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Kassian Suspension and discussion...


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4 hours ago, Carty said:


I came across this after I posted...   Michael Traikos who has a column called TRAIK-EOTOMY that regularly appears in the sports section of several different newspapers on a regular basis suggested that Kassian should do just that...   


Zack Kassian has it all wrong.


It’s not Matthew Tkachuk who needs a “taste of their own medicine,” be it with another flurry of punches or a well-timed hit the next time that the Edmonton Oilers play the Calgary Flames.


Rather, it’s Johnny Gaudreau.


You want to send a message to Tkachuk. Send it through his 165-pound teammate. That’s what ex-enforcer John Scott did when he picked a fight with Phil Kessel several years ago, which resulted in David Clarkson earning a 10-game suspension for hopping off the bench in his teammate’s defence.


If something similar were to happen, chances are Tkachuk won’t take another run at Kassian again. Not if he wants to see Gaudreau hurt. Though in this clenched- fist chess match, Connor McDavid might also want to keep his head up.


It was in all the Sun Newspapers across the country including the Calgary Sun...   https://calgarysun.com/sports/hockey/nhl/traik-eotomy-kassian-can-get-revenge-on-tkachuk-in-other-better-ways/wcm/93ce9ac8-dcb0-40ed-8ae6-b4448ba50cdd


Several others as well including the National Post...   https://nationalpost.com/sports/hockey/nhl/traik-eotomy-kassian-can-get-revenge-on-tkachuk-in-other-better-ways/wcm/2b40a522-8e5d-486a-852c-45f5fef11c



What really P's me O, is that there are a lot of so called 'sports journalists' really playing this to build up hatred towards Tkachuk when each and every one of them would love to have him on their favorite team, and if he was, then they would be painting him as a hero for taking out a predatory goon like Kassian...   They are just hypocritical asshats spewing sensationalist horseSatoshi instead of actually writing something more relevant about the game of hockey...


The day after the game I tuned in to an Edmonton sports radio show to see what they were saying, and it was much the same thing from the hosts, and then the fans...   Kassian should go after Gaudreau to send a message...   So hopefully the moron doesn't take all this encouragement as a licence to headhunt Gaudreau...  One thing is for sure, Kassian is dumb enough...



You can take solace in this is coming from bloggers that never played competitively. Anyone remember Domi cold-cocking Samuelsson? It wasn't even Domi's teammate he injured for god sakes. Suggesting Kassian go after a diminutive innocent bystander is ridiculous. These writers and analysts always have these ridiculous takes. They talk about players respecting one another, yet this is their great idea. Why does anyone read it?

Chances are way above average that one team doesn't want to send a signal to the other 30 that they're predatory on the other team's star player. It won't go well.

I know the league has changed, but the respect level hasn't.

Now do this to the talking heads, so maybe they'll understand.


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Anyone remember when Kassian broke Gagner's Jaw?...   He turned down Gazdic's invitation to answer the bell about 15 times...   So much for that "The Hills Have Eyes" mutant spewing to the media every chance he gets about players needing to answer the bell for what they do on the ice...   


Well Zack, I guess that makes you the pu**y...   ;)


From...   https://edmontonsun.com/2016/01/13/oilers-forward-luke-gazdic-says-despite-bad-blood-in-past-zack-kassian-a-welcome-addition/wcm/4ef6211a-b251-41f4-bd5b-a85353f353aa    back in 2016 after he joined the Oil...



There is no ignoring the bad blood between Kassian and the Oilers dressing room after he broke Sam Gagner’s jaw, made fun of the protective shield he had to wear afterwards and turned down about 15 challenges from Luke Gazdic.


But that was then and this is now.


Both sides say there is no animosity surrounding his addition to the room.


“He was Public Enemy No. 1 there for a period of time, but that’s hockey,” said Gazdic. “You end up playing against guys that you don’t get along with but he’s one of our teammates now and we’ve welcomed him in.

