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Everything posted by cross16

  1. I agree and would just add while Wolf is a big factor I also don't think you set up young players well for success by just tossing them into the deep end without help. Really none of the young dmen we have really profile as top 4 options, maybe have a 4/5 in there, so asking at least 1 of them to play 2nd pair is asking too much and IMO is not a good development model either. Need a stabilizing presence back there to help both Wolf and the young d they want to see develop. It's not even a given Kylington will be back.
  2. im not sure why you are framing this as one vs the other because you need both. Trying to prioritize one over the other makes no sense to me and is just foolish. No team has nor will they, build a team like that All I have said and all I will contend is giving up 2-3 assets to move up 10ish spots in the draft, and not into a range where you are likely to draft an elite player, is not smart and I wouldn’t do it. I’d use that asset to address other needs because I think the odds are just as good and maybe better if adding to the core. I don’t have an issue with the idea of scorched earth or a rebuild but it sure be nice if it was based on more realism than what’s argued here. If you want the ducks model fine but just acknowledge it’s been 6 years. Are they close? Not imo. Same thing for Detroit are they close? Does Detroit look like a team on the verge of being special? Despite what some want to believe there is no blueprint on how to do this because too many variables are outside of your control
  3. He hardly played with Barkov
  4. Ducks have drafted in the top 10 for the last 5 drafts and twice in the top 3. This isn’t starting with Carlson, nor is it close to being finished. the next example is using one of the top 5 prospects we’ve ever seen. We’re going to give Chicago credit for that timing? Same team who 2 years earlier gave up a top 10 pick for Seth Jones? Your timelines and perspectives/examples are all over the place to it’s not an argument worth continuing. End of the day 10 picks in the first round is not worth the assets to me unless it’s an Unusually strong draft and this year isn’t that. Top 10 pick then I'm listening.
  5. I think only if you can get into the top 8 and then it still varies greatly by draft. Yes the odds get better but not by enough to warrant giving up 3-4 assets to do it. if your target i ls quality in a rebuild then fine but then be prepared to it to take 5 plus years. Your likely gonna miss on someone and even if you don’t the depth won’t be there in a rebuild I want to accumulate assets because the strong rebuilds are the ones that become asset rich.
  6. I agree but this helps the quantity argument more. Trying to move up and limiting your ammo is a more quick turn around move.
  7. Good news all around. I wondered if they might push him pro but I think another NCAA season is much better. still an intriguing prospect for me. When he’s good, he can be very good
  8. Shane Wright was never billed, at least by anyone credible, as a franchise center though. Cellebrini is. Those guys almost never slide
  9. I actually don't think there is a player on the roster for the Flames right now that would net a top 10 pick in trade. Maybe, maybe Andersson and even then i'm pretty skeptical.
  10. cross16


