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Glen Gulutzan-16th Flames Coach


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15 minutes ago, MAC331 said:

I think most coaches are on a 3 year look and would have to have their team digress huge before facing the axe. What is wrong with you guys wanting to give a young coach some opportunity to advance in the NHL. Just because Tippet is out there doesn't mean we should run out and grab him.

I don't think anyone is advocating for GG to fired and Tippett hired, I just threw Tippets name out there as one of the veteran options out there. It only makes sense to see what GG can accomplish with this team this season, however if he regresses this year with a team that has arguably better assets in place who takes the blame? Is it the coach/system or will the new additions take some time to adjust just like last year?

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27 minutes ago, rickross said:

I don't think anyone is advocating for GG to fired and Tippett hired, I just threw Tippets name out there as one of the veteran options out there. It only makes sense to see what GG can accomplish with this team this season, however if he regresses this year with a team that has arguably better assets in place who takes the blame? Is it the coach/system or will the new additions take some time to adjust just like last year?

If there is regression I'm all for blaming the players first, Manager second at this point. It's hard to have a consistent foundation to expand upon by constantly recycling the coaching staff when things don't go well.

The "no beer on the bus" incident last year and GG having the, "what is wrong with us?" heart-to-heart with the team changed our fortunes.

I know the Coach has to be a dictator, but he also has to create an environment of inclusion. If guys are going to buy in, they aren't going to simply read the manual, they need some say in it.

We didn't go on a 10 game winning streak simply because Elliott got better.

This year I believe the Coach and players are on the same page off the hop and trust one another. That's team-building in the best way and everyone is playing for each other.

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A coaches leash is pretty impossible for a fan to gauge because it always comes down to the relationship With the players. Results are one thing but if you are losing the room or not fostering a positive atmosphere you'll have to go. For that reason, irregardless of the coach and his previous results, the leash is always short for any coach imo. I happen to like Gulutzan and think he will do well because he seems to really relate with players and know how to communciate with them and motivate and that's the number 1 thing you want in a coach. It's the reason I think he has the potential to be a very good coach. Few x and o things the flames need to clean up this year but that's secondary. 


I know tippett is a name out there but I honestly wonder if Tippett is losing the NHL. Yes I know his teams in Phoenix weren't very talented but they were also better than the results. He has some very troubling signs and numbers thst really make me question how succesfull a coach he can continue to be. If Gulutzan were to go Tippett would not be a high choice of mine to replace him. 

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On 2017-07-06 at 3:22 AM, conundrumed said:

He's another year in the A after coming out. Why didn't we keep Grats around?

Ferland was the same. It's very real that it is a part of the culture in the game and these are kids that need babysitters to ensure they don't go overboard due to the built-in stress like Poirier with the weight of expectation.

I'm sure there's too many untold stories just like Poirier to the point I kinda thought he left Stockton last year due to an addiction.

I really wish that, as fans, we could show more restraint towards jumping all over our misguided ambitious outlooks towards what amounts to kids.

Piling on doesn't help, like, at all.

I'm not a flagrant rah-rah Justin Trudeau overt compassion-monger either.

I want Lomberg on the 4th line, enough said.

Poirier now needs to prove accountability, imo, and don't play woe-is-me with the bottle, because that's a bs move when the going gets tough.

In my opinion.

Show an ounce of fortitude to fight through your struggles. Prove you have that. There aren't any silver platters, 500 guys will work twice as hard for half of a shot of what you have.

If anything, suck it up for them.

Here ends my compassion.

Last year of his ELC, the excuses are out of the way.


Back to GG, I think there is too much cronyism when we sign the likes of Gazdic, Chia-son and Lack. Enough of that. Name your needs by position, not name.

Coach THIS team. If we put an all-star team of your former players together we'd be the Calgary Avalanche.

I get your point about cronyism and agree with it to a point.  The point being that the coach will have much greater insight into certain players he knows, which can be utilized to pick up certain guys that may be underutilized and available.  Every time you bring in a new player you never really know what you are getting till the daily grind of day to day, just like life.  If the team can find players that way, good of us.  

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On 2017-07-05 at 2:04 PM, phoenix66 said:

simply because i still believe why break up the best thing we have? Tkachuk contributed as much to Backlund and Frolik and vice versa.. its rare to get a trio that fully clicks in this league.

If you're willing to promote breaking them up , then you have to be open to redistributing Johnny and Monahan too.


The key to Brouwer and Bennett is who #3 becomes. Brouwer is not a passer nor goal scorer , tho he can chip in with both . Bennett is either a goto or a do-it-myself guy, but in the end hes the goal scorer .So what you end up with a lot of commotion and energy with no results .

