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The thing with Rittich is he's never really had a "dip in play" this season. I get his numbers have been up and down but my feel has always been he has been steady. There's been what 5 bad goals on him this year?


Guy has 5 regulation losses in 33 starts, and that's not your go-to guy?

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I was livid last night with Smith. Every time he makes mistake, he doesn't picked himself up or makes a spectacular saves after to make up for his previous stupid mistake. Instead, he let in a stinker. I know we need both goalies in the playoffs but we all know who is the starter here. They are still hoping that he will turn around for us as a starter. How many lost like last night does it needs to say that he is not a starter for us this year? Smith has singularly cost us many games this season. We have a good backup goalie in Smith and that's all he is. Rittich is our starter so start giving him more games than Smith. He has earned that position!

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I hate sounding like a broken record, but Smith is so clearly not the guy and I do not understand why this organization is having such a tough time seeing that. 


Im going to be pretty choked if they don't give Rittich another run of games. 



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The only reasoning I can think of is that they’re aware Rittich has been the starter. They understand Smith is more susceptible to drops in play and needs to stay in rhythm because he’s been a starter for years. Whereas Rittich is used to inconsistent starts as he’s been a backup, his game isn’t as dependent on consecutive starts as Smiths has been. 


Lol..I don’t know! I’m over Smith, that much I do know.

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I dont understand why he just cant keep the puckhandling to the low risk plays. Sure stopping the puck behind the net and leaving it, or passing it to the D-man in the corner is fine..........when theres no one around! But this hanging on for too long and high risk passes are going to cost me my sanity. Maybe after last nights debacle either Smith, Peters, or Sigalet will finally put an end to it.

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Peter"s needs to be consistent. He pulled Rittich early in a game for a mistake leading to a goal. He should have pulled Smith after the give away goal sending a message to Smith and the rest of the team " you screw up you sit". That loss to Minny was just as much Peter's loss as Smith's. I thought our team as a whole minus Smith played well.

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12 minutes ago, flames-fan-in-jets-land said:

I dont understand why he just cant keep the puckhandling to the low risk plays. Sure stopping the puck behind the net and leaving it, or passing it to the D-man in the corner is fine..........when theres no one around! But this hanging on for too long and high risk passes are going to cost me my sanity. Maybe after last nights debacle either Smith, Peters, or Sigalet will finally put an end to it.



Clearly it only costs us the game 1-in-every-6 starts. That’s only 16.6% of the time! I’d say only around 5% of his playing the puck costs a goal against too. 


I’m it started off as sarcasm lol. But I took the sarcasm too far. 🤪

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2 minutes ago, redfire11 said:

Peter"s needs to be consistent. He pulled Rittich early in a game for a mistake leading to a goal. He should have pulled Smith after the give away goal sending a message to Smith and the rest of the team " you screw up you sit". That loss to Minny was just as much Peter's loss as Smith's. I thought our team as a whole minus Smith played well.


Up until the Wild’s 2nd goal though. After that the momentum swung and they went into shutdown. 


The only thing i didnt like about the 1st 40 minutes is the quality of chances for. The Flames held the play, were engaged, but the quality of chances weren’t that great. It was a shooting practice for Dubnyk.

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24 minutes ago, robrob74 said:


Up until the Wild’s 2nd goal though. After that the momentum swung and they went into shutdown. 


The only thing i didnt like about the 1st 40 minutes is the quality of chances for. The Flames held the play, were engaged, but the quality of chances weren’t that great. It was a shooting practice for Dubnyk.

Our team isn't playing all that great right now but there were some good signs from the top line last night. Our defensemen are trying to force the action but taking way to many risks on pinching with nobody behind them. Yes Smith did one of his bonehead plays but the team needs to get better collectively.

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48 minutes ago, MAC331 said:

Our team isn't playing all that great right now but there were some good signs from the top line last night. Our defensemen are trying to force the action but taking way to many risks on pinching with nobody behind them. Yes Smith did one of his bonehead plays but the team needs to get better collectively.


Well, I also think Hathaway getting ejected changed the 4th line’s effectiveness. They are so fast in the forecheck that they wreak havoc. We missed that last night. I don’t want to give everybody a pass, but I think this is the type of hockey we will see the rest of the way. Teams want to tighten up, and work their way into the playoffs. 

Itll be hard to get wins the rest of the way. I think the effort was there, but maybe not the process or execution.

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The goal where Smith hot stuck behind the net, wasn't great but it wasn't the goal that bugged me. The 4th goal that beat him so cleanly 5 hole right after we scored to make it a 1 goal game is the goal that drives me crazy. He basically didn't give his team a chance to make a comeback. 


He has done it a few times this year, where we score to get the lead or tie or make it a 1 goal game and then shortly after Smith gives up a stinker killing the momentum.

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If that was not Smith's last night in goal as a Flame.. We have a legitimate Management issue somewhere on this team!!! The behind the net was inexcusable but not at all unexpected... Smith's reaction time is nowhere near what is needed for a top caliber NHL goalie.. The high glove side shot is almost a guaranteed shot.. He has the worst glove hand i've ever seen.. The long shot between the legs which any Peewee player could have stopped was down right embarrassing..Smith's age and injuries have caught up to him.. Great guy?? yes.. No doubt!! Upper tier league goalie?? not even close!! As we did not pick up a legitimate 3rd goalie at the trade deadline.. we are who we are for the rest of the season.. Rittich clearly has the net for the rest of the season barring an injury


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23 minutes ago, Horsman1 said:

Rittich clearly has the net for the rest of the season barring an injury

A huge majority on this site feel the same way; except it doesn't matter what we think. Someones job has to be pressured or lost for Smith to not to get majority starts. The stats, and the eye tests are there for all to see but it seems management or coaching staff or both have blinders on.

