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Bill Peters - 17th Flames Coach


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for the most part, hockey culture is pretty sad and terrible. It’s not exactly a culture that promotes openness or a player being forward about an incident like Aliu  


so I agree the question is not “why now” it’s “why did he feel the need to keep it to himself”. The answer feels obvious and represents a much bigger problem. 

also keep in mind Aliu did come forward as a junior player to report incidents and the results were not very favorable. 

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10 minutes ago, cross16 said:

Hard time for me seeing how Peters remains the coach after all this. How can the Flames possible spin this into support?


Not good...


Innocent until proven guilty is something I think we should all prescribe to.   I'm ok with giving him a good night's sleep and a nice meal before his execution.  I don't fault management for their handling of the situation thus far, except for his hiring potentially.


That said, I do agree with you.   The story Is believable, Akim Aliu's ups and downs Were always unexplained....along with the ECHL demotion.


I don't see this ending but one way.

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7 minutes ago, cross16 said:

Hard time for me seeing how Peters remains the coach after all this. How can the Flames possible spin this into support?


Not good...


I think he has to go at this point, regardless if the allegations are true or not. This team has enough hanging over it right now, not sure how they move forward with these allegations hanging over their head.


Where is our Sheldon Keefe coming from though?


I have heard you and others mention Darryl Sutter, and in a lot of ways that makes sense. My biggest question comes from style of play, can this team play Sutter's system? I am not sure the team is built to play his way.

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3 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


I think he has to go at this point, regardless if the allegations are true or not. This team has enough hanging over it right now, not sure how they move forward with these allegations hanging over their head.


Where is our Sheldon Keefe coming from though?


I have heard you and others mention Darryl Sutter, and in a lot of ways that makes sense. My biggest question comes from style of play, can this team play Sutter's system? I am not sure the team is built to play his way.


I think whoever comes in is interim only. Won't be a permanent solution. 

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11 minutes ago, cross16 said:


I think whoever comes in is interim only. Won't be a permanent solution. 


I agree with that. I think it has to be someone that can start clearing the negativity that is following this team right now.



The reason I brought up Keefe was because it is looking like he is doing a great job of changing the culture and mood around the Leafs right now. I think we need something similar here.

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What about Conroy going down behind the bench?


Conroy seems like a very positive person, but he also has that hate to lose attitude.


He can lean on Ward who is an experienced coach and Huska who has been doing some very good things with the PK. Gelinas can also come down behind the bench.


I think the biggest thing this accomplishes, is that management will get a closer and first hand look at what the culture is in the locker room. Management always has a really good idea what goes on in a dressing room, but for the most part they aren't there day in and day out, so they don't see everything that goes on. If Conroy was the interim coach he would see what is going on in there and see what changes need to be made to improve the culture.

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11 hours ago, travel_dude said:


I don't get the timing of his comments at all.

The NHL and hockey world in general has been dealing with racism for years, and this is the first chance he had to talk about it?

If anything, this sounds like a player whose career went south and he wants some minutes of fame.


But what do I know about people.

Innocent until guilty.



It's like a #metoo movement or something.  Someone first comes forward and then we are going to hear more of these stories around the NHL.

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53 minutes ago, cross16 said:

Hard time for me seeing how Peters remains the coach after all this. How can the Flames possible spin this into support?


Not good...

This is such a tough one.. first, let the investigation play out .. but assuming it all comes out as true..I think he has to go


I'm typically totally against Cancel Culture .. prosecuting people for things they did in a different time, a different culture 

On the one hand , I'm certain the greatest coaches in NHL history did what would now be considered despicable things .. it doesn't excuse it , but it was a different time .


But.. a coach has to be a leader , and he has a room full of millennials who no doubt will lose respect for him.. he will permanently lose the room.

The flames organization has a reputation as being world class.. the optiks are bad if they "forgive " this.

This will always be a story as long as he's behind the bench.. it will affect what free agents we can sign, etc.


Again..assuming it's true..and sadly I believe it is ..

The best and most respectable for all outcome is to hold a press conference , let Peter's make his apology and explain himself and let him resign



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8 minutes ago, The_People1 said:


It's like a #metoo movement or something.  Someone first comes forward and then we are going to hear more of these stories around the NHL.


Sad but true.

I don't even know how they would prove the statements and actions were true.

And where is the NHLPA in this?

In theory, they should have been involved from day 1.

If he was afraid of being labelled when he was part of the organization, he did move elsewhere.


Not discounting his statements.

Just not sure what to make of this.

At the very least they need to meet with the parties involved to see if there is any truth to it.

In the meantime, the Flames need to do something to show how serious the allegations are.