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1 hour ago, cross16 said:

Only in the NHL would they have to call and warn clubs about Retribution simply due to the fact they can’t manage their own player safety

this whole situation should be embarrassing for the NHL 


Your right, all the NHL had to do was hand out a proper suspension, say 5+ games, to throw cold water on that type of play. But no, they hum and haw, then come up with a wrist slap of 2 games at the end of the day with zero explanation. Now you have the media thinking hey, maybe that type of behaviour on the ice is okay and lets throw more gas on the fire by suggesting more fighting/assaulting is the answer.


What ever happened to the suspension explanations that Shanahan used to provide (like above) when he had the job? You didn't have to watch it if you didn't like it but he broke down the video and explained his suspension decision in a clear and concise way for all to understand his rational. Now we have an ex-goon Parros doing the job, behind a curtain, handing out suspensions for play that he made a career out of. It would have been comical watching Parros break down the Kassian rag doll video, blow by blow then dish out the 2 games. 

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1 hour ago, cross16 said:

Only in the NHL would they have to call and warn clubs about Retribution simply due to the fact they can’t manage their own player safety

this whole situation should be embarrassing for the NHL 



The decisions that could have been made were simple.

Suspend Kassian for long enough for him to understand that attacking a player like that isn;t acceptable.

They want to fight?

Let em go.

They don't, then you are SOL.

Love or hate the hits by Tkachuk, they were part of the game that was played.

You don;t always get the calls you want.

Kassian clearly lost it and had no business being left in the game.


The second mistake they made was the warning should have come with the suspension.

Do this again and you are gone for 20.

It's not hockey.

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15 minutes ago, CheersMan said:

Your right, all the NHL had to do was hand out a proper suspension, say 5+ games, to throw cold water on that type of play. But no, they hum and haw, then come up with a wrist slap of 2 games at the end of the day with zero explanation. Now you have the media thinking hey, maybe that type of behaviour on the ice is okay and lets throw more gas on the fire by suggesting more fighting/assaulting is the answer.


What ever happened to the suspension explanations that Shanahan used to provide (like above) when he had the job? You didn't have to watch it if you didn't like it but he broke down the video and explained his suspension decision in a clear and concise way for all to understand his rational. Now we have an ex-goon Parros doing the job, behind a curtain, handing out suspensions for play that he made a career out of. It would have been comical watching Parros break down the Kassian rag doll video, blow by blow then dish out the 2 games. 


Well, they do a video breakdown of the offense, the results and the rule violation.

See video below.


I agree with you that the message was not clear to the player.

In the video, the commentator does say that "at no time does Tkachuk have the chance to square up".

Yet the punishment is the same or less than a slew foot or flying elbow.



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Honestly, this whole thing is overblown by the media.


Tkachuk hit Kassian a few times.  Kassian punched Tkachuk.  Suspensions and penalties evened things out.  Both sides win/lose.  It's done with.  All even.  We should just move on.


Instead, the media just hyping the next meeting for TV.  

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1 hour ago, The_People1 said:

Honestly, this whole thing is overblown by the media.


Tkachuk hit Kassian a few times.  Kassian punched Tkachuk.  Suspensions and penalties evened things out.  Both sides win/lose.  It's done with.  All even.  We should just move on.


Instead, the media just hyping the next meeting for TV.  


What you are saying is true, but there is something else....

Bloggers, ex-NHL players, ex-refs, MSM analysts saying the Kassian was right to expect Tkachuk to answer for it.

Teammates talking about it and how they don;t respect it ot the player.

Kassian thinking he was right, so moving on from it makes no sense.


So the debate drags on.

The 24 hour news cycle demand that it be talked about until something happens.

It will fade until just before the next game.

Then it will fade.

The only relevence is the similarity to WWF (WWE now).

Big Bad Triple H against the Rock.

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12 hours ago, The_People1 said:

Honestly, this whole thing is overblown by the media.


Tkachuk hit Kassian a few times.  Kassian punched Tkachuk.  Suspensions and penalties evened things out.  Both sides win/lose.  It's done with.  All even.  We should just move on.


Instead, the media just hyping the next meeting for TV.  

