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Official Sam Bennett Discussion Thread


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3 minutes ago, The_People1 said:

I thought i asked a pretty simple question looking for a simple answer but what a fail.  Perhaps a better question is "what level of disappointment do you have in Bennett's career thus far?"  Like on a scale from 0 to 10 where 10 is irredeemably disappointed.  I'm a solid 8.  You guys?



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8 minutes ago, The_People1 said:



I thought i asked a pretty simple question looking for a simple answer but what a fail.  Perhaps a better question is "what level of disappointment do you have in Bennett's career thus far?"  Like on a scale from 0 to 10 where 10 is irredeemably disappointed.  I'm a solid 8.  You guys?



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9 minutes ago, The_People1 said:



I thought i asked a pretty simple question looking for a simple answer but what a fail.  Perhaps a better question is "what level of disappointment do you have in Bennett's career thus far?"  Like on a scale from 0 to 10 where 10 is irredeemably disappointed.  I'm a solid 8.  You guys?


Look at the below list from #4 down and ask yourself who you would trade SB for straight across right now.  Are you still almost incredibly disappointed?




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I am not disappointed in Bennett this year. 


He he is learning, I think, the HARDEST position in hockey. In the interview today Burke said it was the third, behind goaltender and D. I think it is harder that those though, and I don't think you can bring goalies into the conversation. 


We we have a player who is learning a position who didn't have Hudler. Then he didn't have Gaudreau for an extended period of time.


this year, Monahan didn't even play that well with Hudler. 


Another thing Burke said today was how he is glad Backlund changed his mind. He wrote Backlund off when he arrived much like Anton Stralman.


Some players just take time to develop. We are watching a player take a bit more time and doing so, nearly on his own without getting any PP time, which I think is BS since he can get some confidence by potting something on the pp and perhaps getting the rest of his game going. 


Burke even said he played extremely well the past five games and one of them was the best of his career... 


let the the kid develop! boarding!

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Why is this even a conversation? Bennett is playing his first year of NHL center, and people were expecting what exactly, I'm confused. For a guy that doesn't get power play time and is playing penalty kill time, I'm not sure why we are disappointed.


this kid is in his first year as an NHL center, is producing decently at 5 on 5, is solid defensively for the most part and most importantly is getting time on the penalty kill. As someone else pointed out he lost a year of development but his ppg isent far off either Reinhart or draisital, and he's not playing top 6 minutes. 


Bennett will be a good hockey player for years to come and I really can't believe how people are so worried about offensive numbers. He obviously won't finish 20-20-40 but he should finish 15-15-30 which is decent for a first year center playing 3rd line minutes with no pp time. 

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This is why I kept advocating him to play wing or send him down to the AHL! 

If most of you can't live with him developing in the NHL, then let him develop in peace in the AHL. Give him tons of first line minutes and responsibilities. I am not bitter with the player, but the organization could use developing some of the players aittle more before they are ready. 

Sam CAN play in the NHL, but he does need time. I am quite pleased with the delay because it could make us a way better team in the long run. 


Backlund, Monahan and Bennett going at 100% at the same time, probably gives us one of the deepest teams down the middle in say, 2-3 seasons.

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Two years in the NHL! 

Let me ask this:


is every draft equal? 

Are all high draft picks supposed to develop the same?


Does anyone think we have a Yakupov? 


Does bennett have the smarts? 


Not every draft is equal. I think we could've developed him one more year in Junior. 

We are where we are and he is going to be a really good player for years. 


Do do we have a Daigle or Falloon?

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9 hours ago, The_People1 said:






So you guys are essentially saying that you are NOT disappointed in Sam Bennett's performance/production/development/etc thus far in the NHL?

I would say at times yes but try to take into consideration what is leading to the lack of desired performance, I am kind of in rob rob's camp that Bennett would be a better LW than he is a C at the NHL level. Simplify his game and turn him loose. What I see that is good is he is maturing and taking on his challenges, his play has improved a lot lately. I will be curious come next season if we still have Brouwer how they fit in Bennett and Lazar. Could we see a line of Bennett LW, Lazar C, Brouwer RW ? We will see.

