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Everything posted by cross16

  1. fine by me. as I said I like the results too. But this is a double standard and I just personally think it's kind of low to keep dumping problems, some of which made up, on past employees as a means to justify the change today. Especially when the reality of it it is their processes really isn't all that dissimilar. I just don't like it but to each their own.
  2. I don't think anyone is saying there was a missed opportunity in the summer. The missed opportunity on all of these players was 2022, not 2023. My point is I don't like the process. Hanifin indicates to you he doesn't want to be here but you wait, wait until he has a change of heart and then try and keep him why? Why was Hanifin considered to be that type of priority? Market was soft int he summer yes but why would it get more robust for a player like him and why would you want to potentially limit your suitors at the TDL? I do not think you get significantly more for Hanifin in the summer to be clear. I think you would have had more options yes but that doesn't mean a significantly better trade. You'd be lower in the standing right now though and that IMO would have been the better win. I
  3. Flames made every attempt to re sign Lindholm. Ultimately he isn't here because he doesn't want to be. Flames made multiple attempts to re sign Hanifin. Ultimately he isn't here because he doesn't want to be. Right before they traded him they make attempts to re sign Tanev. Ultimately he isn't here because he doesn't want to be. I don't think this is the Flames pulling the trigger on a rebuild, this is the Flames reacting to the reality that the core they built to try and win is done. I think this is plan b, plan A was keeping Lindholm/Hanifin. I'm happy they are gong this route but don't agree this signals a change. This is not a shot at Conroy at all either BTW, I think Conroy is doing a fine job so far. Yes I do wonder if they waited too long on Hanifin but that's it. You had to wait on Tanev and Z for cap space and while I personally didn't like it, I do understand the idea of wanting Lindholm to stay. Just don't like how every problem gets dumped on the guy on the way out and suddenly the new shiny toy can do no wrong. Yet we don't acknowledge we'd be singing a different tune today if Lindholm and Hanifin had of said yes to their contract offers.
  4. At this rate they probably won’t need to add much at all
  5. Devils advocate. Why would they advocate for the condition if they didn't have a desire to move the pick? Why would Conroy mention in his media hit specifically that the 2026 pick is unconditional? Obviously we don't know I just woudln't say it's unlikely.
  6. A lot of what you are saying here doesn't make sense but this is the biggest one I would disagree with. I don't believe at all that signing Hanifin was plan B. I think the Flames made a lot of efforts to get him signed and got very, very close to having him re sign. Ultimately he isn't here because he doesn't want to be and not because the Flames don't want him.
  7. As a pending UFA he had leverage. it's probably a slight overpay but you would have had to do that to get him to sign now and give up UFA.
  8. I actually don't agree they all should have been gone. I think he was right to wait on others becuase you need teams to accumulate cap space. Hanifin is the only one that IMO should have been moved. I'm sure they listened on calls but from what i've heard they really want to re sign him so I don't think they took trade calls seriously. Anyway like I said it's not like I think he would have retuned much more so no point in going back and forth here. I just hope this organization can learn from this and get better at asset management. That is my point
  9. Conroy said getting a first round pick was important to them. If that was the primary ask then it's not hard to see why Vegas won out. Boston has no first this year and no 2nds for 2 years. Tampa has no first for the next 2 years Florida no first for the next 2 years Could be questioned if that's the right approach but not hard to see why Vegas came out on top here.
  10. Even if this were true, which I don't think it would be because I don't assume the conditions today would exist then, you'd still have teams that would have more flexibility to deal then now. Vegas isn't going to give you a player off their roster at the deadline, no contending team is, but in the summer it's more flexible. As a rule of thumb I always think its a mistake to trade players like Hanifin at the deadline. Should always deal higher end pieces like that in the summer to increase your suitors.
  11. Flames clearly wanted this guy. Interesting. Time will tell I guess but super curious to me. If he was truly a target and not just a piece they got, then that's a mistake from the Flames IMO.
  12. I think they would have because while sure his agent was doing work I think also just the cirumstance shrunk the market. If I'm not a playoff team then i'm not interested but in the summer I may have been. I'm looking at a team like Buffalo. Makes no sense for them now to inquire about Hanifin but in the summer I think they would have been interested. I also think in the summer you get teams more willing to give up pieces off your roster. I'm not suggesting he returns a haul but I think he gets you more. Only so much an agent can do when 23 teams actually can put a call in.
  13. It's not a good return but I also don't think for a second Conroy turned down better offers. I mean the rumors I heard out of Tampa was a 2026 1st, Howard and a 3rd so I think the offers were on par. As i've said I just didn't expect a robust marketplace for Hanifin to begin with, and the combine that with the fact they the list of suitors was small it just doesn't set up for a good return. I think if you want to criticize anything here it's timing. I can't say for sure that Hanifin would have generated more in the summer but I do think you would have had a longer list of suitors. Ya perhaps you have to take on money but IMO this team should have been more aggressive shopping Hanifin in the summer and not waiting till the TDL when it's been pretty strongly indicated he wasn't going to stay. If you want to criticize anything I'd say criticize that. This is the asset management piece this club still needs to improve at.
  14. Another positive. If by some way the Flames get the 2026 pick, it's unprotected.
  15. Nope. Reverts to Calgary if they don't move it by Saturday (and are not a bottom 10 team next year)
  16. He is tradable but I would not hold your breath he will be. think you'll see him back in Calgary on an extension shortly after the deadline.
  17. Short term retention like this doesn't carry much value. Year over year retention does 50% of Hanifin's salary is worth approximately a 4th round pick
  18. Clarification on the 3rd rounder. It's a 3rd rounder this year that converts to a 2nd next year if Vegas wins as a round (as they don't have a 2nd rounder this year)
  19. As you would expect, the 2025 pick is top 10 protected. Will convert to a 2026 if Vegas is in the top 10 (unlikely anyway) So 2 conditions on the 1st rounder. 1 of which we'll know soon and the other we'll have to wait a season on
  20. That pick is 2025. But it's based on how Vegas does this year
  21. So it's not a first rounder this year. It's 2025 unless Vegas trades it this year, then it's 2026. Vegas hosts the draft this year so not surprisingly they didn't want to deal their pick this year. Yeah.. just not good all around here for Calgary. Although I don't mind at all the idea of getting 1st rounder in 25/26. Like the idea of spreading that out.
  22. No Steinberg is saying the 1st might have conditions on it
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