    Technically yes but they would be ineligible for playoffs. You'd also enter into potential complications with trading players during this current league year as opposed to the next one. Long story short, technically possible but not logistically possible or likely. Nothing really to gain from either side.
  11. Well to be clear i'm referring to franchise altering picks. I think the idea being pushed here is the Flames should be acquiring picks and those picks could alter the franchise. That IMO is a mostly unrealistic goal. I do think Vegas is an outlier, but the possibility does remain to make franchise altering trades which is why an asset accumulation approach is my preferred method. If you have attractive assets to sell you can be part of trades when those players are available, like Vegas did.
  12. I agree we are saying similar things. Think we differ on the ease of acquiring top 10 picks. I think it's unlikely and you seem to believe it's expected. Of course great if you can but I don't see it as a likely option for the Flames, again unless we are talking about future picks but there is a luck element to that too.
  13. right but that didn’t involve a top 10 pick. point being even if yoj can trade for a top 10 pick it’s almost never been a franchise altering trade.
  14. I'm not suggesting an either or approach, i'm suggesting an asset accumulation approach. I think a successful rebuild/retool re defines your core but also builds you up to be an asset rich franchise. Really that should be the end goal. Could be scenarios where a 1 to 1 trade works, could be scenarios where a many to 1 approach works but the name of the game for me is asset accumulation. So when it comes to Andersson specifically someone who can probably land you multiple good assets, I'd questions the logic of putting it all in 1 basket unless the asset is truly worth it. End of the day if you want franchise altering picks you are going to have to be bad enough to get them, or get lucky. I think if your plan is to trade for them, your plan is flawed to begin with.
  15. Not really. It's just assessing a full risk spectrum rather than just only focusing on the positives. I don't think you get franchise altering player late in the top 10 so again your only throwing out this scenario as "what if the best case scenario" happens. Did Trading Jeff Carter for Jacob Voraceck alter the Flyers history?
  16. The ease of which people think you can acquire top 10 picks is pretty misguided IMO. The most common way that happens is to get future 1st round picks and hope things go in your favor. Boston trading Phil Kessel, Matt Duschence, Erik Karlson etc etc. Once teams know their in the top 10 then maybe in some softer draft years, team will deal a known pick but I think for the same reasons everyone here wants the Flames to acquire more top 10 picks is exactly why teams don't trade them. They fall in love with the potential and as much as some try and argue "well those teams don't want to wait" that's not what history has shown us. From a Flames angle I also question the thought process of the all the eggs in the basket approach. A player like Andersson should net you multiple pieces, or potential 1 more known piece, so I don't think the smart approach is to limit yourself to 1 piece. If you try and trade him for a top 10 pick I don't think your getting anything else in return so what if that player doesn't work out? You've just dealt one of your best trade pieces for nothing. Not a smart team building approach IMO. I think if your retooling, or even rebuilding, you need to build up an asset base. Acquiring future first if you want to try and get in the top 10 but don't put all your eggs in 1 basket I don't see that as smart.
  17. for a big guy though, Tanev has great agility and awesome edge work. He can mirror guys in the d zone with his edges and agility. from what I’ve seen this is where Yakemchuk struggles. no problem with his speed and how he joins the rush I just don’t think his feet are fast enough to be able to defend at a high level in the NHL. think he can be a good pro just think that will limit him to 2nd pair or lower small possibility he can work it out. I mean he’s a big guy for 18 so could make the case that will get better I just don’t think it tends to
  18. Totally fair. I have a bias towards to the transition dmen and the more "modern" ones. It's not that I dislike Yakemchuk I just don't see him having a high ceiling in the pro game. I don't think his skating is good enough.
  19. Haven't really like Hanley so I agree with giving the guy you gave up a 5th round pick for more leeway.
  20. I might cry a little if Buium goes 1 pick before them..... Although Parekh is not exactly a consolation prize. Think my preference is Flames go D in this draft. I think your getting better value there. Not that the forwards are better, I just think the ceilings are higher with the D in this range.
  21. cross16


    Dustin Wolf since the Flames have actually made it a point to play him .966 Save % .947 Save % .875 Save % (WSH, where team ws awful and he still gave them a chance to stay in it) .926 Save % He just looks so much better in the net. I was really happy with his game on Sunday. Tracked pucks well, more controlled in his movement and not flailing as much as he was earlier in the year. He always seems to take a game or two to get comfortable and I think he's there now. sure he'd want the Krebs goal back but that happens. Said it before and say it again there is no reason Markstrom should be a Flame next season. Not suggesting give him the net, but the Flames need to give him more than 20-30 games.
  22. No thanks for me. Turn the page. Gaudreau left, left for his own reasons and I see no value in going down that path again. Has nothing to do with Huberdeau, which for sure I can see the logic in getting out from under the deal, it's the idea that I see no value in revisiting Gaudreau here again.
  23. I think there is a large difference between playing in the NHL as the son of a legend and playing in the same market (and a Canadian one to boost) as the son of a legend who also played in that market. For sure Tij is going to have to own the last name, but owning it while playing in Calgary is another beast. At the end of the day what this boils down to me is does Tij have a burning desire to be here. If he can't look me in the eye and basically beg me to draft him I'd take him off my board.
  24. I think this is only looking at it based off of draft expectations. You don't think there are any external pressures coming from the fact this guy is Jarome's son? Best player ever in this franchise's history and there are no pressures that come from following that? That's the pressure i'm referring to. I don't think he can carve out his own future here, it will always be tied to Jarome. As a dad i woudln't want that for my son. but I don't know Tij maybe he wants that so I can't say.
  25. Which I would already argue are too high for the type of prospect Tij is. I think he settles in as more of a top 6 winger than a first line.
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