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Everything posted by cross16

  1. Starting a new thread for one of the better stories of the year. Pospisil has been on the cusp for a while just coudln't stay healthy. Great that he is making the most of his chances. Today gets a 2 year deal for 1 mill AAV per. Honestly feels a little rushed but it's low risk so it's worth it. He can be sent down and come off the cap fully if it got there and still is an RFA when this expires. I don't mind betting on these types of players.
  2. Laine has been benched by multiple coaches now for his effort level and attention to details. I've seen shifts where he won't even move and just sit there waiting for the puck. Totally get trying to work with a player strengths but I don't' think you win with players like Laine. I woudln't take him for free.
  3. I saw the goal highlights but not the full game so I don't know what the utilization was, just where he scored them from, but here it was a combo of net front, bumper and right flank. Flames typically move their pieces around on the PP but I think he mostly was either in and around the net or the right flank. I personally don't have an issue with how Flames used him. I suspect he's just more motivated now as I think hew as mentally done with Calgary.
  4. I do think the Flames were good, but I thought the result was more about what Boston didn't do and less about what the Flames did. They were off from the puck drop, super slow to pucks and were struggling to complete passes which gave the Flames time in transition to get more speed. Outside of being feisty after the whistle, which credit the Flames for standing up to, it was a horrible game from the Bruins. So I want to see the Flames do this against a good opponent before I proclaim positive changes are here.
  5. I wouldn't do that if I were the Flames. I'd rather net up a pick as opposed to just move up in the draft even if means getting a 2nd vs a first. Maybe they do but the problem there is they need their young players/prospects, and they don't have a lot of depth to deal from there. And the ones they'd be willing to move i'm not sure the Flames have a lot of interest in. It's just not a great trading scenario unless the Leafs give up that 1st.
  6. TSN Insider trading notes on Flames: -Hanifin's agents expected to meet with Flames in next few days to give final answer on whether or not he is willing to re sign or if he will leave -If he chooses to leave, expectation is Flames will trade him - According to Lebrun, Tanev might be the blocker on the D market. Teams don't want to proceed until they know both the availability of Tanev and the price tag. - Flames price on Tanev is a 2nd plus another asset. Lebrun says Leafs are interested but don't have a 2nd round for the next 3 years so there price is a 1st. He isn't sure if Treliving will pay it. https://www.tsn.ca/nhl/video/insider-trading-flames-uncertain-hanifin-situation-coming-to-a-h~2861904
  7. Interesting context around potential trade deadline returns and how deals maybe should be structured/pursued
  8. The better way to look at Monahan is Monahan and a first for Kadri. Not saying anyone has to like it but that's the context of the move.
  9. I think the Huberdeau line is going to get caved in at 5 on 5. Hopefully Huska plans lots of O zone starts for them.
  10. This is standard when a player is suspended for off ice incidents. Not saying a suspension is guaranteed in this case but i would suspect it's coming. Even if they choose not to suspend, at least they are proceeding in a consistent manor
  11. That's the more modern design. Less fans, more intimate and more luxuries which gives them the ability to charge more to make up for the reduced seating.
  12. It's just typical lack of accountability and passing the buck that has become prevalent in society. Rather than admit to any wrong doing or addressing why it really took the media to get them to do their job, or why they dropped the case back in 2019, they suggest it's actually videos and media that is at fault. Totally shameful responses. Just take some accountability
  13. Looks like Pachal will play right away. Which is a positive because it means less Osterle.
  14. For all the talk about creativity in the off-season I think Huska has turned out to be as rigid as Sutter Don't understand the mentality here when your 5 points out of the playoffs, 5-5 in your last 10, have played some brutal hockey going into the break and just lost one of your top centers.
  15. In addition to that article above, Ryan Pike wrote an article specific to the Flames and what targets they may be after at center. https://flamesnation.ca/news/6-young-centres-the-calgary-flames-should-consider-acquiring?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Acquiring a center is likely going to be high on Conroy's priority list and if the Flames trade Hanifin and/or Tanev it won't shock me at all if they take some of these assets (including the first round picks) and look to acquire a player. The other name I wonder about is Morgan Frost. Things seem to be settling between him and Torts so I think it's more likely he stays but perhaps that rocky start to the season has him second guessing. He'd be a great add IMO. I wonder about Peyton Krebs too. He's starting to fall down the depth chart and they have to sign Mittelstadt in the offseason. If they do that's Tage Thompson, cozens and Middelstadt all locked up to big tickets so where does Krebs fit? I'm not a big fan but I think he plays in the this league for a while. but not easy to get young centers as teams don't tend to give up quickly so i'm not going to be that optimistic they can find one.
  16. why are Kadri/Zary getting broken up? Zary - Kadri - Kuzmenko Hubererdeau - Sharangovich - Pospisil Mang- Backs - Coleman Pelletier - Schwindt - Duehr Once Pelletier is up to speed swap him and Pospisil PP1 Kuzmenko Huberdeau - Kadri - Sharangovich Weegar If Huberdeau/Kuzemko click on the PP then you can reassess them at 5 on 5.
  17. If by this you mean summer of 2022 i would agree. I don't think his value has changed much since last summer, and likely at all. And I don't see how trading Lindholm in the summer would have altered their current standings much given how poorly he's played.
  18. Should change that article from 10 Prospects on the move to 7 players who need a change of scenery. Most of that list I wouldn't consider prospects nor do they make for good trade targets. Askarov is the outlier and I don't think Nashville is going to move him.
  19. Think the Rooney call up is just to have a natural center on the roster just in case. You are either running Schwindt or your moving Sharangovich to the middle and if it doesn't work what's the plan? Especially as Conroy made it clear he's not a fan of moving Zary or Pospisil to the middle right now. Need to have a center on the roster. Be surprised if you see Rooney every game.
  20. And we all forget Jonathan Cheecho.
  21. Yup they are but it’s the same pickle they’ve been in for 20 years. Ownership has unreasonable expectations so nothing new there. I’d love to be wrong but there is nothing about their style of games that tell me Kuzmenko and Huberdeau are gonna have success. Biggest being there isn’t a good center to put between them either. I actually think Kadri and Kuzmenko are the pairing the flames should be trying.
  22. Depth that is likely going to be needed so to address it for free is nice. is under contract for next year as well.
  23. it’s really simple. You don’t. the only way this club is going to become a contender is the draft. Either they are bad enough to get lower picks or they get enough picks through the draft to hopefully get lucky with another Gaudreau type. Failung all of that you get enough marketable assets that maybe you can pull of some trades. you don’t get to contending status by overpaying 30 year olds. That’s how you stay middling. Which is why I’m more interested in whatever Kuzmenko can return then I am in keeping him.
  24. Yup because I’m not gonna pay 7mill plus for that especially with term for a turning 30 year old player. That scenario has a less than one percent change of happening but even if it doesn’t I’ll gladly take the increased trade value.
  25. it’s actually just asset management. Making short term decisions is a huge reason why this club continues to spin its wheels. Wanting this club to manage their assets better isn’t ridiculous. again no one is saying move this guy asap. Club should do whatever they can to make him successful. Just should not be viewed as a long term asset.
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