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which raises even more suspicion, because NOT ONCE have i seen a thread deleted on HF. Not one single time. The mods there just lock threads. seems to me that the fans stumbled onto something they werent supposed to.

Thank God for the Flames message board eh?

I bet if the Oilers Management came crying to the Flames Organization they'd be laughed at for....

Never mind, they're consistently being laughed at. The Edmonton Oilers Organization as it stands right now is an embarassment to our city.

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i honestly cant wait for this years meeting between season seat holders and oil brass. MANY of them are itching to get at the ones running this show to find out exactly what is going on.


Although, it wouldnt surprise me in the least if the Oilers cancelled this annual get together. I dont see how those in charge can recover from this. its not like the fans are going to forget.

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Out of curiouity, have any mods quit or are they all toeing the company line?


I'm guessing if they did quit any good-bye thread would quickly be deleted.

the 2 ive spoken with are disgusted and embarrassed with whats been going on but are quick to place blame on the higher ups, but i cant see them quitting. The oilers give the mods and admins free tickets to games, team signed jerseys, autographed sticks.. ect.

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the 2 ive spoken with are disgusted and embarrassed with whats been going on but are quick to place blame on the higher ups, but i cant see them quitting. The oilers give the mods and admins free tickets to games, team signed jerseys, autographed sticks.. ect.



There are 2 mods over there I respect.

1 probably doesn't have much use for tickets but the other goodies are nice.

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Biting the hand that feed them?  Isn't it the fans that feed the Oilers? 

Maybe Bettman should give KLown a call and tell him that the NHL team sites are not meant to discourage discussion.  The fans ultimately pay for everything associated with hockey, whether by ad revenue, merchandise, or ticket sales.


This right here. Biting the hand that feeds us? Last time I checked, it's the tax payers in Edmonton that are largely on the hook for Daryl Katz' shiny new arena project, and it's the fans who buy merchandise, season tickets, and pay 8 freakin dollars a beer at rexall place not to mention all the other oilers merch that pays the oilers their exorbitant salaries. This team has truly lost touch with reality if they think they are the hand that feeds, and not their fans. It's time Daryl Katz grew a pair and held people accountable. Kevin Lowe has no place in the head office anymore and if the man had any friggen sense in his thick skull he'd salvage what little dignity he has left and retire.  


Edit to add: I wonder how willing Edmontonians would have been to subsidize the arena project if they'd have known the oilers would be pulling this crap? Doesn't matter now though does it? Time to pony up the dough, Edmonton!

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I feel for my friends who are Oil fans. We sit around and talk about which team sucks more but every single one of them wishes they had our management team instead of the one run by Lowe.


Kind of makes me feel good.


I can't wait for the days when both our teams are on top again, battling it out for playoff games or better yet, in the playoffs.

Been a long time coming 

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Well I have had my run in on the boards over there. I am almost certain he is a part of the KLowe PR machine that people are complaining about over on the HF boards. Never heard of him before poster with lowe post count. (pun intended) Stay with KLowe because replacing him likely won't help.   Right..


My sincere sympathy to all the Oiler Fans  I certainly won't be posting over there again.

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Well I have had my run in on the boards over there. I am almost certain he is a part of the KLowe PR machine that people are complaining about over on the HF boards. Never heard of him before poster with lowe post count. (pun intended) Stay with KLowe because replacing him likely won't help.   Right..


My sincere sympathy to all the Oiler Fans  I certainly won't be posting over there again.


Yeah I saw your post get edited and another one get deleted completely. It's beyond ridiculous at this point.

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Well they didn't give me a warning or anything, just edited and deleted most of what I had said.


I ventured over there last night and managed to read what you said. I've gotten to see first hand what everyone is talking about.


Message boards, while they are provided by the big club, are for the fans and the fans alone.  Let them vent, let them rant, let them cheer, or call for heads in regards to firing.  It's a place to keep everyone in discussion 'corralled.'  Doctoring what they say is an invasion of privacy and only causes a spread of distension amongst the whole fanbase, and even non-fans, beyond the borders of the message boards.


It's disgusting.

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I ventured over there last night and managed to read what you said. I've gotten to see first hand what everyone is talking about.


Message boards, while they are provided by the big club, are for the fans and the fans alone.  Let them vent, let them rant, let them cheer, or call for heads in regards to firing.  It's a place to keep everyone in discussion 'corralled.'  Doctoring what they say is an invasion of privacy and only causes a spread of distension amongst the whole fanbase, and even non-fans, beyond the borders of the message boards.


It's disgusting.




Couldn't agree more.

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I'm starting to get interested.  Interested in becoming their worst nightmare.




Anyways, enjoy:






Wow... if they actually did hire a PR firm to say nice things about Lowe on the forums that's downright pathetic, and getting pretty ridiculous... not to mention they seem awful at hiding what they're doing. The whole situation just seems surreal. If this was in Toronto it'd be 24/7 news on TSN.


A little off topic, but the undercover PR posters remind me of something one of my musician buddies from Boston told me about. They passed a local bylaw banning bands from playing local gigs without a license for the "event" and had undercover cops trying to get invited to the shows to bust them. Apparently the cops stuck out like sore thumbs because they kept trying to befriend local music punks and ask when and where the next "concert" was going to be. Yeah... "concert" that's what the kids are calling it these days, right?  :lol:

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Wow... if they actually did hire a PR firm to say nice things about Lowe on the forums that's downright pathetic, and getting pretty ridiculous... not to mention they seem awful at hiding what they're doing. The whole situation just seems surreal. If this was in Toronto it'd be 24/7 news on TSN.



That is the one thing that has me perplexed. Nobody is talking about it in the media. Short of a blog or two, there is nothing being written about the censorship going on. Part of it is because hockey journalists don't want to lose their press passes I guess. Perhaps they think it's a non-issue since the Oilers are within their legal rights to censor whatever they like on their own boards, but I expected to see it get a little more press than just one user blog on hockeybuzz.

Maybe it's just the conspiracy theorist in me, but it feels like oiler fans are in Orwell's 1984 or something. 

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I ventured over there last night and managed to read what you said. I've gotten to see first hand what everyone is talking about.


Message boards, while they are provided by the big club, are for the fans and the fans alone.  Let them vent, let them rant, let them cheer, or call for heads in regards to firing.  It's a place to keep everyone in discussion 'corralled.'  Doctoring what they say is an invasion of privacy and only causes a spread of distension amongst the whole fanbase, and even non-fans, beyond the borders of the message boards.


It's disgusting.


Holy crap do I ever agree with you on that. +1000



This guy posted this on a topic OilersAdmin9 made. Not having a good feeling about the future of this post.

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