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Everything posted by travel_dude

  1. Calling him up not to play is bizarre.
  2. For #3, I think you can take care of that in the summer. Mentor won't help if Wolf doesn't have it. We have that issue if Marky still here. For #1, Sharky has been doing well but is not a #1. Need that #1 to be developed in what we have (doubtful) or drafted or in trade. For #2, Sharky might be that guy if we replace him at C.
  3. #Flames tonight vs. Seattle: Kuzmenko-Kadri-Pospisil Mangiapane-Backlund-Coleman Huberdeau-Sharangovich-Hunt Pelletier-Rooney-Duehr Hanifin-Weegar Kylington-Andersson Gilbert-Pachal Markstrom
  4. Zary now day to day, so Coronato recalled. Good time as any to try out Kuz with Kandri or use him with Huberdeau again. Might want to hold off using Coronato in the top 6 to help him gain some confidence. But, FFS enough with the Hunt experiment. He does what is asked, but really is at best a 12th F. The two possible lineups I would like to see: Huberdeau-Sharky-Kuzmenko Pelletier-Kadri-Pospisil Mange-Backlund-Coleman Hunt-Rooney-Coronato Huberdeau-Sharky-Pelletier Pospisil-Kadri-Kuzmenko Mange-Backlund-Coleman Hunt-Rooney-Coronato If Coronato can hold his own, then you swap him with Pelletier.
  5. Oh my Gord, are we starting to agree again? Dogs and Cats living together. Fire and Brimstone. Mass hysteria. I know you prefer to trade players when they have a standout season. Well that was 2 seasons ago when we had JH and MT. Is it really 3 already? So, now is the next best time. A chance to add some young players and get a 1st or 2. Our 4 oldest F and our oldest D are not going anywhere. Only one of them is not performing to his contract. But, he also is on a line with a guy known more for being a RW'er. And Hunt for now. The water is poisoned with Marky, so get him out. Hanifin is not signing. Kylington may have future value but is still too fresh this year to have value.
  6. I thought it was also mentioned that RJ was offered with a first from Colorado. That player hasn't aged well in COL.
  7. 2nd place and the only thing I had right was SJS and ANA in the basement.
  8. Most teams without grade A assets to trade do not get better quickly. We dealt away three players and got back one NHL player with a contract. We will soon deal a top D and maybe a top goalie (this season at least), so we hope to make some hay there. But only if one of the picks we have or a trade we make gets us players on the cusp of greatness. One third of the league is always mediocre. One third is always building to get out of the basement but stay there long enough. The remaining third has a team and pipeline that keeps them there. For now. WAS, PITTS, STL have won cups not that long ago, but all are at best mediocre. That's just 3 off the top of my head. Others are on the verge of becoming that way.
  9. We are neither a playoff team nor a contender. When you are in that boat, the goal is to become a playoff team again, then take the steps after that. We are not a perennial playoff team in the lifespan of Markstrom's time here as a starter. It's different for a starter than players like Kadri, Hubey and Weegar. As their skills decline, their leadership and mentoring becomes more important. 2 of 3 of those guys are getting better. The 3rd is trying to find his way without a true C. Anyway, I'm not sure what we are really arguing about here. The players will play until the last game of the year. The GM will make trades he feels is necessary. We have some UFA's left to deal with and a goalie that could be dealt at the height of his value. I prefer good young players coming back, but that is not always what happens. We got prospects and a younger player in the Lindholm and Tanev trades. Real and potential picks. More of the same instead of a lotto ticket to get in the playoffs. 7 teams all bought lotto tickets to make the playoffs and 3 of them will win.
  10. The flexibility also puts you in the hole. The example I can think of is that we could have signed Kadri without moving Monahan. He made the deal to allow the signing, but everyone knew what was up, so we paid the price. Some teams are a little more slick than BT was, but once Johnny left and we traded Tkachuk, the writing was on the wall. Pre-draft but post TDL, picks are gold. Pre-TDL they are used to pay for a player where you don't want to subtract good players. Post draft, trades use the next year's picks if you have them, and it's a clean slate. The GM thinks his team will contend. It's all too weird.
  11. And you have two players that have a chip. Those are the ones we know about. Hanifin or his agent or the informed rumour mill let it be known that he wants to go to Tampa. Neither him nor Markstom are going to show that on the ice though. The players don't look past the games at hand, but the GM does. Trades by this team are not meant to crater the team or the season; at least not by this team. They are there to make the team better in the short or long term. Trading a popular guy like Tanev sends shock waves to the team, but it was necessary. We didn't get back Tanev, so any chance the team had went out the window. And that was a very slim chance. Kadri has said he doesn't want to play in a rebuild. The reality is that we are in one. Two years in a row (since JH and MT left) and we are no closer to a playoff spot. No closer to turning it around and being a perennial contender. Markstrom doesn't give you 5 years of that if we started next season. We can't turn it around in his quality years, which may be just 2.
  12. If the GM, getting ready to trade a pending UFA (hanifin) and has to either re-sign Kylington or trade him, hasn't admitted to himself that the season is done, then he has a problem. Before 5 game winning streak, 5 points out. After 5 game winning streak 7 points out. 7-3 probably our best 10 game set. Need 15 wins in 22 games or equivalent to have a real shot at the playoff cutoff. I doesn't matter how much the team is bought in. They ignore everything else and look to win every game. We gave up the dream of having a contender every year when we let go of our two actual stars. A goalie that has one or two really good years left is not Kipper. He's 34. We got Kipper when he was like 27.