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8 hours ago, AlbertaBoy12 said:

Why is this even a conversation? Bennett is playing his first year of NHL center, and people were expecting what exactly, I'm confused. For a guy that doesn't get power play time and is playing penalty kill time, I'm not sure why we are disappointed.


this kid is in his first year as an NHL center, is producing decently at 5 on 5, is solid defensively for the most part and most importantly is getting time on the penalty kill. As someone else pointed out he lost a year of development but his ppg isent far off either Reinhart or draisital, and he's not playing top 6 minutes. 


Bennett will be a good hockey player for years to come and I really can't believe how people are so worried about offensive numbers. He obviously won't finish 20-20-40 but he should finish 15-15-30 which is decent for a first year center playing 3rd line minutes with no pp time. 

Why shouldn't it be a conversation, we need things to discuss on here. I for one am not sure C is the best position for Bennett or for the benefit of the team long term with other prospects coming at the C position. Just spitballing into next season but "what if" they keep Stajan, lose Brouwer and deem Jankowski to be ready for NHL action, could we see these lines.

Gaudreau, Monahan, Ferland

Tkachuk, Backlund, Frolik

Bennett, Jankowski, Lazar

Bouma, Stajan, Pribyl

Lots can and will happen on the way to 2017/18 but always fun to knock a few scenerios around.

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10 hours ago, The_People1 said:



I thought i asked a pretty simple question looking for a simple answer but what a fail.  Perhaps a better question is "what level of disappointment do you have in Bennett's career thus far?"  Like on a scale from 0 to 10 where 10 is irredeemably disappointed.  I'm a solid 8.  You guys?

I was going to comment on the ? as 1st asked but scrolled & saw this.


I can't speak for anyone else but I'd put my disappointment @ 3 or 4. I expected more right when we drafted him but his shoulder injury tempered my expectations. I'm still happy to have him & hope to see the type of progress I've seen from others a few years after their draft.

Originally I envisioned him as a #1 center that plays well both ways (like Jonny Toews) but have lowered it to a top 6 center if possible but if he seemed to fill a bigger need @ wing so be it. Centers find it easy to transition but I'd still like him to practice & play a bit of time @ center (maybe center the 3rd line) to ease back into his preferred spot. Having him play wing just means we have 2 centers on a line so 1 lines up @ wing. That multiple of centers has worked well for TC in international play with us seeing a full line of those that are top centers.

It's those lowered expectations that have lead to using him in trade proposals for top notch players. I wouldn't trade him for just picks &/or project players.

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10 hours ago, CheersMan said:


Look at the below list from #4 down and ask yourself who you would trade SB for straight across right now.  Are you still almost incredibly disappointed?




I see a lot of Elhers due to where I live & really like the youngster. He's 1 I'd consider because I see him as being exactly what we've seen in the last 2 years. He's also tougher than I expected for a Dane.

This might just be wishful thinking but in a few years I'm expecting Sanheim to emerge as 1 of the top D from that draft (roughly = to Ekblad & > Fleury). But in 2 years when Travis is a top 4 moving to top pairing Bennett wouldn't be enough unless he turns into what I initially expected.


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18 minutes ago, cross16 said:


No. I've seen more in 2 seasons of Bennett than i ever have in Yakupov. 

Yes he has the smarts. 


He looks like he could break out of the slump almost every night.  I think that Bennett is as competitive as Gaudreau, so when either of those guys fail to score, they play a lot closer to the edge to make a difference.  They hate to lose.  They hate that they don't score.  They want to be the guy.  They sometimes try too much themselves.


Bennett just has to figure it out.  Going over game tape might help him see the little things he could do to change the flow.  He might just need to simplify his game a bit to get out of the slump.  Go to the dirty areas.  Pass off.  Drive to the net without the puck.  Give his teammates a target when he's out there.


I see a bit of Backlund in him, when Backlund was inconsistent.  He made a simple change to his game that helped him the rest of the season.  That brought the confidence for the next season.  

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1 hour ago, Flyerfan52 said:

I see a lot of Elhers due to where I live & really like the youngster. He's 1 I'd consider because I see him as being exactly what we've seen in the last 2 years. He's also tougher than I expected for a Dane.

This might just be wishful thinking but in a few years I'm expecting Sanheim to emerge as 1 of the top D from that draft (roughly = to Ekblad & > Fleury). But in 2 years when Travis is a top 4 moving to top pairing Bennett wouldn't be enough unless he turns into what I initially expected.



