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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 59 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


    At age 32 the odds are against Elliott getting any better. More often than not goalies don't turn into number 1's this late into their careers. Elliott is a tandem goalie and I just don't think that approach works. The teams left in the playoffs all have clear cut number 1's.


    Nashvile: Rinne, 61GP .918SV%

    St. Louis: Allen 61GP .915SV%

    Anaheim: Gibson 52GP .924SV%

    Edmonton: Talbot 73GP .919SV%

    New York: Lundqvist 57GP .910SV% (Lowest SV% of his career)

    Ottawa: Anderson 40GP .926SV% (Missed time with his wive's illness)

    Washington: Holtby 63GP .925SV%

    Pittsburgh: Murray 49GP .923SV% (Pittsburgh is the only team not going with their number 1, but that is due to injuries, and they have a Stanley Cup winner as a backup.)


    Elliott doesn't belong on a list with these goalies.

    Perhaps he does if he played for one of those teams? We can't pretend we're near as good as some of those teams on paper.

  2. 6 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


    I think that we are very close to taking the next step. I think every year you waste with stop gaps waiting for Gillies or Parsons to be ready, is a wasted year of the core. I don't doubt that Gillies has NHL upside, but I have serious doubts that Gillies will be a true number 1. He very well could prove me wrong, but at this point in time I am not counting on it happening. 


    I think Treliving has to go out and get the best goalie he can to help this team now and worry about future goalies in the future.

    What about Rittich? Why do we keep overlooking him, he is right there with Gillies, yet we talk about Gillies and Parsons.

    BT signing Rittich for 2 yrs I think was really great. 1 year to adjust and another to show us.

    He looks to me to be a very good goalie so far. Next yrs camp will tell the tale, can't wait!

  3. 15 minutes ago, Cowtownguy said:

    I agree with your argument, although they are only spending $1.3 million to study it. I don't understand why municipalities struggle to find the money for this kind of work. Rather than redistributing the carbon tax to less wealthy folks, why not use it to clean up the environment? It took decades to clean up the Sydney tar ponds, but they eventually got federal cash for it. Maybe Justin can give us some of that marijuana tax money to get this project started.

    So $260,000/yr for 5 yrs.

    Somehow, I don't see that working out. That is a lot of cash short of the "studies" I've witnessed. That isn't enough cash to even call it a "study", which I'd be inclined to label a smokescreen.

  4. 17 minutes ago, DirtyDeeds said:

    not quite.. they are starting a 5 year study to see if it is moving again or contained...  This is sweeping it under the carpet for 5 years and guaranteeing that Calgary Next does not get consideration for that period.

    Typical. Drop $100mil on an engineering company to "study" it and call yourself proactive.

    This stuff drills me, you see it time and again with municipalities.

    Pat yourselves on the back and do nothing of any consequence but pour good money over bad on "study".

    Sometimes being reactive is the better course of action over proactive, especially when bureaucracy is involved.

    If it is contained, excavate it out. We have machines that are excellent at it these days, lol. Alluvium/Fluvial/Morainal flood plain or not.

    But they won't, they'll come up with bs that disturbing it is bad.

    This stuff makes me so angry I shouldn't even post...

    Lynnview Ridge anyone? Let's build a subdivision where a refinery operated for 50 years. What benzenes? We use that to shine our shoes...

    Pathetically, most larger communities across Canada struggle to clean up their past, and do nothing but shrug and say, "I didn't do it"...

    And they all approach it the same way...Nenshi...WAKE UP. People rave that you're progressive...stop being the same.

    Apologies for the rant, I kinda kept my seethe in check though...

    • Like 1
  5. Imho, you don't place blame on anything.

    You win as a team and lose as a team.

    From there, it's pretty much, figure it out.

    Tired of the goalie whining though.You win as a team and lose as a team.

    Let's try this again, build your team and try making the goalies inclusive this time, show faith, not the reason to a young team's trials..

    Neither Bishop nor Elliott can teach us HOW to win....

    Let's just take our experiences and learn. Our G was likely fine but our inexpeience led to chaos.


