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2023/24 Roster/Lines


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With Pospisil maybe getting a game the Flames would cross off 2 draft classes in getting their first games with 2018 and 2020, which leaves only the last 2 drafts as the only drafts in franchise history to not have games played yet.  2023 will likely see somebody, 2022 is looking bleak with Ronni's situation.

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36 minutes ago, travel_dude said:

#Flames at practice Friday:














Coronato was looking lost, so him going down to the AHL and getting games in will be good for him. Hopefully help him re-ignite the offense.


One thing the Flames won’t have to worry about with Pospisil is his compete. He will bring some fire to the lineup.

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16 minutes ago, Thebrewcrew said:

They weren’t lying when they said there would be opportunity. It’s great to see.


Wonder if we’ll see Pettersen at some point too

Hasn't had the best start so I don't know if he makes it at this point.  I'd imagine Klapka would be next in line for the promotion followed by Schwindt and if it got past that it would be a toss up between Pettersen and Jones, I don't see it going that far though.

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2 hours ago, JTech780 said:

Coronato was looking lost, so him going down to the AHL and getting games in will be good for him. Hopefully help him re-ignite the offense.


One thing the Flames won’t have to worry about with Pospisil is his compete. He will bring some fire to the lineup.

I'm not sure what they were trying with him.  Trying him everywhere to see what worked?  The same could be said for Huberdeau, who has used the excuse that the players aren't where he expected them to be, so he passes to nowhere.  Take a shot if you have no pass or drive the net.  He isn't 5'6".  


Anyway, I am supportive of Coronato finding his game.  Too many here also looking, so bad environment.

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2 hours ago, JTech780 said:

Coronato was looking lost, so him going down to the AHL and getting games in will be good for him. Hopefully help him re-ignite the offense.


One thing the Flames won’t have to worry about with Pospisil is his compete. He will bring some fire to the lineup.

To be honest Huberdeau, Linholm, Mang, Backs, Kadri, Coleman... well you get the idea🙂 - all look kinda lost half of the time. Feel for the kid, but maybe it wouldn't hurt to spend some time down with the farm team.

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24 minutes ago, Otown72 said:

To be honest Huberdeau, Linholm, Mang, Backs, Kadri, Coleman... well you get the idea🙂 - all look kinda lost half of the time. Feel for the kid, but maybe it wouldn't hurt to spend some time down with the farm team.


Totally.  Coronato needs to play a better two way game when he's not scoring.  Yet, he's not the Flames biggest problem right now.  Our supposed best players are lost half the time and trending over -1 per game.



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3 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


Totally.  Coronato needs to play a better two way game when he's not scoring.  Yet, he's not the Flames biggest problem right now.  Our supposed best players are lost half the time and trending over -1 per game.



Hopefully the 3 points in the last 2 games is something that Kadri can build off of.  


Now for the sad stat of the day: In the last 6 games Huberdeau has as many points as Markstrom, what makes it worse is that Markstrom didn't play in all 6 of those games. 

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22 minutes ago, sak22 said:

Hopefully the 3 points in the last 2 games is something that Kadri can build off of.  


Now for the sad stat of the day: In the last 6 games Huberdeau has as many points as Markstrom, what makes it worse is that Markstrom didn't play in all 6 of those games. 


I was just curious so took a look.  Yups, Kadri is tied for NHL top minus leader.  Flames players dominating the rankings.



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16 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


I was just curious so took a look.  Yups, Kadri is tied for NHL top minus leader.  Flames players dominating the rankings.




Seems odd we can be so bad when our main goalie is .897 with 3.03 GAA.

Shows you how deceiving goalie stats can be.

A record of 1-6-1 make the plus/minus more understandable. 

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22 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


Seems odd we can be so bad when our main goalie is .897 with 3.03 GAA.

Shows you how deceiving goalie stats can be.

A record of 1-6-1 make the plus/minus more understandable. 


Those are horrible goalie stats.  Yet Markstrom has been our best player.  It's bad.

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33 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


Those are horrible goalie stats.  Yet Markstrom has been our best player.  It's bad.


21 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


If we want to lose 10-1 like San Jose then it's time for Vladar to start a game.


I think it a bit early to suggest Vladar completely sucks.

For all the good Marky does (5-3 loss instead of 10-3), there is still those goals that abso-f-in-lutely crush the team.  We should have beaten Dallas but the goals against were bad.  Can't say the rest of the team was playing perfect during those goals, but holy Gord.  54 seconds in a period, less than a minute in a period, wow.


Our best game of goals against was a 3-2 shootout loss.  The wins still had 3 goals against.  Last year we would not have won many of these gams by comparison, so Sutter hockey style remains.  I saw Sutter since this is looking like the exact same team except for Toffoli missing.   

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8 hours ago, travel_dude said:

#Flames at practice Friday:














I’d like to see a legitimate shake up…in no particular order of numbered lines just themes:


1. put our problem children on one line:




2. try a rookie line when Ruzicka is health:




3. put Manji back where he belongs:




4….not sure what to call it best of the rest:





Something like this may provide some chemistry…Zary needs to be give a high priority for success and not pegged with dead weight like Hubby and any of the 30+ players, I think the smart move is to figure out who fits best with who with our younger players and our older guys just need to be clumped on one line…hopefully this may also open the eyes of owners that this 30+ past prime long term contracts have gotta stop and wherever possible move them out.


side note…hope this team flops out the rest of the year and they move out as much older players as they can, hopefully lad a few extra 1st rounders and maybe draft a few solid D as this draft seems to be weak on Forwards 


also, I’m 1000% in on the idea of

landing Tij Iginla this draft…he’s a Ctr and he’s coming into his own, maybe just maybe the jolt this team needs…only problem is he’s looking to be a fast riser on the draft ranking so it

may be hard to land land him and a few solid D 


last thought…anyone know if S.Yelle or V.Neminem (sp?) have kids playing and when they may be drafted? Two solid glue types that brought things to the 2004 team…if jot are there any younger versions of those two in the NHL now we could target? 

