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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. Was Rafikov not going to be at our last 2 camps and then "visa issues". Seems odd 2 yrs in a row. Is he not under contract with Loko for next year?

    Seems maybe he doesn't want to cross the pond. No harm in that regard if he wants to stay home near family, it seems that way, though I'm uncertain.

    Mattson is the one I'm more wondering about, as far as progression and development.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, jjgallow said:


    Question for those out there much smarter than me:      Evan Cowley  (example)


    How does the expansion draft affect College UFAs this year, specifically for goalies?


    One of the best goalies available, certainly not the only one, as an example would be Evan Cowley.


    Panthers drafted him in 2013, and he's coming off his fourth college season.   Can a team like the Panthers even Afford to sign a guy like that?  One of those goalie prospects that Might be amazing, and might not?   


    Makes me wonder if opportunities might present themselves for the Flames to acquire a bit more goaltending youth that would otherwise be unobtainable.

    Cowley, as a Sr, played backup to Jaillet, a Jr.

    Ummm, not sure I get your question. His numbers are sparkling, but for what, 14 games as a backup against the easy wins? MM is similar size and I would rather have MM in all the comparables.

    I'm not against finding ways to add G, but not guys to add right away to our depth, the guys we have now need a place to play. For all we know Schneider will be great. MM, Gillies, Parsons, no reason not to re-sign Rittich. We have good depth at a good range of ages.

    To add a Sr finishing U, where do we put him? Or we have to drop someone, and I'm not down with that.

    I don't have a problem drafting goalies to keep the pipeline full. They can go to U or stay in jr though, not need to join our program in the right now.

    The NCAA and US program is coming on strong, but it definitely isn't there yet for the pillaging.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Pyromancer said:
    8:52 SJ Ryan Carpenter (4) ASST: Barclay Goodrow (3) (SH)


    I imagine Shinkaruk will be getting drunk tonight......

    Gillies was phenomenal to the nth degree!!!



    Vey should be buying lol. Janks with the clean o-zone win and he forces that wobbler to Kostka *sigh*

    Gillies definitely gave us a chance and had no chance on that winning snipe.

    Dang we almost had them...compliments of Gillies.

  4. 18 hours ago, Cowtownguy said:

    Explain. I think that we need to improve in every department. I believe that we have a big hole on the top line. Brouwer was supposed to potentially add some depth on either the first or second line, and he just didn't pan out. He pulled a Wideman. Ferland was a better option although that is a band aid IMO. I don't even know what GG was thinking with Chiasson on the first line. The second line looks sharp, and the bottom two need to mature and develop with tweeks here and there. 


    I suspect that Elliott will want much more money next year. Is it worth it to have him here on a $4 million/year contract? Why not go a little further and get Bishop? Both are risky moves. If Treliving goes with the current pair, and they perform like they did this year, Treliving looks seriously inept. If he makes a move for Bishop, and he underperforms, then Treliving will look bad (depending on salary and term), but at least it looks like he is desirous of improvement. Of course, if Bishop wants too much, or LA refuses to offer up his rights, well, then Treliving will not be able to pull the trigger.

    Well, I don't think anyone is giving JG props for his D play and we watch him get slashed unabashedly with no retaliation. We have to get harder to play against up front, from faceoffs to puck pursuit to having at least some intimidation.

    Bouma, Chiasson, Stajan, Brouwer, Versteeg, I don't think these guys are scaring anyone, just playing in a bog.

    You always here the phrase, "just have to play the right way", and you combine that with the Preds saying Cody MacLeod makes the whole team play bigger.

    Then you look at the Sens, when they give up goals, they come back barnstorming, as opposed to what JTech correctly called sagging.

    We need more wingers that can play with consistent intensity, we just don't have that.

    Look at Frolik, he can go in 1 vs 3 on a line change and still win the puck, and then he's back in our end defending like a center. I am not asking for 9 20 goal scorers, just a team of guys that battle hard consistently regardless of the score.

    Anderson has given up weak goals just like Elliott, difference being HIS team forgets it right now, ours is like watching a balloon deflating.

    If you're a team, bailing out your goalie is no different then him bailing you out. We don't seem to be there imho.

    Goalies are a weird breed, like Anderson in Game 2, you bail him out, he becomes a wall.

    • Like 3
  5. 6 minutes ago, Cowtownguy said:

    I find it hard to believe that Treliving has not been working on acquiring Bishop. My guess is that he was discussing Darling too. Elliott was a great bargain last year, but I suspect that Treliving was not entirely sold on him. A contract extension could have been generated when they signed him. Elliott has had an unusual career insofar as he has had a number of solid runs and dry spells. He seems to perform better when battling for a position IMO. 


    I agree with what a number of skeptics have said. Bishop will be expensive to acquire, and his term/annual salary will be costly. But, what is the option? Will we be able to have much success without an improvement in goal while waiting for our AHL boys to develop? Don't get me wrong, I believe that a team needs to play well in their zone and not rely too extensively on a goalie. The issue here is that Treliving likes to see continual improvement on the team. Goaltending has to be a major part of his plan. The only other option is to really beef up on defence and go with whomever appears most attractive at the moment. 

    Imho I believe improving the F ranks would help to improve everything.

  6. We don't have a 2nd or 3rd pick this year, for perspective.

    We might be best leaving it where it is. Re-sign the 2 we can, give the Blues next yrs 3rd, whatev.

    Make a plan, stick with it.

    If we throw everything at Bishop, there are no guarantees...

