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If you look into this cats eyes long enough...   You just might believe that the Oil are close to turning it around with the way their team sits right now...   With Yak leading the way...




It seems I believe now incoming Dynasty to the north of us, is there anymore kool-aid left over?

That pretty much sums up the Oilers forum mate.


All the other OIlers issues have been kicked to death.  Yak's situation just happens to be the freshest.  If you don't like reading any of it, by all means, we have many more threads here on the forum to browse.



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If you look into this cats eyes long enough...   You just might believe that the Oil are close to turning it around with the way their team sits right now...   With Yak leading the way...



If you listen to MacT long enough, you might believe that he can make a trade for a stud D without giving up one of the chosen ones. You might believe that he will make BOLD moves without making any bold moves.

He will continue to praise the players who play for themselves, the coach that can't get them to play, and the management team that believes that incest is best.

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It's also 'weak and cheap' to parade the kid around and sing his glories when he's successful, but be pissed when he's called out and becomes a laughing stock.


Can't have best of both worlds DL.



All this time, and here I thought you had enough hockey smarts to understand that any top pick, that is sitting at 4 points after 18 games with a -15 should know better than to be complaining to the media, and having his agent do the same plus having a meeting with the GM, to voice being unsatisfied about lack of ice time...   That, is weak and cheap...


Heh... you guys really lose your senses whenever the Flames crap the bed.  It's like a pattern - Flames lose - bomb the Oiler thread to feel better.

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Heh... you guys really lose your senses whenever the Flames crap the bed.  It's like a pattern - Flames lose - bomb the Oiler thread to feel better.


If you looked at when the posts were posted, you would realize they were before the game. 


Heh...you Canucks fans really lose your senses whenever the Canucks crap the bed.  It's like a pattern - Canucks lose - bomb the Flames boards to feel better...

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Well it's not like yakupov himself has come out and cried to the media, he is just stating he wants to play.

"I just want to play, if it's not going to be more we'll figure out something" (direct quote from a Terry Jones column) comes very close to "play me or trade me".

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If you looked at when the posts were posted, you would realize they were before the game. 


I was talking a little bigger picture... these 4 or 5 straight loses has this thread on fire lately.


Heh...you Canucks fans really lose your senses whenever the Canucks crap the bed.  It's like a pattern - Canucks lose - bomb the Flames boards to feel better..


heh... awesome.

reminds me of ... 

a - What are you doing?

s4xon - What are you doing?

a - What?

s4xon - What?

a - Stop copying me!

s4xon - Stop copying me!

a - Maaaaaaa!

s4xon - *runs away*

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Heh... you guys really lose your senses whenever the Flames crap the bed.  It's like a pattern - Flames lose - bomb the Oiler thread to feel better.

Is that the best you can do DL?  wow


I guess the Nucks blew a lead last night so might as well go try and throw some stones hey?

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I was talking a little bigger picture... these 4 or 5 straight loses has this thread on fire lately.


I honestly think it's just due to how much the Oilers have been in the news lately. I'm a little fuzzy on some of these as I just woke up from an Advil induced nap (got a touch of the flu), but:


- Second trade ever between the Oilers and Flames

- Oilers worst start ever

- Shut out three games in a row at home

- Signed Bryzgalov, the most controversial goalie out there

- Their 1st overall pick being the worst + - in the league and he and his agent wanting more ice time for him

- Oilers vs. Flames game on HNIC tomorrow


There's just lots to talk about lately. You know it's a hot topic when TSN give it almost as much coverage as the Leaf's injuries.

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Heh... you guys I really lose your my senses whenever the Flames Nucks crap the bed.  It's like a pattern - Flames Nucks  lose - bomb the Oiler thread in the Flames forum, or more often a different thread there to feel better.


Fixed...   :)


Fist of all. look at the time of the post, it was before the puck was dropped...   Secondly, in case you hadn't noticed, it is an Oilers thread in a Flames forum and you came in here to defend Yak who has also been called out several times for both his poor play and for his mouth by Edmonton based media...


and it's not luck the Nucks never crap the bed...   Last Saturday when the Nucks got pummeled by the Kings was not much different. was it?...   Then, there is the Nucks playoff record the last 2 seasons...   :lol:





I do have one question though...   Do you live in a glass house?...    ;)

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DL is just hurt that the oilers and flames get more media coverage and attention than his nucks. Just the fact nobody likes them outside of Vancouver :)

Back to the oilers, today MacT sent down Arcobello who is third on the team in points to bring up klefbom who is a D man. It's almost as if they re playing with a prize wheel to make decisions sometimes.

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heh... awesome.

reminds me of ... 

a - What are you doing?

s4xon - What are you doing?

a - What?

s4xon - What?

a - Stop copying me!

s4xon - Stop copying me!

a - Maaaaaaa!

s4xon - *runs away*


:lol: Those were the days.




On a side note, Buffalo won their 2nd game in a row since the arrival of the new faces in upper management and behind the bench, thus pushing the Oilers to last place, and first overall pick.


What a waste.

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DL is just hurt that the oilers and flames get more media coverage and attention than his nucks. Just the fact nobody likes them outside of Vancouver :)

Back to the oilers, today MacT sent down Arcobello who is third on the team in points to bring up klefbom who is a D man. It's almost as if they re playing with a prize wheel to make decisions sometimes.

& the prize is 1st pick overall. Again.


KLowe & crew are so used to that they are jonesing for it. (& Jones was drafted last year before they had the chance :) ).

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 LMAO I browse there occasionally to get a temperature of what is cooking in Oilland. Most believe it is the coach and systems some believe the team is terrible others still believe they have the best roster in NHL and have for years.


The game last night against Sharks I will be optimistic they played better after the 1st, now have to bear in mind Sharks played 3 games in 4 nights. Frankly I have always stated the club is constructed wrong, but as a Flames fan currently cant cast stones as we don't have a stellar roster either.


I surely hope that we win tonight I do not want them to gain any confidence from beating us tonight.



So what's the mood in Oilersland?  Is it 50% want change and 50% want to stay patient?  Or are most fans brainwashed to believe everything is on course and nothing needs to be changed?

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I can't remember the exact words they used, but Gord and Ray on TSN last night kept saying they'd never seen the mood so dark in Edmonton. Taylor Hall after the game was saying, "I'm so, so tired of having to sit here and come up with reasons why we lost."


It bugs me how the management and coaching talk about how players need to be accountable and earn their spots, when everyone knows the management should have lost their jobs based on performance long ago. If they want a "culture change", how about cleaning out the guys at the top that were okay with losing year after year? 


I just feel bad for the players and the fans. They aren't really in a position to succeed, yet the management won't admit to their mistakes or make big changes to fix them. They just keep sending the kids out there every night expecting them to fix it and the fans to keep buying it.


Now watch them spank us tonight  :lol: I think you're right they're due for a breakout, and we're playing poorly enough lately for them to get it against us.

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