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What Is Best For Matthew Tkachuk


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10 minutes ago, TheFan99 said:

I do agree with you but would Marner and Dvorak of been that good without his work down low? Hard to say? I think let Ferland and Bouma hold the fort and send him back for time being.


No question, Tkachuk made that line better. I dont' believe Tkachuk was "carried" by those guys at all but I do think a certain amount of pressure is off when you play with guys that talentd so I think there is value in him going back and being the best player on a line, and a team for that matter, versus being the 2nd or mabye 3rd best (depending on how you ask). 


I still send him down, but I think they are going to give him a few more games. Giving tonight is his 9th game is sure seems like if he goes back it will be after the 10 game trial because it sure doesn't seem like they plan on sending him down before Sunday. I still think he should go back but am ok if they want him up a little longer. 

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33 minutes ago, cross16 said:


No question, Tkachuk made that line better. I dont' believe Tkachuk was "carried" by those guys at all but I do think a certain amount of pressure is off when you play with guys that talentd so I think there is value in him going back and being the best player on a line, and a team for that matter, versus being the 2nd or mabye 3rd best (depending on how you ask). 


I still send him down, but I think they are going to give him a few more games. Giving tonight is his 9th game is sure seems like if he goes back it will be after the 10 game trial because it sure doesn't seem like they plan on sending him down before Sunday. I still think he should go back but am ok if they want him up a little longer. 


Tonight he is on game 7, as he sat out for 2.  They have a plan for the games they want him to play.  I can't figure out which games they want him to play in, whether they want him to play some weaker teams or whether they want to play him against top teams, though.  They are on the road next week for 4 games.  I think they want him to play 2/4 of those, as they will need somebody ready for the B2B in Cali.  

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34 minutes ago, cross16 said:


No question, Tkachuk made that line better. I dont' believe Tkachuk was "carried" by those guys at all but I do think a certain amount of pressure is off when you play with guys that talentd so I think there is value in him going back and being the best player on a line, and a team for that matter, versus being the 2nd or mabye 3rd best (depending on how you ask). 


I still send him down, but I think they are going to give him a few more games. Giving tonight is his 9th game is sure seems like if he goes back it will be after the 10 game trial because it sure doesn't seem like they plan on sending him down before Sunday. I still think he should go back but am ok if they want him up a little longer. 

When SM was a rookie BH put him in a position to succeed. I believe it was the line changes when the puck was being carried to the offensive zone? I'm not sure if GG is doing the same with Matty? Is GG starting Matty in the defensive zone? Not knocking GG at all Just don't know how they're carrying Matts development in game play?

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44 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


Tonight he is on game 7, as he sat out for 2.  They have a plan for the games they want him to play.  I can't figure out which games they want him to play in, whether they want him to play some weaker teams or whether they want to play him against top teams, though.  They are on the road next week for 4 games.  I think they want him to play 2/4 of those, as they will need somebody ready for the B2B in Cali.  


My bad. I forgot it was games played not games on the active roster. I don't get the sense they are very concerend about the 9 game threshold and are probably more concerend about the 40 game one. The more I think about the less i'm really concerend about the idea of burning a year off the ELC. 

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1 minute ago, cross16 said:


My bad. I forgot it was games played not games on the active roster. I don't get the sense they are very concerend about the 9 game threshold and are probably more concerend about the 40 game one. The more I think about the less i'm really concerend about the idea of burning a year off the ELC. 


I agree.  I don't want them to send him back because of the ELC year.  He should only be sent back due to concerns about playing the full year or not being ready to play.  If he has proved he is a NHL player, then they should burn the entire year.

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17 hours ago, cross16 said:


My bad. I forgot it was games played not games on the active roster. I don't get the sense they are very concerend about the 9 game threshold and are probably more concerend about the 40 game one. The more I think about the less i'm really concerend about the idea of burning a year off the ELC. 

