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Everything posted by cross16

  1. Dallas in 6 Avs in 7 Nash in 7 Edm in 5
  2. We clearly have a different definition of tanking. Tanking to me is losing on purpose making intentional and deliberate steps to make sure your team is as bad as they can be. I don't think that happens anymore with the lottery rules. I would have a problem with this if teams were doing it but as I said I don't think this is occurring. I do think teams shed assets and rebuild which to me is not tanking, it's just a life cycle or a pro sports franchise. That process comes with risk which is part of the reason why i don't think teams intentionally lose on purpose because often the risk in doing so outweighs the player your going to get.
  3. we are not because what you describe as tanking I don’t think exists, therefore it’s not a problem.
  4. Still think the idea that teams "tank" is flawed. Can ask any pro athlete and the idea that any of them would go out and lose on purpose is just flat out silly and wrong. This concept is for fans only and really isn't situated in fact. Do some teams ship everyone out, sure they do but that doesn't come without risk. All you have to do is look at the Oilers, Sabres and Islanders as team that got rid of basically everyone and then realized that the build up is pretty difficult. Could be Detroit in this bucket now too, Leafs even. Go look at the NFL. There isn't even a lottery there and tanking doesn't come up for them. Honestly not sure why this comes up as often as it does but it's a lot of discussion around a made up problem IMO.
  5. Only slightly. My bigger concern would be why are we targeting someone in a elite draft area who has not had elite production really at any level. Not saying he is not a good prospect, he is but I think his size has inflated his draft stock.
  6. cross16


    It has to be a 1 year deal as per the CBA. Any European player who is signing their first NHL contract between the age of 24-28 has to sign a 1 year deal. I don't know much about him, just his numbers certainly don't give you much hope, but either way depth was needed. With the plan to get Wolf NHL games next year the Flames don't actually have an NHL goalie under contract next year for the AHL as Dansk is a UFA. With Seergev staying in NCAA there also isn't a reserve list goalie who was heading to the AHL next year either. Does look like good depth for the AHL though
  7. This is the only caveat worth discussion IMO and I do think it's unlikely. All reports I've heard is Kadri is really happy here and likes the direction of the team. Like Weegar he is happy to be part of the re tool. I think the other thing I would add is I actually think he had more suitors but I think the problem was he was very picky about where he wanted to go. I've heard he had a very small list of teams he would even engage with, so while there were some teams interested they go a "no" before they could even pitch. With a full NMC for the next 2 years I don't think that list is going to get larger. Highly unlikely Kadri goes anywhere anytime soon IMO.
  8. cross16


