Canada is on the right track with the virus, but I have zero faith the US is. I think the worst is yet to come for them and how can the NHL even contemplate coming back with the majority of it's league based in the US?


They are estimating Alberta's cases will peak towards the end of April/Early May. 


I wouldn't be too confident in the boy blunder (Turdeau)...

He's STILL letting flights from china come here (with no screening at the airports).

The idiot was STILL letting illegals (likely some infected with covid) cross our border from NY (& it's probably still happening)... and in case you forgot, these illegals are being put up in luxury hotels on the taxpayers dime, as our less fortunate homeless are still on the street. 

The dumbass gave our PPE surplus to China & I know they're sending masks back here now but, they have been producing crap that doesn't work / fails (masks that fall apart) Eg. Netherlands / Spain etc, who are sending defective PPE / tests back to China.

The libtards incompetent ministers (Tam & Pandemic Patty Hajdo) lied about how & where this virus originated from (China, who was trying to cover it up) & how important using masks would be or were too stupid to realize it was crucial in stopping the spread. They should have taken a page out of Taiwan's book, who were producing / wearing masks right from the start & have a low infection rate. But, China hates Taiwan so, our trash gov't/ media (who loves communist China) would never report on that & would prefer that Canadian citizens get infected & die, as long as China doesn't look bad.

Believe me when I tell you this Cross, the Federal gov't does not give a crap about us Canadian citizens (especially in Alberta)... they just want more control over the population & more of our tax dollars. We'll probably never get some  of those freedoms back. Part of me feels like this is an absolute farce and their just using this flu like virus to scare people into giving more control to the gov't so, they can push us more into globalism. It's not like this is the g'damn plague or anything.... it's a flu that mainly only really seems to effect people with pre-existing conditions.



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2 hours ago, cross16 said:


That and as of now we still cannot procure enough masks for our medical professionals so i'm not sure how we get to the place where we can do that AND provide enough masks for the everyday public. Something would have to give and given that the US still hasn't peaked i'm not sure what can to provide masks for everyone. I'm confident Canada is on the right track with the virus, but I have zero faith the US is. I think the worst is yet to come for them and how can the NHL even contemplate coming back with the majority of it's league based in the US?


They are estimating Alberta's cases will peak towards the end of April/Early May. 


A place in BC and I think Ford said Ontario was going to start making them... but that could be future use? I get why we depend on trade to run the economy as a lot of items would cost too much to make here in Canada, but it really shows that when there are items that are required in emergency, trade isn't feasible, N95s. 


My bet is they have a few exhibition games to get guys up to speed. Then they should re-do the schedule so that everyone plays the same max games. The Canadiens have played 71 games. Would they all play up to 75 games, so that everyone has a clear point total and legit reason for being in the playoffs? 


So there are possibly 11 games for some, and 12 or 13 for others. Is a condensed schedule harmful for the players? Although 10 games would get them up to speed and have playoff intensity by about game 2 or 3 of the playoffs. 


I worry about the Flames though, they're generally slow starters after long breaks. Although with the Playoffs near, they may see the urgency. 

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On 4/7/2020 at 10:37 PM, flames-fan-in-jets-land said:

I think that is highly improbable, how can you get the right people to wear the masks when so many dont even take the self isolation part seriously? Not sure how its going over there but the professionals are estimating Manitobas #s wont peak for another 2-3 weeks.  Plus no games over there till at least July right?  


Maybe I'm being a bit optimistic but when I look at places like Hong Kong, Taiwan, and even China, I see masks as part of regular life now.  When that happens, it's very difficult for anything to spread, let alone covid19.  I'm picturing Canada with that level of courtesy for others in public.  Put on a mask to benefit others because no one knows who is sick.


I agree it will be near impossible to have this happen in USA.


At the same time, at some point, the virus runs out of new hosts.  Those who don't protect themselves will have already gotten sick and those who were careful will be spared. 

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16 hours ago, cross16 said:

 how can the NHL even contemplate coming back with the majority of it's league based in the US?


