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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 13 minutes ago, travel_dude said:

    Phillips?  He would need to pass waivers to go back down.

    If they want to keep him, they only bring him up as a Black Ace.


    They could bring up another guy like Duehr, but what does that say to Phillips and Pelletier?

    You are good to great, but we want the big guy not having a great AHL season.


    That's my thoughts. But my thoughts are to bring someone up pre-TDL to maybe get a different look. If the player isn't ready but you like the look, maybe it gives you an idea of what type of player you do or don't want to add. Of course you'd already know, but it would tighten up the perspective.

    Or I'm thinking out of my posterior, one or the other.

    Ritchie should be 13th at best. Not on the 3rd line.

    I don't wanna rag on the guy, it's not his fault he's on the 3rd line. He is what he is.

    He's not a better option than Lewis for 4th RW, so....

    Are we just trying to torture Monahan?

  2. 18 minutes ago, cross16 said:

    It is very common to have ownership involved when signing star players so I don't disagree that BT likely doesn't have full reign to do whatever it takes. Anytime you are going to be cutting a cheque for well over 50-60 million you can bet the guy who is going to sign that cheque wants some say in how it's going to go. I don't think it would tie BTs hands at all, I just think during the negotiation he's going to have to keep the owners informed and there could be certain structures they are not comfortable with or may say no to.


    That being said I also agree that if Gaudreau walks for nothing it is a failure on the part of Treliving and IMO it would be a fireable offence. He has had years to deal with this so the failure would not just be on the contract it would be on the overall planning. I can see ownership dictating/saying no to certain structures but what I cannot see is them getting in the way of doing what is necessary to make the team better. I don't believe for a second the owners would have said no to a trade, or would say no to a contract that would led to Gaudreau being signed only to have him walk for nothing. 

    That's my line of thinking. When I look at FLA extending Barkov it makes me wonder.

    JG is also our best player like Barkov.

    So this is either a case of BT, "let's see how this plays out", which would be a horrendous attitude, or JG saying, "nah, I want to bet on myself maximizing this year".

    If it's the former, the guy you should have done a $9x8 extension with may now be over $10x8. And getting a lot of traction knowing he could be a bidding war.

    But all of this is hearsay. I have no idea how this has gone or how it will play out. Did BT try to extend? Radio silence on that.

    All-in-all, I'll cling to the silver lining of Sutter. He's removed all of the sulking and whining out of Johnny's game, applauds him as the best 200' winger in the game, and most importantly, has ownership's ear.


  3. NHL

    Markstrom: 17-10-5; 2.2gaa; .923sv% 7SO

    Vladar: 6-3-1; 2.64gaa; .911sv%; 2SO


    Wolf: 19-2-3; 2.01gaa; .934sv% 0SO

    Werner: 7-4-1-1; 2.91gaa; .892sv% 0SO


    Daniil Chechelev 9-8-1; 3.41gaa; .900sv% 1SO


    Sergeev: 23-3-1; 1.58ga; .934sv%; 6SO

  4. 19 hours ago, The_People1 said:


    Trues.  Chychrun didn't have the most impactful game and was silent mostly... which could be a good thing for a Dman.


    Sad watching Keller have no help.  So many good individual plays go to waste.


    And Kessel, man he still got that shot.  Lucky his shots missed all game long.

    I thought Arizona had a field day in that 2016 draft 1st rd. If we had taken Keller or Chychrun I'd be equally happy as Tkachuk.

    I saw all 3 quite a bit, as well as Juolevi. If Van took Tkachuk and we took Juolevi, I'd have lost my excrement.

    I have no idea what Van was thinking. There were lots of great dmen. How on earth Juolevi got ranked so high I'll honestly never know.

  5. So evidently the search engine sucks. I searched "Johnny Gaudreau" under "Topics" and got a compendium of gameday threads.

    Enough about that giant nuisance or my lack of abilities.


    I feel we need a Johnny thread on Page 1. He's the franchise and every game he's doing something worth discussing outside of the random subject matter threads.

    So, to kick it off, the "Johnny Hockey" moniker has faded away. He trademarked it and buried it. At the time, he was being criticized about trademarking it and in it to make a ton of cash.

    Lowlifes were trying to capitalize on it. I thought then, correctly, he didn't like it, bought it, and buried it.

    He wanted it dead and probably embarrassed him. Big respect.

    That's pure class.

    Best feet I've ever seen, drives all of our O, backchecking hard this year.

    Truly elite and deserves every penny he gets.

    I think the, "contract year explosion" is BS regarding him. He has consistent quality linemates and this is him.

    He's in Iginla territory of best Flames ever. With the same modest disposition.

    I would assume a failure to sign would lead to BT's ousting.

    Let's talk Gaudreau in one place.

    Shouldn't he have a letter?

  6. Uh-oh, here comes my scouting meltdown.lol

    examples of my hairy eyeball:

    Chychrun - they all took the section at Sarnia's 2 period D zone.

    Galchenyuk/Yakupov - they all sat in the Yakupov O-side.

    It's like every job in life. 20% abilitiy, 80% people like you.

    They all work together, they all travel together. Everybody knows every other teams intention.

    It's like a convention.lol

    Imagine the countless distraction. It is. I see it all of the time.

  7. Just now, robrob74 said:

    it might be good for some of the prospects to see NHL action before the playoffs. It’s getting to the point in the season where things tighten up, and to see what that’s like may help them if we get into injury problems in the playoffs.