Watching last night's game I was thinking it a good move putting him with Backlund and Frolik, two vets he could learn from should he stay. The other player in this equation IMO is Shinkaruk and what takes play with his progression this season. I was think should Tkachuk go back the Shinkaruk would be a good choice to also play with Backlund and Frolik. Decision time is coming.

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We all know my opinion on where Chuky stands Look at his play to this point doesn't seem to matter which line you put him on he produces points or just causes drama for the D in front of the net. You guys have to agree by now he is NHL ready and not to mention Gritty player. He deserves to be here as much as any 1 else. You put him on the stag line he produces you but him on the Bennett line he produces now the Backs line more points. Comon guys give up you know he is a rockin NHL-er he is so much fun to watch and lets face it this is also a game of excitement and he brings that in spades. Unless he gets hurt or just falls in the next 40 games he is here to stay.   

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I get it guys my opinion is about as welcome as the plague but I was born a Calgarian and will die a die hard Flames Stamps fan. No matter what part of the planet I'm in I am a Calgrian first and foremost. I do get a little passionate about my Flames and sometimes I have blinders on when it comes to the players. I will always be an advocate of our rookies unless they just show no passion or ability to be a Flame like Berch did for the first few yrs. So possibly I was wrong but just didn't see him being a passionate Flame and I always thought he would be a Smid. In other words sick bay on a constant season my Bad look at him now. But he is not a Flames and perhaps would not have played for us the way he plays for the knuckle heads. Enough Chuky is here to stay LOL 

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40 minutes ago, zima said:

I get it guys my opinion is about as welcome as the plague but I was born a Calgarian and will die a die hard Flames Stamps fan. No matter what part of the planet I'm in I am a Calgrian first and foremost. I do get a little passionate about my Flames and sometimes I have blinders on when it comes to the players. I will always be an advocate of our rookies unless they just show no passion or ability to be a Flame like Berch did for the first few yrs. So possibly I was wrong but just didn't see him being a passionate Flame and I always thought he would be a Smid. In other words sick bay on a constant season my Bad look at him now. But he is not a Flames and perhaps would not have played for us the way he plays for the knuckle heads. Enough Chuky is here to stay LOL 

This decision will be here soon enough, all I can say is he has made this decision a difficult one. There have been times he has held his own but there has been numerous times he has been knocked on his behind. I think he will become an awesome asset but still think he needs to mature and develop another season in Junior.

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Even Backs and Frolik have ended up on there behinds from time to time it's part of the game if he plays the next game that is his 9th and final game then they will have to make a decision Hope they keep him he has no fear and brings much needed in front of the net aggregation I don't think we have enough of that and he plays his roll well.  

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25 minutes ago, zima said:

Even Backs and Frolik have ended up on there behinds from time to time it's part of the game if he plays the next game that is his 9th and final game then they will have to make a decision Hope they keep him he has no fear and brings much needed in front of the net aggregation I don't think we have enough of that and he plays his roll well.  

I don't have a problem either way.

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28 minutes ago, MAC331 said:

Hope they keep him he has no fear and brings much needed in front of the net aggregation I don't think we have enough of that and he plays his roll well.


59 minutes ago, zima said:

Hope they keep him he has no fear and brings much needed in front of the net aggregation I don't think we have enough of that and he plays his roll well


Playing in 8 games, Tkachuck has 1 goal and 4 assists on 12 shots, not bad at all for a start...   His grit and tenacity are in short supply on the team, and hopefully contagious...  


I hope that he plays well enough next game that they keep him up...   We will find out soon if the Flames feel the same way...

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4 hours ago, MAC331 said:

This decision will be here soon enough, all I can say is he has made this decision a difficult one. There have been times he has held his own but there has been numerous times he has been knocked on his behind. I think he will become an awesome asset but still think he needs to mature and develop another season in Junior.

