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Sven Baertschi


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Cervenka was signed a centre. Of course Stajan is directly related to Baertschi.


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It's about who gets OUT of our top 9. It's not about positions. Cervenka again, was signed as a centre. If he was playing his position, Stajan would be on the 4th and then it would open a top 9 Winger spot. How exactly is Stajan not related ????

Also, explain how exactly Hudler, Cervenka (who have played 1 game each) and Cammy outplayed Baer(not sayin' they shouldnt be in our top 9, just sayin' they are without having to prove anything..)? I mean, Cammy has 3 shots in 4 games and was held shotless for 3 of 4 of our games. How is that playing better?

Cervenka is not ready to play center, Hartley has said as much. Personally i think Cervenka is a winger he is not a center and when you consider how long he was out of the game you cannot put somoene like that back at center. Even at the wing you can tell Cervenka's fitness level is not where you need it to be yet (to no fault of his own) so I don't agree with you and stand by my point that Stajan has no bearing on Baertschi's ice time becuase at this point Cervenka is not an option at center. Forget the fact that Stajan has been one of the Flames most consistant forwards since the start of the year and DESERVES to be in the top 9.

Well it's pretty obvious that Hudler and Cervenka outplayed Baertschi so I don't feel that needs commenting. For Cammy you could have an argument there becuase I think Cammy's been pretty awful this season but I don't blame a coach wanting to ride his veterans to get them going becuase he needs them. Having said that I also believe that judging how the Flames are treating Baertschi 5 games into the year is foolish. They gave him a shot, so far he didn't run with it and to remind him he has to earn it they put him on the 4th line for A game and everyone freaks out... I have zero problem with how the Flames have handled Baertschi.

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I can't blame some fans for wanting to see Sven play and get his ice time. He has shown glimpses of elite skill, so who wouldn't want to see him on the ice more.

However we all wanted Backlund and Brodie to play too and they needed work to allow their skills to develope. Ask either of them about being designated to the box or having their ice time cut, or given 4th line/lower pairings responsibility wasn't the end of the world.

In fact both came to realize being send down to the Heat(a step back) was needed for them take that 2 steps forward. With Brodie he had the attitude his camp was good enough to earn a spot his first season. He learned he needed some fine tuning he wasn't about to get with the Flames. Good on him he adjusted, and is playing around top 4 level hockey this season.

I am pretty sure we fans are dumping way too much of "our expectations" on "his shoulders". He has a huge burden to carry because of our expectations.

In the end he is hurt. That is another concern of mine as mentioned above. Just like thoroughbreds the younger 2 year olds tend to rack up injuries.

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I don't know guys, I hear Heartly HATES to play rookies if they are earning it. Also, he doesn't know how to develop rookies. If nothing else, 1999 proved that beyond a reasonable doubt. I mean, he made Tangs play wing in Colarado!! He wouldn't even let him play center when he was a center all through Jr!

Clearly Baertchi not having his pre-ordained top 6 spot is because of coaches bias' only.

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I don't know guys, I hear Heartly HATES to play rookies if they are earning it. Also, he doesn't know how to develop rookies. If nothing else, 1999 proved that beyond a reasonable doubt. I mean, he made Tangs play wing in Colarado!! He wouldn't even let him play center when he was a center all through Jr!

Clearly Baertchi not having his pre-ordained top 6 spot is because of coaches bias' only.

Does this sound even remotely like someone who hates rookies or more specifically Sven for that matter??

“I will just ask Sven to be Sven. He's a kid,” Hartley told the Calgary Sun. “There are bumps in the road playing every second night. It will be a big challenge for Sven, but we're not going to leave him alone on an island. We will talk with him and support him. He's a kid. I love working with young players. This is a positive challenge for us.
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I don't know guys, I hear Heartly HATES to play rookies if they are earning it. Also, he doesn't know how to develop rookies. If nothing else, 1999 proved that beyond a reasonable doubt. I mean, he made Tangs play wing in Colarado!! He wouldn't even let him play center when he was a center all through Jr!

The audacity of Hartley....

I mean who in their right mind would keep Joe Sakic, Peter Forsberg and Chris Drury at center in favor of a rookie? Who in their right would move someone to the wing and help himself win a Stanley Cup?

What an idiot Hartley is....

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The audacity of Hartley....

I mean who in their right mind would keep Joe Sakic, Peter Forsberg and Chris Drury at center in favor of a rookie? Who in their right would move someone to the wing and help himself win a Stanley Cup?

What an idiot Hartley is....

Breaking Baertschi into the NHL on the 3rd line is perfectly fine. Certain players play better with other certain players and Hartley is doing a good job finding some early chemistry.

The audacity of Hartley....

I mean who in their right mind would keep Joe Sakic, Peter Forsberg and Chris Drury at center in favor of a rookie? Who in their right would move someone to the wing and help himself win a Stanley Cup?

What an idiot Hartley is....

Breaking Baertschi into the NHL on the 3rd line is perfectly fine. Cetain players play better with other certain players and Hartley is doing a good job finding some early chemistry.

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Anyone have any status update on Sven? Seems the Flames are tight lipped when it comes to the rookie's injury and progress.

