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What Is Best For Matthew Tkachuk


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7 minutes ago, LAkid said:

As Smokey the  Bear said Hey Boo boo , where there's smoke there's fire.

I'm confused. Smokey the bear is a character created for the US Forest service. Boo Boo Bear was a Hanna-Barbera cartoon character and buddy to Yogi Bear..


Could you reference and link the Smokey saying this to Boo Boo bear..... please

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On 1/15/2017 at 6:21 PM, LAkid said:

Come on 


On 1/15/2017 at 6:24 PM, LAkid said:

of course Burke said that. Burke is Burke, He will burn this tema to the ground like every other team he has had control of.


4 hours ago, LAkid said:

He is already burning down the Flames and You just don't see it. Latest poll has Calgary missing the playoffs. Bad contracts on bad or old players. Golden Boy is a flash in the pan and the other 2 are over rated as well.


4 hours ago, LAkid said:

I could not agree more. I believe it's in a Calgary forum. lol.


34 minutes ago, LAkid said:

As Smokey the  Bear said Hey Boo boo , where there's smoke there's fire.


Hello, LAKid, and welcome to the Calgary Flames forums.


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I feel the Moderators and Admins here have been generous and lenient on our interpretation of trolling when it comes to you and your posts.  For my part, I interpret trolling as commenting for the sake of commenting, and offering nothing to add to the conversation at hand.  Most, if not all, of our membership love a good debate, and not everyone will agree with everyone else (just ask JJGallow and The_People1), but good debates and conversations only occur when contributions are more than just "Come on".....or "As Smokey the  Bear said Hey Boo boo , where there's smoke there's fire"...  Please feel free to add more substance to your conversations.  Failure to do so may result in your contributions being monitored and diminished without further warning or notice.


Enjoy your time here, hop on The Bandwagon for a pint or two (I believe there's been some new staff just recently hired), heck I'll even buy the first round.  But please.....contribute more that just random pot-shots and "neener-neeners".

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4 hours ago, LAkid said:

He is already burning down the Flames and You just don't see it. Latest poll has Calgary missing the playoffs. Bad contracts on bad or old players. Golden Boy is a flash in the pan and the other 2 are over rated as well.

Removing the fake teeth and glasses in your pic does you no favours lol.

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I have been very impressed and surprised by Tkachuck's performance thus far. He always seems to put out a lot of effort, is very physical and active, and his scoring has been solid. I was not sure if bringing him to the NHL that quickly was a good idea given his age, but he seems to have adjusted well. As many have pointed out, we do not have to worry about him. We need Brodie, Monahan, and Bennett to make adjustments to their game. Overall, I am very happy with the pick. 


One of my brothers sounds like Yogi the Bear. Awesome. 

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1 hour ago, Cowtownguy said:

I have been very impressed and surprised by Tkachuck's performance thus far. He always seems to put out a lot of effort, is very physical and active, and his scoring has been solid. I was not sure if bringing him to the NHL that quickly was a good idea given his age, but he seems to have adjusted well. As many have pointed out, we do not have to worry about him. We need Brodie, Monahan, and Bennett to make adjustments to their game. Overall, I am very happy with the pick. 


One of my brothers sounds like Yogi the Bear. Awesome. 


I was one who thought he shouldn't bevwith the Flames. I thought we bring guys in too early and there is nothing wrong with just a little extended development.


I think Bennett could hold his own as an NHLer when he came in, but I also would've liked to see another year development as a C. I think he could've used that. Burning the year hindered that option.


The Question would've been, was the OHL too easy for him though? So I guess the NHL was the right place. But I think a full year last season at C in the AHL would've been good for his development. I am probably wrong though. But a lot here think he should be developing as a C, which is where I draw my conclusion. He wasn't able to last year. 


So so I thought Tkachuk could use more seasoning. But he is a welcomed surprise and that is thanks to Tkachuk and Frolik and they've been in games just as much due to him. 

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On ‎2017‎-‎01‎-‎15 at 0:34 PM, Flyerfan52 said:

I'm gonna eat some crow here.

I didn't want Matt Tkachuk based on his father & after the draft wanted him left in junior until we could use him as a trade asset.


The kid has surprised me. He's more NHL ready than I expected & also seems more mature. He looks like a keeper.


I imagine crow is rather dry & stringy so could I have some dipping sauce with that please. :mellow:


For stepping to the front of the line first FF, I think one small helping of crow would be suffice.  Now if the others would come forward, that crow will be cleaned to the carcass in no time.  For those who need a little reminder simply go back to page 1 to jog your memory.