Agreed.  The NHL should call the season or at least announce a drop dead date and then once we hit that day, everybody can move on.


The NHL should reconvene in August to discuss the start of next season.

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14 hours ago, Carty said:


As of last week 57 countries had adopted measures to either totally discontinue or limit exports of things like masks and medicines...   Nationalism is on the rise, and that is a globalists nightmare...   


One of the things that could come from this is Canada becoming more self sufficient...   and that would be a good thing...


I see now.  I get you see this fight against globalism but we have to understand why the elites tried to implement globalism in the first place.  It's not globalism or bust because the end game is total enslavement and control of the plebs.  Globalism was merely a way to get there.


Now that we have Nationalism, we have to be careful it's not weaponized to enslave us... Nationalism alone isn't the end of the games from the elites.  There's ideas of a vaccine for covid19 where everybody has to be certified electronically.  Otherwise, you get kicked out of society... Or I mean, they say you lose your rights to travel outside the country.  Many things are coming regardless of globalism... The surveillance state.  ID tracking.  No option to refuse vaccines.  Digital currency.  All tied to a digital certificate proving you are an obedient pleb or else you don't get to use anything inside the digital society.


My point is, China has a bad government yes.  That doesn't mean ours isn't.  Our government propaganda aimed at us is simple more sophiscated in their methods, indirect in delivery, and still arrive at the same results.

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14 hours ago, CalgarySTL said:


I wouldn't be too confident in the boy blunder (Turdeau)...


The libtards incompetent ministers 


Believe me when I tell you this Cross, the Federal gov't does not give a crap about us Canadian citizens (especially in Alberta)... they just want more control over the population & more of our tax dollars. 


You know, at some point, we have to consider the idea that this wasn't negligence and incompetence.  I know we don't want to think this way but we have to consider this was intentional.


To what gain?  Well you've nailed it in your last paragraph.  Tam loves the TV, maybe.  Hey we need more hospital funding right.  Those ventilators that they always needed but the government wouldn't buy for them... 

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14 hours ago, robrob74 said:


I worry about the Flames though, they're generally slow starters after long breaks. Although with the Playoffs near, they may see the urgency. 


Are Flames players quarantined in Calgary?  Or some were allowed to go back "home"?  Like out of the country?  I wonder what our players are doing and if they meet and discuss hockey.  Maybe study the X's and O's?  Or I am thinking too much?

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8 hours ago, The_People1 said:


You know, at some point, we have to consider the idea that this wasn't negligence and incompetence.  I know we don't want to think this way but we have to consider this was intentional.


To what gain?  Well you've nailed it in your last paragraph.  Tam loves the TV, maybe.  Hey we need more hospital funding right.  Those ventilators that they always needed but the government wouldn't buy for them... 


I hate to sound all conspiracy theorist but, it wouldn't shock me to find out this was a "manufactured" pandemic emergency of sorts.... I mean, how could the libs be so stupid all the time.  100% they could have mitigated the severity of this virus in our country but, they did the exact opposite which put a lot of lives at risk here.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste", right?

There's covid tests (which has been approved by the US FDA & has already tested over 100 million around the world) that they could purchase, which are accurate (unlike the garbage Chinese tests), fast (only takes a few minutes to get results) & cheaper (approx $25 per test) than the covid tests they are performing right now in Canada. It can tell you if you have covid 19, if you have recovered from it already or if you don't have it at all. People that don't have it & are already recovered from it can go back to work... why is this not being used here???  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjBO-E73zJ0

Get the people back to work!


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10 hours ago, The_People1 said:


Are Flames players quarantined in Calgary?  Or some were allowed to go back "home"?  Like out of the country?  I wonder what our players are doing and if they meet and discuss hockey.  Maybe study the X's and O's?  Or I am thinking too much?


Those who live here full time obviously stayed and depending on where the others reside some have gone home. Rasmus was commenting he stayed but was playing on heading back to Sweden when he could. Most are commenting they are trying to work out at home to stay in shape but it's tough unless you have your own facility/equipment. Most players will be in a similar boat when they return

Ward was on the radio yesterday saying the coaching staff is conducting their usual post season activities. Review of game tape, AHL Prospects, development plans etc. 

