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Everything posted by cross16

  1. Lundell makes a ton of sense for Calgary for the same reasons Florida likely isn’t going to trade him. I have no issues waiting on first round picks. I think there is potential to get better value by acquiring picks in the future
  2. played on the top line at multiple times during the playoffs if they needed a mixup or had injuries. Right now, view Lundell as like Backlund before he found his role. His value isn’t showing up in points right now but it’s there.
  3. Im operating under the assumption Markstrom isn’t going to be a flame by the end of summer(at the latest) because he shouldn’t be. I don’t love Knight as part of the return but I’m not that optimistic we are going to like the return so might as well pick up a talented player who might pay off down the road.
  4. this wouldn’t surprise me. Knight fits the bill of what Conroy has talked about trading for and imo hasn’t fallen into cap dump yet. There is a lot of talent there still. I could see him being the key part of the return here.
  5. I see that but he also does a good job of giving up pieces he can afford to. The Tkachuk trade was a lot but giving the UFA status of Huberdeau and Weegar it wasn’t nearly as much as it appears on the surface. He’s in a competitive window so he can afford to move picks and prospects. I don’t think they can afford to trade Lundell and im pretty skeptical they need to also.
  6. I presume you mean Hanifin. Markstrom isn’t going to Florida. Can set your price all you want but as a pending UFa market will dictate the return and not the flames, unless they are cool with him walking for nothing. That’s the game I’m referring to. How much is Hanifin worth to Florida if they feel they will get him for free in the offseason? What’s he worth if his agents are making it known he won’t sign in other places and thus forcing those teams to lower their offers?
  7. IMO this supports what I was saying. I don’t think Markstrom waived nor did ownership nix a deal. he simply didn’t like the emotional roller coaster of being told he might go and then changing course. what’s interesting about that to me, is the only reason to be upset is if he did actually want to go to NJ
  8. I think they’d be interested now to secure him on an extension just saying the price may not be as high if they don’t feel they need to outbid.
  9. I think the risk with Florida is I think that’s where Hanifin wants to be. So how much are they going to give you instead of just trying to sign him in the offseason for free. But of a cat and mouse game here I would love to get Lundell but it feels far fetched to me
  10. that is an awful strategy from Conroy. Kuznetsov has negative trade value. Washington should be giving you something to take him. strategy isn’t that far out there. Columbus did it with Marchant back in the day
  11. Absolutely zero sense to claim. make Washington give you an asset if you want to weaponize the space but he make no sense to claim
  12. it’s possible sure I just have no reason to believe it. I think most know I’m not exactly pro flames owners but in this case I just don’t think they got involved. I’m in the camp that this is likely an overreaction to comments that had a different meaning. I don’t think wolf was supposed to start that game he did and I think he was pulled from it thinking a deal was close. Could be as simple as that. Markstrom could be saying heh don’t pull me unless you know I’m gone. but at this point I really don’t see this as a major issue
  13. I’m in the camp that is the rumors are truth and it’s Holtz and a 1st or 2nd then Conroy is making a mistake holding on to Markstrom. I don’t see the package getting better than that. but it is possible the flames just don’t like Holtz. That be fair but value wise I don’t think you’re getting a better value trade later. still hoping this gets done before Friday. Devils gotta do something in net here.
  14. It is pretty standard that if a player has a NMC/NTC that before the team engages in trade discussions they run it by the agent and keep them in the loop. It would not be the norm to get to a deal with the player having no idea you are even negotiating. That doesn't mean the clause was asked to be waived, but it is a discussion to make sure you are not doing something the player will say no to. I think that's why you get the differing reports. The more credible sources have not said he waived, but some others have probably because they are being fed "well Conroy spoke with the agent so he must have waived" type of info. There is a formal sign off of a NMC/NTC that has to happen before a deal can go through because the acquiring team is not necessarily required to keep it. So players/agents aren't going to give a full yay/nay unless they know all of the parameters. Becomes a formality because they've been kept in the loop. I don't have sources but from what i've read I don't think he was ever asked to waive. No where the Flames may have gone wrong here is leading him on to believe a deal was further along. The circumstances of Wolf's start were strange and were pretty indicative of a deal being close. It's pretty clear Markstrom thought it was, based on how he acted in warmups, and he must have been told something to believe that. Whose fault i'm not sure matters nor do I really think is a big deal.
  15. But then the question is what is more valuable. If you are trying to play your way to the number one pick, or a top 3 pick is that more valuable than the late first, b prospects and other pick Hanifin nets you? Would you rather trade Tanev for what he got or push for the higher pick? I would value a top 3 pick over any TDL return. So in that format I would not be trading Hanifin. I think for sure any system that links wins to higher draft picks is going to discourage activity at the TDL.
  16. I cannot say no but I have no reason to believe that is the case. I don't think Markstrom was actually ever formally asked to waive his NTC.
  17. If you want to believe kind of of the local insiders (sort of speak) the Devils offer without retention is Holtz and a 1st. Might be another piece in there but that's the core of it. Flames asked for more if retention was going to be involved. I think the Flames counter is Mercer. I think they love Mercer and think drawing a hard line right now is their best chance to get him. That's my read and take on it Edit: according to Lebrun the Devils have re engaged and now are no longer requiring salary retention so we'll see where this goes.
  18. Why would the Flames trade Hanifin if it keeps them towards the top of the draft order though?
  19. Interesting comments from Markstrom today. matches some speculation I heard that the Flames are not happy with how this has gone down.
  20. I don't think it's fair to look at it as a stats vs stats, or from an lens of deficiency. I look at it, that players have different skill sets and some more narrow than others. That's how I view Grushnikov. it's not that he's bad or has questionable IQ etc, it's just a more narrow skill set. He does some things very well, but ideally you want to see a wider variety of skills because as you go up the chain the more specialized you are the harder it gets to be in the NHL and amongst the best of the best. Lack of points IMO doesn't mean Grushnikov, or any player, can't make it just makes their path harder and the odds less likely because they only have that specific skillset and role to play in. The upside and opportunity is just more limited the more narrow your skill set it. If they were drafting Grushnikov i'd be upset because you draft for upside IMO, but he's a great skill set to acquire in trade because even if the odds may be more against him you want that type of player. Getting him via trade is the way to go and keeping banking on upside with other dman in the draft.
  21. I don't think his play is going to decline. His numbers might, but Markstrom is the type of goalie who seems to be better with more chances/shots against. Flames are giving up more chances this year, and more high danger ones, specifically middle of the ice, and Markstrom is great at that. I think the risk in not dealing him now is does the price go down. In the summer you only getting 2 playoff runs out of him but now your getting 3. Conroy would know that better than I, but that's the risk I see. It sounds like Lebrun wasn't as sure that Flames won't deal Markstrom. Didn't say that they will, but wasn't definitive either way.
  22. yup. I’m fine with waiting until the offseason. But if he’s on their roster next year I think it’s a mistake. i would have preferred to see him dealt but it’s not the end of the world right now.
  23. I don't think it's ever been off the table. From the Flames, they want to keep Hanifin I think that much is pretty clear. This is Hanifin deciding he wants to go somewhere else.
  24. Looks like Flames did indeed try and chat extension with Tanev but were told "thanks, but no thanks" https://calgaryherald.com/sports/hockey/nhl/calgary-flames/tanev-thanks-flames-for-chance-to-chase-title-in-dallas
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