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14 minutes ago, CheersMan said:


For stepping to the front of the line first FF, I think one small helping of crow would be suffice.  Now if the others would come forward, that crow will be cleaned to the carcass in no time.  For those who need a little reminder simply go back to page 1 to jog your memory.


Being Haida and Tsimshian, if I ate crow, it would almost make me a cannibal. I am a raven, hence the mask I carved in my pics... Abstract version of a raven... :P


Although, if we bbq it right? Who knows what it'll taste like?

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11 hours ago, CheersMan said:


For stepping to the front of the line first FF, I think one small helping of crow would be suffice.  Now if the others would come forward, that crow will be cleaned to the carcass in no time.  For those who need a little reminder simply go back to page 1 to jog your memory.

Thanks Bud.

Since my initial post others have fessed up so I was far from alone. There won't be much to go around (as you mention) so maybe we could give robrob's cousin a reprieve. :)

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14 hours ago, robrob74 said:


I was one who thought he shouldn't bevwith the Flames. I thought we bring guys in too early and there is nothing wrong with just a little extended development.


I think Bennett could hold his own as an NHLer when he came in, but I also would've liked to see another year development as a C. I think he could've used that. Burning the year hindered that option.


The Question would've been, was the OHL too easy for him though? So I guess the NHL was the right place. But I think a full year last season at C in the AHL would've been good for his development. I am probably wrong though. But a lot here think he should be developing as a C, which is where I draw my conclusion. He wasn't able to last year. 


So so I thought Tkachuk could use more seasoning. But he is a welcomed surprise and that is thanks to Tkachuk and Frolik and they've been in games just as much due to him. 

The earlier they enter the NHL the harder IMO it is to know how good they are or are not or will be. You have to wait for the maturity ad experience to catch up with the talent. All of Monahan, Bennett and Tkachuk have evident talents however you can see where they are outmatched at times against more seasoned NHLers and the mistakes they make. I don't mind having Bennett learn the C position now even if it seems painful or that he could do better at a wing position. This development now will make him better for years to come we all hope. Tkachuk is doing surprising well but taking way to many silly penalties and those should stop as he matures.

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1 hour ago, MAC331 said:

The earlier they enter the NHL the harder IMO it is to know how good they are or are not or will be. You have to wait for the maturity ad experience to catch up with the talent. All of Monahan, Bennett and Tkachuk have evident talents however you can see where they are outmatched at times against more seasoned NHLers and the mistakes they make. I don't mind having Bennett learn the C position now even if it seems painful or that he could do better at a wing position. This development now will make him better for years to come we all hope. Tkachuk is doing surprising well but taking way to many silly penalties and those should stop as he matures.


Yup, and I think a part of my thinking has to do with evidence up north when they brought their young stars in too soon. 


Ive liked Bennett so I am not fully critiquing him. For stretches in his career he had been the best player even if points didn't come. 

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2 hours ago, MAC331 said:

Tkachuk is doing surprising well but taking way to many silly penalties


He does, but the one where he stole Burns stick was a classic, and well worth it...   Burns was pissed, and should have taken a penalty for trying to get in the box as well...


That said, Tkachuk also get's the Flames a lot of PP's on retaliation calls...

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8 minutes ago, Carty said:


He does, but the one where he stole Burns stick was a classic, and well worth it...   Burns was pissed, and should have taken a penalty for trying to get in the box as well...


That said, Tkachuk also get's the Flames a lot of PP's on retaliation calls...

I actually do not mind the odd dumb penalty from Tkachuk. Off the top of my head, they usually take place when he is mixing it up with others. Less often are they for dogging it back to the bench causing too many men, interference, delay of game etc.


Treliving said that if you come back to the bench with two sticks, you might have one too many.

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I agree, i think any coach will live with the penalties for sticking up for yourself or a teammate in a scrum its the dumb penalties you need to cut down on. The Burns situation was a classic dump penalty that Tkachuk shouldn't take. I don't mind getting under the skin of the opposition but in a obvious way like that to get a penalty isn't smart. Those and the "lazy" penalties away from your net like the tripping and holding becuase you are in the wrong spot, are the ones you want him (and Bennett for that matter) to cut down on .


But that is part of putting young aggressive players in your lineup, you need to live with those mistakes. I do agree that Tkachuks draws alot of penalties, but if I had to guess he probably has a negative penalties minute differential. He probably takes more than he draws, but again he is young so you have to live with that to a certain degree. 