The sad part I find is two things.  1) Hypocrisy in the Kassian's past.  This guy broke Gagner's jaw on a play he was suspended for, mocked the players face shield later on and never accepted an invitation to fight from Luke Gazdic.  What is the word Zack used for not fighting?.  Honestly, this whole saga is like Back to the Future and Kassian is Biff Tannem and just ate cow Satoshi Nakamoto, the bully just got beat and can't handle it.  2) Matthew Tkachuk isn't the first or only guy to go out and do this, and turn down fights.  Ryan Kesler made a career of only taking fights to his advantage yet I never seen media go stoop to that low on him to suggest that Kesler needed to fight, and if he didn't people needed to take it out on a Sedin.  


The whole thing is overblown, it was the same early last season without as much media hype.  But even then the next game was billed as a battle and was a dud, same scenario here.  If its a close game I don't see anything happening, blowout and maybe something happens.  The Spector's and Staples need to let it go already.

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^^^^ Kassian is and always has been an over dramatic POS. AS mentioned above it hypocritical of him to call someone out when he has done the same.  This is what your new NHL has become, throw a hit you have to fight, can't take a hit you have a melt down.  The Hills have eyes leading actor is all talk, even if he does do something wha all this has done is shown the league that Satoshi Nakamoto needs to change. I have nor still do have an issue with any of the hits, I do have HUGE problem with the obvious intent to injury by Kassian. We have an star player throwing a hit on a goon, and goon goes nuts on the star player. IMHO what this allows is MC Jesus or Dry Saddle makes a hit on Lucic or Rinaldo than Rag doll and feed them fists, works in Kassians world. How many games you think is coming if those princesses get Blockchained up. 

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This BS from Kassian and Tkachuk is exactly what the NHL needs. I bet the next BOA will be one of the most viewed pre playoff games. The NHL sending a "player safety guy" is just hyping the drama. So kudos to both players for adding free media to the game. We should remember they are just actors in this entertainment field.

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On 1/18/2020 at 11:31 AM, sak22 said:

The sad part I find is two things.  1) Hypocrisy in the Kassian's past.  This guy broke Gagner's jaw on a play he was suspended for, mocked the players face shield later on and never accepted an invitation to fight from Luke Gazdic.  What is the word Zack used for not fighting?.  Honestly, this whole saga is like Back to the Future and Kassian is Biff Tannem and just ate cow Satoshi Nakamoto, the bully just got beat and can't handle it.  2) Matthew Tkachuk isn't the first or only guy to go out and do this, and turn down fights.  Ryan Kesler made a career of only taking fights to his advantage yet I never seen media go stoop to that low on him to suggest that Kesler needed to fight, and if he didn't people needed to take it out on a Sedin.  


The whole thing is overblown, it was the same early last season without as much media hype.  But even then the next game was billed as a battle and was a dud, same scenario here.  If its a close game I don't see anything happening, blowout and maybe something happens.  The Spector's and Staples need to let it go already.


My favourite Kesler fight was against Domi.


Kesler had a major weight-class advantage and Max dropped him in one punch. 


Good stuff. 

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I put this in today's GDT, but I will add it here as well...


Here's what Kassian had to say to The Score this morning...   Who knows, maybe its a ruse, under the circumstances I wouldn't announce I was out for blood either...


From...   https://www.thescore.com/nhl/news/1936565/kassian-downplays-heat-of-oilers-flames-rematch-this-isnt-the-80-s


         Kassian downplays heat of Oilers-Flames rematch: 'This isn't the '80s'


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8 minutes ago, Carty said:

I put this in today's GDT, but I will add it here as well...


Here's what Kassian had to say to The Score this morning...   Who knows, maybe its a ruse, under the circumstances I wouldn't announce I was out for blood either...


From...   https://www.thescore.com/nhl/news/1936565/kassian-downplays-heat-of-oilers-flames-rematch-this-isnt-the-80-s


         Kassian downplays heat of Oilers-Flames rematch: 'This isn't the '80s'


He's probably aware that Parros and Co. are supposed to be there tonight so he'll most likely be on a short leash.  Sounds like a good time for Chucky to get in his head again.

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50 minutes ago, flames-fan-in-jets-land said:

He's probably aware that Parros and Co. are supposed to be there tonight so he'll most likely be on a short leash.  Sounds like a good time for Chucky to get in his head again.


I think that any player(s) that goo too far over the line tonight can plan on a visit with Parros, and then a vacation...

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