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1 hour ago, cross16 said:

A team that won 7 straight and is in the top 5 in all defensive categories isn't playing "that great" ?


wow. Tough crowd around here. 


When we lose the game because of one player, it stings.  The crowd gave Smith the jeers after he stopped the first shot following the behind-the-net blunder.


Doesnt mean the rest of the team gets out of jail free.  Jankowski could've should've cleared that puck. Czarnik's goal could've counted.  We could've scored on the PP.  Lots of chances to have scored 5 goals but couldn't beat Dubnyk.

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55 minutes ago, JTech780 said:

The goal where Smith hot stuck behind the net, wasn't great but it wasn't the goal that bugged me. The 4th goal that beat him so cleanly 5 hole right after we scored to make it a 1 goal game is the goal that drives me crazy. He basically didn't give his team a chance to make a comeback. 


He has done it a few times this year, where we score to get the lead or tie or make it a 1 goal game and then shortly after Smith gives up a stinker killing the momentum.


Every start they give him, he tempts fate by passing within reach of a forechecker.  He's so casual about it, like "meh, if they score so what".  He has one job and that is to stop pucks.  Not make stretch passes up the middle.  Not freeze the puck behind an empty cage.  Not clear the puck out of the zone.  Yet, in a game or two it seems to make the difference.  Forgetting that we scored 4 against NYI or had to score 5 to beat the Pens.


The 4th goal was almost like the ANA game from the fall.  Janko ties it up on a shortie and then Smith gives up a goal on the next shift.  Stop being such a tool and do the one job we need.  Play the nets like a goal matters.  If you can;t do that, move aside.


It's time we live and die with Rittich.  He's the only reason we are here.  Give him the reins and let his play determine the season and playoffs.  This is not a Smith team.  Get over yourselves Smith lovers.  He is not the solution.  We may falter with Rittich, but at least we won't be saying "what if".  We went with the right guy and we lost.    

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1 hour ago, cross16 said:

A team that won 7 straight and is in the top 5 in all defensive categories isn't playing "that great" ?


wow. Tough crowd around here. 

That's for sure. One thing that annoys me is our propensity for making every goalie in the league an all-star.

The disallowed goal was a bit much for me to handle with this league. Now you can't even drive the net?

For Smith, yeah he should have had the 5 hole 4th goal and the timing was horrendous, it happens.

But when he comes out of his net there seems to be zero sense of urgency. Behind the net is his standard fare. He stops the puck and lollygags. How about stop it and get out of the way? I had this complaint last year as well. He stops the puck and looks at his options for too long, then he's either in the way or trapped.

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10 minutes ago, conundrumed said:

That's for sure. One thing that annoys me is our propensity for making every goalie in the league an all-star.

The disallowed goal was a bit much for me to handle with this league. Now you can't even drive the net?

For Smith, yeah he should have had the 5 hole 4th goal and the timing was horrendous, it happens.

But when he comes out of his net there seems to be zero sense of urgency. Behind the net is his standard fare. He stops the puck and lollygags. How about stop it and get out of the way? I had this complaint last year as well. He stops the puck and looks at his options for too long, then he's either in the way or trapped.


To me, the disallowed goal was more Czarnik pushed the goalie and the puck in.  No different than that Senarots game where two goals were disallowed because the player hit the goalies glove and pushed the puck in.  I don't believe the drive to the net and that incidental contact was the major factor... but of course, it probably was.

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33 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


When we lose the game because of one player, it stings.  The crowd gave Smith the jeers after he stopped the first shot following the behind-the-net blunder.


Doesnt mean the rest of the team gets out of jail free.  Jankowski could've should've cleared that puck. Czarnik's goal could've counted.  We could've scored on the PP.  Lots of chances to have scored 5 goals but couldn't beat Dubnyk.


100%. I'm not pinning the loss on Smith by any means. Just think they Flames are playing pretty good hockey so the criticism is strange to me. Their playing the style of games that win in the playoffs.


you would like to see them convert more but I think that will come

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5 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


To me, the disallowed goal was more Czarnik pushed the goal and the puck in.  No different than that Senarots game where two goals were disallowed because the player hit the goalies glove and pushed the puck in.  I don't believe the drive to the net and that incidental contact was the major factor... but of course, it probably was.

Goalie interference was the challenge and result. Czarnik really just got his stick on the loose puck between Dubnyk's legs.


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1 minute ago, conundrumed said:

Goalie interference was the challenge and result. Czarnik really just got his stick on the loose puck between Dubnyk's legs.



The challenge was goalie interference but it's not clear if this was interference by Bennett or by Czarnik.  Bennett clearly cut across the crease on the follow through of his shot and pushed Dubnyk's pad.  What also appears clear is the puck was under Dubnyk and Czarnik stabbed into Dubnyk's pads in process of getting the loose puck.  So Czarnik's stick also made contact with Dubnyk.

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2 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


The challenge was goalie interference but it's not clear if this was interference by Bennett or by Czarnik.  Bennett clearly cut across the crease on the follow through of his shot and pushed Dubnyk's pad.  What also appears clear is the puck was under Dubnyk and Czarnik stabbed into Dubnyk's pads in process of getting the loose puck.  So Czarnik's stick also made contact with Dubnyk.

Either way, the league doesn't have a protocol for what is and isn't allowed. I'd assume this was against Bennett, so Suter's push from behind should have been taken into account. Bennett still did a good job of trying to avoid, so I thought the contact was incidental. But I'm a homer, so there's that. lol


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