Fair enough, maybe there is a player or two on that list (below #5) that could turn out to be more valuable than Bennett down the road.  Keep in mind, we are looking at the list 3 yrs after the draft.  Not sure if BT would do it any different today.  If only BT could take a peak 3 yrs into the future at this years draft list.  :)

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9 minutes ago, CheersMan said:


Fair enough, maybe there is a player or two on that list (below #5) that could turn out to be more valuable than Bennett down the road.  Keep in mind, we are looking at the list 3 yrs after the draft.  Not sure if BT would do it any different today.  If only BT could take a peak 3 yrs into the future at this years draft list.  :)

On draft day I really expected Bennett to be picked in the top 2. I was super happy we got him @ #4. If BT had taken anyone else I'd have been 1 on the many that would have doubted him as GM.

Draft day is about who looks good NOW & anything other is guess work/projection on hopes. 3 years later we see a bit more of what the player is likely to become causing 2nd guessing among the fans. I figure 5 years is a better time to guess @ what a redraft would look like but really the final word on a draft is probably 10 years when many have fallen by the wayside while some dark horses are going strong.

These are 18 year old kids. Until the WHA started signing kids in their teens the NHL draft (when finally implimented) was for 21 year olds. @21 at least their bodies have pretty well hit maturity & the minds are a bit more grown. The WHA forced their hand (as did lawsuits from the teens that they were being denied employment unfairly) so the NHL dropped their draft to 18 year olds. IMO that made it more of a turkey shoot & made it harder to pick smart.


BTW, I was 1 of those wanting Phaneuf badly back in the day. (2003) I was certain he'd be the best D in the draft.

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49 minutes ago, CheersMan said:


Fair enough, maybe there is a player or two on that list (below #5) that could turn out to be more valuable than Bennett down the road.  Keep in mind, we are looking at the list 3 yrs after the draft.  Not sure if BT would do it any different today.  If only BT could take a peak 3 yrs into the future at this years draft list.  :)

As far as the Flames and second-guessing drafting over the past few years, how about this re-draft thinking?


Johnny Gaudreau- #1 overall 2011 (actual pick- Fourth Round, #104)

Sean Monahan- #1 overall 2013 (actual pick- #6 overall)

Sam Bennett- arguably #2-6 overall 2014 (actual pick- #4 overall)

Mathew Tkachuk- arguably #2-3 overall 2016 (actual pick- #6 overall)

TJBrodie- arguably mid-high 1st Rounder (actual pick- Fourth Round, #114)

Mark Giordano-mid 1st Round pick (actual FA, not drafted)

Dougie Hamilton-2011 #9 overall acquired for 2015 1st rounder+ (#15 overall...)


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To measure Bennett right now with Backlund when he was struggling is a perfect comparison. So with Backlund his turn around co-in sided with the addition of Frolik - a great fore checker and play maker- Tkachuk - an in your face dirty area guy. This allowed Backlund to play his position -center-. I like Versteg and Brower but their type of play do not compliment Bennett. Bennett is usually the first one in to fore check and is out of position if a turn over is created. Bennett would benefit from someone like Hathaway on his line - similar to what Ferland is doing on the top line- Versteg as a play maker should stay on his line but Brower needs to either be that dirty area guy first one in or replaced with Hathaway or a player of this type. You watch when Bennett is able to create havoc out in front of the net his point totals will improve. He is trying to do it all and I think it is over whelming him and his strengths. 

When GG and Bennett get it figured out we will have a STAR.

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2 hours ago, cross16 said:


No. I've seen more in 2 seasons of Bennett than i ever have in Yakupov. 

Yes he has the smarts. 


That is exactly why I asked. It was in line with more rhetorical than actual reason. The conversation seems a bit out there!

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Too many posts to quote.


My expectations were admittedly high but not without reason.  Bennett dominated Juniors, was a 4th overall pick, came back from surgery strong, put on 25 lbs of muscle since his draft, equalled Monahan's rookie season offensive output, had a great pre-season, etc, etc.


Given all that, given he never failed to meet expectations at 19 that suddenly being 20 can be used as a shield by some to deflect criticism of his progression.


Career paths are rarely linear but at what point do you begin to sound the alarm bells?

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20 minutes ago, The_People1 said:

Too many posts to quote.