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Here is a write up about this amazing kid Mr T ( Chuky ) , says a lot about him and there are a lot of ppl who be leave he should be in the calder conversation I agree hard hitting smart player lots of BB truculence ohh and keeping pase with players like Matthews and Marner. But wait he also starts 70% of his game in the Defensive Zone .   I know being in the West he will not even be mentioned i'm sure but not 1 of those kids are even close to the 200 ft game he plays except for maybe Chycrun. http://thehockeywriters.com/tkachuks-value-shows-in-pims/

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15 minutes ago, zima said:

Here is a write up about this amazing kid Mr T ( Chuky ) , says a lot about him and there are a lot of ppl who be leave he should be in the calder conversation I agree hard hitting smart player lots of BB truculence ohh and keeping pase with players like Matthews and Marner. But wait he also starts 70% of his game in the Defensive Zone .   I know being in the West he will not even be mentioned i'm sure but not 1 of those kids are even close to the 200 ft game he plays except for maybe Chycrun. http://thehockeywriters.com/tkachuks-value-shows-in-pims/


With Laine out indefinitely with a concussion and may miss significant time, I think the door opens slightly for Tkachuk to get a Calder nomination.  If Laine doesn't win it, then certainly Matthews will.  


But to be nominated is this rookie class would be quite the compliment.  I think Marner and Werenski are the other two who have been phenomenal.  Don't forget Anthony Mantha who spent time in the AHL but has been offensively explosive since his recall.  He's trending well and could end up with 30 goals after all is said and done.


Tkachuk is in that second tier with Mantha, Nylander, and Aho.  Hopefully Tkachuk can be given more offensive opportunities like some PP time.  All the other rookies mentioned play PP regularly except Tkachuk.


All in all, a very good rookie class this year.

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3 hours ago, Carty said:


He does, but the one where he stole Burns stick was a classic, and well worth it...   Burns was pissed, and should have taken a penalty for trying to get in the box as well...


That said, Tkachuk also get's the Flames a lot of PP's on retaliation calls...

I was hoping the training staff would have checked the curve while they had it....

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4 hours ago, cross16 said:

I agree, i think any coach will live with the penalties for sticking up for yourself or a teammate in a scrum its the dumb penalties you need to cut down on. The Burns situation was a classic dump penalty that Tkachuk shouldn't take. I don't mind getting under the skin of the opposition but in a obvious way like that to get a penalty isn't smart. Those and the "lazy" penalties away from your net like the tripping and holding becuase you are in the wrong spot, are the ones you want him (and Bennett for that matter) to cut down on .


But that is part of putting young aggressive players in your lineup, you need to live with those mistakes. I do agree that Tkachuks draws alot of penalties, but if I had to guess he probably has a negative penalties minute differential. He probably takes more than he draws, but again he is young so you have to live with that to a certain degree. 



At the same time, Burns also had his stick in Tkachuks armpit which could be a hook, but not against this year's Flames. Because it was there he closed his pit and took the stick with him. 


You've said there is no ref conspiracy, but as others have witnessed, some penalties just don't get called. We do get a good amount of PPs. Imagine how many we would get if they called the penalties the way they should.


I say just call a penalty if it is a penalty. Tkachuk deserves his, but I wonder how many they get scored on? The team seems to kill most of his. 

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3 hours ago, The_People1 said:


With Laine out indefinitely with a concussion and may miss significant time, I think the door opens slightly for Tkachuk to get a Calder nomination.  If Laine doesn't win it, then certainly Matthews will.  


But to be nominated is this rookie class would be quite the compliment.  I think Marner and Werenski are the other two who have been phenomenal.  Don't forget Anthony Mantha who spent time in the AHL but has been offensively explosive since his recall.  He's trending well and could end up with 30 goals after all is said and done.


Tkachuk is in that second tier with Mantha, Nylander, and Aho.  Hopefully Tkachuk can be given more offensive opportunities like some PP time.  All the other rookies mentioned play PP regularly except Tkachuk.


All in all, a very good rookie class this year.

Have to acknowledge that nod as also a Wings fan.

Offencive machine in a year or 2, maybe now. lol.

I don't think he's afraid to finish, lol,

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On 16/01/2017 at 7:51 PM, Carty said:

Haven't seen the OP around for a while, so maybe a mod could change the title of this thread by removing the "What Is Best For"...   Tkachuk has made his case and he's earned his spot on the roster...


True, but I still think the question remains, as it does for Monahan.


Monahan also made his case, and remained on the roster, yet the question remains what was really Best For Him (and thus the Flames) in his first year.   I might suggest he would be a more elite player if he were given another year to develop.  And yes, I know all about the struggles with his junior team etc.


The same question remains for Tkachuk as well, imho.  No matter how good he was in his first year, it doesn't really answer what was best for him.   


They should have done this experiment on the Sedin twins when they broke into the league!

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