 They need a semi skilled LW who can do a bit of it all.. leave Brouwer to do the dirty work in the corners, get it back to the center , Cause a distraction while Bennett gets dirty in the crease.

If given the chance to gel and get some chemistry ,  Versteeg or Ferland - Bennett - Brouwer  could be deadly from all 3 spots 

Last year the best I saw out of Brouwer was as a net-front presence screening the goalie, hence his PP time.  Don't think he was particularly great in the corners, nor passing nor scoring.  Fourth line seems like the best application of his skillset, and on the PP if no one else is willing to do that job.


I would like to see Tkachuk with Bennett as I believe they would be great together, along with a speedy winger like Poirier, Foo or Lazar.  However, a lot depends on what BT does with Backlund.  IF they re-sign him long-term then moving Bennett to the wing semi-permanently may be the answer, assuming Jankowski gets the 3C position LT.  I expect Bennett will stay 3C while Jankowski learns the ropes and we figure out what we have in several wingers this season.

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19 hours ago, rickross said:

I don't think anyone is advocating for GG to fired and Tippett hired, I just threw Tippets name out there as one of the veteran options out there. It only makes sense to see what GG can accomplish with this team this season, however if he regresses this year with a team that has arguably better assets in place who takes the blame? Is it the coach/system or will the new additions take some time to adjust just like last year?

Let's find out before we guess at the blame game.

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4 hours ago, MAC331 said:

Let's find out before we guess at the blame game.

Ironically once we wait, there's no need to guess who's to blame. GG deserves atleast another season before we can really assess him as a coach. I'm just not sure last season was convincing enough for me to see GG as the coach that transforms us into not just playoff contenders but Cup contenders at that. Hopefully everything finally clicks and we see this team make a marginal leap. It's never to early to consider possible scenarios though, there are still so many unanswered questions to this team. Logically we should improve but is this a team that's ready to "win now"?

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23 hours ago, conundrumed said:

If there is regression I'm all for blaming the players first, Manager second at this point. It's hard to have a consistent foundation to expand upon by constantly recycling the coaching staff when things don't go well.

The "no beer on the bus" incident last year and GG having the, "what is wrong with us?" heart-to-heart with the team changed our fortunes.

I know the Coach has to be a dictator, but he also has to create an environment of inclusion. If guys are going to buy in, they aren't going to simply read the manual, they need some say in it.

We didn't go on a 10 game winning streak simply because Elliott got better.

This year I believe the Coach and players are on the same page off the hop and trust one another. That's team-building in the best way and everyone is playing for each other.

Thats my concern too is if we find ourselves with a new coach in the next 1-2 years, it's what plagued the Oilers for years and it has a big impact on young players and prospects. You could peg some of Bennett's struggles with coaching changes..he's already on his 2nd coach and the contrast between BG and GG is stark(ha..can't say "stark" without thinking of Game of Thrones) I like our chances going into year 2, we should avoid the slow start that seem to plague us every October but still need to consider we have 2 new goalies and top 4 D men that may take time before hitting their strides.

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1 hour ago, rickross said:

Ironically once we wait, there's no need to guess who's to blame. GG deserves atleast another season before we can really assess him as a coach. I'm just not sure last season was convincing enough for me to see GG as the coach that transforms us into not just playoff contenders but Cup contenders at that. Hopefully everything finally clicks and we see this team make a marginal leap. It's never to early to consider possible scenarios though, there are still so many unanswered questions to this team. Logically we should improve but is this a team that's ready to "win now"?

Are you qualified for such assessments ? What makes you say what you are now about GG ? I thought he did a very good job implementing his staff and a new system with the team working hard to win going as far as we did. What makes you pose this question now ?

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32 minutes ago, MAC331 said:

Are you qualified for such assessments ? What makes you say what you are now about GG ? I thought he did a very good job implementing his staff and a new system with the team working hard to win going as far as we did. What makes you pose this question now ?

I'm overqualified ^_^. Didn't know opinions required degrees now but anyway :D. I'm not saying GG isn't a good coach, I'm simply asking if he's THE coach and can he do it with this roster? Is he the coach that consistently gets you to the playoffs or the one who consistently gets you there and wins? If BT says 2-3 years is the window then the latter is all that matters. I guess if you need more "qualifications" simply look at the team stats...our PP was 10th, a big improvement but a lot of our stats were still middle of the pack, GAA, GF's etc. We qualified for a playoff berth but lets not forget as a Wildcard.I'm not saying GG can't improve on those numbers, we'd just need to see a leap in all round performance to enter the top 10. Not really sure what assessments you're claiming ...I was merely posing some standard questions.  