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To those thinking covid is some kind of elite conspiracy to enslave us, you haven't been paying attention to the world.  Who are the elites after all?  The Libs? The educated/experts? Climate scientists? No, the elites are those with elite access to power and money.  It's right there in the name.  Is Trudeau an elite? Yes.  Is Jason Kenney? You bet. Doug Ford? Stephen Harper? Bill Morneau? Yes, yes, yes. David Suzuki? Al Gore? Obama? Trump? Yes, yes, yes, yes.  Bezos? Koch Brothers? Musk? Gates? All yes.  So what do they all have in common? It's not always politics or political power.  It's money.  Lots of money.  Some more than others.  Is anyone I've listed worth less than a few million bucks? I don't think so.

So we have a world where the keys to power are held by the wealthy.  Our leaders are wealthy, their donors are wealthy, and it is the wealthy for whom they serve.  Nationalism, globalism, it doesn't matter.  They throw these words around for us plebs to fight over.  So what does this have to do with covid? Simple.  The disease is devastating the portfolios of the wealthy.  They already own us, there isn't anything to gain, only lose.  Think about it.  If we are all stuck inside for the next year, with rampant unemployment and no hope in site, you have the makings of a revolution.  That is the opposite of what the true elites would want.  They want status quo, and have been getting just that for decades.  Trump and Trudeau haven't changed that, they are just the latest in a long line of juicers, squeezing the rest of us for every last drop they can pass on to their rich friends and their own banker accounts.  


Anyway, I'm not here to bat around conspiracy theories.  I'm here to talk hockey.  There's a reason I almost never go to the politics thread, so my apologies for breaking my own personal rules around this here.  This will be my only post on the matter, so if you are hoping to engage me on it, I'm afraid you will be disappointed.  Just dropping it 'cause I'm bored and frustrated at the moment.

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3 hours ago, ABC923 said:

To those thinking covid is some kind of elite conspiracy to enslave us, you haven't been paying attention to the world.  Who are the elites after all?  The Libs? The educated/experts? Climate scientists? No, the elites are those with elite access to power and money.  It's right there in the name.  Is Trudeau an elite? Yes.  Is Jason Kenney? You bet. Doug Ford? Stephen Harper? Bill Morneau? Yes, yes, yes. David Suzuki? Al Gore? Obama? Trump? Yes, yes, yes, yes.  Bezos? Koch Brothers? Musk? Gates? All yes.  So what do they all have in common? It's not always politics or political power.  It's money.  Lots of money.  Some more than others.  Is anyone I've listed worth less than a few million bucks? I don't think so.

So we have a world where the keys to power are held by the wealthy.  Our leaders are wealthy, their donors are wealthy, and it is the wealthy for whom they serve.  Nationalism, globalism, it doesn't matter.  They throw these words around for us plebs to fight over.  So what does this have to do with covid? Simple.  The disease is devastating the portfolios of the wealthy.  They already own us, there isn't anything to gain, only lose.  Think about it.  If we are all stuck inside for the next year, with rampant unemployment and no hope in site, you have the makings of a revolution.  That is the opposite of what the true elites would want.  They want status quo, and have been getting just that for decades.  Trump and Trudeau haven't changed that, they are just the latest in a long line of juicers, squeezing the rest of us for every last drop they can pass on to their rich friends and their own banker accounts.  


Anyway, I'm not here to bat around conspiracy theories.  I'm here to talk hockey.  There's a reason I almost never go to the politics thread, so my apologies for breaking my own personal rules around this here.  This will be my only post on the matter, so if you are hoping to engage me on it, I'm afraid you will be disappointed.  Just dropping it 'cause I'm bored and frustrated at the moment.


it makes sense. It really does make you wonder if the election rules need to change. Voting Someone in isn’t really about your ideals anymore. I am typically an NDP kinda guy, but the BC NDP shown not much different than any other party. 

Unless they’re trying to kill off the lower class then this could be it. But who will do the dirty work?