  13. So think about it this way. NJ needs to improve their G. Can't afford to ruin another season with iffy at best goaltending. In the summer there are teams that can make an offer. They will have clarity on their needs either coming out of the playoffs or missing them. They can go over the cap while they are still dealing. We could still retain salary providing a cushion. Meanwhile this year was cooked with a slim chance of making the playoffs and a GM on the hotseat for not fixing the problem. Flames coming off a run of 5 wins in a row, mostly thanks to the stellar play of Markstrom and the team getting behind him. We are 7 back of LA. NJ has more teams to vault to get in, but also only has to catch Philly to avoid the WC. They are 7 back of Philly with a game in hand. Not good odds, but they haven't been any better than 500 over the last 10. Neither have the teams they are fighting in the division. I don't have much belief that NJ would trade for D. Goaltending is a must sooner than later.
  14. Oh contrare, it's exactly why they return to negotiations. If Marky is PO'd then you need to deal him if the offer is there. I lean towrads individual deals as opposed to two top assets in one. From a player chemistry perspective, it makes sense, but from a value one it's very hard to construct. One sides usually loses big time. We haven't been the side that wins in multi player deals. The original Lindholm/Hanifin trade was good in some respects but seems to have been the only offer. We lost Fox as part of the deal and we gave up clearly the best asset in Dougie. Not that we would sign Fox, just that we had to include his rights and not deal by itself.
  15. He's a fun read when it's cold outside. When he gets it right it's because he has read a trusted insider. Or is reporting a trade after someone breaks it.
  16. For what it's worth, Eklund has NJ going hard for both Hanifin and Markstrom. That would be a very tough deal to swing. I can't even really guess what a return would look like. But I will try. Mercer, Holtz, Bahl and a 1st? Maybe they toss in Vanacek so next year isn't so expensive? I would break it down to be Markstrom for 1st + Holtz, Bahl. Hanifin for Mercer and Vanacek? The multi-player deals are so hard to work out value.
  17. I don't disagree, just that sometimes you need to make moves that hurt to help. Their pick situation and cap suggests they are in win now mode, but that's debateable. Next year is gonna be tough cap wise. Neither FLA team really has enough to bid for him in FA. FLA might be able to get him to sign for 8x6.5 considering the tax situation. Lundell may not be in for a big raise but others are. Do you let Montour walk, considering he is the top scoring D? Ekblad can't seem to play a full season. Anyway, not saying FLA makes that trade, just that it would give them a better D. And one that might be deep enough for a long playoff run.
  18. How instrumental was Lundell last year? 2g and 12g all last season and playoffs including 21 playoff games. Future yes, not exactly killing it this year. Projected total of 12 goals and 37 points. Hanifin is already at 11g.
  19. Unless you move Vladar, what does it say to Markstrom? $4.5M sitting in the A, you have a prospect, plus you have Vladar signed. $12M tied up in goalies for longer than this year, not including Wolf.
  20. We have two replacements for Markstrom right now and need to know what we have. I don't see why you trade for Knight while you have Markstrom, since that would signal the end. The noise around the "failed trade" is just noise and I think they are able to get past it. But that means moving him now or not setting him up to leave this summer. I think the more likely early outcome if we trade for Knight after moving Markstrom is a three headed monster. WOuld allow us to choose between the 3 and dump the other.
  21. Not quite. 3.35 is the buried penalty. 4.5 is the salary. It's a huge risk
  22. Preferred list is a bunch of speculation of insiders. Maybe his agent leaked it to get that team to up the bid but I tend to think it's someone trying to lower the competition. Nefarious people. Almost like bid rigging. LOL. Ultimately, every TDL deal is a rental. FLA is not the only team to have paid a ton and not re-signed a player. An astute GM gets word from the agent about it, assuming we allow it.
  23. As a cap dump, we could consider him. He has term and salary as well as buried penalty. Not often does a waiver exempt player have a buried penalty. Having him and Wolf battling it out wouldn help both. At least on the surface. But that only makes sense if we have traded Markstrom now. So, if you are trading Hanifin for Lundell and Knight plus something else, you better have already dealt Markstrom. Which is fine, just not a lot of time. Maybe it's Lundel + Mikkola + Knight. Sounds like a lot but that's how FLA rolls. This isn;t the Tkachuk deal, but it could be as impactful to them. They don't need Mikkola if they get Hanifin. Lundell is a luxury and would be hamstrung with his contract, not so much this coming year, but in the future. Their window is open today. It may be the next 3 years that it starts to close up. Lundell doesn't keep it open longer, at least not by itself.
  24. Maybe it's the process with M-NTC I hate, but this drama is so annoying for all involved. Who cares where he wants to go, he has a list of 8 teams he won't go to. Get the best offer and make the move. Let that team worry about signing him. Roll out the red carpet for him if you want him. Vegas did it for Stone. There's no guarantee that the place he wants to go to the most will re-sign him. Teams like FLA, BOS, VGK need him now and should pay.
  25. So NJ trades three picks for a goalie not even in the NHL. Vanacek is (apart from being injured) a better NHL goalie than Knight. AT present. Last year was the last time Knight even played up. What are we sending to NJ trading, since I didn't see anything going directly back to them. I think it has to be something, even future considerations. Maybe I just don't get the moving parts. I see us getting a bunch of assets for Hanifin at 50%. I see NJ getting a top D and a goalie for picks, if they are going through FLA. I see FLA giving up 3 players and get Hanifin. Creative, but I don't think FLA does that much. Would be easier if they just traded Lundell and Forsling to us.
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