    The problem with an experience-laden team is they all know the grind and want it. It's a good problem to have.

    There isn't much space. Ruzicka got lucky that Richardson just wasn't there (but he can coach) and he only has to be better than Gawdin. Ritchie should be replaced. That's my roster change. He's on the 3rd line. Should be taxi squad at best.

    • Like 1
  8. 35 minutes ago, The_People1 said:

    I want to see more of Zadorov's big shot. 


    Let's try,

    Dube - Monahan - Zadorov and see what happens.

    You know this will never happen.lol Wish we'd waive Ritchie though.

    I think Pelletier should get a call up and a look with Baclund and either Coleman or Dube.

    He's waiver ineligible so that's whatever.

    People talk about hurting development, but I disagree. If he isn't ready to make the team a bit better, whatevs, he's got lots of time. We should do it ahead of TDL. Even if he doesn't see a game, see what that looks like in practices to get a different look at everything you have before spending.

  9. 1 minute ago, robrob74 said:


    this was why I was saying it sounds like too many messages coming at once. I haven’t seen him play before being in a Flames NHL uniform, so I can’t speak to what it looks like, just from what you described…


    I remember going up to bat and the coach would tell me a bunch of things and then something different every time. I started getting confused.

    Not saying he’s had bad coaching, but maybe getting a lot of messaging and not being a born English speaker

    His international efforts were the same. His English is great.

  10. 49 minutes ago, JTech780 said:

    This is the first season in a long time where I feel that this team has an identity and a clear system. It actually feels like there is buy in from the players too. 


    Now having the two big guns playing for contracts certainly helps propel this team forward, but it has made the team very fun to watch.


    Having two goaltenders who are playing lights out makes it that much more fun as well.


    I will say that I have been pleasantly surprised by a few players. Gudbranson has been very solid on the 3rd pairing and has supplied some much needed physicality to the back end. I know Lewis doesn't pass the advanced stats test, but I think the way he gets in on the forecheck and leads by example has been a huge help so far. 


    I can't figure out Zadorov, one play you can be impressed by his size, physicality and the fact that he can really move for a big guy, and then the next he throws a pizza up the middle and you wonder if his gloves are made of cement.

    My sentiments to a tee. I want Dube to stay RW, I really like him as a player, but I'd like him more if he took an extra split second in almost everything he does. His timing seems off to me. Like he's fast enough to buy a bit of time but doesn't use it. I hope it comes around for him. Mangiapane's really struggling to find space imo. He's got some things to figure out too. I like him with Dube, but Sutter doesn't, so that's that.

    All Backlund does is shoot at the goalie to get the faceoff for our 1st line. Which is fine, but it also stifles Mangiapane I think.

  11. 15 minutes ago, cross16 said:

    I'm with conundrumed on this one,  Ruzicka has everything you want and need he just needs to bring is on a consistent basis. He's just like Ferland for me, this isn't a question of skill, it isn't a question of coaching, it's more can the player buy in to what it takes to be good on a nightly basis and not just be content with a good night here and there. I'm a believer that no coach can do that it has to come from the player. 


    That's what Ruzicka has always needed and so far so good but let's see it continue. 

    It's also that old adage of, "let the play come to you". If you aren't elite in this league you aren't forcing play.

    I'd point at all of our dmen outside of Gudbranson. When they try to force play is when they make mistakes. Not saying never take a risk, but they can really try to force things that just aren't there. Gudbranson near always plays it safe and that's his success here imo.

    Rozie will always get chances, turnovers and all of that but he won't really be able to force them.

    Capitalize on the other team's mistakes, don't let them capitalize on yours by forcing it or trying to do too much.

    Only Johnny's allowed to do that.

    I want this to work out for purely selfish reasons.lol

  12. 34 minutes ago, JTech780 said:

    I will admit that I was one of his biggest critics in junior and even watching some of his games in the AHL, I wasn't sure he would be able to crack the NHL. There is little doubt that he has the size and the skills, it's always can he put it all together. He still has work to do, but he is trending in the right direction.


    He still needs a lot refining, needs to use his size more effectively and needs to work on his game away from the puck. The next step will be to show that he isn't just another Mark Jankowski or Joe Colborne, big guys with skill, but that he can push passed that and be effective every shift on the ice, or at least most shifts.

    Yeah I know you were, nothing wrong with that. How many times I'd watch him thinking, jesus man, snap out of it.

    He's been getting more consistent with the Flames so good to see. Sutter said it's up to him to understand the details, but having Sutter teach him the details is a big deal.

    I always thought it was coaching. When he was bad, he was bad. But I always thought he looked lost in uncertainty more than no good. Couldn't make a decision, then when he did it would bite him and he'd get even more tentative.

    He's looking like a nice add right now though.


    I should say likely Lewis and Richardson as much as Sutter. Always thought those 2 were good adds as player/coaches. Richardson doesn't have to be in the lineup to be a good coach.

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, robrob74 said:


    judging by his seasons, it sounds like he’s been working on it since coming to Canada/NA. The knock just seems to have stuck with him. He has improved every year.

    It's been like turning a freighter in a canal, to be clear.lol

    In jr and International, he'd almost get frozen to commit one way or the other and he'd turn altogether useless. Don't let stats fool you.

    He's got really good skills for a 6'3" guy, great coordination, but he needed to badly work on his purpose every shift.

    Looking good.

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