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On 4/9/2020 at 2:18 PM, ABC923 said:

To those thinking covid is some kind of elite conspiracy to enslave us, you haven't been paying attention to the world.  Who are the elites after all?  The Libs? The educated/experts? Climate scientists? No, the elites are those with elite access to power and money.  It's right there in the name.  Is Trudeau an elite? Yes.  Is Jason Kenney? You bet. Doug Ford? Stephen Harper? Bill Morneau? Yes, yes, yes. David Suzuki? Al Gore? Obama? Trump? Yes, yes, yes, yes.  Bezos? Koch Brothers? Musk? Gates? All yes.  So what do they all have in common? It's not always politics or political power.  It's money.  Lots of money.  Some more than others.  Is anyone I've listed worth less than a few million bucks? I don't think so.

So we have a world where the keys to power are held by the wealthy.  Our leaders are wealthy, their donors are wealthy, and it is the wealthy for whom they serve.  Nationalism, globalism, it doesn't matter.  They throw these words around for us plebs to fight over.  So what does this have to do with covid? Simple.  The disease is devastating the portfolios of the wealthy.  They already own us, there isn't anything to gain, only lose.  Think about it.  If we are all stuck inside for the next year, with rampant unemployment and no hope in site, you have the makings of a revolution.  That is the opposite of what the true elites would want.  They want status quo, and have been getting just that for decades.  Trump and Trudeau haven't changed that, they are just the latest in a long line of juicers, squeezing the rest of us for every last drop they can pass on to their rich friends and their own banker accounts.  


Anyway, I'm not here to bat around conspiracy theories.  I'm here to talk hockey.  There's a reason I almost never go to the politics thread, so my apologies for breaking my own personal rules around this here.  This will be my only post on the matter, so if you are hoping to engage me on it, I'm afraid you will be disappointed.  Just dropping it 'cause I'm bored and frustrated at the moment.


Yes sorry, some of these posts do not belong in this thread.  We are all bored because hockey is locked down and this virus is taking center stage.  So, if you are bored, then please let me respond.


"There is nothing to gain, only lose..."  No, they lose by standing still.  Tech is evolving and new comers like Zuckerberg and Bezos are disrupting the status quo.  They are joining the elite class and oil tycoons are losing power to the tech guys.  Zuckerberg also wanted to create a cryptocurrency called Libra to disrupt the banker's monopoly on money printing and got a slap in the face.  The bankers are losing power and they don't like it.  They can't stand still.  They have to act.  Elites have to act because even though they are at the top, they can get knocked off the elite status by new comers.


New comers always have their own vision of how the world should be according to themselves.  They will use money to steer the world in that direction and that's sometimes a direction the old guard doesn't like because it could render their monopolies worthless.


"They already own us..."  Yes, they do.  And they need to work to keep it that way as opposed to standing still.  "They" are at the top but it's very important to understand that they compete among themselves.  From our perspective, they already have everything so why fight?  We have to understand, these people are sick, narcissistic, and have egos through the atmosphere.  They have everything but want even more.  They all want to be #1.


Sometimes, elites will team up with another to gain some kind of advantage.  Sometimes, they are at direct odds with one another.  There's a Russian alliance and among them, they fight.  There's a Chinese alliance and among them, they fight.  There's an American alliance (but i suspect 3 or 4 rivaling American groups), etc.


So let's go back to covid19 (i don't know if it was a bio-weapon or organically mutated),


In a recent Bill Gates interview, he mentioned one of his pharma companies is close to a vaccine.  He sees everyone take his covid19 test soon and if you pass, then you get a digital certificate you can carry on your phone.  This digital certificate will then allow you to travel.  So in short, Bill Gates wants the government to take our money and give it to him so he can inject a vaccine into you.  Then, thanks to Bill Gates, the government will give you the right to travel freely (again).


The only difference between China and the West is that in China, the government owns all the corporations.  In the West, the corporations own all the governments.  In no system do the plebs have any control.  We have control at the polls?  Hah!  In the USA, the free-est country in the world, the super-delegates hand pick two candidates for the plebs to pick from.  And the plebs go to the polls thinking they have democracy.

