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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. As much as I despise 89 pages of posts originating 6 yrs ago, here we are.

    Is BT in any threat to lose his job? Or is this going to just be a constant of standing frozen? Can't make a deal, afraid to make a deal? I don't know. But are we giving him a decade to make zero difference? I'm generally not one to go hard on a GM in a middling market. But this isn't working out.

  2. On 1/5/2022 at 9:35 PM, LouCifer said:

    Hailing from Toronto, everyone in my family is a leaf fan. There’s no room for any colors other than blue and white. Being a Canadiens fan was punishable by death (ok, not really, but they would not be welcome to family events that coincided with leaf games). It was just a given that you had to be a leafs fan. Well, low and behold little old me wasn’t really into the blue and white. I wanted my own team. And I believe it was 86-87, or 87-88 that I got an o-pee-chee hockey sticker album, and the flames were the first team I completed in my book. That was all it took for me to become a flames fan. I loved the fire, I loved the logo, and a year or two or three later they won the cup! My family - especially my dad - tried everything in the book to get me to like the leafs instead. He still tries actually! He even buys leaf gear for my kids to push them towards the leafs, but my kids like the flames because of my passion for the team. For the record, they can like whatever team they want, I’m not like that, except for TBag Bay. Not under my roof! 😂

    Oh god. We're so alike. My family has this whole other thing going on. They hate the Leafs. Yet, any gathering when we watch the Leafs they end up cheering for them. I call them out constantly. I honestly can't tell if they're doing this reverse osmosis thing. Most have other teams, yet watch the Leafs religiously. By the 2nd period, it's, "c'mon ref, that was a hook on Kase". But they hate the Leafs. I wish I was kidding. It's painful.

    • Like 1
  3. It's prolly time to start talking about this (ex) cat again. ELC on the horizon.

    Looking fwd to Canada, because we are the Scandinavia of North America.

    I think he'll transition quickly. Excellent skater with a motor like Mangia, but bigger and a more complete 200' player.

    Likes to score (who doesn't?).

    The Bennett trade isn't close to over. I'm really excited that we'll be getting Heineman next year.

    He seems very cool with it too.

  4. 9 hours ago, The_People1 said:


    This has nothing to do with sniping a backhand top corner or beating a goalie from the blue line with a 100 mph bomb.  This talent is missing from the arsenal.  We squander chances that if we only had better finish, then we'd be winning more games.  We out shoot most teams we lose to and have more attack time too.

    2004 peeps. That team had zero reason to be in a cup final. They just went world beater at the right times. And Yzerman got injured of course. There isn't a formula, and if there is, Sutter understands it far better than me. Vladar back-to-back? That's sparing Markstrom. Dube incessantly at LW? Strengthening his weak side. Kyl getting huge opportunity?

    Valimaki getting nurtured? Sutter sees things we can't. He's doing Satoshi Nakamoto we don't agree with, but it's his team. We're in really good hands. I have faith that we'll be a contender. Roster-watching is meh. I think he got the result he may have wanted through the last 3. He's playing possum, is what I think.

    *edit The whole love-in he had with the last 3 games. That's an act if ever I've seen one. He's downplaying us right now, imho. It looks a lot like a set-up to me.

  5. 2 hours ago, The_People1 said:

    Do we really have enough talent to win a Cup this year?  Are we one piece away?

    I think Sutter's manipulating things. Always feel like he's got things up his sleeve, but he never gives a read on it.

    I feel like he's slowly building his chess game. Lines are always a little scattered outside of the first line, which I think he'll change up as we get closer to the playoffs.

    I always feel like he's building something and messing around with the pieces. On the whole, I think he's taking most guys out of their comfort level and making them better for it.

    I know and get his history, so I honestly think he's crazy like a fox. He's building something, and a good start has him experimenting more imo.

    He holds his cards very close to his chest, but he's building something, and doesn't care about W's and L's.


    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, medatswhoP said:

    A couple more losses they will probably start making some major trades for first rounds picks, this can only get worse for them. A loss for Edmonton almost feels as good as a Flame win lately,  "is that normal"?

    It's advised.😀

    • Like 2
  7. 8 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    Backlund hasn't looked good since he was playing with Mangiapane.

    I think the lines have looked mostly bad for the last few games.

    We lucked out with two wins where we maybe didn't have the right mix but managed the points.

    The last two have been completely wrong.


    Backlund isn't playing a good defensive game now.

    He certainly isn't a skilled shooter.

    His skating used to get him ahead of the D and he was able to cut to the net.

    Not lately.

    I don't think it has anything to do with linemates. He was playing fired up to start the year. Some would say he was taking bad penalties, but not me.

    I recall a game thread saying, "that guy, right there, that's our captain". But he's fallen back to the things I never liked in him. Not getting engaged, almost to the point of disinterest.

    He's gotta snap out of it. Stop trying to win a Masterson.

    He's gotta let the dog run. His intensity level can be zero. Hohum, there's blueline, shoot to goalie. Get faceoff for 1st line. Is he saving himself for the right girl?lol as we used to say. Show some intensity. Damn.

  8. 19 minutes ago, robrob74 said:

    we need more speed, more goals, a number1D, and tighten up the D zone coverage?

    I'd agree with that. We need a 2nd line that's more threatening. Backlund at 2C is zero threat. Coleman's the only threat on that line. Backlund's O instincts are bleeding in the gutter. Skate over blueline, shoot puck to the goalie.

  9. 3 minutes ago, LouCifer said:

    Looks like they broadcast postgame coverage for Tampa bay… 😒


    Talking about how good Kucherov was and how calm and easy it looked for him tonight. Yes, very easy. Too easy. Nobody touches this guy. I don’t get it. Other teams will target Johnny, but we don’t circle Kucherov or Point on the whiteboard before the game? 

    Easier said than done. Both have great vision and are hard to catch.

    Can someone wake Backlund up? He was feisty earlier in the year. Now he's ho-hum lahdeedah Backlund again. I can't stand this Backlund.

  10. 22 minutes ago, robrob74 said:


    we changed that here in Vancouver. With Covid (early in the pandemic) and restaurants closed, the city designated 5 parks to be allowed to drink in. I don’t know if they opened anymore up. But it’s nice to be able to bring a few to a park on a bike in summer and just relax.


    Canada needs to get with the times. That includes selling liquor in corner stores… 

    Without question. I spent a couple of years in England and lots of time in the US. We can smoke the jazz cabbage out in the open, but can't have a beer under any circumstances.

  11. 5 hours ago, rocketdoctor said:

    Come on guys you can be more creative than this!


    Nothing too serious in this thread!!




    wouldn't this be good on Oilers bench?

    It IS creative, for Canada, to be able to get your jag on at the arena before a game. If you try to tailgate with alcohol, the police come and you get fined. Canada is the only 1st world country with no open alcohol in public laws. Like, not even a picnic in the park with a bottle of wine. It's pretty sad.

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