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Bold moves again by MacT.....


Bold is a politically correct way of putting it...   Desperate was my first thought...


They basically gave away Dubs for a 32 year old winger that was on the  cusp of waivers.  Scrivens should be an upgrade, but again, with a team like the Kings in front of you, any goalie would look good.  I'm not holding my breath for much of a difference between the pipes.


Scrivens will find his new D to be a big change...


Also watch for Dubs to become a legit #1 and pull some decent numbers.  The Oilers did him a favor.


Dubnyk will also find his new D to be a big change...   and I believe he will be happier for it...

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It feels like when they confirmed the deal for Scrivens they made a desperation trade to get rid of Dubnyk. Maybe I'm looking at it from the wrong angle but that Dubnyk trade just seems awful value-wise.


Goalies are the worst value asset right now.  Mid tier goalies are worth NOTHING in this market.  There are simply so many of them... and Scrivens and Dubnyk are definitely dime a dozen goalies.



So Overall:



IN: Scrivens and Hendricks

OUT: Dubnyk and a 3rd.


Its a win for the Oilers... 


and for especially for Dubnyk's mental health.  Goes from the wringer in Edm to Nashville.  He can finally breathe a bit.  Feel good for the guy.

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It's kind of interesting how an atmosphere of an organization truly does run top down. I own my own small company (and in no means am I comparing my company to one values at 200 million dollars) and I really do notice how my workers follow my lead in attitude and spirit. The Edmonton Oilers are loaded with youthful skill; however I believe that the MGMT of their team is so out of touch with how to deal with young superstars and their egos. You don't try and beat down and break these guys into a system. You play to their strengths, encourage them to develop their skills even further but not to neglect their weaknesses, and most of all you teach them that the fundamentals of winning revolve around admitting errors and putting in corrective effort. Good leaders can carry their companies on their shoulders in spirit alone. When a GM walks into a room people shouldn't look at him with neglect, he should inspire smiles even during trying times.

What does their team have? An angry, bitter GM with a huge ego calling the fan base "2nd tier fans", an invisible owner who cares nothing about the team (action speaks louder than words), a coach whom was replaced after half a season for another coach who throws players under the bus and implements systems that don't work to the player's strengths.

I don't know about you. But that atmosphere has GOT to be one stale, sad, work environment. The team could leave our city for all I care. I'm not a bandwagoner I stuck with this team through all the awful play, but MGMT antics have pushed me off the bus forever. Lowe could get fired tomorrow and I wouldn't come back because this city has teams that actually care about their fans and desperately need their support Trust me Edmonton Oilers Organization - It's a slippery slope you're on. Albertans quietly protest and you'll feel it in the pocket books when you see your merchandise sales drop. That'll be your first hint to get out and goto Seattle.


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Correct freerider.

All your points are good.

Employees seem to take on the attitude of the boss/leader. If it's arrogance they'll go that way to the degree of not tuning in to the middle management (in this case coach). A good owner/manager that seems to be working hard for success rubs off on good employees so they give extra to help him in that.

It may be that Katz himself doesn't care as much as he claims (an idea I picked up in a thread on the Oiler board that might well be closed by now) so lets KLowe play. Katz has the taxpayer money to build the new arena & surrounding commercial area so he might as well sell the Oilers if he can find a taker. He gains as teams that constantly sell out the building have grown in value during the time he's been owner & he still reaps the benefit of the crowds that hockey draws to the area.


I saw a thread over there earlier that will also likely be closed. It was started by a long timer but he'll probably get suspended or banned. It was couched diplomatically but recent events colored the ideas with another meaning.

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Correct freerider.

All your points are good.

Employees seem to take on the attitude of the boss/leader. If it's arrogance they'll go that way to the degree of not tuning in to the middle management (in this case coach). A good owner/manager that seems to be working hard for success rubs off on good employees so they give extra to help him in that.

It may be that Katz himself doesn't care as much as he claims (an idea I picked up in a thread on the Oiler board that might well be closed by now) so lets KLowe play. Katz has the taxpayer money to build the new arena & surrounding commercial area so he might as well sell the Oilers if he can find a taker. He gains as teams that constantly sell out the building have grown in value during the time he's been owner & he still reaps the benefit of the crowds that hockey draws to the area.


I saw a thread over there earlier that will also likely be closed. It was started by a long timer but he'll probably get suspended or banned. It was couched diplomatically but recent events colored the ideas with another meaning.

I am starting to think I agree with that idea about Katz's proposed indifference. He makes his money and he is happy.. The extra millions he COULD make if his team makes playoffs could very well be irrelivant. Perhaps the NHL revenue sharing deal has something to do with it? Either way, there appears on the outside to be very little in the way of ownership pressure on Lowe to improve the team in the short term.
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The Oiler's regardless of there on ice decencies are profitable, and always will be. The sad reality of the Oiler's situation is a creation of true fan loyalty ( I mean that with all due respect) and Katz and Klowe pray on this. Owners and management know the fans won't abandon the building. 