I dont think getting knocked on his behind is the end of the world, the way he plays its going to happen, especially since he loves the front of the net. There is veterans like brouwer I can think of that have been knocked on their butts in front of the net. Hes already showing well at this level, and as he gets used to the speed of the game at this level he will only get better. To me right now he looks like a player who hasent got used to the speed of the game at this level, so Im assuming that will be the sticking point to management.

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On 10/28/2016 at 4:31 PM, cross16 said:


No question, Tkachuk made that line better. I dont' believe Tkachuk was "carried" by those guys at all but I do think a certain amount of pressure is off when you play with guys that talentd so I think there is value in him going back and being the best player on a line, and a team for that matter, versus being the 2nd or mabye 3rd best (depending on how you ask). 


I still send him down, but I think they are going to give him a few more games. Giving tonight is his 9th game is sure seems like if he goes back it will be after the 10 game trial because it sure doesn't seem like they plan on sending him down before Sunday. I still think he should go back but am ok if they want him up a little longer. 

I kind of wonder how London would slot him.

Their 1st line is Jones-Pu-Piccinich

Jones is averaging 2 PPG and was just named player of the week. Pu's just under 2 PPG and Piccinich just over 1 PPg.

If he were to go back, would you move him/Jones to 1st RW(off wing)?


In quasi-related news, Chychrun remains the only Dman from the '16 Draft currently in the NHL. MTL demoted Sergachov today, ARI also sent Dvorak to the A.

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19 minutes ago, AlbertaBoy12 said:

I dont think getting knocked on his behind is the end of the world, the way he plays its going to happen, especially since he loves the front of the net. There is veterans like brouwer I can think of that have been knocked on their butts in front of the net. Hes already showing well at this level, and as he gets used to the speed of the game at this level he will only get better. To me right now he looks like a player who hasent got used to the speed of the game at this level, so Im assuming that will be the sticking point to management.

Everyone gets knock on their pants, sure however some further maturity and experience will help him be prepared for the speed of the game react as hits are coming. As I said I don't really care, he can stay and learn from the school of hard knocks or he can return to Junior gain some strength, weight and maturity knowing what he is up against now.

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1 hour ago, MAC331 said:

Everyone gets knock on their pants, sure however some further maturity and experience will help him be prepared for the speed of the game react as hits are coming. As I said I don't really care, he can stay and learn from the school of hard knocks or he can return to Junior gain some strength, weight and maturity knowing what he is up against now.

Thats fair. 


As conundrumed brought up im curious to see where they would slot him in if he went back to London. Im sure the flames are looking at that.

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I think what really helps Tkachuk stick is that he's the kind of player you can roll out on any line 1 through 4 as needed.


I'm still 50/50 that I would have liked us to take Chychrun. The reports I'm hearing are ARI will definitely keep him up.

A modest 1G/3A/4pts so far. But a plus 2 on a team full of minuses getting 16-18 minutes/game so far. He sat 1 game so ARI's down to a 1 game decision too I believe.

Being a Sting fan, what happened to him at the draft and reports leading up to it I found to be a total embarrassment to him for no reason.

Everyone loves to beat down the top guy. I don't get it, but then again, all I did was negative Matthews, Laine and Puljujarvi, but that's because I knew we had no shot at them lol.

Chychrun-Hamilton, I was really digging that idea.


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4 minutes ago, AlbertaBoy12 said:

Thats fair. 


As conundrumed brought up im curious to see where they would slot him in if he went back to London. Im sure the flames are looking at that.

Thanks ABoy,

London's 1st LW is Max(imum Destruction) Jones.

Not like Tkachuk is automatic. But if Dale Hunter's your coach, none of it really matter's. He does nothing but churn out NHL-ready talent, it sucks (as a fan of the team an hr down the road lol).

I doubt Tkachuk's going anywhere very quickly, but if he does, send him with a mission to get Jones traded here too, and Dale Hunter to have a relationship with us!

Top CHL franchise, without a doubt.

Interesting 2016 MTL 4th rder Victor Mete leads their D categories, followed by Juolevi.

The knock on him by others is "small", at 5'10'/180 lbs.

