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Posts posted by conundrumed

  1. 9 hours ago, redfire11 said:

    The players are in their prime as I'm sure the coaches and staff are well above average in health. By tomorrow they will all be pacing the walls in their houses. Time for bike work and video. 

    Good luck boys use your time off wisely. 

    I'd assume the same. My concern is that perhaps genetics play a role. I'm about 90% sure myself and a friend had it in January 2019, a little before it was a thing. I get on a horrible concoction of garlic and cider vinegar when I feel the slightest sore throat. 

    We took my girlfriend to the Detroit airport. Stopped in Port Huron on the way back to do a parcel pickup from a friend that I hadn't seen in decades. Girlfriend, nothing. Me and my friend, sick as hell. It was so bad that I went to my Dr for strep throat(lol...at my age?). He said no, I demanded penicillin regardless. I put up a huge fight, he gave me a prescription. It did nothing. I was about 3 wks, girlfriend had to get her brother to pick her up. My buddy was about 6 weeks.

    It was like no sickness we'd ever had. I'm in better shape, everything else was fine, except my breathing, and my tongue and throat literally peeled and looked worse than raw meat, almost purple. Scary. Yet physically, I felt fine. My buddy was bed-ridden, same breathing issues, rotted mouth, but completely fatigued. I'm in better shape but he's not that far behind.

    The other 10% of me is on seriously shaky ground.lol

    Let's hope everyone walks away from this swimmingly.

  2. Fun side story. When CBJ knocked off the Leafs, a guy I know put a video of himself burning his Marner jersey on Facebook.

    His mom commented, "that damn well better not have been the one that I gave you for Christmas, it was expensive".

    Of course it was.lol

    Could you possibly offend your fixed-income, retired parents any deeper?

    I'm not smart enough to make this up.

    He's always been a few sandwiches short of a picnic. A public school teacher that got suspended...check this out...he spent a weekend harvesting his pot plants...showed up Monday completely reeking of pot. He teaches Grade 2.

    Again, I can't possibly make this stuff up. He should have become an engineer, because he's deathly intelligent, only matched by his complete lack of practicality and common sense. It terrifies all of us that know him well that he is teaching someone's kids. Talking to him, he's crazy intelligent about a wide array of subject matter. Watching him, he's a total village idiot.

    I hope everyone has one of these in their group of friends. Please tell me you do and understand.lol

    The stories are unending. I could make an entire reddit out of stories about him. I am not kidding, whatsoever.

    In case anyone wants more.lol

  3. I can see no more live fans coming up shortly.

    On a happier note, no Olympics should be any time now.

    I will go on record that I'll never support the Olympics as long as it's a monopoly corporation...and actual sports is secondary, if not tertiary, if not <tertiary.

    The Olympiad Committee's agenda is the Walmart of the international sporting community's much-deserved recognition to brotherhood and fair play and excellence in sport and achievement. That isn't the primary goal of the current Olympics setup.

    The Olympics can go Dick Pound in the opposite direction imo. ..

    • Like 2
  4. 13 hours ago, jjgallow said:


    All of the above is still true,


    Wolf is too small, Francis could be our top prospect, Pelletier is too small.


    We have a very shallow, very undersized prospect pool.   Talented?  Yes.


    With this in mind, all of the above is still valid and it is Waaaay to early to say otherwise on Francis.   Wolf showed me this year that he might be special so for me he becomes top prospect, but if we had a 6'4 goalie with similar skills or a top Dman with similar skills, he simply wouldn't be.


    It's easy to be all over the map given what we have to work with right now.

    How dare Point, Marchessault, Marchand, Lucas, Schwartz et.al. be around Pelletier's size.

    Francis looking like a tweener. Already a full year behind where he should be. Taken 11 rds after Pelletier and 4 after Zary. Yet somehow he'll be a prospect that matters. Maybe we'll even give him an ELC if he's worth it...yet the argument is that he's one of our best prospects. Smaller than Pelletier, 3 yrs in the CHL to be ppg. hmmm. 6 goals, 20pts in 16 games as a 20yr old. Could be our best prospect.lol

  5. 12 hours ago, jjgallow said:

    Pelletier, simply no, he doesn't score enough goals even in the AHL and his size and position won't allow it.    So I think it's pretty clearly Wolf as our top prospect but we don't have any surefire can't miss prospects right now.

    Stop embarrassing yourself.lol I thought Ryan Francis was our best prospect?

    You guys honestly need to get off your horses and look at reality. Pelletier has been a top prospect since he was young and drafted into the CHL when ALL 16yos are eligible. He was an easy ppg every year in the Q. Then he played for every Canada National Team since U17.

    Now he's 3rd in the AHL scoring race (1st and 2nd are 26 & 27yos) and 1st amongst rookies, 1pt ahead of 8thoa Jack Quinn. Not bad for someone that's considered a complete 200' player...

    He's the literal definition of a top prospect, yet here we are.

  6. 3 hours ago, The_People1 said:

    Should hockey players jab monthly?  Assuming it's all safe, right?  These guys literally play contact sports for a living and no social distancing and no mask.  There's hitting, fighting, and there's even a player biting another player in the hand drawing blood...


    There's international travel with potential to bring back viruses without knowing.  Everyone should at least jab before going to the Olympics... 

    They should shut the Olympics idea down.

    5 hours ago, redfire11 said:

    I'm blaming the faulty Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test. 

    "If we do less testing, we'd have less cases" - Alfred Einstein

  7. 1 hour ago, jjgallow said:


    5 points in his last 2 games, a year younger than Pelletier and all our current AHL heroes, you're a bit early.


    He can still tear the AHL apart next year and if he doesn't then I'll take me lumps.

    I'm good with starting early. Just take your lumps.lol


    He's not a year younger man. How many more times do I have to say it? Him,, Zary and Pelletier are the same age.

  8. 20 minutes ago, travel_dude said:


    The Olympics is a problem, but the f'n All Star week just before?

    Like, who cares.


    The Olympics are so notoriously crooked anymore that it has zero appeal to me. Just do it through the NHL, if all of these millionaires wanna represent their country so badly.

    The Olympics money trail is nothing short of gangster. So regardless of athletes' lifelong dreams, the entire escapade has zero redeeming qualities whatsoever. It's a total money-laundering sham. I'd have high regard if Canada said, "nope. We're washing our hands of the Olympics in it's current mafia-like state and will no longer partake".

    The rest of the nations would be saying, "Right. We get what you're saying"...You'd think nations that can build massive military complexes for war could figure out a sporting event tournament for fun in their downtime.

    Has no one told the Olympic Committee that they represent everything wrong in the world? Billions spent, world-class athletes that are broke. The Olympics need to end. It's like they're beyond any law and flaunt that fact. They're above reproach.

    • Like 1
  9. 54 minutes ago, travel_dude said:

    Canada looks to have a powerhouse team, but I thought the same last year.

    So many first rounders this year.

    We typically use the returning goalie, so Garand has the edge.

    He actually has a better season so far statically than Cossa.


    Beware the Amerks.

    And Sweden. And Finland. And Russia. And whichever team plays beyond it's reasonable ability.lol

    Lotsa great talent. Wonder if covid will get in the way.:/

    Hope not. But I do hope the NHL puts a bullet in the Olympics...for good.

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