  6. 25 minutes ago, rickross said:

    It's not the end of the world if we keep the same goalie tandem..Elliot's play in the playoffs will grant us a resigning discount if he's extended. The thing to also consider is he could easily sign with another team offering more than what the Flames are willing to pay. The big advantages the Flames have is that #1 starting spot is wide open and Elliot obviously wants to be the guy, he's also going to want to redeem himself big time so maybe we get a Vezina like performance next year at a bargain? :rolleyes:

    If all we have is one year tryouts at net. Like anything, buy in 100% or don't.

    We don't give goalies more than a year, and I think that is wayward.

  7. 1 hour ago, Flyerfan52 said:

    Regardless, any A goalie should keep you in games & not need the team to score a lot to make up for weak goals allowed. Elliot allowed 12 goals in 4 games on only 100 shots. That's the worst of any playoff goalie while facing less shots than any other starter. We took 138 shots @ Gibson/Bernier & they stopped all but 9.

    That's probably all the more reason to re-sign him.

    He was in St Loo for how long?

    We gave him a year of, "HEY THIS IS AN AUDITION".

    I hate our approach if that's the case.

    No reason a person doesn't become inspired. Consider Elliott, last year's run with St. Loo, then abandoned.

    A one year base is totally unfair.

    There is more there if we'd show half a gram of patience if we'd stop ragging the goalie.


    Is a goalie making us epic?

    Is that what anyone thinks?

    It doesn't work that way imho.


  8. My concern is you bring a new "star" goalie in and, again, the team has to adjust to what the goalie wants.

    Is that good or bad?

    Why is it okay to let players be meh for a year and make excuses why to keep them?

    I think we're making a big mistake to just keep throwing goalies to the wind and hyperbole how terrible they are in year one.

    Is that building a team?

    No. It's constantly reminding everyone on your team that they're a piece of meat.

    If we enter next year with Elliott and Johnson, great, I'd love it.

    A team wins for each other, and you don't do that in one year, or one superstar goalie.

    • Like 1
  9. 22 minutes ago, rickross said:

    Versteeg brings great hockey sense but yeah he's another smallish forward on the roster. He did pot 15 goals so he can definitely still play, I'd say him and Monny were our 2 most effective players in the playoffs. I'm hoping he takes a home town discount and it sounds likely he will just for family reasons. I agree, Treliving better not get caught paying him Mason Raymond like $ but a smart 1.5 -2 mill tops for 1-2 years is a fair deal..he'll likely ask for slightly more tho. I just want them to get the goalie situation right for once and that won't come cheap...Flames have been on a goalie carousel for far too long, time to finally stabilize the net. If only Bouma and Stajan's contracts could come off the books!






    For me, that's a loaded question.

    Spend a lot on a contract with term...if that doesn't work out...that worsens the problem.

    Now's a good time to address "deflating" goals.

    Imo, this is the same wavelength as us scoring a goal and the other team coming right back with their own.

    Because that happens too.

    To me, that's coaching. It doesn't matter who scores which goal when.

    I would bench anyone, right now, if I saw chests puffing out or body language deflated.

    And that's easy to reiterate in practices.

    Between Mony, Bennett, JG, Tkachuk, Hamilton...our young have to learn that.

    You don't rely on vet leadership for that, you coach that, imho.



    Vet leadership e.g.

    Justin Williams' "You guys need to relax".

    We tend to overrate what vet leadership really is.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, CheersMan said:


    My understanding is that the sky is the limit for coaches and managers, it's what the market will bear.  Look at the TML, I'd hate to guess what their war room is costing them.  Babcock at 8 per changed everything.  BUF was in on Babcock right to the end, then left standing at the alter.  What if BUF likes, really, really likes Treeliving?  This could backfire on the Flames badly. 

    Buffalo is alleged to be interested in Conroy.

    Also alleged, is TML's front end salary is around 20mil, which would include Babs' 6.25 per, I believe it is. 8 might be bonus stuff, I'm not sure.

