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Everything posted by cross16

  1. cross16


    the only thing I'd say about goaltending right now is I think with all of them, yes including Markstrom, the leash should be longer to start the season. Flames have made several systematic changes and have changed from man to zone for their d coverage. From what I say against the Jets they still have a ways to go before they are on the same page with it. They gave up some super easy chances against the Jets and while I haven't watched a ton this pre season I would suspect it's been the same no matter who is in net. I think it's going to take 10-12 games of the regular season before we get a read on anyone which the Flames master the change.
  2. Thanks conundrumed. Just life taking over. work, travel and with such a slow off-season didn't feel like many good discussion moments. Probably be around here more that the season is starting.
  3. Coronato was great. Can’t see how he doesn’t make the team. There is so much more creativity in their game offensively. I really like where they are taking their offensive game. D zone is a work in progress for sure but to be expected after a change. Markstrom wasn’t good but there was a lot of very good quality chances against
  4. Nope not accurate at all actually I simply didn’t have the time. I didn’t find it too negative (was tired of the same discussion again and again though) but life just took over and I didn’t have much to comment on during a very slow off-season.
  5. hey rocketdoctor. Appreciate the note. Yup all is good here. Life just took over and I really haven’t had the time. May be around more with the season starting(as time permits)
  6. I'm not even making an argument here, simply agreeing with conundrumed that I think the concept of rebuild has been overly romanticized. Predominantly because most of the arguments for rebuilds also ignore the impact of luck. For example, Hawks got Kane because they won the lottery. Do you think the Hawks have 3 cups (heck let's just settle with 1) with Sam Gagner, Jakub Vorachek, Zach Hamil or Logan Coture in stead of Kane? Obviously if you have a bad scouting staff rebuilds arn't going to work but they don't work, in terms of the measure of success being winning cups, for good scouting staffs etiher without some luck. I don't have a problem with the Flames rebuilding and have been in favor of one for several years in fact. But I'm preapred to see the team lose for the next 5-7 years and I think it's reasonable that some are not.
  7. I think that is highly debatable. I get it's your opinion, which is fine, but because I don't consider it a failure every season the Flames don't win a cup i'm ok with mediocrity? Big leap there.
  8. Hhaha.. this is so rich coming from you all I can do is laugh.
  9. So this begs the question what is your preference. Have this dealt with and live with lesser returns? Play it forward to shoot for what is a fair return? Not sure you can have it both ways right now.
  10. Must be nice to cheer for Florida, Islanders, Leafs, Oilers, Detroit, Montreal, Columbus. You know all those clubs that apparently don't celebrate mediocrity and are doing so much better than the Flames. it's fine to like rebuilds but we have to stop acting like rebuilds are a guaranteed path to success and an easy ticket to a cup. Think it's unfair to suggest that because someone doesn't want to see a team live in the basement that it means they are ok with mediocrity. The chances of a rebuild leading to more mediocrity are stronger than them leading to a cup (especially based on your barometer for success)
  11. I don't believe this to be the case. As I understand it the Flames have had the chance to extend Backlund if they wish but are choosing not to. Same with Toffoli.
  12. Sounds great in theory but not practical in reality IMO. Isn't enough contract room nor enough true legit NHL prospects to fill NHL roster and a reserve list.
  13. Well what is unique about SJ is they doubled, maybe even tripled, down. They had aging players, locked them up and then went out to the market to get even more (Evander Kane and Erik Karlsson) and then signed those players to long term deals. They also gave up high draft picks to get those players. So now you left with a mess of a roster, brutal long term cap implications and no prospects because they dealt picks. If they don't make the Karlsson trade they'd have Tim Stutzle and I think this conversation is different. That's what's unique about SJ, they should have some top end prospects to work in around Couture but they don't. They should have more volume of prospects but they signed multiple bad deasl (Martin Jones, Vlasic, Burns, Karlsson) that they have so much dead cap space or untradable deals. Some similarities to the Flames but not as extreme and Flames seem more intentional about not going down this path (ie trading Toffoli, not extending Backlund etc)
  14. Well yes if it was a blue chip prospect that would change the approach. Good luck getting that in a trade like this though.