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I like the moves. Solovyov>DeSimone but it's about time being on our AHL team isn't a death sentence. Hopefully Pospisil can prove that he has value. Loved his interview. Seems like a guy that settled into never expecting a call-up, which is a terrible culture to run with. Nice to see that Conroy will change that. I think that there has been little doubt that the roster gets stale and needs (likely constant) shakeups.

Getting all of Pelletier, Rosie, Dube and Z back will lead to some big decisions, but at least we're willing to find out if we have much depth. I'm a firm believer that some AHLers have games better-suited for the NHL. The A is pretty muddy.

Really nothing to lose, and hope this signals the end of typecasting every last prospect that we have as not being ready. Opportunity should always be a thing. It clearly hasn't been imho.

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8 hours ago, conundrumed said:

I like the moves. Solovyov>DeSimone but it's about time being on our AHL team isn't a death sentence. Hopefully Pospisil can prove that he has value. Loved his interview. Seems like a guy that settled into never expecting a call-up, which is a terrible culture to run with. Nice to see that Conroy will change that. I think that there has been little doubt that the roster gets stale and needs (likely constant) shakeups.

Getting all of Pelletier, Rosie, Dube and Z back will lead to some big decisions, but at least we're willing to find out if we have much depth. I'm a firm believer that some AHLers have games better-suited for the NHL. The A is pretty muddy.

Really nothing to lose, and hope this signals the end of typecasting every last prospect that we have as not being ready. Opportunity should always be a thing. It clearly hasn't been imho.


I support the waiving of Oesterle and bringing up someone.  It's not the only player that (so far) hasn't cut it.  Hunt should be next.  I'm not a hater for bit players, but I haven't yet seen anything about him I would call usefull or impactful.  Whenever Ruzicka is back, he immediately bumps both Hunt from the top 12.  Greer should be higher than Hunt anyway.  The unknown is Pospisil, who could earn the spot in the top 12.  That means Greer is likely 13.  Pelletier is a more difficult placement.  He would (or should) bump Greer, Hunt, and Pospisil.  


You are right about Connie and to a certain extent Huska.  They are willing to use young prospects.  Pospisil is earning his start tonight.  As he should.  Last year he could have been the AHL scoring leader and Sutter would laugh at any suggestion of using him.  The only reason these guys shouldn't play the year here is they are 14th in the best player list.  


In several games this season, our top players are guys that played little or none last year.  Ruzicka had a start like last year and injury the only thing keeping him out.  Zary was the best player on our team last game.  Solo had a good game and just needs a little seasoning.  Govich is getting better and just needs the right line.  


I am interested to see how the lines shake out.  Weird they want to use Zary on LW, but that's Steinberg journalism.  He often shows it backwards.  Dube off an injury playing C on the 4th line.  Okay I get it.  I would also venture to say that his last few games haven't been great.  Need to find the best fit on lines and if C is better for him, great.  

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1 hour ago, travel_dude said:


I support the waiving of Oesterle and bringing up someone.  It's not the only player that (so far) hasn't cut it.  Hunt should be next.  I'm not a hater for bit players, but I haven't yet seen anything about him I would call usefull or impactful.  Whenever Ruzicka is back, he immediately bumps both Hunt from the top 12.  Greer should be higher than Hunt anyway.  The unknown is Pospisil, who could earn the spot in the top 12.  That means Greer is likely 13.  Pelletier is a more difficult placement.  He would (or should) bump Greer, Hunt, and Pospisil.  


You are right about Connie and to a certain extent Huska.  They are willing to use young prospects.  Pospisil is earning his start tonight.  As he should.  Last year he could have been the AHL scoring leader and Sutter would laugh at any suggestion of using him.  The only reason these guys shouldn't play the year here is they are 14th in the best player list.  


In several games this season, our top players are guys that played little or none last year.  Ruzicka had a start like last year and injury the only thing keeping him out.  Zary was the best player on our team last game.  Solo had a good game and just needs a little seasoning.  Govich is getting better and just needs the right line.  


I am interested to see how the lines shake out.  Weird they want to use Zary on LW, but that's Steinberg journalism.  He often shows it backwards.  Dube off an injury playing C on the 4th line.  Okay I get it.  I would also venture to say that his last few games haven't been great.  Need to find the best fit on lines and if C is better for him, great.  


I don't understand your hate for Hunt.  He's a 4th line energy guy who does exactly that.  He skates hard every shift.  A poor man's Pelletier.  I think only Pelletier will bump him off the roster.  Not Ruzicka.  Not Greer.

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19 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


I don't understand your hate for Hunt.  He's a 4th line energy guy who does exactly that.  He skates hard every shift.  A poor man's Pelletier.  I think only Pelletier will bump him off the roster.  Not Ruzicka.  Not Greer.


Ruzie has 4pts in 7 games and can fit anywhere in the lineup, Greer a physical presence while chipping in a point occasionally. 

So far Hunt has been barely noticable. I'd slot in all three guys before hunt.


4 teams in the last 3 seasons sums it up.

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