    Something else I'm not sure of...the Detroit rule. If Buffalo were to hire Conroy, I believe they'd owe us a compensatory pick, typically a 3rd.

  11. 3 minutes ago, rickross said:

    I'd be shocked if they don't bring Treliving back, the more pressing question is the term they'll extend him to..another 3yr show me deal or do the Flames have enough faith to go long term with a 5 year offer for the "younger" GM. It'll be interesting to see how he maneuvers around the cap space the Flames are left with, not too much to work with there especially with 2 goalies to sign among some priority RFA's and some D men like Stone (and bottom pairing) to shore up. I think Versteeg has earned another go on this team but at what price will he sign?

    I agree with everything, except Versteeg.

    Nothing against Versteeg, and I won't complain if we re-sign him at the right $, but I also think we have to get better at wing with a couple of grittier players that go hard to the net.

    The only problem I have with Versteeg is that he occupies a seat I want to be a more pressing player. But I won't deny he was a real charm for us on a few occasions.

  12. 3 hours ago, The_People1 said:

    How much does the average GM make in the NHL and what would be considered a low ball offer? Who is the highest paid GM in the league?  

    Excellent question, I don't believe that is ever made public and it also likely depends on market size.

    I could guess, but that is getting us nowhere.

    I did see a 10 yr old report claiming between 1.5 and 3mil, but can't confirm nor deny accuracy.

    So I guess what I'm saying is good question!

  13. 2 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    Not worried about Mangiapane yet.  Just his first year.

    Rittich was signed for his experience and maybe a bit of a hail Mary.  I have a bit of faith in the "kid"  

    I'm not worried about Mangiapane at all. The Ohl players that take beatings and give it back are the guys I want.





    Need a couple more.

    Even Josh Ho-Sang, he of "not-in-shape" fame last year. He plays a harder game than half of our roster...

    I digress, as much as I'd really like to level in on this.

  14. 24 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    I think you have to give the net to Rittich.  He has been the better of the two for the season.  As much as it's a development league, you have to give the net to the better goalie.  6 goals against in two games is too many.


    How has Mangiapane looked?  I think he plays with Vey at evens, but with Janko on the PP.

    Like Ryan Strome, lol.

    Don't trust massive jr scorers based on stat sheets.

    He was pretty much a none factor.

    From a guy that LOVES OHL guys.


    I'd go back to Rittich too...why not? We have home ice advantage now. Bad for devving Gillies?

    Rittich is only 1 year older.

    I wonder if we treat Rittich as a hail mary because we have Gillies.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but Rittich looks like a secondary citizen to me, too often.

    And he's doing nothing to deserve it.

  15. We take home ice. Interesting game, SJ's pretty stacked. We went up 4-0 in the first, they fought right back to 4-3. Rittich faced about a dozen shots afterwards, gave up a shorty breakaway, but had a couple of spectaculars.

    Gillies plays too stoic imho, relying on his size to be in front of pucks imho. It really fell apart on him in the 2nd. Rittich is a little more active and did a better job passing the eyetest by being more mobile and reading the play well.

    Of the skaters, Hathaway stands out for me. He plays the game to conditions and doesn't get too emotional one way or the other.

    Janxy has a good base, but he still needs muscle mass and authority.

    Andersson reminds me of Sieloff. Sorry, but he does. Too many penalties, too worried about being the tough guy.

    I'll digress in that SJ has a good farm team...

    We stole home ice...

    But do we start Rittich or Gillies next?

  16. 57 minutes ago, robrob74 said:


    Thats not how it works though. How many spills go on the province and not the company? Here in BC they had a huge mine run off into a well to contain it. That well broke and they just let it run into the fresh water lake, no repercussions to the company. 


    Just before it happened, BC lowered their regulations on such matters as well. Drinking water and animlal life does not matter to big business or government...


    i definitely do not like this and believe government has to hold them accountable. But when the government gets kickbacks and donations from these companies, they're going to be lenient. 


    The system isnt isn't a true democracy when corporations run the government.

    Maybe they should talk to Murray Edwards?

    Oh wait, they do.

    That's quite a tradeoff for the BC liberals.

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