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Everything posted by cross16

  1. In fairness to the org I think they would have tried Pospisil much earlier if he could stay healthy. He's been on the cusp for a while but he's been hurt a lot. Staying healthy has been the biggest thing for him thus far.
  2. I’m not sure I’ll ever understand what Vladar has done for the flames that made them buy into him so much. I’ve never seen it. Wolf should be up here.
  3. Easily their best game of the season. Canucks were likely tired for sure but that 2nd period was something else from the Flames. A lot of speed on their pucks/passes in the o zone. They had the Canucks standing for most of the night. Impressive stuff
  4. Really encouraing stuff for Kerins. had the profile of an NHLer coming out of Junior IMO
  5. This is exactly how I see it. There is just no logical hockey reason for me to have your skate blade up that high in that situation. Off balance etc doesn't explain it. Malarchuk was a fluke accident, Zednik a fluke accdient, this one feels very different to me. Is it manslaughter, I have no idea but I 100% support this guy receiving charges because he should for sure answer for the death of a human due to completely careless and unnecessary actions.
  6. Pace. I think when you see Huberdeau's season you see a lot of goals/chances off the rush. Problem here is the Flames are one of the worst rush teams in the NHL.
  7. He looks like he has one foot out of the door to me. Honestly I haven't liked his game all season. Feel he is a step behind of what he was the last few seasons for the Flames.
  8. I'd aruge he is. The problem here for me is your highest paid player doesn't have a natural spot and the roster is lacking in players that can help him. But can you get where you want to go with Huberdeau playing like this? That's where I feel Huska is stuck. Made even worse by the fact that his supposed number one center is not playing anywhere close to that.
  9. Oilers going full court press to keep McDavid. Which isn’t surprising given I think it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t want to stay.
  10. Another really poor effort from the flames tonight. They were never really into this one. clock really ticking here
  11. Bench management has not been an issue for me with Huska. I’d argue it’s been a strength actually. I don’t think he was a good hire and so far he looks very overwhelmed by the job but I don’t think the bench or ice time is a problem
  12. It's fun to watch from a far but I do think your going to see them turn it around and go on a run soon. They 100% have issues with how their team is built but at he same time this is more of a slump than some kind of reckoning. I've watched a few periods and they are not playing terrible hockey right now, just not getting the quality offense you'd expect out of their forwards but part of it is bad luck too. There just a defeated team right now. They'll get it going and I still think they'll find a way into the playoffs but massive holes are there and I think those who tried to argue they weren't are getting exposed right now.
  13. Markstrom is day to day according to Huska. Points to a Wolf start tomorrow night.
  14. IMO the only reason to call up Wolf is to play him. I get the injury angle, and it makes sense to me to have someone up here, but I don't think you call up top prospects "just in case". He should play and if he doesn't that's disappointing.
  15. I'm skeptical that hiring his agent as CEO is going to sway McDavid. I think he cares more about the city he has to live in, his financial future, and winning more than "I have a good relationship with the CEO". Can the CEO impact enough change in less than 3 years to convince him the Oilers are the best team he can win with? Can the CEO make up for the fact that McDavid likely makes more money in a bigger market? I think that's what it will come down to. Possible, if he fires Holland and overhauls their hockey ops, but the clock is ticking.
  16. And the best part about all of this, is those picks were bad when they made them. Can't hit 100% of the time at the draft but what hilarious about the Oilers is they make bad picks in the moment and they turn out like you expect. I too would include Halloway in that who i thought was a reach. Imagine Dawson Mercer with McDavid/Draisaitl. Just bad scouting. Really surprised so little has been done to correct it too as it's been the case for a decade
  17. another wrinkle to add, Wranglers were heading to California for the weekend. creates some travel challenges for a call up. I hope they play him but this does seem like proactive management than anything else.
  18. I think you have to give Zary some credit here on the impact he's made. Players like him that have high IQ and are great at the details in their game are going to give any line they are on a boost. I actually think Kadri has been mostly good this season. sure a bad game here or there but i'm not seeing the same Kadri we saw last year. He seems to be getting back to his strengths.
  19. Hunt on waivers. This is likely procedural with Ruzicka nearing return and Zary off to a promising start.
  20. I like Evan Bouchard a lot and he's blossoming quite a bit for them. He's got some defensive issues but he's a modern day dman whose gonna have a breakout year. The Nurse contract is the killer as are the goalies but it's really down to the fact that they just cannot draft at all. Cap system requires that waive of talent but if your going to be top heavy you really need those ELC contracts and Oilers have literally had almost no one come in and provide them any value. So they have to go and sign those vet minimums deals to guys past their prime. Incredible level of incompetency from their hockey ops.
  21. I actually would not argue the Oilers overspent on depth. They only have 5 forward on the roster making over 3 million. McDavid, Draisaitl, Hyman, Kane and RNH. I don't think 1 of those guys is overpaid (in terms of AAV). Foregele and McLeod are decent value at 2.7 and 2.1 accordingly. The Oilers make 3 massive errors that are sinking their cap. Milan Lucic (turned into James Neal and a 2 mil dead cap hit), Darnell Nurse and Jack Campbell. I don't view that as overspending on depth, it's just miscalculation of player value and talent.
  22. How the Flames will line up without Mang. Would appear Ruzicka is getting closer
  23. The short answer is because that is the rule and policy outlined by the league. But to clarify, because of what Ottawa shared Vegas was under the belief that Dadonov had no trade protection in his deal. part of the limited No trade clause is that the player has a deadline to submit the list and if they miss the deadline, the clause is invalidated. What drove this situation is Vegas was told by Ottawa that Dadonov had no trade protection in his contract because the list wasn't submitted but in reality the agent did submit it but Ottawa didn't record it. It is a perfect or good system, probably not but Ottawa definitely went outside of what is very establish protocol here. Can for sure debate whether this system is good or not, and IMO a no trade list should get filled with central registry, but as it stand today Ottawa clearly didn't follow procedure
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