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14 minutes ago, rickross said:

I'm overqualified ^_^. Didn't know opinions required degrees now but anyway :D. I'm not saying GG isn't a good coach, I'm simply asking if he's THE coach and can he do it with this roster? Is he the coach that consistently gets you to the playoffs or the one who consistently gets you there and wins? If BT says 2-3 years is the window then the latter is all that matters. I guess if you need more "qualifications" simply look at the team stats...our PP was 10th, a big improvement but a lot of our stats were still middle of the pack, GAA, GF's etc. We qualified for a playoff berth but lets not forget as a Wildcard.I'm not saying GG can't improve on those numbers, we'd just need to see a leap in all round performance to enter the top 10. Not really sure what assessments you're claiming ...I was merely posing some standard questions.  

These questions all seem premature and will only get answered by his team playing more games under him. What have you seen so far that would make you even ask that at this stage ? I think you get way ahead of yourself worrying about such things. It won't be just GG that has to do his job in order for this team to advance past what they did last season.

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5 hours ago, rickross said:

Ironically once we wait, there's no need to guess who's to blame. GG deserves atleast another season before we can really assess him as a coach. I'm just not sure last season was convincing enough for me to see GG as the coach that transforms us into not just playoff contenders but Cup contenders at that. Hopefully everything finally clicks and we see this team make a marginal leap. It's never to early to consider possible scenarios though, there are still so many unanswered questions to this team. Logically we should improve but is this a team that's ready to "win now"?


I am not sure it is a "win now" team yet. I think we have the core to start with. But are the 2nd or (more like it) the 3rd tier guys ready to support with secondary scoring. 


Wasn't the team doing ok 5-on-5 and then they decided to concentrate on the PP and then the 5-on-5 suffered? Maybe it just wasn't that great last year all year... GG put a possession system in, but all we got was possession without really good scoring chances. We have to move a step further this year for there to be success. Possession has to change to danger area possession. It's better to have the puck, but if we can't do anything with it, then it's for not. But it's even better if we have the puck and create dangerous scoring chances with it... 

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4 minutes ago, robrob74 said:


I am not sure it is a "win now" team yet. I think we have the core to start with. But are the 2nd or (more like it) the 3rd tier guys ready to support with secondary scoring. 


Wasn't the team doing ok 5-on-5 and then they decided to concentrate on the PP and then the 5-on-5 suffered? Maybe it just wasn't that great last year all year... GG put a possession system in, but all we got was possession without really good scoring chances. We have to move a step further this year for there to be success. Possession has to change to danger area possession. It's better to have the puck, but if we can't do anything with it, then it's for not. But it's even better if we have the puck and create dangerous scoring chances with it... 

Exactly! It was frustrating watching the Flames waste away possession with poor shot quality, at times it seemed like our only play was to simply try and force shots in from the blue line. Gio used to be good at getting shots through now its pretty much Hamilton that seems to have the greatest success getting them on net. They'll definitely need to generate better looks and cut out all the telegraphed plays they kept attempting to force. Perhaps Mike Smiths stick handling skills will create better breakouts and odd man rushes. Hard to say if its the constraints of the systems or just a lack of skill overall to create those better chances.

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2 hours ago, MAC331 said:

These questions all seem premature and will only get answered by his team playing more games under him. What have you seen so far that would make you even ask that at this stage ? I think you get way ahead of yourself worrying about such things. It won't be just GG that has to do his job in order for this team to advance past what they did last season.

I wouldn't say its too early, we've had 1 full season of GG already so its fair to question what his coaching potential is. It's not just the coach, thats why included the roster as part of it. BT is expecting trips to the Cup finals within the next 3 seasons so there's nothing wrong with questioning if he has the right team in place to accomplish that.

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1 hour ago, rickross said:

I wouldn't say its too early, we've had 1 full season of GG already so its fair to question what his coaching potential is. It's not just the coach, thats why included the roster as part of it. BT is expecting trips to the Cup finals within the next 3 seasons so there's nothing wrong with questioning if he has the right team in place to accomplish that.


I don't think you can question GG at this point without questioning BT.

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2 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


I don't think you can question GG at this point without questioning BT.

Most def. BT shares the responsibility but he has gone out and improved the team this offseason, I don't question his effort or desire to win. He's put as much pressure on himself as he has the organization, it's up to the players now to execute and take the necessary steps. The moto should always be to win now and I think he's trying to be realistic about our chances, although if they don't do it within the allotted window it will all come back to BT.