Katz is in a win win situation. if Lowe is removed or resigns people come flocking back, nothing on ice changes. If he stays and by some miracle, they start to win, people have short memories and he is now a rock star.  


The smoke screens created lately with the OMB and a few lateral trades are just slight diversions from the small fire that was created by a few fans. I do agree that a management cleanse is in order, however I don't see a change as it hasn't affected revenue streams



I am starting to think I agree with that idea about Katz's proposed indifference. He makes his money and he is happy.. The extra millions he COULD make if his team makes playoffs could very well be irrelivant. Perhaps the NHL revenue sharing deal has something to do with it? Either way, there appears on the outside to be very little in the way of ownership pressure on Lowe to improve the team in the short term.

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One of those fascinating stats you come across every once in awhile:

# of 2+ game winning streaks this yr: 3
# of 5+ game losing streaks this yr: 5

Thought that was funny when i heard it.

For comparison, I looked up Calgary.

# of 2+ game winning streaks this yr: 3
# of 5+ game losing streaks this yr: 1 --- Same as the Anaheim Ducks.

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I can't believe after a 2 game Oilers winning streak, they are 5-points behind the Flames and played 2-games more.  This is unreal. 


Well to be fair we did just go a on 3 game winning streak, if we went down 3 we'd be sitting in 2nd right now, probably not for long though.


I see it ending as - #1 Buffalo, #2 Flames, #3 Edmonton, #4 Florida

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So, Scrivens doesn't need LA to get a shutout. Personally I'm happy to see the Oilers get some wins. The sooner both AB teams are competitive again the better.


I was just thinking the same, both teams are on a 3 game streak now, lets see if we can make it 4 against the sharks tomorrow?


I can only seem to cheer for a win, if its on the backs of our future players, when i see monahan and backlund n co. score its awesome and i can bare the 2 points, but with the season end coming up, every game is gonna matter, especially our last 2 games vs edmonton

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I was just thinking the same, both teams are on a 3 game streak now, lets see if we can make it 4 against the sharks tomorrow?


I can only seem to cheer for a win, if its on the backs of our future players, when i see monahan and backlund n co. score its awesome and i can bare the 2 points, but with the season end coming up, every game is gonna matter, especially our last 2 games vs edmonton

well you guys upheld your side of the bargain at least. :lol:

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Sounds like the Oilers almost traded Sam Gagner to LA for Kyle Clifford.


And the Oilers were going to eat a significant amount of Gagner's contract to make it happen.  Is this the best the Oilers can do?


It would be interesting to find out how much salary is being retained overall by the Oilers on all of the transactions they've made in the last year.  Essentially paying for other teams' players.  Retaining salary is almost a resounding term in each of their deals. 

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Sounds like the Oilers almost traded Sam Gagner to LA for Kyle Clifford.


And the Oilers were going to eat a significant amount of Gagner's contract to make it happen.  Is this the best the Oilers can do?

It was Clifford + but of course that + could mean many different things. Very shocking to hear that was it because while ganger may have his flaws he Has been producing the point totals of a 2nd liner and Clifford at this point is a 4thliner. Maybe thre was a decent sweetener in there but seems like a lot to give up to improve your bottom 6.

Do oiler fans not now start to seriously question their scouting? I mean you've had so many picks, many of then high, and in order to get decent depth you need to trade a player like ganger? Seems very backwards to me.

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Clifford was a former 2nd round pick and there must be a notion that he's a victim of LA's depth on forward. The Oilers must think he can play top 6, which could be the case.

They gave him that shot and he failed and he was not a point producer in junior either. He was taken high becaue he was big, physical but could actually skate. He is maybe 3rd liner if given more opportunity but no way a top 6. I actually like Clifford and wanted him in a few Iginla trades I thought could work but I just don't see a top 6 on him at all.

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They gave him that shot and he failed and he was not a point producer in junior either. He was taken high becaue he was big, physical but could actually skate. He is maybe 3rd liner if given more opportunity but no way a top 6. I actually like Clifford and wanted him in a few Iginla trades I thought could work but I just don't see a top 6 on him at all.


I dont think the Oilers would play him top 6. Along with the Hendricks trade, it seems that they are trying to bring in quality 3th/4th line energy guys to go along with there young top end talent. Players like Gagner and Hemsky are expendable since they are smaller skilled forwards and they have decided to go with Eberle, Hopkins . 


Personally im more surprised that Gagner was being shipped out for a d-man.

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