    Personally I don't think equipment can make you elite. avg to good, probably. Not to so good to average yup, but elite you have to have the skills to get there and equipment isn't going to do that. I can buy that equipment has led to a lowering of goalie performance/stats argument but I also think there are more important factors. I do think goalie development and the talent pipeline is down and in particular it's down in Canada. Who was the last goalie at the WJC you watched for Canada and went wow? Not that the tournament should be considered the be all end all but you look at the 90s, early 2000s and there's some pretty special names. Since 2008 Canada has only twice had the best goalie at the World Juniors and that was Joel Hofer and Devon Levi, neither of which I would say put out a standout performance. So the pipeline for Canada had dried up quite a bit and given where it use to be I think that's a large impact to the overall quality of goaltending we are seeing. Mostly though I think it's a tactical thing. I think the quality of shots goalies are facing are much harder. Analytics have shown the value of different shot locations, puck movement, change generation and the game has started to innovate more. Games a lot harder on goalies then it use to be IMO. That's my explanation anyway. I agree for sure that in today's game an elite goalie is not required to win a cup and would actually argue that in a cap system an elite goalie can actually hurt your chances at a cup once they get paid.
  9. As a team it's marginal, Wolf's number look different and all of this at is 5 on 5. There are some small changes in the Flames number pre and post TDL but it's marginal if at all. Basically post TDL the games Markstorm have played have been very low event hockey. Yes it leads to a positive change in the defensive numbers, but the offensive numbers are down too.
  10. Pre TDL (all rates/60 mins) 28.57 Shots Against 26.23 Saves .918 Save % 0.29 GSSAA 2.71 expected goals against 8.18 HD shots against. 7.15 HD saves and a .875 HDSV 0.3 HDGSAA 2.4 Rush attempts against and 5.64 rebound attempts against Post TDL 25.48 Shots Against 23.05 Saves .905 Save % 0.24 GSSAA 2.46 expected goals against 6.76 HD shots against. 5.55 HD saves and a .821 HDSV -0.12 HDGSAA 1.04 Rush attempts against and 3.99 rebound attempts against For the most part you are not really seeing a big difference statistically, especially when you consider sample size. Certainly not playing at a "backup level".
  11. I don't really rank anymore. Just don't have the capacity to view and analyze. From what I have looked at, I agree that D is the better value in this draft but someone is always going to reach for a center or 2 which is why I think 8 is a good ledge to be on. Assuming Dickinson isn't available Zeev Buium is my favorite Dman.
  12. I still think we are working through the COVID impacts on these kids and forget that they missed basically an entire year of development. Patience is always required but I think even more is required given the circumstances all these kids went through. Can't apply normal development rules to an abnormal environment/experience IMO. I only got to the 1 Wrangler game but I walked away happy with Kerins. He is such a well rounded center who takes care of the details, works hard all over the ice, and finds a way to make an impact. I think the Flames need to be a bit more intentional around building out his offensive game, but I woudln't be surprised if he pops next year because the foundation to his game is there. Stromgren was a work in progress when they picked him and while there is still a lot to want more of there, there's a lot of skills. I think until he maxes out his frame and his strength you won't know what you have.
  13. Flames would likely have to go at least 3-1 to move behind Seattle. I don't see that happening. Like wise, Ottawa probably needs to win all 3 and they play NY and Boston. Guess we'll see but 8th is looking pretty likely to me which I'm fine with. Obviously higher is better but 8th was a big of a ledge for me in this draft. Not to much in terms of talent but I feel like 8 is the best spot to react in this draft. I think 5-8 could see a surprise or too, likely a Berky Cotton or Lindstrom and 8 put you in the best position to have someone slide. I think once you get to 9 and outside that's less likely.
  14. I'm very happy the Flames are not locked into that deal with Hanifin. not a terrible deal just not one I would want to sign him to.
  15. While all pro sports do to a certain extent, I think the NHL has had the most checkered past when it comes to perspective owners and ownership in general. If a motivated billionaire with experience running a pro sports team and what looks to be a very clean past comes calling, the NHL (and really any league) isn't going to say no. sometimes the market comes second to the quality of the owner. Bettman's job is to grow the business and teams in 2 of the biggest markets in the US grows the game more than in Quebec City. I get why he doesn't want a team there.
  16. I like Salt Lake as a market for the NHL. Be interesting to see how it goes in Utah with some of their rules/religious beliefs but it's a beautiful place and in a pretty central location. Utah Jazz have had a pretty great following for many years and are a well run club so having that owner is a good thing for the NHL. I can also understand why the NHL doesn't want to leave Phoenix. It's a great market for the NHL to be in and I think the struggles there relate more to ownership/land then they do the market. But also count me in the camp that is not for expansion. 1 more team, ok.. 2 or more than that's going to go poorly I think. What could make this work is if the NHL can re engage with the KHL, or just expand overall internationally. I think there are still quite a few players that play outside the NHL that could still play here so if the plan is to expand I think the NHL needs to reach out to the international community to try and entice more players to come to the NHL earlier.
  17. That is the idea. I don't think the necessarily have to have won a cup but just rather have been around the league for a while. It's to bring in someone on an affordable short term deal whose been around and can help and can help play some top 4 mins so your not forcing a young player into that spot. Not interested in anyone who is going to take more than a 2 year deal to sign.
  18. Think it depends on how you define franchise changer. I personally reserve that for a more elite category that I don't think Celebrini is in. That's like your Crosby, Ovechkin, Malkin, McDavid, Bedard, Hedman category. I think Cellebrini is more like Jack Hughes, Brayden Point type. Extremely talented player, can do a bit of everything, and if developed properly will settle in as a number one center. I have him a level below someone like Eichel, at least for me.
  19. For the right return, which would be players and not just picks, yes. I think we clearly disagree on the value of mentors and/or the definition. I want a path for rookies and have said as much but I also want and see the value in making them earn it and having a good support system once they are here. IMO, that support system in place right now is not sufficient so I think outside help is needed.
  20. So assuming Kylington is back, we playing him and Anderson 25-30 a night? Don't think your mins add up very well here. If your comfortable with those 2 being mentors sure but i wouldn't be. Both play a pretty high risk game. Agree to disagree but I think the Flames are setting themselves up for failure, both in terms of their team, goalies and players, to run back this same d core. I'm all for a high pick but I don't think this is a wise path to get there.
  21. I've said it before but I think if you want to trade Andersson it should be done this summer. Between his age, contract, RS, I think he is someone a wide range of teams (both teams already contending and planning to do so) would be interested in. I think the potential for an increased supply of trade partners is better than the off chance you get someone to panic at the TDL (which I think is becoming less and less of a thing now anyway). He has a 6 team no move starting next year, so you run the risk of shrinking your suitors at the trade deadline. I'd be shopping him but I don't think the Flames will. I think they'll start having some discussion on a contract next year to see what his appetite is to stay and if there isn't interest than perhaps he's moved next summer but I doubt he is before that.
  22. For sure off the ice and I think Rasmus would be too. I'm not concerned with off ice mentorship but on ice. Have someone playing with these guys that can help. Hard for guys like Weegar to play their own game and then watch a 3rd pairing guy too. I'm not concerned playing 2 rookies, if it comes to that, i just want the spots to be earned and having someone there to guide them a bit. I wouldn't be signing 2 UFAs, just the one and ideally someone that is capable of playing 18-20 mins a night. Someone who can force them to earn their way up. You mention Kunznetsov and IMO that is someone who really has to earn their way. I would not be penciling him into the lineup next year.
  23. I don't view this as a win/loss discussion though because there isn't a dman out there, that I think would realistically sign with the flames, who is going to alter their path. It's all depth guys and the idea is to give them a veteran whose been there done that, can help with some of he highs/lows, give them tips/advice, and also shelter them a little from the mistake prone players young players tend to be. For me there is a lot of value in that. I think the Flames are going to lose a lot next season but that doesn't mean it makes sense to not support your young players. I don't really but the blocking argument either. There should be no rush to get Gurshnikov into the lineup nor Porier, let them earn it. Not to mention the Flames only have 5 NHL dmen under contract next year 2 of which are top 3 and then Hanley (age 32) Pachal (waiver claim bottom paring dman) and Miromanov (looking to be bottom pair at best). There are 2 top 4 spots available and you could argue the entire bottom pairing is open to. I don't think the flames would bat an eye at losing Hanley or Pachal given they got them both for free anyway and honestly if the Flames feel more comfortable with Hanley or Pachal playing right now over someone like a Kuznetsov that says something.
  24. Which I think the Flames are and should be. "looking for" can be debated and is everywhere so rather than go down that path I think the reality is there is little the Flames can do this off season to get out of the bottom 10. They are not a good team and I don't see much that can happen between now and next fall that's going to change their fortunes. There are some solid UFA dman available but now one that IMO anyway, is going to take this D core from bottom of the league to even average. My focus is on what's best for the young players.
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