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Everything posted by cross16

  1. Weren't related. They wanted a defensive center which Lucic obviously isn't. They just got the player evaluation wrong. Also they would have had Rooney on their radar before they knew Gaudreau was leaving and they signed him before Tkachuk left.
  2. Saying yes to a buyout would have cost Monahan over 2 million dollars. Why would he say yes to that and even if he did do you really think his agent and the PA would let him do it? It was not a good transaction but it's my understanding that BT was under a lot of pressure from ownership to do it. Basically once Gaudreau/Tkachuk left the message was we are not going backwards so they expected another 100 Pt season, so that was the mandate hockey ops was under. If you look at it within that lens Kadri made a lot of sense and the only way to sign Kadri was to move Monahan. Simple math on that one, as Lucic's cap hit simply wasn't enough to fit what Kadri would sign for. Is it an ideal situation, absolutely not, was it smart business, probably not. But it's the way this organization has worked for a while and I see no reason it's going to change in the future.
  3. cross16


    Well and that the player can say no. To a trade or to specific teams. that's a very relevant piece for a guy who just started a family and really complicates a trade because he isn't likely going to say yes to many places (even if there were interested suitors which I would suspect there would not be many of). The most important piece is the salary but the NMC is a big hurdle as well unless Markstrom really wants to leave, which he's given zero indication he wants to.
  4. Personally I don't think we will. Nothing behind that other than my own opinion. I kind of wonder if he sits out this year becomes a FA and signs to play back home. Again 100% my own speculation on it and I really just hope he can get to a good place, even if that doesn't involve hockey. Patrick Berglund is the one that comes to mind for me. I know a few players have left the game for injuries or perhaps some mental health/assistance issues so your right it's not unprecedented.
  5. He only has this year and next. He isn't going to be bought out. I think he scores 25-30 this year.
  6. You are not, that is what CapFriendly has done but they are doing it using the same assumption I am because the move has not been confirmed by the Flames yet, that's all. Pelletier's cap hit is because he is on season opening IR. To make a long story short, Pelletier does not qualify for the same LTIR relief as others because of his games played and 2 way contract so about half of his contract counts against the cap. Based on how I see it I don't' think the Flames can get cap compliant if Kylington were to come back without a trade, which is why I suspect it may be a while before we see him. This is 100% my own speculation of course.
  7. While not fully confirmed by the Flames the only way they can be cap compliant with their opening night roster is by placing Kylington on LTIR. Don't think we will hear anything there and that move suggests to me that they don't expect him back anytime soon.
  8. The thing is, this is nothing like the Jankowski pick. The angst about that (and yes I went back and looked at the archived thread) was the trade down. As a prospect, as this has been proven out if you look at that draft and where Janko was picked, many liked him but the problem got magnified when you saw who they passed on to trade down, and then it really got hammered home when Seiloff (who was a bad pick to begin with) didn't pan out. But pretty different in terms of what went into drafting them, never mind the fact that the person who make the Janko pick isn't even in the organization anymore. Even still, these are human beings so to try and make the case that this resembles Jankowski so therefore the odds of them ending up the same is a massive stretch, not to mention just wrong. When it comes to drafting I totally get people get there guys that they want and it sucks not to get them, and of course your going to compare who your team picked to how you wanted. All of that is natural, it's the rush to try and say "I told you so" that is really foolish exercise. At the end of the day some of us are fine to let this play out because at the end of the day, we all really have no idea how this is going to go so let's see. Really as simple as that.
  9. I'm not sure there is a more pointless debate out there than arguing prospects less than 4 months after they've been picked. I didn't love the Honzek pick but I certainly didn't hate it so false statements to rile people up or try and prove your point just feeds a pointless exercise. Maybe the Flames did get the pick wrong but for me 4 months is no where near enough time to make that case. I also really wish we can bury this idea of consensus drafting. It's such a pointless exercise.
  10. The league has already confirmed with the teams the cap is going up as much as 5 million next season. John Bean said the other day that technically speaking the league revenues would support a 100million cap. your going to see some big and wild contracts in the next few years.
  11. Penalties are going to be the concern for Greer but outside of that you’ve got a quality 4th liner
  12. Nice this is a good move. I’ve liked Greer for a while. He’s your modern day 4th liner. Big, brings energy but can still be trusted at 5on 5. Limited upside but in that role he’s an upgrade to what they have. think fans will like him and Huskas gonna really like him. Could tell Conroy and Huska weren’t feeling great about their toughness level. This helps quite a bit
  13. Shouldn’t put too much stock in the opening roster. With the cap, and especially given the cap over the last few years, most of the decisions are based on cap and flexibility and not what players deserve/don’t deserve. it’s a roster to meet a deadline and really not much more.
  14. Spent all year last year hoping they’d try that top line. Took Huska one game. Refreshing.
  15. I think they may have misunderstood the Honzek situation as flames have already assigned him to the WHL
  16. Here is step 1 of the roster juggling that going to occur in the next 12-24 hrs. Klapka, Solvyov and Schwindt to the Wranglers. This is going to allow them to get an active roster that is compliant once they move Pelletier and Rooney to LTIR. They’ll likely recall 1-2 of those players
  17. cross16