Well he is on the road trip so the week to week can't be as bad as initially thought. I have never heard of a team carrying around their injured players on a road trip if they don't think there is a chance he might play.

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Well he is on the road trip so the week to week can't be as bad as initially thought. I have never heard of a team carrying around their injured players on a road trip if they don't think there is a chance he might play.

That's bizarre - you'd think they would want him here where the training staff could give him the best rehab

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Feaster on radio saying Sven in on the IR "retroactively" to his injury date.

if they retro him to the day he got hurt (which they would), he would serve the minimum 10 games and 24 days on Feb 17th. If they put him on IR, he would be out until then at the minimum

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I guess my thread has given s4xon some kind of issue I guess I must be interfering with his thread so my apologizes s4. So I will come on ur thread and say this U have high hopes for sven and I hope ur right every one is putting him up there with Taylor hall and so on. I think he will not become the player everyone thinks he will as a matter a fact I put him in the same category as say Tim Ericxon high hopes but nothing more than a first or second Line forward in the AHL. I say this because I believe he will never get past the injury bug. will play 10 games be hurt 20 or more I this as a common issue for sven. Just My opinion I have body armour on so go ahead shoot to kill

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I guess my thread has given s4xon some kind of issue I guess I must be interfering with his thread so my apologizes s4. So I will come on ur thread and say this U have high hopes for sven and I hope ur right every one is putting him up there with Taylor hall and so on. I think he will not become the player everyone thinks he will as a matter a fact I put him in the same category as say Tim Ericxon high hopes but nothing more than a first or second Line forward in the AHL. I say this because I believe he will never get past the injury bug. will play 10 games be hurt 20 or more I this as a common issue for sven. Just My opinion I have body armour on so go ahead shoot to kill

First off, NO one here is placing Sven "up there" with Taylor Hall.

Secondly, yes, your injury issue is a possibility, but that is it, just a possibility.

Third, most Flames fans, of which you are obviously not (Coiler fan by the sounds of it), are hoping for a Theo Fleury type form this guy, speedy, gritty, determined skilled type guy.

Fourth, Tim Ericxon is a D-man, who is actually playing a 1st line role in a hard working CBJ team. As much as I hate Ericxon, I have to say he's playing fairly well in the CBJ system.

Finally, before you troll, be sure to use proper grammar, I'm no king at it but shouldn't a Coiler fan at least capitalize Hall's last name?? Anyway, the other last point, is before you troll be sure to get some facts straight so as to not contradict yourself or place your self in a position where you need body armour.

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First off If given my opinion is considered trolling then so be it my Grammar is ur problem not mine. As far as tim goes here is some info from Yahoo sports should shed some light for u on his first line play. (Despite the fact that the Blue Jackets' blue line is decimated with injuries right now Erixon hasn't been able to work his way onto a power-play unit, so his fantasy prospects are still fairly dim. Once the team's defense corps gets healthier, Erixon's probably ticketed back to the AHL.) This is from Yahoo sports not my Opinion but hey there just sports writer what do they know. Obviously his play on the first line is due to Injuries nothing more.

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First off If given my opinion is considered trolling then so be it my Grammar is ur problem not mine. As far as tim goes here is some info from Yahoo sports should shed some light for u on his first line play. (Despite the fact that the Blue Jackets' blue line is decimated with injuries right now Erixon hasn't been able to work his way onto a power-play unit, so his fantasy prospects are still fairly dim. Once the team's defense corps gets healthier, Erixon's probably ticketed back to the AHL.) This is from Yahoo sports not my Opinion but hey there just sports writer what do they know. Obviously his play on the first line is due to Injuries nothing more.

You do realize that what the Fantasy Hockey People say is designed to get those who participate in hockey pools better results right? They have little to do with long term prospect management or projections on how a player might turn out in the NHL and for any particular team.

Hockey Pools no doubt are one of the major contributors to the Hockey Fans ineptness to understanding the inner workings of hockey. It leaves little doubt in my mind why so many so called fans are eager to just trade away any player that does not produce to the Fans expectations at a moments notice.

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OK DD so what you are saying is that they are not accurate in there perdition of the players and there future play in the NHL. In other words saying that Erickson would not and probably will not play with the big team CBJ due to injuries is pure conjecture. Just wondering because I have no idea just seen this piece and thought it made sense to me because of his lack of productivity with the rangers and getting dumped by them after all they did to get him. I'm not trolling contrary to popular belief I have watch sven go down more times then he should in my mind and truly believe he will not be a big part in our team perhaps I come across as a troll not my intention. I don't mind the shooting back from my peers some of warranted and some a little over kill. This will be my last reply or post on flames forum to much drama for my liking take care.

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Too much Drama? But you haven't even talked to Ring yet lol.... Speaking of which where is the old battle axe? I haven't seen him in awhile!

I dont see your opinion as trolling, I just dont think we have seen a large enough sample size to decree that Sven will be a injury prone/ superstar, its true what you say in unpopular but think about it, this kid is the first prospect to cause this much excitement in the flames nation since another young gun dawned the #12 and your raining on the parade. We haven't exactly had a whole lot to be optimistic about the last few years when talking about the farm and I for one would like too see Sven succeed or at least five him the opportunity to fail before casting him aside with the rest of our failed prospects!

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