  7. Just now, phoenix66 said:

    good point but wouldn't think so ..  its not like they balked at his demands, or insulted him in anyway.. if anything it shows both sides have legitimate interest in the other .


    Can't say one way or the other, but unless you believe Yzerman when he said LA was the only offer ,  the rumors were that LA's main reason in getting him was to keep him away from Calgary while the playoffs were still a possibility 

    Hard to say, but fun to discuss.

  8. I wonder if last year's rumours of coming here doesn't leave Bishop bitter.

    That might be something to consider.

    The stories that leached out claim Bishop thought he was coming here until he heard we traded for Elliott on draft day, and his re-sign figure was <$6mil.

    I can't speak to the legitimacy of that.

    If true, does that leave Bishop hesitant to come here?

  9. Just now, MAC331 said:

    Maybe but maybe we just need to have everyone get better together instead of constant change in the net.

    Well said, we aren't the Rangers of yore buying everything we think might work.

    At some point, you have to say, this is the group I like and stop overhauling it every yr because you didn't like the results.

    THAT'S how teams are built. Not just the sexy names.

    When you support your troops, they support you. It is more than money, it has to be personal.

    You go back to our goalie tandem now, I believe it's no longer about money. It's about investing in faith from both sides, and I believe that is very important in team building.

    I wanted to cry for Elliott after the game 4 flub.

    You get behind your guys when they're down.

    In most instances, they'll repay you, by a lot.

    I personally believe Elliott will play with a giant chip on his shoulder next year, and I would be more than okay if that is our chip.

  10. 15 minutes ago, jjgallow said:


    I absolutely agree that Mony can be Toews.   I just don't see Toews in that same light, as being generational or being one of the best of our generation.  It's a grey area for sure, he's definitely a star, probably a superstar.    


    One thing's for sure, Mony isn't McDavid.  Mony Probably isn't Draisaitl.  It's probably not too early to say that much.


    So, on one hand, I feel you are correct, and we as fans just have to have the right perspective.


    On the other hand, maybe our willingness to pay to watch them be middle of the pack for decades on end is ... exactly why that's what we have.  For another thread.



    Take Drai away from McD and put him at C. See what happens...McD is easily the next Crosby, so you're going right to the top of the pack, he's likely the best player in the world already. He doesn't even have to put up points, the mere threat he poses makes every opponent adjust in ways that they otherwise wouldn't.

    Now look at Mony at 22. Imagine what might be at 25. Has he plateaued? I highly doubt it. I also believe there is a lot more to Bennett as he continues to figure it out.

    It's important to remember we only have scraps for him for linemates. Heck, in yr 1 Tkachuk gets Backs and Frolik consistently. Bennett gets scraps.

    Teams want guys like Bennett, the Flames really need to give him what he needs to succeed. Barring that, we trade him low and become very sorry for it.

    While we keep screaming for G and D, I wish we would wake up and realize we keep leaving Bennett with little to work with. We need some wingers, desperately.

    Or go the Draisaitl route and call him a winger.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, jjgallow said:


    Hmm...not what I understood.  But I could be wrong.  Either way, I don't fault him on the comments he made as a coach.


    As a GM, yeah.  But that was a long time ago...so long that his mistakes actually set us up for our rebuild.   Not his fault that we didn't learn from his mistakes and see it through.


    When Burke was hired here, one of the first things he said was that he was an impatient person with not a lot of time left, and wanted to see some results before he retired.   That, to me, was quite shocking considering he was put in charge of a team rebuilding.   From that time, we essentially cut our rebuild short, foregoing on all the best players of this generation, and we have seen "some results".


    But, I don't blame Burke either.  Someone hired him too.  Someone who values steady cash flow more than Stanley Cups.

    For the bolded, it's too early to say that. Both Mony, especially, and Johnny can still be that. I don't see many current players that can snipe like Monahan from the slot, that is definitely his gift, and his FO% has steadily increased every year. With more seasoning, I can see him becoming Toews-like at the dot and constantly sniping 30+

    We have a lot to look forward to, just depends on your perspective.

  12. 12 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


    Apparently they haven't even talked to Darling's agent yet. 


    If they do get him signed that is one team off the list of suitors for other goalies.

    I'm thinking the keys to Darling's heart is giving him an opportunity to be a #1 and Carolina can certainly offer that. So he'd be the protected one and I wouldn't be surprised to see Ward in LV. A year at 3.3 for a goalie with background, maybe grab Khudobin, that's not a bad start on the backend for a new franchise.

  13. 7 hours ago, The_People1 said:

    My pipeline leaked condensate. Sorry everyone, we know it's 5m deep and seeping into the bedrock crevices even deeper.

    Give us another 5 years to see if we can contain it rather than clean it up, because it's "tricky".

    *Enter the city and province* "cut the crap, get on it and get on it now, when you're finished, we'll have assessed how much we'll fine you".

    One of my issues is the double standard. Nobody, but nobody can get away with this. But a municipality can.

  14. 2 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


    You might have been mixing him up with the other Czech they signed, Daniel Pribyl.

    Maybe. But I'm not giving me a pass, lol.

    Thought we had him for 2, dammit!

    I like what I've seen from him.

  15. 8 minutes ago, JTech780 said:


    Rittich was only signed for 1 year, he is an RFA with arb rights this year. I find it hard to get a read on how the team sees Rittich, he was far and away the best goalie for Stockton this year, but they keep going to Gillies, who hasn't struggled but he hasn't been great.

    My apologies, I thought it was a 2 year deal. I shouldn't rely on my memory, lol.

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