But if you're 6'1"/210 lbs, you are not going to have his great skating and great passing.

Nice read by MTL to grab him at about 100 OA.

Scout London, heavier than anywhere else.

Point: they lost their 1st line of Tkachuk-Dvorak-Marner.

Currently, they are 8-2-2-1 through 13 games.

It never ends with these boardinging guys. Ever.

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1 hour ago, conundrumed said:

Thanks ABoy,

London's 1st LW is Max(imum Destruction) Jones.

Not like Tkachuk is automatic. But if Dale Hunter's your coach, none of it really matter's. He does nothing but churn out NHL-ready talent, it sucks (as a fan of the team an hr down the road lol).

I doubt Tkachuk's going anywhere very quickly, but if he does, send him with a mission to get Jones traded here too, and Dale Hunter to have a relationship with us!

Top CHL franchise, without a doubt.

Interesting 2016 MTL 4th rder Victor Mete leads their D categories, followed by Juolevi.

The knock on him by others is "small", at 5'10'/180 lbs.

But if you're 6'1"/210 lbs, you are not going to have his great skating and great passing.

Nice read by MTL to grab him at about 100 OA.

Scout London, heavier than anywhere else.

Point: they lost their 1st line of Tkachuk-Dvorak-Marner.

Currently, they are 8-2-2-1 through 13 games.

It never ends with these boardinging guys. Ever.

London is just so deep. Thats mostly why I dont agree with arguement that tkachuk will go down to junior and be the guy, he wont be when that team is full of guys. This isent ottawa 67's where mony was one of a few, I dont know how many players got drafted from him team. But if I remember correctly London had 13 players in NHL training camps to start their season, if tkachuk goes down he will have good linemates again.

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14 hours ago, AlbertaBoy12 said:

Thats fair. 


As conundrumed brought up im curious to see where they would slot him in if he went back to London. Im sure the flames are looking at that.

London could do us a favor and play him at RW. If he could come back and slot in there next season on our top line BT's job become much less stressful next off season. We have a few players that can slot into our LW positions even now or somewhere during this season Shinkaruk should get another opportunity. Mangiapane and Klimchuk will be making some noise this season in AHL as well.

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23 hours ago, zima said:

We all know my opinion on where Chuky stands Look at his play to this point doesn't seem to matter which line you put him on he produces points or just causes drama for the D in front of the net. You guys have to agree by now he is NHL ready and not to mention Gritty player. He deserves to be here as much as any 1 else. You put him on the stag line he produces you but him on the Bennett line he produces now the Backs line more points. Comon guys give up you know he is a rockin NHL-er he is so much fun to watch and lets face it this is also a game of excitement and he brings that in spades. Unless he gets hurt or just falls in the next 40 games he is here to stay.   


What he has done with such limited minutes is impressive.  Can a young player that plays the physical way he does keep it up for 40 or 80-ish games?  And will his growth be as good playing in limited minutes or better playing 20+ minutes in junior.  Your guess is as good as mine.  It's different being physical against 17-18 year old players than against guys in their 20-30's that make teenagers look like kids. 


Let me throw out a hybrid solution for comments:


Play Tkachuk between now and the World Juniors.

Allow him to go there to develop his craft and be a big part of the US team.

He comes back to Calgary with a bit of swagger.

Continue to play him and make final decision at 40 game mark.

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I hope beyond hope that we don't fall prey to keeping him past 9 games and reduce his minutes/gm to minimal by game 11.

Is it time to draw comparison to what happens with Puljujarvi in Edmonton, who doesn't quite look ready but I believe can go to the A?

I'm on the fence, but there's no reason to get angry zima lol.

In related news, HF board seems to think Chychrun wasn't just a draft steal, he's been ARI's best on the ice in a couple of games and definitely one of their top dmen after OEL. To quote Tippett, "we want to play guys that can help us win, and he is definitely one of them".

Sounds like a lot of crow for NHL scouts to choke down, lol.

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