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8 hours ago, CalgarySTL said:


I hate to sound all conspiracy theorist but, it wouldn't shock me to find out this was a "manufactured" pandemic emergency of sorts.... I mean, how could the libs be so stupid all the time.  100% they could have mitigated the severity of this virus in our country but, they did the exact opposite which put a lot of lives at risk here.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste", right?

There's covid tests (which has been approved by the US FDA & has already tested over 100 million around the world) that they could purchase, which are accurate (unlike the garbage Chinese tests), fast (only takes a few minutes to get results) & cheaper (approx $25 per test) than the covid tests they are performing right now in Canada. It can tell you if you have covid 19, if you have recovered from it already or if you don't have it at all. People that don't have it & are already recovered from it can go back to work... why is this not being used here???  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjBO-E73zJ0

Get the people back to work!


"Never let a good crisis go to waste" exactly.


In terms of the virus's origins, who knows.  It's yet to be determined.  However, the reaction by our government may prove to be more important to us. You can't tell me US Intelligence only found out a couple days ago that China was lying about their numbers.  You and I sitting in our basement computers can tell China was lying before they even opened their mouth but US Intelligence didn't know?  Come on.


They have been SO dumb and stupid that it almost has to be intentional.  They want everyone to get sick.




- Scapegoat for reckless economic policies since 2008.  Fed can now print as much money as they need/want to save their buddy's businesses.  Oh, and give the plebs a bit to chew on so they don't ask too many questions.


- Too many baby boomers collecting retirement pensions BUT the ponzi is bankrupt.  Two choices; 

  1. Bailout the pension.
  2. Reduce the number of dependents via covid19 (absolutely sick!).


- This is a first step/trial/study on our subservient nature.  Eventually, they will roll out the real deal.  They needed data on how to control us, what works best, etc.


Do you really think the government is just dumb and stupid?  Partly yes I do.  But this is a level of dumb and stupid that i think cannot be excused as such anymore.  Are they simply so out of touch in their ivory castles that they don't know what's going on?  OR are they taking advantage of a bad situation?

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1 hour ago, robrob74 said:


it makes sense. It really does make you wonder if the election rules need to change. Voting Someone in isn’t really about your ideals anymore. I am typically an NDP kinda guy, but the BC NDP shown not much different than any other party. 

Unless they’re trying to kill off the lower class then this could be it. But who will do the dirty work?


We only really have true freedom at the municipal levels.  Once we talk Federal/International, that's where the elites play.

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7 hours ago, cross16 said:


Those who live here full time obviously stayed and depending on where the others reside some have gone home. Rasmus was commenting he stayed but was playing on heading back to Sweden when he could. Most are commenting they are trying to work out at home to stay in shape but it's tough unless you have your own facility/equipment. Most players will be in a similar boat when they return

Ward was on the radio yesterday saying the coaching staff is conducting their usual post season activities. Review of game tape, AHL Prospects, development plans etc. 


I honestly don't know how players can stay focused.  Most players don't train as hard in the off-season than they do going into the playoffs.  When the season resumes, will the playoffs begin or the pre-season?  Such a big difference.  Not to mention, players need a psychological break from the game every off-season.  Or else, they get mentally fatigued.


I'm guessing no one is skating.  Just straight bikes and treadmills if they are lucky.


I think the NHL needs to announce a drop dead date for the season.  Like, if we are May 1 and still in quarantine, then this season is officially cancelled and we prepare for off-season stuff like the draft.

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1 hour ago, Sarasti said:

Didn't know where to post this and it's not virus-related but Oilers forward Colby Cave has died at age 25.


Condolences to his family.


It was sad news...   For those that didn't know what happened, it started with a brain bleed, and then he had surgery on Tuesday to remove a cyst that was putting pressure on his brain...   https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/edmonton-oilers-forward-colby-cave-dies-age-25/


Condolences for his family and friends...   Tough thing to go through for anyone, especially since he was so young...   RIP Colby...





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