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4 hours ago, jjgallow said:


I don't think you can question GG at this point without questioning BT.


At this point its tough to question anyone. Once the season starts that's a different question. If goaltending is bad and the new players such that's on the GM. If the known quantities aren't producing, the special teams are terrible, and the team looks unmotivated that's on the coach. 


Hopefully we don't have to have the debate on the winter. 

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5 hours ago, kehatch said:


At this point its tough to question anyone. Once the season starts that's a different question. If goaltending is bad and the new players such that's on the GM. If the known quantities aren't producing, the special teams are terrible, and the team looks unmotivated that's on the coach. 


Hopefully we don't have to have the debate on the winter. 


Good point.   Yet, if it worked as you described, not entirely sure BT would be here now.   Last time goaltending was the perceived problem, Hartley (and coach of the year) was booted.


If it happens a Second time...  hopefully there's nothing to debate.

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13 hours ago, robrob74 said:


I am not sure it is a "win now" team yet. I think we have the core to start with. But are the 2nd or (more like it) the 3rd tier guys ready to support with secondary scoring. 


Wasn't the team doing ok 5-on-5 and then they decided to concentrate on the PP and then the 5-on-5 suffered? Maybe it just wasn't that great last year all year... GG put a possession system in, but all we got was possession without really good scoring chances. We have to move a step further this year for there to be success. Possession has to change to danger area possession. It's better to have the puck, but if we can't do anything with it, then it's for not. But it's even better if we have the puck and create dangerous scoring chances with it... 

Is this not the chemistry we seek in order to be that win now team ? We all agree that the younger core talent has to rise to the occasion but I would say the supporting experience is in place for a win now attitude.

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13 hours ago, rickross said:

I wouldn't say its too early, we've had 1 full season of GG already so its fair to question what his coaching potential is. It's not just the coach, thats why included the roster as part of it. BT is expecting trips to the Cup finals within the next 3 seasons so there's nothing wrong with questioning if he has the right team in place to accomplish that.

Question away I just think it is ridiculous after 1 season deemed a success to question GG's ability to get the most from his players. I think BT has finally started to put his stamp on this team beginning with the drafts he has been involved with, hiring "his coach" and now fortifying the team to be a playoff contender. I would love to see the Flames win a SC but I don't think I would start firing people if they don't.

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2 hours ago, jjgallow said:


Good point.   Yet, if it worked as you described, not entirely sure BT would be here now.   Last time goaltending was the perceived problem, Hartley (and coach of the year) was booted.


If it happens a Second time...  hopefully there's nothing to debate.


Unless the season is a catastrophe I don't think we are talking about coaches or GMs getting fired. 

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I see GG on the hot seat this year. The Flames need to have a strong season or GG is gone. This being said I see GG playing the season as safe as he can hindering prospect development. This means it is not the young guys that need to step up but the veterans. We will be in the post season but without a strong presence of tried and proven prospects our post season could very well be short again.

Bt tried to force Hartleys decisions to no avail which was one of the reasons for his being let go.

I am hoping early in the season we see some creative lines from GG.

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57 minutes ago, MAC331 said:

Question away I just think it is ridiculous after 1 season deemed a success to question GG's ability to get the most from his players. I think BT has finally started to put his stamp on this team beginning with the drafts he has been involved with, hiring "his coach" and now fortifying the team to be a playoff contender. I would love to see the Flames win a SC but I don't think I would start firing people if they don't.

Why is it so ridiculous to ask? If you think not winning a single playoff game and getting swept in the 1st Rd is GG getting "the most from his players" then you are one complacent fellow! Sure the Flames qualified for the playoffs and improved statistically but our season was essentially defined by a 10 game winning streak. I'm not saying GG isn't a good coach, can't improve this team or deserves to be fired for any reason. He was brought in to replace BH and take this team to the next level, yet we still struggled with teams like the Ducks and have yet to win in the Honda Centre. It's one of those things the Flames have to overcome in order to take that next step and better position themselves to "win now". 

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1 hour ago, kehatch said:

Unless the season is a catastrophe I don't think we are talking about coaches or GMs getting fired. 


Because that would be...unheard of?   ;)


In all seriousness, I sort of agree with you.  But I also believe ownership's short term expectations are rising.

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1 hour ago, kehatch said:


Unless the season is a catastrophe I don't think we are talking about coaches or GMs getting fired. 


With the poor start to the season for PP and PK, I thought if anything the A/coaches were on the hot seat.  The general turnaround of the team and much improved PP and PK saved those guys, IMHO.

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