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UFA 2020, Who’d You Sign?


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Losing Brodie is going to hurt us a lot. I know some here would help him pack his bags and drive him to the airport, but unless we land someone better, it’s going to be very obvious how important he was to our defence. You don’t know what you got til it’s gone. 

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I understand many believe Brodie is a big loss. I think the team plans to pair Anderson with Gio. With that my opinion, just my thoughts from what I get from watching the other options we had. I think Brodie and Hannifin would be a liability at times. There must be a better option as a shut down stay at home guy that can stay back a bit and allow Hannifin if he is who we believe in to hopefully progress next season.


I like the idea of Tanev or Vatanen. I think they will both be cheaper then what Brodie got aswell.

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37 minutes ago, Sarasti said:

Disappointed to not see Brodie back.

Hard to find a defensive pairing with quite the type of chemistry Brodie and Giordano had.

agreed and it’s a huge hole

to fill Barrie won’t fill it and AP will but will cost too much 😞

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Tickled pink we landed Markstrom, 6x6 ain’t bad for a #1 goalie on day 1, especially one with low mileage on the odometer.


Brodie is a fantastic person, never ruffled the feathers once in his time here, he was a good Flame. Ultimately he wanted to be in TO. Will miss his skating ability and button hooks but that’s about it. Won’t miss his muffins from the point or zero physicality. All the best TJ wish you well.

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1 hour ago, JTech780 said:

The NMC might have been where the divide was for Calgary.

I would have balked at that too so this makes sense now. 

still going to be missed. Really underrated around here how good he is. 

Vatanen would help if he’s healthy. Downgrade defensively but upgrade on offense 

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With Krug singing in STL, it seems like a foregone conclusion Pietrangelo is gone.

Only CBJ has done enough to clear salary.

I would be happier if they sign him over Vegas.

Happier if we landed him, but that would mean a lot of salary going out here.

At this point it seems like Barrie or Vatanen are the best chances in FA.

Trades are something else.

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If the Brodie signing takes TOR out of the running for Petro, and the Krug signing takes STL out of the running for Petro, and VGK doesn’t have the cap space for Petro... 


Do we look like the pretty girl at the dance now? Does CBJ look prettier? 🤔

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5 minutes ago, cross16 said:

Posting only because I’ve always been so tired of people calling Brodie “turnover prone”



He gone Cross, time to get bigger, meaner, stronger and tougher to play against in our zone...and maybe somebody that does the “Raw Raw” in the dressing room.

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30 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:

interestingly enough..TJ and Barrie arent that much different 




Since Brodie and his wife grew up together in Ontario, and then she was diagnosed with MS 5 years ago and the difficulties they have gone through, I can certainly understand Brodie wanting to go play for the Leafs when the opportunity came up...   Had to be pretty scary for him when he collapsed on the ice last year too...


I enjoyed your time with the Flames Thomas James Brodie, and wish you well on your new adventure in Toronto...   Well, maybe except when you are playing against the Flames...


Here is another way to look at some of his stats from last season...



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4 minutes ago, Carty said:


Since Brodie and his wife grew up together in Ontario, and then she was diagnosed with MS 5 years ago and the difficulties they have gone through, I can certainly understand Brodie wanting to go play for the Leafs when the opportunity came up...   Had to be pretty scary for him when he collapsed on the ice last year too...


I enjoyed your time with the Flames Thomas James Brodie, and wish you well on your new adventure in Toronto...   Well, maybe except when you are playing against the Flames...


Here is another way to look at some of his stats from last season...



So on average he is a minus -9?

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9 minutes ago, redfire11 said:

So with STL and TOR out of the Pietrangelo sweepstakes who is left that could afford him?

 Afford or a contender that can afford.

COL and CBJ.

COL would have issues later.

Vegas could sign him and trade somebody, anybody they want/

Not saying teams will help them out.


I doubt we have space unless we make some trades.

Lucic and Ryan add up to what we would need to pay Pietrangelo.

Or Hanifin and Ryan leaving us a little short.

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15 minutes ago, CheersMan said:

Ok, thanks for that.

So he was 3% weak on even strength offence?

it takes some getting use to but you want to be plus on offense and then negative on d in that model. It’s a bit weird at first 

so that means when he was on the ice The Flames produced 3% more than when he wasn’t. 

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8 minutes ago, redfire11 said:

So with STL and TOR out of the Pietrangelo sweepstakes who is left that could afford him?

Columbus probably, they didn’t clear all that cap for nothing. Maybe NJ, Ott, BOS, Colorado, Nashville. There are actually quite a few, although some (like COL) probably don’t want to give term. Others are too cheap (ott), and others are not desirable (NJ). So if he wants to get paid and have decent term, plus a chance to win, his best bets are BOS, NYR, Columbus, NSH, and CGY.


Yes, I do think we could make it work. We would have to shed some salary, maybe Ryan. Sign Mangiapane for 2.5-3 million, play Gawdin or some other young guy from the farm (maybe Froese), sign Kylington and another depth guy.


Gio Pietro

Hanifin Anderson

Valimaki Kylington



Only problem is our forward core remains the same mostly, for better or worse. But our backend looks much stronger. 

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