My expectations were admittedly high but not without reason.  Bennett dominated Juniors, was a 4th overall pick, came back from surgery strong, put on 25 lbs of muscle since his draft, equalled Monahan's rookie season offensive output, had a great pre-season, etc, etc.


Given all that, given he never failed to meet expectations at 19 that suddenly being 20 can be used as a shield by some to deflect criticism of his progression.


Career paths are rarely linear but at what point do you begin to sound the alarm bells?


I think we're all closer than we think.  Ie., FF is less concerned, but now projects him as a top 6 rather than a #1 center.


For me, I see the exact same altered projection, it just concerns me a lot more.


I think you "sound the alarm bells" at the end of season, and come up with a great Off-season training strategy for him.   The motivation is there, I really think a strong organization will take the time to provide valuable resources and investment there.   So, not really an alarm, but an investment to rectify the situation as early as possible.  Because quite honestly, the younger a player is the more pliable they are.    We could still have a #1 center if things turn around.  And we have to hope for that.


Also....learning.   Some kind of learning should occur.  We rushed the kid.   He impressed early.  That adrenaline thing.  He appeared ready in the playoffs.  He performed ready.   But he was a kid.  And he was coming off an entire year of missed hockey.  Another year of junior would have done him a lot of good imho.   


ps....It kills me when people Don't want to learn from the past.   like the Baertschi thread, where people literally go on there and beg for people to stop posting about him.  Whether it's in the past, present, or future, our heads belong on our shoulders and not in the sand.   And this is a perfect example.  If we HAD learned from Backlund, we wouldn't have had the same issue with Baertschi.   If we HAD learned from Baertschi, we Wouldn't be having this issue with Bennett.   This is a cyclical issue that won't go away any time soon.

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58 minutes ago, The_People1 said:



Career paths are rarely linear but at what point do you begin to sound the alarm bells?


Next year. If he doesn't take a step forward offensively next year than I would start to question whether he will hit the first line upside he has. 

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31 minutes ago, The_People1 said:

Too many posts to quote.


My expectations were admittedly high but not without reason.  Bennett dominated Juniors, was a 4th overall pick, came back from surgery strong, put on 25 lbs of muscle since his draft, equalled Monahan's rookie season offensive output, had a great pre-season, etc, etc.


Given all that, given he never failed to meet expectations at 19 that suddenly being 20 can be used as a shield by some to deflect criticism of his progression.


Career paths are rarely linear but at what point do you begin to sound the alarm bells?

I would place him at 4 . He skates well, isn't afraid of the dirty areas, physical, good shot,good hockey IQ. There is more to like than dislike.  For me it is two fold with Sammy, the systems and line mates don't benefit his game. Now before some get there undies in a knot let me explain. Sam is fast and he seems to be like JG was earlier in the season, the only guy on the rush cause nobody could keep up. The M's line compliment each other, Mony and JG compliment each other right now  Ferand can create space for JG cause he can skate with him. Bennett has Brower and Verstig. I like KV and I would sign him next season ( different topic). As we have two lines which compliment each other I feel Bennett does not. 


I am on the fence with him at Center.Really am I the only one that would like to see Sam-Mony- JG as a line?






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22 minutes ago, tmac70 said:

I would place him at 4 . He skates well, isn't afraid of the dirty areas, physical, good shot,good hockey IQ. There is more to like than dislike.  For me it is two fold with Sammy, the systems and line mates don't benefit his game. Now before some get there undies in a knot let me explain. Sam is fast and he seems to be like JG was earlier in the season, the only guy on the rush cause nobody could keep up. The M's line compliment each other, Mony and JG compliment each other right now  Ferand can create space for JG cause he can skate with him. Bennett has Brower and Verstig. I like KV and I would sign him next season ( different topic). As we have two lines which compliment each other I feel Bennett does not. 


I am on the fence with him at Center.Really am I the only one that would like to see Sam-Mony- JG as a line?







I think I said the exact same thing about why he is not scoring more.  I think Versteeg is good to have on LW only for the one-timer.  I would really prefer he be on Bennett's RW for the ability to pass and be passed to properly.  The way the 4th line is set right now is where I think Brouwer would be better off.  At least during the regular season.  I expect Brouwer to be a force in the playoffs.  I watched the Ducks last night and they are a dirty, heavy team.  We need players like Brouwer, Ferland and Engelland to be ready for that type of smut.

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