    Neither Markstrom nor the flames d coverage was good in the preseason. I saw at least 3-4 goals against in Markstrom that he should own and save but agree there are a lot of problems in front of him right now. I think d play and goalies are going to be a work in progress for the first month before we get a read on how this he gonna go. If we are being fair though, no flames goalie was good in the preseason. So while I can understand the anxious level being higher with Markstrom, no one really showed their ready either. I agree he isn’t tradable but with only 2 more years left after this, and with Wolf there, you've got some options. I don’t think we should be writing down Markstrom as the flames number one if he doesn’t bounce back this year
  18. Picking up Alex Nylander would go ahead what Conroy is trying to preach. you've got Ruzicka, Coronato, Duher, Pelletier (when healthy), Zary even Schwindt. So if he is not an obvious upgrade (and he isn't) then your just blocking what you already have
  19. I've liked Solovyov for a while so i'm not surprised he's pushing for a spot. He's your prototype bottom pairing dman. Safe, steady, reliable, kind of a coaches dream to be honest. I'm not sure there is upside past that but I do think the Flames have some solid value in the 7th rounder.
  20. Governments no longer worry about any future planning. It's all a PR show because they know that the vast majority of people don't care about debt or can see long term. Plus they won't be around long enough to get any flack for it. It's ridiculous at all levels (including CESC) that this was not done 10 years ago when it could have been done at half the cost. Heck I hated CalgaryNext and it's to the point that would have been a better deal for the City than this one. Mind you can't blame ether side for not forseeing a pandemic. Just brutal all around really.
  21. Could be. As I outlind I don't think a 4th line role for Zary is a problem so long as there is a plan. sure if it's just a "play 4th line and we'll see what happens" that isn't good for him but I think you can develop players on the 4th line. I think it's likely the see Schwindt as a safer option. Decent on draws, big body, shouldn't "hurt" you but doesn't offer much, and does provide the safety of Zary in the A playing more. Not egregious I'm just not seeing much in Schwindt (last year or this year) that tells me there is an NHLer there. Waivers being an option for the Flames really hinges on Kylington. If they can LTIR him then I think waivers are a possibility but if they can't then I don't think they have the cap space to claim anyone.
  22. I don't really get Schwindt to be honest. I don't see an NHL player there myself. I like the Solovyov is sticking around. Wish they'd be giving him a better shot than Oesterle (who I haven't liked much)
  23. With the way he has played I don't mind Zary starting the season as the 4th line center. I think the whole "can't play young players on the 4th line" is inaccurate, you just need to have a plan for them. With the way the Flames are constructed they should be able to get their 4th line 6-8 mins a night which is good for Zary to get his feet wet, plus you can mix in some different situations. All the better is you have a player like Coleman you can pair him with too. That's a real option for me.
  24. I personally don't think so. I don't think Ruzicka's attention to detail, particularly in the D zone is good enough to play center. I'm not sure it's good enough to be an NHL regular.
  25. cross16


    I would agree and think this is a pretty fair way to look at it. Man to zone is a fairly big change in terms of communication and reading the play. Should be an improvement once it's nailed down, but I think it's a harder transition at first because of the importance of communication which is why I expect some growing pains. I thought the Flames should have gone to more zone last year. I get why the desire to play man but I just don't think it worked for this group.
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