  15. I heard it too. From what it sounds like is SJ pitched it to Calgary and Conroy quickly declined and talks went no where. Which is the right call because Couture just really is not worth it at this point in time. I quite like Eklund and think he is a top end prospect but having Couture has 4 more years on his deal at 8 mill per and it takes him to 38. That's a massive anchor against the cap. And not to mention I don't like the all your egss in one basket approach. Lindholm should be worth a minimum of 2-3 good assets. So you take that down to 1 and take on big cap risk to get 1 prospect. Anything happens to Eklund you've minimized your asset. Right call to say no, if it's true.
  16. Yes. Sounds like in Vancouver he would defer to playing AHL veterans over the prospects in key moments. Very possible that was an organizational call though. I think that's where the Flames have had success in their AHL program, development over winning. Winning is important for sure and you want coaches/players who want to win but if there is a key face/key PP whatever, put your kids in the situation so they learn. I'm hoping the Flames continue that mentality and hopefully if that is their philosophy Cull is on board with that. He got some good review for his work in the Tampa system and it sounds like he is a positive person.
  17. I have the same thoughts, I just don't think he and the Flames are on the same page with an extension. Flames are willing to do what it takes for LIndholm but I think for the players already north of 30 they are reluctant to be doing multi year deals and are pushing for 1-2 year deals. Don't blame Backlund for wanting more than that. Keep him until the TDL. Perhaps if the team does better than he thinks he changes his stance and if not then you deal him when he is likely at his most valuable. Don't see this as a bad situation.
  18. Flames announced last week. In addition to his hire a confirmation that the entire staff is returning. Brad Pascall has done great work so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt but this is a pretty underwhelming hire based on record and what I've read about his reputation. https://theahl.com/cull-named-new-head-coach-of-wranglers#:~:text=The Calgary Flames have named,the Washington Capitals last month.
  19. Because Sutter refused to match lines until the last 2 games. McDavid in the first 3 games: 2 Goals 9 points 13 shots Last 2 once Backlund line played against him almost exclusively: 1 Goals and 3 points. 1 of the assists was in an empty net. I don't have the analytics handy by there was a shift in McDavid's game once Backlund matched up against him.
  20. His story of recovery is one of success for sure and my concern with the organization retiring the jersey doesn't relate to that story, or what he may have done when he had his demons. His story of recovery is mostly a positive one. As TD outlines, check his Twitter feed and what statements/situations he's said or done lately. I think his current opinions and how outspoken he is, and on what issues, is what makes it very difficult to have him tied to the club. For the record i'm not suggestion he not have those opinions just if he is going to have them it's make a role in an org challenging.
  21. Gio is a fair point that I didn't consider. I'd lean no (too short of a career when he was at the top of the game) but I get the debate. Fleury as a player is a no brainer but I think the problem will always be that if you retire a number they become an ambassador for your club by default. Fleury makes that really role really, really challenging for an organization to want to have. I personally don't see it happening.
  22. I'm shocked they got him to agree to come here for it LOL. Very deserving though. For a decade this guy was one of the, if not the, best goalie in the league. Perhaps if he didn't lose a year to lockout and got to the Flames a year or 2 earlier he'd get Hall of fame considerations as I think he was that good. Far and away the best Flames goalie ever IMO. Probably the last time we see this for a while though as for me there is not another candidate out there and I think we are a long way from seeing another one. (keep in mind I have high standards for retiring numbers)
  23. I think the problem with that report is relying on the translation. I think Backlund was interested in staying they are just not on the same page with what it looks like.
  24. I think it's unfair to put this on Conroy. He walked into a bad situation, one that isn't getting better and one that is almost entirely out of his control. If he had traded Hanifin by now i'm willing to bet there be even more angst around the return he got then the frustration that he has done nothing.
  25. Funniest part of this is Philly acquired him last year and he was the player who gave them no cap room to pursue Gaudreau. Chuck Fletcher will never be allowed near Philadelphia again.
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