Suspend with pay, ask the coach to step back from coaching, fire, whatever.

There is no right answer, but doing nothing while this plays out is wrong.





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11 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


Sad but true.

I don't even know how they would prove the statements and actions were true.

And where is the NHLPA in this?

In theory, they should have been involved from day 1.

If he was afraid of being labelled when he was part of the organization, he did move elsewhere.


Not discounting his statements.

Just not sure what to make of this.

At the very least they need to meet with the parties involved to see if there is any truth to it.

In the meantime, the Flames need to do something to show how serious the allegations are.

Suspend with pay, ask the coach to step back from coaching, fire, whatever.

There is no right answer, but doing nothing while this plays out is wrong.





From what I'm hearing so far , BT has already spoken with Aliu, the league, Stan Bowman and is still burning up the airtime minutes ..he's not wasting any time ..this will not drag out 


I highly suspect this will be addressed and resolved within 24 hrs one way or the other .. I'll be highly surprised if it's not by end of today 


I'll add too..the fact the NHL themselves are investigating, makes it even less likely he sticks as coach if the allegations are proven true .. any suspension, fine etc leveled at Peters he can't come back from 

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3 minutes ago, cross16 said:

Story here. Apparently there are teammates of Aliu's backing up his story. 


I'll be surprised if Peters is the coach at the end of the day today. 





Oh ya ..he's done ☹️ BT I don't think has any choice but to put this fire out ..


It makes me recall in his introductory presser..going out if his way to address the public ripping he gave Eddie Lack in Carolina..and that he had already spoken with Rittich and Smith to address it . That was definitely by design..that quote followed him.. made sense to out the fire out before it got lit..

This fire will not go away.. no fine, suspension, apology or anything will make it go away..


I think he's a great coach, so it's sad..but I don't Feel BT has a choice

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3 hours ago, Cowtownguy said:

That crossed my mind as well. Is the question really, "Why is he coming out with this now?", or is it "Why did he keep it to himself when it happened at the time?" They amount to the same thing really; now vs later. I suspect that he failed to report this immediately out of self-interest and perhaps anxiety, and let it out after the Babcock situation emerged. If he has been bothered by this for some time, then it makes sense to come out with it after another player's situation emerged. Consider how many women came out with their ordeals in the context of #metoo.


If you read Cecil Harris' book (I would recommend it), "Breaking the Ice: The Black Experience in Professional Hockey", you are left with the impression that every black ice hockey player deals with this kind of crap on a daily basis. It never really never ends over time. Our culture seems to perpetuate problems like this by denying that they exist, and then smearing anyone who continues to insist that they do. Look at how some folks on various ice hockey sites are treating Aliu. The NHL is hardly the National Women's Soccer League captained by Megan Rapinoe. Although individual players on the team support Pride, I can only think of Brian Burke as being a truly solid supporter of Altcoin rights with some influence (management) in the sport. Heck, if a poster on this board were gaey, they would not be able to say so as the term itself is filtered from the site. I understand why, but the point still holds in 2019.


I assume that Treliving gets little sleep during the regular season as it is. How unfortunate that the guy has to deal with this stuff. Something tells me that despite Bettman being quite pragmatic and trying to get in front of issues like this, the NHL still does not have coherent policies for dealing with sexual assault, sexism, transphobia, racism etc. The parent culture and ice hockey culture are about ignoring problems not solving them. If you go to Paul Henderson's Wikipedia page, nary a word of his criticism of ice hockey is evident, and he was openly critical of violence in the game. Consequently, if Treliving fires Peters for something said a decade ago, some people are going to express anger as was the case when poor Cherry was fired for simply pointing out that immigrants are ingrates for not buying poppies. If he keeps Peters as coach and these allegations are confirmed, then this might dog the team at every charity event they sponsor and at every game they play. Can you imagine the media coverage if a dozen Flames fans hold signs protesting Peters' behaviour? Talk about a no win situation for Treliving.




and this is why they need to rethink and vote Theo into the Hall. The work he is doing around his history. It is more of an inditement on the society that hockey or theNHL has created.


too often are these stories are swept under the rug/ice. 

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17 minutes ago, phoenix66 said:



Oh ya ..he's done ☹️ BT I don't think has any choice but to put this fire out ..


It makes me recall in his introductory presser..going out if his way to address the public ripping he gave Eddie Lack in Carolina..and that he had already spoken with Rittich and Smith to address it . That was definitely by design..that quote followed him.. made sense to out the fire out before it got lit..

This fire will not go away.. no fine, suspension, apology or anything will make it go away..


I think he's a great coach, so it's sad..but I don't Feel BT has a choice

is it cause to terminate a contract and make the contract void?

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